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File: 50 KB, 604x454, dip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6610444 No.6610444 [Reply] [Original]

>he thought the dip was over

>> No.6610536


So the futures news is priced in then?

>> No.6610559

>one minute chart, zoomed in.
get the fuck out of here, shit for brains

>> No.6610564

mom pls make my imaginary stock market quit hacking

they are using hacks mom, not fair. ask them to stop

>> No.6610625

Its chinks dumping time

and murricans will buy the bags again

>nothing personel kid

>> No.6610628

OP is an absolute faggot

>> No.6610753
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>> No.6610779

>dead cat bounce

>> No.6610833

Korea has more than 50 billion dollar worth of Crypto. Like holy shit, had you read the statistics?

ONE out of TEN have invested in either BTC or Crypto. Not ETF, not FX, not Secured Funds. But actual BTC.

Once their government shuts it down the price will go back to pieces. And no its not like China. Korea is not a shithole and their people won't touch a black market either, it only takes a government announcement declaring Crypto is banned and voila. Exchangers, ICO and holders will cash out and dump everything at the global market.

This BloodBath has even begun. GoldmanSachs horded at 3k price. They can still using the down momentum of Korea and further the panic sell even more.

>> No.6610840

>1-minute charts


>> No.6610868

>1 minute candles
Why do you like this meme so much?

>> No.6610916

korea aren't banning crypto
they never even hinted that they were going to ban it

>> No.6610917

But South Korean government already announced that crypto ban is not on their agenda.

>> No.6610980
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I dont know about japan or korea, but this is live from japan. They are saying bitcoin went half price together with comments saying "is not going to recover" and "you should sell everything"

turn it on, TBS right now, they repeat the same news every hour. Will this cause a dump or a pump?

>> No.6611030

sorry, i was mean to say china or korea

>> No.6611209
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guys it's the dick and balls pattern forming
what could this mean?

>> No.6611286
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>> No.6611288

we're gonna get assfucked

>> No.6611349

The Ministry of Justice just said Crypto are a complex ponzi scheme backed by nothing more than speculation and its volatility and violent capitalization poses a treat to the national economy.

Regulation my ass. Its not China which some coin can bribe officials or make a joint venture (NEO) while clearing the others. Its not the US which only wants the goddamn taxes from it. Its Korea with 1 out 10 citizens pouring capital out of the nation.

If you can't see it them holy shit you deserve to HODL a few months more and pray for new normies to buy it, and at Coinbase or LocalBitcoins rather than at the NYSE etfs-

>> No.6611390

when CNBC showed how to buy ripple it fucking tanked

>> No.6611411

holy shit desu

>> No.6611528

God I'd love to have one, but from what I've heard they're a bitch to live with and not worth it in the long run

>> No.6611646
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Honestly the trend seems to be reversing again, we might test 9000 again tonight...

Meanwhile everyone thinks its over...

>> No.6611663

Yes please

>> No.6611717

I want to be a trader right now. Just to take money from normies betting against the bear.

>> No.6611733
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This very much. It isn't over.

>> No.6611735

It's not ?

>> No.6611763
File: 129 KB, 640x640, 45268606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw buy order at 9100

>> No.6611804

The current "rally" is shallow as fuck.
At this time yesterday bitstamp had a 2700 coin cushion before 10k, right now we have about 800-900 coins with no real strong support points along the way. A couple of big sell-offs and it's fucking over.

>> No.6611870

should we tether again?

>> No.6611933

>place order for eth
>not money in bank account
>fast forward couple days
>put money in back
>transaction goes thro
whats stopping me from doing this again? putting in a huge order for eth now and pay at the lower price when i get the dosh

>> No.6611975
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i can't tether again, i tethered at the last bottom. soy fuckedo

>> No.6612073

How long until some exchanger who lied about its assets start crumbling at the missing liquidity they should had at this kind of peak volume trade?

I mean we didnt knew Mtgox was in deep shit until the volume trade crashed the its time to deliver orders specially the exterior payments.

My current invesment are only 40% cold and 60% on Bittrex. Its a lottery ticket.

>> No.6612081

i accidently tried this once.

I accidently bought with the wrong card, a debit with no money in it, and they rejected for insufficient funds in less than 30 min. This was coinbase.


