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6595552 No.6595552 [Reply] [Original]

How is this coin going up, what the fuck, I dont get it. I was like 30 cents all day and now its about to break 40

>> No.6595647

Answers now

>> No.6595652

are you retarded?

>> No.6595663
File: 207 KB, 1355x988, 1513013722786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>update Friday
>mainnet soon
>use case
>will start generating money by March
>$20 EOY

>> No.6595805

Please explain how im retarded. This thing has an announcement on friday, woop de fucking doo the whole markets down. What the fuck

>> No.6595975

Dude it's probably going to be the new coinbase

>> No.6596050

How is it going to be a new fucking normiebase i still dont get why people are buying it now

>> No.6596095
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stay poor my man

>> No.6596135

Both REQ and coinbase are owned by Ycomb, Coinbase fucked up and made people lose trust, REQ will take any Fiat and convert it to any coin of choice with a super easy to use interface, it's so easy to see what's going to happen it's ridiculous. It will also be able to do Fiat to fiat and crypto to crypto

>> No.6596242
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>> No.6596244

So it takes any kind of fiat, can convert it to any coin from an easy to use menu like coinbase? Like any fiat from anywhere? What about crypto to crypto, or reverse crypto to fiat? So can someone who isnt involved in crypto pay me back for like, mowing their lawn with REQ almost like paypal?

>> No.6596252


Because unlike all of the other fraudulent projects which are now failing or being liquidated in an exit scam (TRX, BCC), this one is legit and there's a lot of code being dropped toward the end of the month.

>> No.6596299

Yes brainlet, yes to all that. Are you seeing the picture? And the REQ tokens are burned making fees minimal

>> No.6596313
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>a token can do all these things!
sure, sweetie

>> No.6596343

Ding ding

>> No.6596354

>How is this coin going up, what the fuck, I dont get it.
you're retarded because literally every coin is somewhat recovering. why don't you go ahead and click on a random shitcoin and see?

>> No.6596370

So wait, if the tokens are burned in exchange for fees how do i make money here? im missing your shit point. Wont the tokens run out over time?

>> No.6596463

classic pump and dump
they think the token will increase in value because it is burned, but who the fuck would pay 5 dollars to use a fucking microwave oven

>> No.6596490

...omg. listen the tokens are burned per transaction, first at a higher rate, but the more and more it's used it keeps diving on it's self, so the very first purchase used by Req will burn 1 req token, then you keep dividing that number, so the ten thousandths REQ transaction burns .00003 REQ, req probably won't run out in your time line, massive gains can be had in REQ for the first 5 years starting this year

>> No.6596509

salty omg bag holder detected

>> No.6596581

So if I bought 10k REQ at one dollar, eventually through just token burning alone id make atleast some constant small residual income? Is this meant just for normies buying pizza?

>> No.6596642

Yes, the residual income would come even with that tiny bit of adoption. But they are aiming for much larger than that. Potential is big

>> No.6596687

Ok, so what is this huge market you speak of? Not falling for "potential is big" without at leasta statement

>> No.6596875

Through smart contracts and auditing REQ will be not only implemented on a normies level like you say but it will allow businesses, traders, merchants etc to be plugged into a global network of exchanges and commerce, with fees that are literally the lowest we've seen for exchanging money. It allows full and free liquidity amongst anyone and everyone. From Joe paying bill $50 for a gift, bill recieves an equivalent of $50 but can CHOOSE to receive it in any currency he wants. Imagine travelling abroad and you need emergency money from your family but you aren't in the US, receive $4000 USD and pull it out as crypto, or euro, or yen whatever, doesn't matter

>> No.6597021

So why isnt this a bigger coin yet? Did it just come out recently?

>> No.6597143

Yes recently, also the DEVs are real educated people, focusing on the goal, they don't hype things up or brag, their nose is in the grind stone and only reveal news once every other week. They give solid plans and how the development is moving along. This Friday is an announcement, if it goes well with a recovering market I honestly don't know where the floor is, I won't throw numbers being a brainlet as you just can't crystal ball this shit. But if it takes off the FOMO will be unlike anything we've ever seen

>> No.6597217

So what if the crypto market crashes for a year or two?

>> No.6597253

Be realitic it already has a market cap of $251mil. Probably gonna go up to like max $6 eoy.

>> No.6597278

Good question tard, REQ saves itself here as the tokens will always exist whether BTC is at five bucks or fifty thousand. The REQ tokens still exist, and req can still have adoption because of it's super liquidity.

>> No.6597297

Explain the liquidity again?

>> No.6597388
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It will be at least $20 if they pull off everything and that is conservative.

I bought 20k tokens a £0.04. I hope it is my ticket to retirement after 3 years.

