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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6593189 No.6593189 [Reply] [Original]

>read /biz/ for years
>gathered enough money to properly get into crypto mid december
>manage to sift through pajeet shilling and gain 1000% within the first 3 weeks
>knew about coming January crash, forgot about it in the euphoria of mad gains
>got drunk and took profits, redistributed into what I thought were good coins
>i was wrong
>didn't tether up in time, decided to iron hand the dip
>the dip never stops
>currently sitting 10% above initial investment
anyone else get justed this hard? i know i got greedy and acted like a fucking idiot but we're on /biz/ there's gotta be more of you, let's validate eachothers self pity fellas

>> No.6594117

put in 10k, got to 20k, took out initial, got up to 24k at height, redistributed, thought the dip was starting last week, put all money back into BTC and then USD but then it didn't, got back in, everything crashing. hurts so bad. iron hands though.

>> No.6594122
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guys please

>> No.6594126

Lol literally everyone on biz did this otherwise there wouldnt be so many wojacks. Dont feel bad this is the 2nd alt boom ive done this. Ive been trading for a year and a half now and each alt boom like 5x my whole port, get greedy, hodl the dip, watch all mu profits bleed. Each time i look at my portfolio graph, say "wow thats high you should realize profits its going to correct soon" dont do it because greedy retard. Smh...never a fucking again. From now on when i 5x, im taking it all, either tethering or core coin, maybe 50/50, thats it. Fuck this autistic shit

>> No.6594335

Worst than you, verification took forever along with wiring taking abnormally long so I got way late to the party and now I'm down 50% on initial. The only good thing going is that my shitcoins probably won't get shaken out by these sudden losses

>> No.6594678
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This greentext massively applies to me but I'm still at some 3x compared to initial investment. The catch? 2/3 of it is stuck in DBC now.

Given how it's a whale-ran PnD coin it's going to get pumped eventually but somehow it doesn't give me any level of mental comfort. I was going to cash out a bit at 10x and I hit it, but I wanted to wait a bit more. Fuck knows why. Fuck my ass. Why do I have this kind of brain damage. Fuck.

>> No.6594791