>> No.6612091


And lower low still coming stop buying moron

>> No.6612145

but i thought we were recovering? aaaahhhhhh

>> No.6612178
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8am in tokyo right now

we about to see what happens, but probably dip again

>> No.6612189

I honestly don't care. I recognized all the signs of the market going full retard from experience. I've seen people fall for get rich quick investment schemes and rip their families apart in the process.
The quicker this bullshit all goes down in flames the better. The less families it has time to break.

>> No.6612219
File: 113 KB, 728x400, f03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bye bye

>> No.6612223

Here it comes

>> No.6612229

futures about to open

>> No.6612284

futures open soon

revenge of the boomers part II

>> No.6612307

what does that mean?

>> No.6612356

will BTC be more or less expensive tomorrow?

>> No.6612364


Cool so I make bank on ICX once it becomes Korea's only approved crypto? Just bought 100k

>> No.6612376

YOU THINK THIS IS OVER? YOU REALLY DO DON'T YOU?! Think again sunshine! This ain't over by a long mile. We have only seen a small dip and you call it a crash? The bear market is upon us! No amount of Tether injected into your vein will save you now from the inevitable! We are all doomed! If you aren't a brianlet - and I really hope that's the case for your own sake - you should know what to do right now! For all the others, I'm truly sorry. It has been an honor shitposting with you, when the inevitable happens, I'm not sure many of you will still be with us. I'm afraid this is it, salvage what you can, whatever it may be. The dumpening is right around the corner, waiting to do it's thing. The days of 10x your investment is OVER. You wanna make money? Get a real job you NEET! For the ones that chose the second path, I salute you. Wageslaving is truly tantamount to eternal suffering. Ending it right now after losing EVERYTHING you worked for, means you will at least keep one thing with you. Your dignity!

>> No.6612379

That means trading just opened for people who use brokerage platforms instead of coinbase.

>> No.6612429


>> No.6612435

Honestly nobody knows. Anyone telling you otherwise has an agenda.

>> No.6612480

it's cool if it crashes I was just thinking about putting in a $300 insta buy so I could play tonight

>> No.6612527

Cool lines faggot

>> No.6612545
File: 27 KB, 500x534, 1514137441861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like futures says

>> No.6612577
File: 280 KB, 1290x515, 2017-12-27 18.06.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive seen this before. Confirmed bull eun coming in.

Also to the faggot saying korea i about to ban. Bithumb just posted they are about to release bithumb pro. 400 new employees, few hundred million invested. Why the fuck would they do that if korea is going to ban. Fuck out of here you stupi reddit cunt. Die in your fucking sleep

You are the faggot that buys High sells low then calls it a scam. How much you lose in bitconnect?

>> No.6612635


>> No.6612673

Remember look at this graph and the dates. These same faggots were touting the same shit when bit coin crashed from 10k down to 5k in november.

>> No.6612680

It's over for now. BTC is looking bullish on the hourly chart. It will go above 14k again but I'm not sure how much higher it will go than that. It's on an overall downtrend.

>> No.6612682

All in tether

Fuck holding these heavy bags when others are shopping at sub 10k prices.

>> No.6612692

cool just bought 100k

>> No.6612717
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The futures brokers aren't even waiting for takers. They are just fucking buying up the order sheet from the top down.

>> No.6612789

>Why the fuck would they do that if korea is going to ban. Fuck out of here you stupi reddit cunt. Die in your fucking sleep
It called LOBBYING,. Most like WS did to trade BTC etf out of thin air.

Problem is that now lobbies including korean coin projects have to assure the main issue the minister said: the lack of backing in fiat, how to solve the capital flow out of the country, and volatility

If they succeed then the scenario will change to a new paradigm never seen before. Almost like China but more formal. Gov siding with one national Crypto.

>> No.6612796

the white cracka pattern. classic.

>> No.6612798


>> No.6612804


>> No.6612985

I'm not deluded hodlder though

>> No.6613048

ITT: people didn't yet buy the dip because they placed their buy order a little bit above 8k, like everyone else.

>> No.6613105
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>classic duck pattern

$100k confirmed

>> No.6613123

>one of the most progressive tech countries on this fucking planet
>banning crypto
yeah keep believing what that CNBC shitskin wrote in her shitty article goy

>> No.6613135

If you think they are bad, then you haven't tried living with a real woman

>> No.6613232

*quack quack*

>> No.6613261

stfu, i am trying to horde btc

>> No.6613343

You dont have to powder a girl after fucking her though

>> No.6613352

Yup. Anyone witha lick of sense followed Korean Jew's advice and took that into account with buy orders for low $9ks.

