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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 204 KB, 1242x1859, lwp77von2e601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6577047 No.6577047 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly, I wish this board would cool it with the racist stuff.

I like a lot of the memes. And I come here to learn about coins and moon-missions before anyone else knows about them. This board has a lot going for it. But the racist stuff is just such a turn off.

For instance, there was a thread where people were talking about XLM, and were trying to have a technical conversation about possible price points it might reach. Then out of NOWHERE someone comes in talking about how all niggers should be sent back to Africa or lynched in the streets, how all muslims should be burnt alive and their women taken as sex slaves whose mongrel offspring should be drowned in a lake, and how all Indians are hairy, rancid-curry-smelling street-shitters who are good for nothing at all but stinking up elevators when one is unfortunate enough to have to ride up one alongside them.

We need to stop with this racist stuff! I'm okay with any talk about genociding those greedy, big-nosed cuck pedophiles known as kikes, literally gassing them and after burning them sending their ashes on a rocket into the sun so that no trace of their polluted genetic line will any longer be discoverable on the face of the planet, but all the other racist stuff really has to go!

>> No.6577066

Nah, fuck niggers

>> No.6577073

NIGger chink pajeet

>> No.6577089

Can you stop being such a bitch?

>> No.6577099


>> No.6577105

Alt right? No! Say it with me, Alt wrong!

>> No.6577123

>this board has a lot going for it, but we need to control what other people can say on it so it's like everywhere else and doesnt have a lot going for it anymore.

you dont belong in crypto if you want censorship mate.

>> No.6577143

Dont u have someones auto rickshaw to shit in, pajeet?

>> No.6577146
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There's only one thing to do in situations like this.

>> No.6577150

>MSM getting rustled because the right can make transactions and there's no way to Shut It Down

Thank you based Satoshi

>> No.6577160

Hi! It seems that you are on the wrong site! I'd like to redirect you to reddit.com
Maybe that is what you meant to type. :)

>> No.6577162

>Muh regulations
>Protect muh idiotic investors
>Mining is wasteful, muh energy
>Crypto is muh addiction
>Crash muh market, buy my shitcoins
>Muh forks

>> No.6577169

Urgent /biz/ alert: we are currently getting brigaded by angry jews injecting politics as an attempt to divide and conquer. Evidenced in multiple threads.
Just sage and ignore.

>> No.6577172


>> No.6577191


>> No.6577193
File: 97 KB, 688x793, 1509847606312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys you need to cool it with the mean words
>lol I'm one of you though #1488 LOL so don't worry

Fuck off

>> No.6577200

Go back to your safe place.

>> No.6577212


>> No.6577218

sadly, they win eventually.

>> No.6577223


>> No.6577269

>comes in talking about how all niggers should be sent back to Africa

Niggers SHOULD be sent back to Africa

>> No.6577271

that's actually well written satire. fuck kikes, niggers, scampajeets etc. good job op, you are one of us.

>> No.6577284


No, they don't. They always eventually get exposed for the rats they are. It's just our response to them has always been too tame.

>> No.6577287

i wonder if early 90's crypto currency boards had people like OP coming in telling everyone to cool it with the swearing.

>> No.6577298
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Fuck off CIA nigger

>> No.6577314
File: 302 KB, 936x960, 1456274889178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTFO of my board, ok? go back to your niggers safespace heaven ok?

>> No.6577334
File: 29 KB, 550x550, Smashing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did no one read the last paragaph?
haha well done OP!

>> No.6577337



>> No.6577338
File: 864 KB, 1200x3000, 1321426742747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We need to talk, /biz/
fuck off back to pleddit faggot

>> No.6577350


>> No.6577357

blah blah blah blah blah

>> No.6577362


Best one.


>> No.6577368

That'd be a huge pain in the ass

>> No.6577388

c'mon mate. when people think of charlottesville they think "racist kkk rally!", even we forget it wasnt that at all but a rally about not ripping down statues that welcomed everyone because free speech and so had some (((kkk))) as well.

basically they successfully tar everything. the rally was by the common people, they made the common people hate the common people.

its pretty sad. they always divide us.

>> No.6577396

when will newfags learn? The more you tell 4chan to stop with racist comment the more excessive it will become. This place only exist to piss everyone off, when that's not happening, then there is no fun.

It all comes down to fun. Buy Fun.

>> No.6577405

Fuck off niggerfaggot

>> No.6577420

Fucking kek'd

>> No.6577423

But where else would these incel faggots express their rage about going extinct due to weak genes?

>> No.6577424

>a rally about not ripping down statues
>chanting "they will not replace us"

>> No.6577466

that exactly what it is though.

people are trying to the common people.

its not kkk to think that stuff like that needs to stop, that multiculturalism is bad, its normal common opinion.

