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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6611155 No.6611155 [Reply] [Original]

eurofag here. it's fucking 23:36 and I should go to bed. how the fuck am i supposed to sleep like this.


>> No.6611241

jesus, what a dubs clusterfuck. kek is trying to fuck with us.
also: i know that feel. my eyes have been glued to the screen all day. i just ate something for the first time, today.
>mfw virtual coins might actually affect my health
first WOW, and now, after years, this shit.

>> No.6611351
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>> No.6611397

Same situation here. Will the chinks fuck us over? I mean, I moved to tether, I want them to crash even further so I can buy cheap. Hopefully that is what will happen as they need money for their New Year.

>> No.6611413

Went to sleep 3am last night. Got wagecucked hard later.

>> No.6611465

>wake up in the morning
>everything green like its christmas

>> No.6611548


Denmark here. I've got an exam in the morning. Imagine fucking studying past 2 days.

>> No.6611556

>>everything green like its christmas

What if you wake up and you see the trap all bloody and red and the bull dead? An hero? Fuck it i m not sleeping tonight. Popped 3 xanax to help me through the bleed to 9k now i m gonna pop some acid to stay up.FUUUUUUUUUUCK THIS SHIT

>> No.6611612
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>> No.6611671

Welcome to biz, were teenagers lurk while dreaming about getting rich.

>> No.6611693

eurocuck calling in.

thinking of going all in ripple and stellar. is it too late. or should i wait. what do?

>> No.6611745

YOU THINK THIS IS OVER? YOU REALLY DO DON'T YOU?! Think again sunshine! This ain't over by a long mile. We have only seen a small dip and you call it a crash? The bear market is upon us! No amount of Tether injected into your vein will save you now from the inevitable! We are all doomed. If you aren't a brianlet - and I really hope that's the case for your own sake - you should know what to do right now! For all the others, I'm truly sorry. It has been an honor shitposting with you guys, when the inevitable happens, I'm not sure many of you will still be with us. I'm afraid this is it, salvage what you can, whatever it may be. The dumpening is right around the corner, waiting to do it's thing. The days of 10x your investment is OVER. You wanna make money? Get a real job you NEET! For the ones that chose the second path, I salute you. Wageslaving is truly tantamount to eternal suffering. Ending it right now after losing EVERYTHING you worked for, means you will at least keep one thing with you. Your dignity!

>> No.6611795

Some people are getting a degree. Stay dumb

>> No.6611882

Russia here

>> No.6611922

lmao. I'm 27 and studying.

t.eternal student

>> No.6611932

>getting ready to wagecuck

Good luck.

>> No.6611953

You guys think this is just going to 12 and then down again like the cryptobro dude said. Norfag reporting in considering going all in on tether.

>> No.6611973

>tfw 8 am lecture
>it's 1 am already
>have to stay up to catch the dip

I want off this ride but the money is too good

>> No.6611977

you guys still have faith in that?

>> No.6612042

why tether instead ethereum?

>> No.6612122

If BTC goes sub 8k, ETH is going sub 400. They're not uncorrelated yet. They should be though.

>> No.6612220
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>> No.6612262

No need to worry if youre not invested in shitcoins

>> No.6612406

not really a rollercoaster, more of a continuous downward slide interrupted everytime tether decides to invent some money out of thin air to prop up the market.

they've injected 200million in 24 hours and we can still barely break 11k.

shit's done.

>> No.6612439


We live in a wrong timezone, fellow finfag.

>> No.6612505

Go all in and forget about it for a year.

>> No.6612514

>far from both america and china

>> No.6612525

I am all in about the conspiracy of tether. But isn't it also reasonable to print more if more people are buying tether as a safe space from the crash.

>> No.6612556

go to sleep to wake up and work, through work u get more fiat $$ to inject in the dip
good luck

>> No.6612573

Norfags to. Moons are always finished by the time I wake up. All my coins are up 30 percent of more considering just tethering up and betting on a crash. Why should it stop now.

>> No.6612632
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BELGIUM reporting in!

>> No.6612772


>> No.6613253


>> No.6613359


t. Netherlands

>> No.6614020

>alternative is welfare

poorfag detected

>> No.6614145
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is it safe to sleep?

>> No.6614569
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Yeah, relaxe and get a good night sleep. Either the chinks wont fall for the bull trap and continue to sell and you can buy for discount tomorrow or they'll buy and your portfolio will be fine.