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File: 7 KB, 200x200, internet-node-token.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6579395 No.6579395 [Reply] [Original]

Internet Node Token (INT) comfy thread.

Anyone else here sitting pretty comfy with his money invested into the chinese IOTA?


>> No.6579498

It didn’t even dip the last days. I’ve saved so much money.

>> No.6579643

only 1K in it, but its the only good in my life rn

>> No.6579664

Thinking of selling my ARK and going all in. Thoughts?

>> No.6579712

this shit is huge. Wasnt even on cmc till yesterday. chinks are going full fomo. Big partnerships, big names, reliable coin!

>> No.6579904

comfy as hell. wish i bought more before the big market dip. thank you crypto goober if you see this you are the man!

>> No.6579946

Boys hurry up and go all in this amazing 100% real coin. I need to sell these heavy Bags

>> No.6580462

why did his hold so well during the dip?

>> No.6580476

still undervalued

>> No.6580530

im like 60% down on my ITC. should i sell and put what ive got into INT? already got like 5k INT

>> No.6581055

Do it. This shit is gonna moon in a couple of weeks. Pajeets didn’t even heard of it jet.

>> No.6581311

In a couple of days moon inbound and after main net launch to fucking pluto. Its being supressed so hard right now

>> No.6581619
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From their twitter https://finance.yahoo.com/news/pattern-internet-things-blockchain-meet-041834325.html

>> No.6581814
File: 191 KB, 1080x730, F932DC28-858C-4C86-BA74-EAD62412F21C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit is gonna moon hard af. Buy now get lambo later. Don’t be a normie

>> No.6581828

wow yahoo finance. and it says an OkEx listing, why is no one talking bout this

>> No.6581908

Because we are the first to know. Get the shill going. Imagine 1,3 billion chinks relying on iot/INT.

>> No.6581996

Also partnered with IBM HUWAEI and more, this is literally the only thing saving me in this crisis! I wish i bought more , my only coin that actually went UP whilst the market bled

>> No.6582013

do you not think IOT chain is similar? its had a small moon already and they are both in the same category and havent been marketed to western audiences at all

>> No.6582078

fuckin' a. feels good for once. here I have a bunch of yotuube videos I can link give me a sec.

>> No.6582081

i'm not done accumulating this guys.. lets keep it a secret for another week ok?

>> No.6582189

That shit mooned already. INT had a lot of big partners like IBM, microsoft, huawei and is backed by chinese ppl.

RIght now the price for 1 INT is dirt cheap. It's going 10x easy. Even if it won't hold in the long term, in short term this shit is going to explode. The market cap at this moment is like 80 mill.

>> No.6582292

This thread sounds like the same anon replying to himself...

Whenever I make a thread on this coin I get a few replies and that's it...

>> No.6582294 [DELETED] 

Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6582346

Looks tempting. What does it?

>> No.6582414

scam people, cause it does not even have a github

>> No.6582465






>> No.6582513


terrible FUD


>> No.6582586


last submit OCTOBER

i made some money with this shitcoin but I still think those threads are made up and fake

>> No.6582629 [DELETED] 

EGAS has a 13 mil max coin supply and the price is sub 10cents right now. Even if it turns out to be a scamcoin it will definitely get pumped to $1 before then and that will only put it at 13m market cap.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6582698

Go shill your shitcoin in your own thread

>> No.6582728

Wrong coin. Search for Internet Node Token. Not intfoundation

>> No.6582775
File: 30 KB, 640x628, 1515414378239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, wait, wait... wasnt Chink of IoT supposed to be the gook IOTA?

>> No.6582811

only a matter of time before youtubers start making videos on this gem, easiest x100 ever

>> No.6582909

i literally linked a gang of vids already

>> No.6582941



>> No.6582945

on about big youtubers nerd not irreleveants in mums basement

>> No.6582973

lets keep this gem a secret for another week ok? i need to fill my bag

>> No.6583003

look at my post above yours. Suppoman with 80K views.

>> No.6583021

I'm not registering to any shady exchanges for this shit coin

>> No.6583051

Has anyone in the US had success using Coinegg?

>> No.6583071

thats the game we gotta play to get the good ones you noob.

>> No.6583073

Can Americans buy this?