>> No.6577470



>> No.6577491

trying to replace the common people*, wow, not sure how i missed that word.

>> No.6577503


>> No.6577553
File: 44 KB, 450x265, 1441861434052.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm okay with any talk about genociding those greedy, big-nosed cuck pedophiles known as kikes, literally gassing them and after burning them sending their ashes on a rocket into the sun so that no trace of their polluted genetic line will any longer be discoverable on the face of the planet, but all the other racist stuff really has to go!

kek, fucking this.

>> No.6577600

also, troll. if you are against this you are the minority siding with the rich and powerful.

>> No.6577642

I don't think I'll ever understand how these conspiracies that get concocted are taken seriously, I do see their appeal though.

>> No.6577675

Against what exactly? Gassing the jews?

>> No.6577683

lol you are the worst and rarest kind of idiot.

is meat being made of animals also a conspiracy?

we can all see whats happening to our countries.

>> No.6577713

you're not even trying any more. against forced multiculturalism duh.

>> No.6577724

Gay copypasta. CIA niggers don't want us to get rich

>> No.6577809

>nobody reads the entire comment
>if they're autistic enough to do it they won't get the irony
Well played OP, I keked a little 1488

>> No.6577829

displacing ethnic populations to erode national sentiment in preperation for an even more centralized system of global governence is the plan though. you don't have to be a racist to notice thats happening

>> No.6577856

kys nigger

>> No.6577900
File: 68 KB, 178x173, 1512378191710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We need to stop with this racist stuff!
If it bothers you so much then just ignore it you insufferable faggot

>> No.6577903

>I don't think I'll ever understand how these conspiracies that get concocted are taken seriously
No, you won't because you're delusional and refuse to believe anything that isn't specifically fed to you by what society deems authority figures.

Takes one look at coudenhove-kalergi and/or yuri bezmenov to understand

Economically speaking it's similar to being in a bubble but not thinking you are until it pops.

>> No.6577927


nice pasta, I remember it from a couple weeks ago and biz was retarded and didn't catch the sarcasm that time either

>> No.6577938

>worst and rarest kind of idiot
I won't be arrogant enough to claim I'm not an idiot, I very well might be, but I assure you there's nothing rare about not believing that ((((((((they))))))))) are trying to pit us against one another, or eliminate the white (master!) race or whatever you're afraid of.

Anyway, I'm off to bed. Nice chatting with you.

>> No.6577960

this aint reddit

>> No.6577968

>Takes one look at coudenhove-kalergi and/or yuri bezmenov to understand
You know what? I will take a look.

>> No.6578006

Nah, OP is right - there's a great community here, but all of the racism is a stain

>> No.6578012

OP, as a pussyfag, miseginistic cuckholded bleeding heart liberal (no joke, hate these skinhead pol fucks) ya gotta just realize no amount of grandstanding is going to change a thing about these neets.

4chan is a chaotic-awful board. It exists only to give a voice to these wREEEEEEEtched autists, and there's not much we can do about it.

Just quit your bitchkng, try to make some money off of them and move on. Don't just shout into the void dipshit

>> No.6578034

the fact you insert things like "master race" shows you have no idea or interest in who or what you are factually arguing against/ talking about.

yes, it really is rare to be as stupid as you are - to the point that you don't even notice whats going on around you and then argue for the dominance of your perception-disabled view.

>> No.6578059


>> No.6578074


Copypast sage kys

>> No.6578094
File: 83 KB, 750x612, IMG_1013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys faggot nigger pajeet chink

>> No.6578103


Listen, faggot. Just watch these videos as a primer and/or read the book that it summarizes.


The JQ is probably one of the most easy things to prove in existence if you are objective about it.



>> No.6578138
File: 48 KB, 395x600, deusvult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you just need to grow a sack and get some perspective.
I don't hate my dog even though he barks like an idiot every time someone knocks on the door, because he's a dog. I was unable to train him out of it, so it's not his fault because he lives an unexamined life.
I don't hate white supremacists, and neither should you. They are bluepilled, well-trained mongs. They can't help it. They were raised on the comforting, addicting idea of being part of a master race. No matter how shit their lives are, they can at least revel in that one fact.
Imagine if when you were a teenager or in your thirties, your country signed a law demanding that monkeys be permitted to attend classes alongside you, that they get to vote, and they must be treated as if they were people. How angry would you be? And how much angrier would you get if those monkeys, once allowed access to education and facilities, began to show that they are as good as people? You'd feel lied to. This is exactly what happened to millions of unlucky men, like William Shockley, Jeff Sessions, Antonin Scalia.

>> No.6578157


WE don’t have to do anything. Although it sounds like YOU need to just ignore the “racist,” stuff because your fee fees are too sensitive to take it. Niggerfaggot.

