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657438 No.657438 [Reply] [Original]

So how exactly does one find a 'good' lawyer, or even a dirty lawyer?
I'm not in any legal trouble as of yet, but I've always wondered how you weed out the bad ones and find the gems that really will help you.

>pic related

>> No.657461

All lawyers are dirty. It's their job description. They'll help you even if they know you did it. They have to.

Hillary Clinton managed to free a rapist of a small girl and now she's the flag bearer of American's women.

Any lawyer (White or Jew) will do his job. Just don't bother with nonwhites, they got into their profession due to pity.

>> No.657497

I heard the lawyers with the smallest advertisement are usually the most optimal skills-money spent choice.

>> No.657501


The consultation is free.

just ask around and talk to a few. then pick the one you like best.

Mainly you want 2 things:

(1) a lawyer with experience in your particualar predicament

(2) a lawyer who shows a lot of commitment and passion about helping you

a lawyer might be a great lawyer, but if he doesn't give a shit about your case, he could blow it.

>> No.657505


Dirty lawyers have a way of finding you, especially when you have money. They are like barnacles on the hull of a ship eager to hooknose you out of your hard earned money.

Good lawyers usually by word of mouth.

>> No.657517

>be you
>consult lawyer
>he sounds enthusiastic, capable and great
>you hire him and give a big check
>he instantly becomes unreachable & gives your case to his lazy ass assistant who doesn't care about you

Every fucking time.

>> No.657525

It often depends on the kind of lawyer as well. Ambulance chasers are known for being the worst of the worst. These are the guys who will represent people injured in car crashes and things and sue every driver and insurance company involved. It's the easiest thing in the world for them to do and they'll charge you an exorbitant amount for it and drag a case out over years and years under the guise of doing what's best for an injured party.

I'm an auto insurance claims rep, and I've seen some of these cases drag on over a decade. Like, for 12+ years so long as a lawyer want to keep going and their client is stupid enough to pay them the entire time. It's ridiculous.

>> No.657526

Yup. The quickest transformation from master to a slave happens at the moment where money transfers hands. You just saw it happen.

>> No.657532

>They'll help you even if they know you did it. They have to.
How is that 'dirty'? Would you rather live in a society where, if someone commits a crime, they have no access to legal advice and are just left confused and alone to face a trial they don't understand?

>> No.657581

What I mean is, lawyers cannot be knights in shining armor. It's their job to somehow get murderers, fraudsters, rapists and so on out Scot free.
I have nothing against legal advice for everyone, I'm merely stating that lawyers are always dirty.

Compare to doctors: they have to patch up everyone. Even the gunshot wound of some child trafficking drug lord. But they'll still get to call the police and have to do so.

lawyers don't give just advice, so you get a fair trial. If they could they'd make an innocent person out of you. Henceforth finding a dirty lawyer is as easy as looking up their names in a phonebook.

>> No.657595

>It's their job to somehow get murderers, fraudsters, rapists and so on out Scot free.
It's their job to ensure that the accused does not get convicted except through the appropriate legal process. So it's their job to test the prosecution evidence, and ensure that its limitations are made clear to the court. It's their job to make sure that any inadmissible evidence is properly excluded. It's their job to point out where there are alternative explanations for the evidence, such that the guilt of the accused has not been established beyond reasonable doubt.
And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. If you killed someone, but there's no evidence, then you should be acquitted at trial. It might seem fair that you should be punished, but not at the cost of destroying the entire framework of our criminal justice system by convicting someone without proof. Of course if you're a very honest person, you might plead guilty. But that's up to you, not your lawyer.

And of course most lawyers aren't criminal defence counsel anyway.

>> No.657600

>Of course if you're a very honest person, you might plead guilty.
But they'd still have to find you guilty first. You can't just plead guilty and get punishment. There's still a trial which sets out yo prove your guilt.

If you plead guilty you can still be found not guilty.

>> No.657605

>It's their job to somehow get murderers, fraudsters, rapists and so on out Scot free.
Holy shit, you have an extremely facile and incorrect grasp on what a defense attorney does.

>> No.657608

Really? That's certainly not how we do things in Australia.
Here you only have a trial if you plead not guilty. A guilty plea means you go straight to a sentencing hearing.
I can't see why you would even ask for a plea if you're going to have a trial either way. That seems ridiculous.

>> No.657620

The accused might be insane or pleading guilt to save another.

A trail is necessarily to determine the accused is guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

>> No.657628

In America, if you plead guilty, there is no "trial" unless a judge rejects the terms of the plea agreement.

>> No.657630

Is this in a civil law country? If so it might be almost reasonable (to the extent that civil law is ever reasonable).
But going through a full adversarial trial after a guilty plea would be absurd.

>> No.657633

Well, in my case.. have your moms best friend marry one, divorces him, he gets a TV show, and then I get to intern because I knew him as a kid.

>> No.657816


>> No.657830

It's what they try to do.

>> No.657832

Networking. Learn it faggot.

>> No.658311

I don't think so. It's like saying that you have cash in hand to buy a car and drive home with it. There's still some red tape to go through to get it.

>> No.658317

What about a white, Jewish lawyer that's a Freemason? Wouldn't that be the way to go?

>> No.658507

No. If you're getting charged by a Freemason and your lawyer is a Freemason, you'll get fucked.
A shemkle jew is way to goy.

>> No.658558

In my experience, having gotten busted and cleared by a lawyer that bent the rules a bit, you find the best crooked lawyer by checking which lawyer borderline companies hire.

Just read the local news to find out who represents the local strip-clubs, grow-shops and euthanasia doctors.

>> No.658990

And how do you pay off a judge?

>> No.658993

With money. :^)

>> No.659030


You people are retarded.

If you choose to plead out then it doesn't go to trial.

Why the fuck would the court system bother going through a TRIAL if the person already cops to it - the whole point of a trial is to allow a judiciary or jury to decide based on the evidence a verdict of guilt or not.

If you plead out - there's no need for it and it goes from a mention / arraignment to straight up sentencing - at the sentencing hearing the defendant can provide extenuating circumstances etc..

In the case of "insanity" that's a plea of NOT GUILTY by way of insanity.

Fuckin 10/10 trolling made me reply.

>> No.659032

If I want to become a lawyer, should I change my last name to something stereotypically Jewish like Goldberg? My first name is Joseph so it's pretty shekeled already

>> No.659058

ITT retards talk about lawyers despite getting all their knowledge of courts from tv. Some of you fucks are as dumb as a liberal.