>> No.6583124

americans have to find a way if they want the x100, this is how you get into x100 early, use uknown exchanges, XRB prime example

>> No.6583159

How is Okex has an exchange?
It took me like 30 seconds to register, and a couple of minutes to transfer XRP, and exchange it. Though I guess it says no burgers or something, which might be why I haven't heard of it.

>> No.6583203

i used OKEx and had no problems, only needed 1 confirmation on my LTC too for deposit, was very quick

>> No.6583213

burgercucks just use coinegg.
put in your country as default (china) or uk
you can buy it now anyways.
you just ned to verify to withdraw.

>> No.6583293
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>> No.6583296

Looks like I'm shit out of luck. Gotta wait until it hits another exchange cause I'm a burger

>> No.6583313

Suppo started to shill it yesterday as his new big pick (check his youtube).

INT also attending a big conference in Asia (if anyone bothers I can dig up the link).

Got in it since a few days, holding steady in this market, still tiny market cap compared to other projects like IOTA which are less interesting long term. This is my #1 Gem!

>> No.6583318

The factthat github is empty is not a FUD because they don't use github at all.
This is a true GEM in my book and I will invest heavy in it.
Stay poor pajeets.

>> No.6583345

dude read the thread, i tell people how to do it above.

>> No.6583413

im about to drop £4k into this. Please tell me im making the right move

>> No.6583445


If you're investing £4k... do your own fucking research. Don't spend that much money on biz advice, which aside from REQ had been actually fucking horrible advice

>> No.6583494

Mainnet end of January! Accumulate pajeets or get left behind. This is going interstellar.

>> No.6583507


But will burgers be able to withdraw?

>> No.6583511

Easy 100x

>> No.6583574

Got balls deep, all youtube shillers just getting started to promote it, awesome for ST too

>> No.6583577

Regarding to coinegg:

I'm Dutch and i verified as german with drivers license and pictures. I've read that americans can register as UK.

YOu can also hit coolcoin which has more countrys in the list for withdrawl. They are basicly the same exhanges but different layouts.

>> No.6583583

>Raiblocks shilled at like 1$
>Antshares shilled at <1$
>ETH shilled at like I don't even remember, <5$
>countless others
Yeah terrible advice mate, thanks god there's REQ

>> No.6583588

since u idiots will be falling for the next chinese mafia pump and dump i will give u this:


"you just need to verify to withdraw" lol, idiots

>> No.6583631
File: 39 KB, 614x370, Schermafbeelding 2018-01-17 om 13.38.35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice scamcoin nigger.

>> No.6583669


Thank you

>> No.6583681

Lol this is way bigger than ur bs achain, this has legit usecase with major partners including ibm and microsoft research group

>> No.6583687
File: 122 KB, 302x294, Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at 4.39.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6583730

>You just select "Passport", input your passport number and upload the photo. Then all is done Leave the nationality as default, we can distinguish your country by your passport.

SBT: Would a drivers license work? I tried submitting the images of mine but got the confirmation error message "请露面部". I'm not sure what this means, could you explain? Thanks

>Driving license is OK, make sure the image include your face : )

>> No.6583756

Nice one!

>> No.6583799

Getttin them XRB feels...

>> No.6583826

From the whitepaper:

INT will realize the data transmission directly
between the nodes of the IOT. The Internet of things
solution does not require the introduction of large data
centers for data synchronization and management
control that data acquisition, instruction sending and
software updating can be carried out through the
network of blockchain. Some typical INT application
scenarios include:
1. Industrial Manufacture: The manufacturing
cycle begins to move into a completely virtual world,
including product research and development, customer
demand monitoring, production and inventory
management. As devices and systems become more
intelligent and interactive, the blockchain will also be
a factory, regional, global supply chain level book to
greatly reduce costs, to strengthen JIT production, and
to improve operational efficiency.
2. Connected Driverless Vehicles: Auto running
DAPP in Connected Vehicle turns the vehicle into an
intelligent application terminal that automatic data
exchange between cars and cars to achieve more
secure autopilot, automatic navigation, road rescue
and so on.

