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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6615872 No.6615872 [Reply] [Original]

If you are not all in on XLM, you are really fucking up.

Benefits of Stellar:

- ICOs
- Smart-contracts; just not Turing-complete
- Faster than all other networks
- Moderately decentralized
- Transactions cost next to nothing
- IBM running the world-wide network nodes (https://dashboard.stellar.org/))
- IBM is Stellar's trojan horse shill to get them hooked up with financial institutions
- Can easily replace Ethereum (Ethereum cannot handle real world transactions)
- MOBI chose Stellar over Ethereum
- AERON testing Stellar over Ethereum
- Stellar consensus protocol: 1000s / tx / second
- Network being prepped for global-scale stress
- Importantly, Stellar forces the use of its coin, XLM, as the cost for using the network
- Inflation distributed weekly to those who own XLM (https://lumenaut.net/))
- XLM is still not even on bitfinex or bithumb

Real World Implementation:

- First launch of Stellar ATM in Singapore
- Pundi X signed as an anchor for Indonesia

Upcoming News Related to XLM:

- 18 January; Mobius ICO - Can only be bought with XLM
- 18 January; IBM earnings/news
- 25 January; Road map
- 25-31 January; FairX beta news (alleged)

Other XLM/Stellar Use: Lightyear.io (for profit arm of Stellar)

- lightyear.io - Worldwide remittance (https://soundcloud.com/automatadigital/stellar-lightyeario-co-founder-brit-yonge))
- lightyear.io small-scale partners so far: Tempo, coins.ph
- lightyear.io uses IBM to do outreach to large financial institutions due to business partners
- lightyear.io has 15 bank partnerships, several tier 1, and tier 2-3

Pastebin of Stuff: https://pastebin.com/QqU5TGFG

Still not bought in, nigger?

When FairX news drops, it will break the crypto internet. You will see massive increases in XLM's price. By the time you FOMO, it will be too late.

You are a kite dancing in a hurricane, /biz/.

>> No.6615908
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And here is the biggest news of the day, which should lead you to 100% XLM. No other coin has a chance.

>> No.6616081

>another we are smarter than the entire market and they haven't caught up to our "research" thread

this is getting so fucking old. XLM or any other shitcoin will not get anywhere until any other major news is announced. no, fairx will not move it either since it is priced in. it can only move down if something untoward were to be revealed.

have fun holding to your bags as other shitcoins moon and leave you behind. maybe someday you all will learn how to take profits.

>> No.6616156
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ok faggot see you on the fomo train next week

>> No.6616429


ya see you on the fomo train nigger

>> No.6616440
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>> No.6616485

if its your graphic, edit to:
>fastest transaction times
>lowest transaction cost

>> No.6616520

Why the fuck will the Norman not buy my 'cheap' coin? They love this under a dollar with partnerships with major company coins.

>> No.6616665
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You used to post this, and say "last warning.". But you still give the warning. Everyone has seen it. If people are still too stupid to buy in, let them suffer. This isn't winning any more XLM fans; it's not going to convince new people to buy. Stop warning them, like you said you would, and be ready to gloat when it turns out we were right.

>> No.6616691
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>> No.6616705

>- Moderately decentralized

Sttoped reading there.

>> No.6616754

9k Xlm Will I make it??

>> No.6616755

how many xlms do i need to make it?

>> No.6616847

you are already in Lambo territory, bordering on Gulfstream country
on a long enough timeline, just 1. a single lumen will be equivalent to 1 lambo

but for the short term, as much as you can afford

>> No.6616881

senpai thats crazy
whats a realistic EOY for xlm?

>> No.6616919

>posting about this shitcoin today
you want fewer people to know about it, not more. if anybody with a brain looks too closely it could be trouble.

>> No.6616968

It will either be $10+ or worthless or something in between. That is financial advice and you're welcome for it.

>> No.6617059

>i posted it again mom!

>> No.6617083

For about 2 days TA shamanism pretty much said that XLM was going to .25 USD. If you believe in self-fulfilling shamanism, you approach your XLM position with that in mind, which means the rest of the market is also going to bounce hard tomorrow or about 4PM Monday.
If you don't believe in the shamanism, XLM tanked to like .40 USD and held strong and will continue to climb heavily when more news and more tangible aspects of its asset class come to fruition.

Which gamble do you like? What's the psychology of the market right now? What has the past taught you? Do you think the bloodbath is over or are we on the path to recovery and even more exponential gains than last year?

>> No.6617089
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Dude could you shut the fuck up. Im trying to fill my fucking bags before XLM is the #1 market cap coin in 2019.

>> No.6617157
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ETH on suicide watch

>> No.6617265

What does
>Moderately decentralized
Means ?

>> No.6617293

Means its a mix between highly decentralized (bitcoin) and centralized (ripple)

>> No.6617296


>> No.6617501

It means OP has no fucking idea what he's talking about. There is no such thing as "moderately decentralized", either you consider a thing decentralized for your purposes or it's centralized and you'd be better off using a regular database.

XLM is decentralized in every meaning of the word. It does rely on FBA which means it relies on participator identities and somebody would call it "less trustless" than satoshian cryptos - but it's still fully decentralized.

>> No.6617556

Braingang member confirmed

>> No.6617576
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>only binary concepts exist
Your low IQ is showing, nigger. I am sorry your, lets call it, a unique background, prevents you from thinking in the abstract.