>> No.6597406

Dude, REQ works on all existing currencies NOT JUST CRYPTO. This is literally a real company taking advantage of start up costs from the crypto world. DO YOU FUCKING GET IT? You don't need to buy or own REQ to use the platform. It will be a simple UI phone app where you can trade fiat to another fiat and that's it. The only involvement crypto has is the REQ tokens themselves. And they get burned per transaction. Meaning EVEN IF people only trade fiat to fiat the REQ token still gets burned, slowly increasing it's value over time. Do you not fucking understand

>> No.6597475

My bro, some people are just too stupid. You tried...

>> No.6597538

Ok so i download it as easy as coinbase, and i can send someone in paris 4k USD and it burns the token? And they can opt to receive it in euros or crypto or whatever? So i dont need to buy or own REQ right? it is like paypal?

>> No.6597638

Exactly. See? So even if this whole digital currency thing is a bust you invested into a real company that has the fiat safety net. So even without crypto it's price will still go up, and yes any currency can be requested or sent to any other form of currency. It will be easy and simple to use, normies will love it, hell I'll enjoy it. Did mention it's a way to cash out?

>> No.6597686

What do you mean its a way to cash out? And paypal 2.0? or?

>> No.6597754

You can send and receive, input and take out money using Request. It is an open door in and out of the digital realm right to your bank account if you so wish. Also it intends to go way passed PayPal. That's a gimmicky fud.

>> No.6597784

How the fuck is that "gimmicky fud"

>> No.6597886
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Watching you and this nigger go back and forth is like watching a 1980s infomercial.
>Wow Bill, you mean it can even turn dollars into yen?
>Why yes Jenny, it really can! And that's just scratching the surface!
Blue ID bro, you tried. Good for you. Purple ID faggot is doomed if he hasn't got it yet.

>> No.6597931

Because what people aren't realizing is REQ not only will be somewhat similar to PayPal it will be cheaper, faster, decentralized and the fees will be way, way, way lower due to token burning. On top of that it's super liquidity to be integrated into business, shipping, commerce, trades and investments will almost guarantee adoption. It will replace PayPal in the new era.
Any currency.
Cash in, or cash out.
Any other brainlet want to try and explain why this coin is a bad investment? Come at me

>> No.6597960
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Do we have any idea what they will disclose?

>> No.6598002

I hold 3k REQ. Will I make it and in how long if so?

>> No.6598007

I got some at 0.06 not nearly as much as you, which i do regret.

>> No.6598023

"But Bill, could it really be that easy?!"

>> No.6598050

ok excuse me being a brainlet but i think im understanding its useage but what about its marketcap or if it actually gets adopted, if this market recovers? what if it doesnt?

>> No.6598103
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Are you BerlinBro?
You deserve a medal after all that

>> No.6598117

Kek you're right

>> No.6598154
File: 2.42 MB, 1723x320, 1 F7_preXWs8R8QFehTw6nKw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 20k isnt enough compared to a lot of people here.

>> No.6598242

Ok fags, fucking. Ok last time I try. On a bad note if crypto crashes this will be one of the last fucking ones standing, because it can and will be used by fiat traders because it will undercut PayPal in it's fees. I do not like throwing numbers around as I do not know. However let's say prices have been moving as they are, the market recovers and goes on a bullrun and REQ gets regular adoption. I'd say a minimum of $10 by summertime. So to make decent change you'd need a goal of 1k-9k REQ. Let's say the market explodes, REQ delivers on everything and becomes adopted by normies and big business, Hood only knows the price, again I don't like throwing numbers, but in this case, 10k REQ would assure you "made it" in a sense.

>> No.6598332

i see you avoided the instance that crypto crashes fag

>> No.6598367

Alright fuck it i will bite. How exactly does it exchange Fiat to Crypto? Magic? Crypto is easy, but how does fiat get in? How does it get out? Where does it end up?

>> No.6598572

Have you not been reading? I answered that. Even if crypto crashes REQ still has it's uses. This is a closed case! Just because BTC dinosaur died does not mean that REQs token and platform disappeared, it's just that adoption will take longer. And even though people will only be trading dollars for other actual currencies or vice versa, it still burns the tokens, thus slowly increasing I'm value over time. So again no crypto does not mean no REQ. Got it? This is still useful for all online business, transactions, commerce etc. We live in a digital world. This is the prince to overthrow outdated PayPal. You can do some more research or just sit and FUD. But I enjoy the fact I am backed by crypto and a fiat safety net. Even with no crypto around it'd be hard to say EoY this thing isn't $5 a token, worst case. Have a good day I'm done

>> No.6598665

brainlet here, i think he said itd be a similar interface to coinbase, as in itd be that easy, just make an account and i guess tie it to your bank account or a card and buy or sell

>> No.6598722

so i just checked they are both nin fact owned by Ycomb..holy shit (coinbase and REQ)

>> No.6598756

>will start generating money by March
wait what?? Will there be staking? Holding 100k+ req man, what the fuck?

>> No.6598923

brainlet here wouldnt the burning be like staking? Blue phone man where di you go??

>> No.6599435

Dude I m so thankful you are explaining this to these homunculi pajeets who don't deserve to be alive. It's like seeing someone buying a pizza for homeless people