>> No.6583832
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>> No.6583855
File: 47 KB, 252x291, 1511989146027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3. Traffic: Internet of Things + Blockchain =
Connected Traffic. There are many scenarios in the
vehicular network, for example, it transmits all traffic
information to avoid traffic jams and so on. Extend it
into Global trade that the transportation network can
embrace water, air and ground transportation networks
and track freight traffic.
4. Public technology facilities and intelligent
cities: Smart devices have been used to track bridges,
roads, power grids and so on that blockchains can
connect all of these together, sharing high efficiency,
maintaining, and predicting usage and contamination.
Another important application is to help remote areas
to monitor natural disasters, and prevent large-scale
fires, pests and other disasters.


>> No.6583880

That isnt a lot of money, this is low risk desu

yes burgers withdraw fine. use canada.

probably, yes

Achain is kinda garbage desu, been pumped

glad you guys got in, i posted this around 24 cents or 17k satoshi. anons, this could be the ticket .. hodl on tight, walton like gains


>> No.6583970
File: 36 KB, 165x131, Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at 2.21.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, peeps in this thread been mentioning you. I been in for a bit, we were talkin bout it in our discord group. lots of low cap coins we are discussing. assuming you ARE cryptogoober, you interesting in a link? not a pump and dump group. just a bunch of level headed peeps tryna get gains. if you arent a literal cancerous piece of shit, we would like to have you, lmk. i dont post the link in public.

>> No.6583996
File: 378 KB, 532x459, Schermafbeelding 2018-01-17 om 13.52.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtfo chink get your own shillthread. nice google translate btw

>> No.6584033

Man look at "Crypto Future" video. He shows the team and talks about partnerships. 13mins long, just 1.5x the video if you can't watch a 13min video. You will feel a lot more confident about buying this when you actually do your research and see it for yourself. Otherwise when this dips, you will have weak hands cuz you wouldn't know why this project is big

>> No.6584043

LOL you are such a faggot. literally go kill your self. sell me your INT first tho

>> No.6584051

Fine ill put 0.4 Litecoin on this

I'll take your advice just this once

>> No.6584134

i already linked it above

>> No.6584178

It's a scam. Don't lose your money. The whitepaper has just been copied and pasted from IOTA. Might as well buy TRX.

>> No.6584195
File: 32 KB, 365x453, Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at 4.59.16 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was literally just added to coinmarketcal


>> No.6584258

yea cause TRX didnt make anyone ANY money....

>> No.6584319

if anyone wants to use Spicy Boy T's link to sign up for coinegg it would be much appreciated.

www coinegg com/user/register?inv=10906a

>> No.6584325

Sitting very comfy with my INT thank you sir

>> No.6584432

DM me on twitter.

>> No.6584505

Just put 4.7 BTC into this, im gonna make it

>> No.6584512
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>> No.6584524 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 210x244, Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at 5.10.08 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this u? if so cant dm for some reason

>> No.6584547

What color of lambo are you gonna buy?

>> No.6584578

gonna get one for each day of the week and them a few for the holidays

>> No.6584650

i hit you up

>> No.6584684
File: 169 KB, 1200x801, 2001-Lamborghini-Murcielago-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im getting this one. Customized bitch

>> No.6584750

I bought 516... am I gonna make it?

>> No.6584805

i have 5K and im still buying more

>> No.6584883

currenlty holding 100k+, im gonna make it

>> No.6584885

So is this a scam or not?

>> No.6584894


I'm only a poor pajeet, I think my total investments are only 0.8 Bitcoin. I've been in Crypto since May as well, way before all these normies, but still poorer than them

>> No.6584921

**correction*** ive already made it

>> No.6584938

A scam? as in an exit scam lke confido or Bitconnect?

Ask urself if suppoman, crypto brahma, and cryptowalker would endorse a "scam"

This has been in private development for months along with a private ico. truly will be phenomenal

>> No.6584993


Crypto Future as well, he shilled me Walton and Enigma before they blew up

>> No.6585192

What would be a good entry point? What is the token's growth potential?
It appears to be at least 5x since ICO

>> No.6585283

you wont get a better entry point than now

>> No.6585306

In terms of growth potential it had potential to be very similar if not above IOTAs market cap, which would put it at 100x the current price/marketcap lol

>> No.6585312


unironically this: >>6585283

>> No.6585315
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Now or when it dips to 40c (if ever)
Usually the coin tanks overnight because of the chinks, but today it didn't tank. It actually held

>> No.6585447

Yesterday there was absurd buy orders like 80000 at 4500 sats, prepare for lift off soon. The artificial sell wall is crumbling

>> No.6585546

it actually went up today lol this is gonna moon so hard.