>> No.6613393

Your creativity is inspiring

>> No.6613456

THIS. The moment you see any investment strategy on fucking Mad Money, get the hell out of it.

>> No.6613462

>Once their government shuts it down
You ignorant spastic cunt. 1) MOF confirmed that threats were MOJ chatting shit 2) Government confirmed 3) Opposition stated their support for Koreans to trade crypto 4) Petition supporting crypto and calling for sacking of MOJ Minister gained over 200k signatures and must be debated by parliament.

Also the fact S. Korea is one of most tech savvy and minded countries on Earth - as if they'd fucking ban crypto.

Neck yourself my good man for the good of humanity.

>> No.6613538
File: 219 KB, 1506x768, ta fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw ta fag were right again
>pump to 1k and dump to new lows

>> No.6613573

It's already going up moron

>> No.6613668

That's a month chart, pajeet. That's too long for crypto.

>> No.6613735

What are you talking about?
I literally have to buttwipe my dates every damn time that I fuck them, until no DNA can be found.

>> No.6613763

You misspelt 'rapes' anon.

>> No.6613776


>> No.6613858

Why for pointing the issue?
200k petition? Nice you didn't READ THAT 10% OF THE FUCKING GOOK POPULATION IS IN.

Of course they will chimp, but the minister is talking about NATIONAL SECURITY. Just because people want drugs and are addicts doesnt mean the gov will go full populist.

Holy shit you are retarded, didnt said it was granted. Just what the minister said and what the opposition once in power will have to do too. This shit is just a step of for crypto, the lack of action and regulation is what you should be concern now.

>> No.6614016

what the fuck does this any of this even mean?

i dont have a degree in fucking theoretical geometry you cunt

>> No.6614021

How so, I've thought about one too?

>> No.6614187

>didnt said it was granted
No you just clearly implied it you warbling spunk trough.

Just to be clear anon you 'corrected' me by pointing out that even more Koreans are involved in crypto than suggested by the petition I cited, and you then went on a retarded tangent about 'MUH NATIONAL SECURITY' and 'MUH DRUGS' while showing ABSOLUTE fucking ignorance of the fact that South Korea just had a fucking President brought down due to popular protests and that facing another popular revolt is a nightmare scenario for them?

You tried, and embarressingly failed, to suggest that Korea was a legitimate reasont to FUD. I pointed out you were pig ignorant and full of shit and you dug yourself deeper into the hole.

An Otaku piece of shit like you needs to educate himself outside the realms of KPOP and anime.

Neck yourself immediately.

>> No.6614277

And you know what comes after the duck.

>> No.6614305

discord gg/3fW7bzr

>> No.6614461

>No you just clearly implied it you warbling spunk trough.
Nigger at the best scenario it some coin and few exchangers will be allowed to work paying taxes and making Crypto stay in few local coins, regulated of course.

Worst case scenario its everything shutting down leaving edgy teens from the 10% in pure delusion because they cant see past their digital gains to actual be aware about the central bank and "evil gov technicians" doing the impossible to hold the hard worked wealth their parents did at Kia just to watch flew overseas in a complex ponzi scheme.

That what I mean for granted, the situation details are now being talk. Is up the Korean lobbying interest groups including the political opposition (which only does to gain votes is not like they will fight to its end to avoid legislation or banning).

You are a complete nigger.

>> No.6614542

I called it hours ago.

>> No.6614707

9101, they will stop dumping right there because they know normies like round numbers

>> No.6614847

Morgan Bree
Bunbree or bunnybree on instagram

>> No.6614903

We gooks ain't banning crypto.
With 지방선거 comin up, it would be a political suicide to do so, and the gov WILL go full populist even if it means people want drugs and are addicts. Everything is run on populist support here, we even flipped a president before.
But this doesnt even matter, the government already clarified that a ban would not happen.
Still waiting on the official petition response to seal the deal though.

>> No.6615130

fuuuuck all the anons that spam this picture
I even got this fucking shit on my fb feed I can't believe it omg stop
mommy they posted the picture again
make it stop