>> No.6578182

I bet all of my LINK that the controlled op, Richard Spencer, lets a nigger double team he and his latina girlfriend

>> No.6578211

i hate basketball americans and kites so much but i dont know at all about crypto to invest in it propery.

someone help me learn or point me in the right direction.

>> No.6578232
File: 117 KB, 750x479, DBCFC571-D6F5-4737-B01B-260F134CB263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6578240

>Antonin Scalia
You take that back. He was pure and had nothing to do with that stuff.

>> No.6578247

its sucks being so right

>> No.6578283
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Fuck off, JIDF.

>> No.6578348

>They are bluepilled, well-trained mongs. They can't help it. They were raised on the comforting, addicting idea of being part of a master race. No matter how shit their lives are, they can at least revel in that one fact.

This basically explains the entire thing really

>> No.6578378

It's Doctor William shockley for you kiddo.

And to claim that niggers have the same outcome when they have acess to the same education and facilities show how delusional you are. That's not the case in any western society.
And this is exactly why we need to convince most of the low IQ niggers across the world to accept sterilization.
This is biological my dear, you can reduce the issue but never solve it completely.

>> No.6578387

actually I didn't even read the last paragraph. OP is not entirely right although he is clearly very Right

>> No.6578458

there are basically no white supremacists. most of the people who are labeled that do not believe in supremacy of their race at all, but just want to protect it or not be attacked for it and shamed for it in their own countries.

>> No.6578466

>That's not the case in any western society.
...except multiple studies on IQ have shown that all races score pretty much equally with the same background.

Clearly you aren't very educated though so it doesn't surprise me that you'd spout off retarded rhetoric like that though.

>> No.6578495

>...except multiple studies on IQ have shown that all races score pretty much equally with the same background.
No they haven't, you worthless spic.

>> No.6578514

Right is right.

>> No.6578530

t. pajeet/nigger/sandnigger/chink
fuck all of them

>> No.6578583

>No they haven't, you worthless spic.
Except they have you addled fucking hillbilly. If you're too much of a fuckwit to do the research, that's your problem, nobody else's.

>> No.6578634

Show me those studdies and they better not be GSCE shit.

>> No.6578651

no they don't at all. saying things that aren't true isn't going to cut it

>> No.6578657

The Minnesota trans-racial adoption study disproved your nonsense as well as the Milwaukee school voucher study and as well as SAT scores relative to parental income. You're a lying spic.

>> No.6578673

god you're stupid.

>> No.6578695

And multiple studies state the exact opposite. You see i can do it too ?
In that case why would we just OBSERVE what actually happens in the REAL world not in your imagination dear mongrel?
We can coexist only with East asians because they have on the same or a better chance than europeans to succeed in an european minded society.
It's not the case for niggers, and will certainly never be for biological reasons. Don't blame me, blame nature.
A society reflects the average quality of its parts. The more niggers you have the worst you society become. The more europeans/East asian the more functional it is.
We've tried to improve them, but there are limits that men can't break.

>> No.6579351
File: 53 KB, 587x293, lynnlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False. Take a look at his positions on equality of education; for example, his belief that it is a "disservice" to a negro to allow him into a competitive school where he will surely fail.

False. In fact, according to its president, the short-lived confederate states depended on the "Great Truth" that the negro is a lesser being to justify their labor force. With the 1964 civil rights act, we saw a rash of pseudoscientific studies aimed at proving that blacks as a race are stupid.

Fair enough, but since intelligence is heritable, should not low IQ whites also accept sterilization? Will you sterilize >100 million white people in exchange for sterilizing ~25 million blacks?

We finally opened public pools to blacks in 1967 or so. By 1980, still hardly any blacks could swim. Must be their bone density, right?
So we finally throw open the doors to schools and then run an SAT study 15 years later and notice that blacks are still underperforming at that point. Shocker.
What we OBSERVE in the REAL world is that as time has passed, those scores have risen significantly and are converging with the national averages of other races. This has white supremacists in a delusional tizzy. The worst thing is that even in the unlikely case that racial differences are a fact, it still makes no sense to judge individuals by their race. I don't assume that every white I see is a racist, but many whites assume every black they see is an idiot and a thug.
It's sad to see it but as I said, I don't hate them for it. They are unthinking mongrels.

>> No.6579742

This is why you should try to understand what the great Dr Shockley stated. He never targeted blacks. He targeted low IQ individuals who according to him should be encouraged to accept sterilization.
It happens that blacks have a much lower IQ on average than every other ethnic groups in the west.
You think it can be solved with time, and i could agree with you. But nobody knows how long it would take. 50 years? 200 years ? what if it takes 100000 years?
We don't have to waste our energy trying to improve them. That's not how natural selection works. This is a crime against evolution.

>> No.6580083

I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/