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658427 No.658427 [Reply] [Original]

A twenty (20) dollar minimum wage to all businesses that employ over fifty (50) people would solve all of America's social issues overnight. Prove me wrong.

>> No.658431
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can't stop nigs from nigging.

>> No.658433

minimum wage is one of the worst/dumbest ways to combat income inequality

>> No.658436


>> No.658437

prices of everything would go through the roof, and it'd kill every small business. congrats

>> No.658446

Define 'Elaborate.'

>> No.658449


So what happens when every small business goes out of business from this and all the large business cause massive price increases?

What government program would you then use to fix the government created problem that caused this government created problem that you were doing to solve another government created problem

>> No.658454

Because that would make production costs soar which means it wont be profitable for businesses to continue producing sufficient output. In order to combat increased production costs less people would be hired and unemployment would increase.

>> No.658466

Same hypothetical problem as universal basic income go lookup "income elasticity of demand"

At least with direct cash payments you free people up and get to watch for price gauging in real estate while deciding if the influx of cash is tripping up prices

If you pay every schlub 20 bucks an hour you have companiea collapse overnight and prices rise immediately after the first paychecks

>> No.658472

In theory it would work, large companies would be forced to up their production costs allowing small businesses to undercut them with cheap labor. But the large corporations would just break themselves into thousands upon thousands of smaller businesses under one umbrella.

>> No.658475



It's already being done to avoid the Affordable Care Act regulations.

>> No.658478

MD's get 40-50 . Their wages would skyrocket

>> No.658496

Implementing a maximum wage would be a better idea to solve social inequality. One man's annual bonus can often feed thousands of families.

Would be next to impossible to enforce though.

>> No.658514
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It's liberal philosophy that the government is responsible for making sure everyone makes a living. Minimum wage is the government shoving that burden on the business, which has a responsibility to make a profit. Labor should only cost the business the value of the labor. The government could increase welfare spending, work to decrease the cost of living, or implement basic income. Did you know that all of the USA's welfare spending could be divided among all adults at about $10,600/yr?

A $20 minimum wage only hurts small business and helps big business, even if it only applies to companies with 50+ employees. Small businesses are supposed to be able to grow, and doubling their spending on labor once they reach that 50 employee mark will only keep them from growing. As for employees, this hurts anyone that is looking to gain experience early in their life and only helps whores that had kids before they got an education.

>> No.658521

I work as an IT guy, I currently make 20/hr

Why do you want to make my skilled work worth the same as a high school dropout flipping burgers?

>> No.658522

Making it more expensive to employ people will solve all of our social issues overnight. Prove me wrong.

>> No.658658


It would be impractical. What happens when your 20 man tech startup blows up and is printing money? Profit divided by employees is greater than the maximum wage. Where does the excess money go? Does it stay in the company trust? Does the gubmint steal it?

It wouldn't work.

>> No.658816

the fuck?
implying a high minimum wage would ever help more than a basic income

>> No.658825


you're welcome to time travel back to 1850, where things like minimum wage did not exist.

The workplace was a real fair and utopian environment and everything. It was corrupt or unfairly distributed at all. There weren't 8 year-olds working in factory's for nickels or anything like that. Nope. Minimum wage is completely unneccesary. It's not like those in control of the means of production would collude and be greedy manipulative scum or anything like that.

>> No.659062

If you want to make money you have several options:
1. Learn a skill that's worth money. Excel, programming, welding, sales.
2. Use your money to pay people with skills to make you even more money.

Minimum wage is for people who have no skills and thus can't get any other type of job. If minimum wage and welfare went away we would live in a better world. If people want to make more money and have a better life, they should go out and do it themselves. This isn't even coming from the idea that they are "mooching" but it's just basic psychology that people are happier and more content with their lives when they feel they've made an accomplishment.

>> No.659064

If we really want to improve the standard of living for the poor we should be teaching them skills that they'll be able to use for the rest of their lives, not handing them money. It's like when zoo animals are put back in the wild and they starve to death because there's no more zookeepers giving them their daily meals. There's nothing wrong with the animals but they just never learned how to do anything themselves. If we took all the funding that currently goes towards welfare and at the very least put it towards teaching trades or some other skills that would go a long way.

>> No.659068

People who can't manage $7.25 can't manage $20.00 either. You could raise minimum wage to $100/hr, and the same people will bitch about being broke.

>> No.659071

Poor example. Everyone I know in IT does jack shit. You're literally paid to be there and know stuff and only work for a few minutes when something goes wrong.

>> No.659074

yeah, i do jack shit, but when I'm needed, i have knowledge no one else has. i am absolutely essential to the company running smoothly. you are paying for my skills, not my workload.

>> No.659077

>i have knowledge that no one else has
>my skills

>resetting Jane's password for the 4th time in 2 weeks

>> No.659078

Think of it in terms of "If I fuck up, how much money does my company lose?"
A mcdonalds worker fucking up a burger may cost mdds like $1
An IT worker may cost a company several thousands (lost productivity, etc)
A welder fucking up could cost the company thousands.
A CEO or other decision making person could cost the company millions in addition to causing hundreds or thousands of people losing their jobs.

Your pay goes up with the added responsibility.

>> No.659079


Why stop at $20 per hour, why not just make it INFINITY DOLLARS PER HOUR. That way everyone can have unlimited money and be rich!

>> No.659081

Jane can't do that, she needs me to do it. Because I know how, and she doesn't.

And while the majority of the problems I fix are stupid like that, some of them are a big fucking deal, like a server going down. Stuff that can bring whole departments to a halt, which costs thousands every hour.

Then you'll realize how important we are to you.

And then 5 minutes after the problem is fixed, you'll forget and go back to hating on IT for not doing shit.

>> No.659082

A McDonalds worker fucking up your burger could also give you food poisoning and cost the company tens of millions.

>> No.659098

inflation would go through the roof

>> No.659103

>>what is income elasticity of demand

Seriously though , underated post of this thread.

We vould at the least as a society do a better job of seeing if jobs exist (trades) that we could shuffle burger flippers into cheaply.

It doesnt make sense to privatize it and then charge these same poor people student loan debt (unforgiveable) to train them for jobs that may not actually exist.

How hard would it be to actually project how many nurse techs / plumbers etc are needed and just train accordingly (for free) and then cut it off (and only allow in extras who are willing to pay as theyre oversaturating things)

It fucking boggles my mind that we argue about shit like the minimum wage (symptom) and blame the poor for being poor (call them all ignorant and lazy) and we cant even organize well enough to look at the data to see if enough jobs could possibly exist for them all (doubtful)

So what then civilized society? Maybe thats why it hasnt been done. If we conclusively proved that not everyome can have a decent living and that the economy is a game of musical chairs the plebs would revolt.

>> No.659106

>How hard would it be to actually project how many nurse techs / plumbers etc are needed and just train accordingly (for free)
Here in America, we love our freedoms too much to allow that.

It will probably be our downfall.

>> No.659110

So long as food and housing stays cheap, I don't care. I can work for myself and not need stinking employees, but if I do need help then I'll just partner up.