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6603172 No.6603172 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck is it going up? There's no stable floor above $10k

>> No.6603279

Giant whales fighting over the futures' price in the auction an hour from now.

>> No.6603439


100 million tether pump, this is why

>> No.6603521

100 million dollars is peanuts in the crypto space

>> No.6603539

Yah it didn't change shit yesterday, it tanked even harder after the tetherprint

>> No.6603563
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Just enjoy the view

>> No.6603590
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>> No.6603652

Yeah but it's enough for one green candle.

>> No.6603670

lmao, btw your alts are going to 0


>> No.6603698

12k is floor for the next week. cap this faggot.

>> No.6603705

No it's not you fucking retard, market cap is not equivalent to the actual amount of money that's been put into the market. 100 million is a huge amount of money.

Still doesn't mean it can save the crash, though.

>> No.6603732

buying at 9k is a fucking steal, it's not going to stay below 10k for long.

>> No.6603739

Shorters got what they came for. Wallstreet is pumping now.

They made so much money this week

>> No.6603747
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Reddit thinks this is the floor and they are buying it up again. It will crash again soon enough

>> No.6603754

>one green candle

100 million buys you the whole gdax orderbook. The 450b marketcap does not exist. It doesn't represent volume, it doesn't represent circulation. It's a meme.

>> No.6603779

Can someone explain to a brainlet that's mostly ignored the tether pump meme why it exists?
Increasing USDT supply to match increased USDT demand to make USDT's value set at $1, right?
So there's more people buying BTC on the BTC/USDT pair and more people selling on other USDT pairs to buy BTC? Am I just fucking retarded? Or is it literally just a meme? Help a brainlet here anons, I promise I'm not new, just never gave a shit and mostly still don't about Tether.

>> No.6603825


>he fell for the marketcap meme

fucking brainlet. stay forever poor

>> No.6603830

How can I find the floor? Can you please teach me.

>> No.6603846

with some strategic injection 100MM is more than enough to turn cryptocucks bullish again.

>> No.6603850

Wallstreet here. Only here for the easy money. We’re all here to gain some, but only the people with a large amount of money are the true winners.

The king is back.

>> No.6603858
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this is why

>> No.6603864

>look down.

>> No.6603879
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pic related

>> No.6603889

I'm fat so I can only see my stomach.

>> No.6603907

that cat bounced 10 times today alone

>> No.6603938

>BTC tanks
>market panics
>everyone sells
>100 million fictional USD enters the market
>everyone's orders get bought and more
>market makes a miraculous recovery

Right now we are in a situation where we are reasonably expecting 1.5 billion USD to exist in an anonymous Hong Kong bank account. This is crypto, the proposed new gold standard. It will explode one day, we just don't know yet. BTC+crypto rally started the day they started printing money out of thin air. It used to be only 10 million or something, which was fairly reasonable at the time.

>> No.6603948

haven't seen my dick when peeing for the last year. feel ya bro.

>> No.6603993

Well, at least we were paper rich, 5 days ago.

>> No.6603995


last time this happened, ETH shot up 250$, i bought ETH at the announcement, going to sell at $1050 then ride this to the $750 floor

>> No.6603994
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>> No.6604040
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Yup, and it will keep bounced and killing people on its way down to triple digits...

It's really sad that newfags fall for this shit.

>> No.6604044

Dead cat bounce

>> No.6604043


>> No.6604047

i like how u act like u know this shit. if u did u wouldn't be posting on 4chan u larping faggot

>> No.6604068

I'm unironically getting out of crypto because of this. Yeah I'll miss out on gains, but I really don't want to be caught with my pants down when the monopoly money vanishes from every exchange one day.

>> No.6604117

13k give or take

>> No.6604129

wtf there is no flor u say?!? Its fucking crypto, manipulated by whales u dumb shit. u can not use TA here OMFG. Leave this place and go to reddit.

>> No.6604155

that stock only went down 2 dollars you mong

>> No.6604158


It's public information, brainlet. Total amount of tethers is on CMC. And you can even read in their terms that the tethers are just a pretty token, they don't have to pay you a dime for a tether. At the end of the day who is even they? The company is anonymous.

>> No.6604194

if you would put $100million on an exchange and want to buy BTC @ $10k you would have a fucking 10k btc buy wall

how is that peanuts?

>> No.6604209


>> No.6604330

But nflx is 270 now

>> No.6604405

Your chart is fake, it is not BTC chart you cheat FUP shilling pig

>> No.6604485

Yeah, the suspect "backing" of the tethers is why I've been mostly ignoring USDT, and pretending the timebomb doesn't exist.
I guess I was just expecting there to be a supply/demand aspect to them getting printing and leading to more BTC buyers. I guess I can't say I'm totally surprised that it just leads to orders getting bought out of nowhere.
Can't wait to see how this turns out I guess.

>> No.6604814

It won't end peacefully. They are essentially minting USD and FBI will tear their little assholes apart for it. It will take time, but it will happen like it did with the past crypto barons. For the casual investor it will probably end in tears since the market has been inflated. I doubt they can hold the market up with tether pumps for too long anyway. The chart we're seeing on CMC right now is too dramatic and to reverse it they would literally need to print billions of dollars. Check out the chart on how the tether pumping correlates with the BTC price. All of the pumps and their effect can be traced with an hour/minute's precision.

>> No.6604863
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>> No.6605038

Thanks, just bought 100k netflix

>> No.6605085

>Check out the chart on how the tether pumping correlates with the BTC price.
I've been following the markets long enough to know this correlation exists. Just don't want to check any further, so I can pretend it doesn't exist for a little while longer. The crash after this shit implodes is always in the back of my mind.
Just another reason to take profits when you can. Will be definitely cashing out a good bit on the next bull run as insurance, as I can't see this lasting much longer.
Thanks for indulging me anon.

>> No.6605187

lol @ printing 100 mil/day of those soybux

>> No.6605208

I have no idea what this means, why is market cap going up?

>> No.6605291

Coins go up
Coins go down
You can’t explain that.

>> No.6605387

It goes up when they increase supply.
>100 tethers @ $1 = $100 market cap
>pump in 200 tethers to keep price at $!
>300 tethers @ $1 = $300 market cap

>> No.6605443

You may actually be retarded