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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 41 KB, 615x654, Mugger-ATM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6608584 No.6608584 [Reply] [Original]

Hey bitch take out yo cash before I cut your fucking throat
>2000$ limit, robber takes off
>caught on camera, bank swallows the loss
Hey bitch pull out ya phone. Send those coins to my address or I'll cut your fucking throat right here
>no limit, all btc in account transferred
>btc gone, no authority will replace what's lost

>> No.6608665

how does the robber know she has crypto?
just hold monero lol

>> No.6608734

That mugger is black too, what a shame. Hang them all.

>> No.6608756

Because of that you dont tell anyone that you have cryptos

>> No.6608792

Great, learn to protect yourself, hide your crypto apps on your phone.

>> No.6608822

>all transactions are on the public blockchain

Tbf this is actually concerning when dealing with monero

>> No.6608830

>sorry my address is in my safety deposit box
>also I conceal carry so BANG BANG BANG stupid nigger

>> No.6608898

>letting everybody know you have crypto
bad move
only tell people you trust

>> No.6608954

So what you're saying is I should find a person with a fuck ton of bitcoins, force them to give them to me after torturing and almost killing them, then I'll get away with it?

>> No.6608956

Sure, just need your private address its the most secure way to deposit funds. K thnk

>> No.6608980
File: 49 KB, 450x320, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*trading on binance*
>grabs your phone
>better get to a computer fast boy
>withdraw your coins, 2FA on your phone

>> No.6609085

Sure Sir, here, have my bitconnects

>> No.6609776

So you have a second wallet with a paltry sum in it, like dealing with pickpockets.

>> No.6609865
File: 97 KB, 720x720, 1516198145527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad any niggers who knew anything about crypto just killed themselves because of bitconnect

>> No.6610153


what is a cold wallet?

mfw this faggot carries around all his crypto on his phone...

>> No.6610254

Do you not have a password on apps or in general

>> No.6610348

Morons who keep all their crypto in a phone wallet deserve to be robbed.

>> No.6610352

worst fud I've ever seen

what in the actual fuck do you think you're proving?

>> No.6610367

give me a two liner on bitconnect. been seeing the threads but too lazy to read....

>> No.6610402

t.stab victim

>> No.6610403

Look into china,there’s rarely theft because of the money is on their phone

>> No.6610478

That's the way it should be, if I wanna rob someone I don't want their money replaced. Dumbasses think banks printing off more money a good thing lel

>> No.6610497


>> No.6610515


>> No.6610519

>not having a gun on you in both instances

Lol. I always carry my glock 19 on me.

>> No.6610644
File: 171 KB, 2149x2667, superfashwavepepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying niggers are smart enough to mug someone for crypto

>> No.6610750

Just have an extra wallet with a few satoshis left in it. Sorry Mr mugger I can't send BTC to you because I can't afford the TX fee.

>> No.6610802

Hey bitch pull out ya phone. Send those coins to my address or I'll cut your fucking throat right here
>no limit, but several adresses
>sends btc in her hotwallet, still has cold storage at home

you would't walk around with 10k in cash

>> No.6610816 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 549x1000, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point OP. Rather than gambling on imaginary bitchcoins I will now invest in companies that produce goods or offer services to generate a steady stream of income. Thank you OP.

>> No.6610834
File: 42 KB, 640x521, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need to know.

>> No.6610849


> better aint be no monster eatin no motha fuckin image

>> No.6611015

Not even my closest friends know.

>> No.6611025

>hey bitch broadcast this transaction to the entire blockchain into this address that links directly back to me

>> No.6611072

so much for anonymous currency

>> No.6611156

No one ever claimed it was anonymous. Once someone (the government) gets ahold of your wallet addresses from fiat exchange sites, they can trace that money everywhere.

>> No.6611365

>Bank swallows the loss

Tax payers pay through inflated price of goods

>> No.6611430

That's what you get when you aren't in the kitchen and the husband is at the machine with his bare fists and glock 45. to protect himself.

>> No.6611563

Good. Gives me a proper legal justification for shooting human garbage with my CC gun.

>> No.6611797

He has a point though. Is this the right time to buy BCC now that it's only worth $18?

>> No.6611957

>ok ive sent you’ll receive it in 5 hours ;-)

>> No.6612029

I imagine people would not keep all their savings on one account.

>> No.6612182

Just tell them you don't have any crypto you retard. Quit being a nocoiner faggot. I prefer to be my own banker.

>> No.6612227


>> No.6612239

Wait til it's 50 cents

>> No.6612296

Are you fucking blind? He is clearly white. Get the fuck back to /pol/ you betacuck

>> No.6612360
File: 55 KB, 640x480, 1497834091465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anybody who isn't braindead would keep all their crypto on a phone wallet
>implying niggers are intelligent enough to use crypto

>> No.6612593

too much

>> No.6612706

Buy the dip son

>> No.6612774

This. Only told my father who invested in BTC years ago, which he didn't even tell me until we talked about it.

>> No.6612848

I'm okay with this.

>> No.6613301
File: 63 KB, 480x640, 1515869410227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's you again

>> No.6614107
File: 313 KB, 701x394, 1511914925195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting this assblasted by using a black man in your robbery picture instead of a white man
Swallow it down buddy. You fucked yourself.

>> No.6614197


all you need to know

>> No.6614440

>implying they aren't

>> No.6614586

the absolute state of this board