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6613408 No.6613408 [Reply] [Original]

There are too many ways to make a mistake and get fucked hard.
Sending funds to the wrong type of address, phishing, spectre/meltdown, getting hacked, etc.
Your average joe doesn't want to deal with all of that just to secure his own money.
In this age of convenience, insurance by the government and general handholding I just don't see how crypto will be adopted by the masses.
How are they going to solve this?

>> No.6613449


>> No.6613492
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crypto exchanges and banks, they're coming.

>> No.6613559
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Like this. You watch chaos ensue and buy in IF crypto survives this jungle phase and you catch the right coin that will have real value to wider society.

>> No.6613568

In the 90s I'm sure many people thought computers and the internet were too difficult for the masses too. Now look at it.

>> No.6613642
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>How are they going to solve this?

Since you don't seem to be baiting us, and since you seem sincere in asking this question, I will explain something interesting to you.

How many normans out there know how the algorithms that run all of their favourite iOS apps work? None of them. Seriously. Only specialists (i.e. not normans) understand how these function in the back-end, but they have developed them in a way that allows end-users to interact with a much friendlier and more intuitive system. How many of them do that? All of them.

You should not be thinking about ways that blockchain technology will be adopted by normans, but rather you should be thinking about ways that technological innovation can incorporate blockchain technology and cryptocurrency in a way that makes things better. There are already hundreds of known and theorized ways that this is happening or will happen.

Think ahead. Get ready for the future.

>> No.6613759

It's just too early. We're still early

>> No.6613827

That's why you accumulate now when it's a lawless land full of pajeetery. When protective regulation steps its game and when there's insurance, that's when it will have been much too late to make

>> No.6613828

Definitely not baiting, I want this shit to succeed hard. You've given me some food for thought, though. Thanks.

>> No.6613970

99% of people don't need or want crypto. It's just a meme investment.

Bitcoin will be used to make rich people richer through manipulation, meme coins will continue to be the equivalent of a roulette wheel, and some technology sectors will make use of the technology in some way, but not as currency.

Using crypto for instant, anonymous transfers is something that I can't ever see being used. If my credit card gets stolen, I can call some pajeet who will give me my money back. If my bank gets hacked, I can at least attempt to see who stole the funds. Crypto as a currency is just a meme, and I don't think the mass will ever want it.

It'll probably be just used behind the scenes, but fade into obscurity with the "masses".

>> No.6614110

you're welcome

>> No.6614158


Glad to hear it. Take some time to imagine how this technology could change the world, and decide whether or not you want to be part of creating that future.


You are acting like the current state of cryptocurrency is its endgame, as if we should expect hordes of people to adopt it as it exists now. That would be like saying computers will never be adopted by the masses because they are too big (they used to take up whole rooms) or because they require too mush specialized programming language.

We don't need humans to adapt to technology, when it is very clear that technology can adapt to us.

The blockchain could provide better identity verification and tracking of such things than literally any bank in the world.

>> No.6614177

Request network you faggots

>> No.6614220

Maybe closer to computers in the 50's when you had to punch cards in a giant machine. By the 90's we already had sophisticated operating systems, keyboards and mice... computers were easy then.

>> No.6614256

Also the thousands of people who "lose their wallet" and it's unrecoverable.

>> No.6614333

DYOR find the 5 coins that have usefullness and invest and HODL

>> No.6614410

Yeah but you get my point. Computers and the internet weren't really used by literally everyone all the time until around 2007. We're maybe in the 80s for Crypto.

>> No.6614497

In the Mtgox days the only way I could buy btc was wire transfer to Dwolla, then transfer to Bitinstant, then Mtgox, then finally a wallet. Took like 3 weeks in total. Then coinbase happened and let everyone buy with a credit card.

Just wait. In the future it's going to be even easier to dump our bags on the normans