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6610688 No.6610688 [Reply] [Original]

Guys..I panic sold at $9300 on coinbase because I read an article on cnn that bitcoin was going to hit $100. This shits going to drop even more right? Or should I buy back in?

>> No.6610723

this game isn't for you OP. stay out of it

>> No.6610734
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buy back in tmr at $15000

>> No.6610751

You should probably just stay out

>> No.6610902

Wait till it hits 17k on Monday, then buy my bags OP

>> No.6610961


>listening to (((CNN))) fake news

>> No.6610993

you got totally jew'd

>> No.6611123

>This shits going to drop even more right?
Of course. Just look at the long term bitcoin graph and you'll see how it's been steadily dropping for a month now.

>> No.6611152

i can't believe i ever thought you people knew shit about Crypto. wtf is the point of your HODL meme if everyone looses their mind and sells when there's a market slide? there's still going to be weeks and weeks of BTC tanking before it starts to recover to new highs. you fuckers talk about the revolution and how crypto is the future, which takes no balls to do when everything is green. you're all full of shit

>> No.6611306

Buy back in, but if it drops below what you bought it for, sell. Repeat as many times as needed.

>> No.6611348

Guys I placed a greed order for BTC @ 9120,
The lowest it got was 9125, thinking about killing myself, never gonna get a chance like that again

>> No.6611427

Wait a week or two, it will hit 3k.

>> No.6611434

you will when this dead cat bounce ends and it goes to $7k

>> No.6611449
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>> No.6611509

Don’t buy back in faggot. Put it in a savings account Nigger

>> No.6611523

Wait a bit, see if it really goes up, then you buy it. If it falls again sell and secure your investiment.

>BHSL is the fuel that'll take this rocket to the moon

>> No.6611527

trickled by the shekles

>> No.6611569

3 days for 15k.

Bouncing and then going straight past it.

>> No.6611602

Buy back in right now, we are still pretty much bottomed out faggot and ETH/BTC will rehit and surpass ATHs later in the future. Shit ETH might hit 1300 tomorrow, nigga

>> No.6611817

>sold 20 bitcoins at 15K
>buy 15 bitcoins at 9K
>sell 15 bitcoins at 11K

hodlers and weak hands are great