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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 38 KB, 609x521, Screenshot from 2018-01-17 12-58-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6605907 No.6605907 [Reply] [Original]

Is this not concerning or suspicious to anyone? What the fuck are the chinks up to?
Printed $200,000,000 in the last 24 hours.

>> No.6605998

Thanks printed 100k

>> No.6606015
File: 55 KB, 935x622, Screenshot from 2018-01-17 13-01-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And like clockwork, "the correction is over"

>> No.6606084

dude there's literally no fiat backing it up, it's all a scam. look it up there are a few of their devs spilling everything by accident on reddit, they dont actually tether usd correctly.

>> No.6606131

fuck off with these controlled thread

>> No.6606225

So many people were going into Tether that the Tether price had been inflated 5% past its 1 USD goal. There was a very obvious and very innocent reason for printing more.

>> No.6606230

call your local mayor he'll get right on it

>> No.6606272
File: 53 KB, 600x450, 1285196276307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares? Make money while you can

>> No.6606293

I distrust the tether jew as much as anyone, but it's possible they need to print more as people cash out of btc into usdt

>> No.6606324

Relying on TA now is silly. I do hope that it is over though

>> No.6606339

It's over.
People are denying it.
Bitconnect, Tether, everything.

>> No.6606427

>tether injects 300m in the market in 3 days
>controlled thread

>> No.6606428

Rich people making money on the dip and market dislocations. Trust me, I have a MBA from Goldman Sachs.

>> No.6606435

Tether is going to be the source of the next crash... no way the IRS is going to let this keep going. Game over when they are audited. The lack of transparency is already disturbing.

>> No.6606488

don't bite the hand that feeds

>> No.6606533

>people move into tether
>tether prints more to keep price fixed at $1
>people move back into bitcoin, decreasing demand for tether

Do we see them ever buy back large sums of tether and "burn" them?

>> No.6606581


Isn't it just people selling to tether?
It's a good sign, means they're not leaving the market but just waiting it out before they jump back in.

>> No.6606583

That's some dumb TA. Elliott Waves are a better gauge.

>> No.6606661

The day the fed comes for tether, we are all ruined. mark these words.

Ignore anyone telling you to HODL and get out when you feel like you've got what you need. You're taking a gamble every day that you stay in this game. It's a corrupt burg a timebomb.

>> No.6606664

What's concerning to me is how arbitrary that number is. You'd think it would be a little more specific to "meet demands" if that's the goal.

>> No.6606681

Brahs stop complaining just make a bot


>> No.6606734

This is literally nothing new? Tether has been doing this since before I was born

>> No.6606807

looks like this tether pump is already fizzling out

>> No.6606837

we're printing and over inflating memes over here
idk how much time we got but if crypto doesn't find a real world use case we are ded kek

>> No.6606918
File: 9 KB, 645x773, 1516159511363.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no way the IRS is going to let this keep going
What has the IRS to do with Singapore and the Bahamas? Only US muds will be kept out of crypto by ma IRS

>> No.6606996

>Game over when they are audited.
What if Bitconnect and Tether are in cahoots? The BTC they stole were sold to fiat so that Tether can provide the fiat needed during an audit.

>> No.6607012

Money laundering

>> No.6607040


>> No.6607054

>Money laundering
Oh shit i forgot they can do that. Thats exactly what they did with Liberty Reserve even though its outside US jurisdiction.

>> No.6607087

>more people buying and cashing out
>demand for tether increases
>more tether printing is needed to satisfy demand
Not everything is a conspiracy.

>> No.6607172

They print or delete it as needed to keep the price at 1.

>> No.6607176

Cmon man, they print enough to last them a few days/weeks.
So the number makes sense
And no one knows if it's actually people buying tether with their btc or them printing tether to buy btc for themselves
so stop fudding

>> No.6607186


>> No.6607201
File: 49 KB, 683x459, x-c45970e7-5684-4469-bc0b-505617cc4573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BitTetherX - I think I have my new ICO. 35 ETH minimum, buy today!

>> No.6607426

You think they sold every BTC they got the last day in FIAT at the exact price at that given moment.
Honestly its simply impossible.
They are giving out Tethers like candies without any backup.

>> No.6607484

In this bear market, the only people making money are the members of this group. Join now....

https://discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

>> No.6608049

But bitfinex can just buy it back with their BTC gains they are most legit exchange lmao ytf you believe tether FUD they like the federal reserve of crypto rn xD