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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6608596 No.6608596 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't it weird how there will always be more debt than actual money to pay for it?

>> No.6608815

One of the many defects of fiat currency. Buy bitcoin.

>> No.6608891

aww baby's first econ lesson

maybe study a bit more than YouTube videos before thinking you know shit

>> No.6608932

Bitcoin doesn't solve fractional-reserve banking.

There will be places that loan out way more BTC than they have, and people will fucking panic when a bank run happens.

>> No.6608985

Wow sir you must be very smart sir

>> No.6608990

okay genius enlighten me

>> No.6609098

Fractional reserve banking is not a problem. The problem is that the FED creates money and loans it to USG with interest. Bitcoin does solve this as there is no centralized institution to loan out the initial coins.

>> No.6609170

yeah it's really (((weird)))...
we truly will never understand (((why))) it happens that way

>> No.6609747

the system works decently though cause it keeps the economy moving. people have to keep working and invest or the money they made 10 years ago loses value. some inflation is a good thing.

the problem is when the government borrows money from the fed the govt then controls who they pay with the newly printed money and taxpayer funds and that shit is corrupt as fuck. govt officials can basically choose who they want to become rich by who they give contracts to and shit.