>> No.6585756
File: 92 KB, 300x223, aaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah get in now before it's too late.

>> No.6586194
File: 241 KB, 2048x1368, cryptobae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the Americans that still need to sign up to coinegg:

www coinegg com/user/register?inv=10906a

>> No.6586224

But why would this moon so hard in the short-term. The product is still very early stage, there is no roadmap and the circulating supply isn't even officially confirmed yet.
Not fudding just trying to do my due diligence before buying

>> No.6586287
File: 37 KB, 831x369, buy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy now, someone dumped coins!

>> No.6586384

I'm looking at short-term investing, right now is the time to flip-trade.

INT is similar to IOTA, it is building a framework for machines and devices. The token will be used to facilitate the resource exchange between nodes and heterogeneous links. Additionally, the INT platform does not require users to share data, which will effectively address the user privacy problem with sharing data. Through decentralized and economy driven methods, INT is a new way to make standards for device interconnection in the rapidly expanding IOT era. It is similar to IOTA, but targeting the Chinese marketplace/Economy.

>> No.6586426


INT has some massive partners already set up. They are partnered with IBM, Huawei, and Microsoft Research. http://myslide.cn/slides/2287#page_top (On slide 20 you can see the team discussing IBM/INT)

Additionally INT is partnered with Zhejiang University (110th ranked University in the world). INT will provide solutions for Zhejiang Intel Pharmaceutical's drug packaging/tracking. Zhejiang Intel Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is a well-known regional pharmaceutical distribution company with more than 1,000 upstream suppliers and over 18,000 downstream end-users. Partnership Link: http://www.hnrldk.com/tougaozhuanti/INT__cjwlwstyjdqkljcyypt_13680/

Another partnership for INT is Ruff. With this partnership, INT will provide supply chain financial solutions for small and mid-sized manufacturing companies. Ruff is an IoT operating system that supports JavaScript development and application. Partnership Link: http://www.hnrldk.com/tougaozhuanti/INT__cjwlwstyjdqkljcyypt_13680/

The team is full of extremely promising individuals that have all worked for highly regarded organizations. Many of them have deep huawei/Microsoft connections.

>> No.6586435


Mainnet by end of the month, crazy partnerships (microsoft, ibm, huwaei), stellar team with years and years of exp.

fuck a road map, the just list a million things they gettin done in real time


>> No.6586708
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You also don't see pajeets shilling for this thread which is a good sign. Pajeets are like the vultures that circle above and when they land would mean imminent P&D

>> No.6586811

I only wish I'd bought more, I put $150 in and it doubled when everything else was crashing.

>> No.6586846

circ supply. confirmed at 150 mill. The rest is locked up long term used for partnerships, exchanges, the usual.

OK ex had a press release RE intchain coinsupply and details, if any sneaky neets want to find it. (in chinese).

>product at an early stage

mainnet launch by end of the month. more product than 90% of other shitcoins.

This. stay "woke"

>> No.6586890

Coin egg and the other exchanges where its listed on is saying "not available to people from USA".. um what?

>> No.6587297

Have you scrolled up at all anon?
or gone on reddit?
or do we have to spoonfeed you like everyone else? lel

>> No.6587368

Niggas, now is the time to buy. Shitcoin is tanking again, watching out for the FUD!!! It went to 4k sats yesterfucking day BOYS

>> No.6587640

No.. there is a popup box that says "coinegg is temporarily not available to US citizens"

>> No.6587802 [DELETED] 

In this bear market, the only people making money are the members of this group. Join now,.*

https://discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

>> No.6587937

The chad chink coin, only thing thats green in both sats and usd in this shit storm

>> No.6588204

Tbh you dont deserve the gifts this coin will bring if you cant do 5 min of research ffs

u arent gonna make it

>> No.6588447

already registerd on coolcoin fuckboi and verified. Trust me, i'll make it. IDK about you.