>> No.6617649

No, there really doesn't exist anything between centralization and decentralization. Either something isn't controlled by a single entity in some way or it is.

I'll leave once you stop slandering XLM as "moderately decentralized".

>> No.6617725

nice just bought $100k

>> No.6617744

First, its not slander. My bag is far bigger than yours. Second, you are still struggling with abstract concepts sweetie.

>> No.6617858

is being "kinda decentralized" like being bisexual?

>> No.6617907

more like kinda gay, you fuck dudes, just no homo

>> No.6617921

Agreed OP. I'm heavy on Stellar because this project has everything a blockchain platform could want.

Also maybe no one here has realized but:


Get ready because once Normies see ratings from a well known institution they will only buy those with high marks. And guess what? XLM is going to get high marks because it isn't a bullshit SCAM, they are looking to help people in under-developed countries, it's affordable, competent dev team.

Screen cap this anons

>> No.6617970

xlm is decentralized but its federated by the stellar foundation. the stellar foundation "verifies" some nodes to bootstrap the network but anyone can run a node. its as decentralized as you're going to get right now.

>> No.6617974

>My bag is far bigger than yours.
I sincerely doubt that.

>Second, you are still struggling with abstract concepts sweetie.
Only real arguments, please.

It's like your car being out of gas but not being out of gas.

>> No.6617991

good stuff tbqh, thanks for sharing

>> No.6618032

Nice, somebody understands the tech they invested in.

>> No.6618088
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>says I do not have an argument
>cannot understand concepts out of yes|no

>> No.6618093

cant wait til ADA gets the only S rating and all the others are stuck with A rating max

>> No.6618195

what about it being turing incomplete? it clearly won't have the share of the smart contracts market.

>> No.6618266

No, it's not a competitor to Ethereum. The smart contracts are the limited amount of cool features other than payments, like ICOs and trading.

>> No.6618478

it quite literally is a competitor to Ethereum.
It literally cannot work in any real world settings. Ethereum will be replaced.

>> No.6618491

>they are looking to help people in under-developed countries

What kind of gay SJW shit is that? Fuck this coin then. I'm not giving a dime of my money to these niggerlovers.

>> No.6618711

if the whales were truly here, they could move this puppy above 5000 sats in a second. looks like this will be stuck in this muck, range trading for a loooooong time.

>t. holder of a bag since the ico, took profits along the way

>> No.6618928

its moving in step with ripple and not bad given the course of the last many days

>> No.6619244

Good. We want backwood closet fags like you to stay poor. Hold on tight to your TRON bags pussy

>> No.6619293

You realize one of the true purposes of blockchain is BEST utilized in shithole, corrupt countries right? You really think I want to decentralize in a country where I can call up Visa and have them refund me a charge with no questions asked?

>> No.6619607
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>mfw I got into this early

Sorry gayboy. Go save some shitholers somewhere else.

Yes. I think people would want to avoid jew banks.

>> No.6619638

yeah, I guess I am being a bit impatient. hopefully, it gets above 4400 first and gets enough strength to get past 5k eventually.

>> No.6619645

alright i read it and I'm convinced.
wheres the best place to buy?

>> No.6619653

Wish i could buy more, adding more when my money comes in on gdax.

>> No.6619671

I'm shorting, you cucks are gonna be mad when it reaches 3400

>> No.6619718

good luck. it's not a bad place tbqh. you are wrong above 4400

>> No.6619739
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I swear i use twitter for 5 seconds and I get banned. Why is twitter so cucked?

>> No.6619820

We are going nowhere but up.

>MOBI tomorrow
>IBM earnings tomorrow / their public forecasts / news
>FairX news of some sort soon
>Dowling reddit post today signaling stellar 2018+++ utility

>> No.6619848

Desktop wallet for Stellar? I don't feel confident in anything but Exodus or a hardware/cold wallet. Need to get in on it. Got in on OMG, FUN, and DNT. Long term hodling.

>> No.6619878


I think you need a lesson in anti-semitism!
Did you know whites are the real racists?

Go on Stellar's website, they recommend many. Just dont use shit that is not prescribed by them.

>> No.6619897

do realize that market is just covering for those events and it is really not any new aggressive money pouring in. they are just evening up their positions before any surprise announcements to cover their arse.

>> No.6619981
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I get this right after being followed by a Jew

>> No.6620009

>we still arent on bitfinex
>we still arent on bithumb
>we are still only on 50% of the exchanges ripple is
>korea new accounts for crypto starting 01 FEB


>> No.6620046
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>> No.6620060
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>> No.6620094


hai u i lik u meem thx 4 it i saved it in my meem foldr. ty ty XD

>> No.6620135

by all meems xD

>> No.6620197


>> No.6620212


HAHAHA well meme'd mai fren. wishu many blessins n da new yr n hope u have lots of snex (like sex!)!!!

>> No.6620240

Word. Preciate it mang. Got all the other stuff covered.

>> No.6620396


wtf keke

>> No.6620491

Use account viewer. Its the only one developed by the Foundation

>> No.6620616

is this a moon

>> No.6620666

by the way goyim, we are mooning.

>> No.6620714

need above 5k to be a legit moon, this is just pre-launch

>> No.6620791

Can americans buy moibus?

>> No.6620822
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This relatively new exchange thats trading XLM is literally going nuts with XLM

Just wait till we get on bithumb.

>> No.6621206

What about stargazer?