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6573924 No.6573924 [Reply] [Original]

Between Bitconnect, Ethercraft, Etheremon, Etherkitties, Tether, Tron normans and that twitter chink that makes shit up, discord pump and dump groups, John McAfee shilling shitcoins, KuCoin's referral pyramid scheme, the fact that the largest crypto is basically unusable, Ripple, most of the products not working, nobody ever intending on using any of these coins for their stated purposes, coin prices extremely volatile, most of the trading done by bots, governments threatening to shut it down monthly...

I mean, when you really think about it, can you honestly say this is anything but a bubble? Surely we can all see this goofy shit isn't going to go on much longer, right?

Whatever you may think, I hope you all enjoy this time in your lives, because I'm not sure we'll ever see anything this wacky again in our lifetimes.

>> No.6573984
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oh boy I hope I didn't embarrass myself with grandiose talk to friendos

>> No.6574029

You need to have friends for that to happen.

>> No.6574063

>nobody ever intending on using any of these coins for their stated purposes

Monero -> drugs

>> No.6574068

Fuck the names, I can't even tell people how much I have invested without being laughed out of the room in disbelief.

That said. Explaining how any crypto works to anyone my age is damn near impossible.

>> No.6574086

I'm enjoying it thoroughly, still lost 150k though

>> No.6574104

When you put it like that, sure it sounds goofy, but I believe this whole process needed to happen so that 95% of shitcoins get left in the dust and the remaining ones become the google, apple, microsoft of the financial world and the society at large.

>> No.6574127

That's another part of the absurdity, NEETs are making millions sitting in their rooms doing literally nothing and the vast, vast majority of people holding these coins don't understand how any of it works.

>> No.6574169
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Pic related sums it up nicely. It's literally absurd that we live in this reality and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

>> No.6574219


>> No.6574343

Certainly true that lots of people who hold the coins are clueless, but have you ever tried to explain how a blockchain works to a boomer, or worse yet a college student? Being one myself, the fact I have more than $40 in my bank account, let alone am completely financially independent of my parents is more than 95% of ANYONE I know.

What's interesting is everyone I know always says they want to make money, but when I actually sit down with them and attempt to help them monetize their skills, they can't wrap their heads around working for oneself, or solving problems on their own.

I guess some people are just doomed to work for someone else. It's kind of sad

>> No.6574460

Don't forget Ms. America tweeting about it, a jpop idol group based on crypto, actual fucking futures on the cboe, that one university starting a major for crypto, and the crypto subreddit having a daily thread at the top of r/all.

>> No.6574485

I'm in college man and my parents are boomers lmao. I'll be honest I don't understand it that well but I've tried simply explaining how to purchase things when they ask me (because they know I've invested) and their eyes glaze over. So many people simply will not put in any amount of time to just sit down and read something for themselves. They just wanted me to do everything for them from setting up the accounts to moving the money to picking the coins.

>> No.6574490

If you think this is crazy, you are really sheltered or just plain ignorant. Banks would sell shity derivative products to governments by making them sound super complex. Then some other guys straight out put side bets that the countries would fail. Then they did the same thing with mortgages. To win some bets, some other guys got caught changing interest rates. Now get this. Some people earning minimum wage had loans for like 3 houses totaling in millions. When it all ended. The government had to bail out the banks and AIG, so that they could pay off the guys who placed side bets. I could go on. This wackiness is maybe a tenth of what goes on in finance.

>> No.6574498

its not a bubble because its' all we got. blockchain is the best tech and everyone wants its hands on it

>> No.6574514
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>> No.6574541

its about to get wackier. pepper your angus

>> No.6574542

Delete this. You really want people eating lead for breakfast? Tell them to buy more chainlink. I have rent to pay, asshole.

>> No.6574544

Honestly, it's been building all year with the wackiness. Back in Spring when some venture capitalist was telling people rare pepes are an investment opportunity (pepecash). It's a meme economy now.

>> No.6574591

>because I'm not sure we'll ever see anything this wacky again in our lifetimes.

Oh we're just getting started. Maybe not in terms of crypto, but world events. If you're 40 or under and healthy I guarantee you are going to see some SHIT in your lifetime

>> No.6574598

>Back in Spring when some venture capitalist was telling people rare pepes are an investment opportunity (pepecash).
they actually paid off bigly though

>> No.6574610

That's what makes it even weirder.

>> No.6574656

What the fuck do you think BTC was used for until Summer 2017?

>> No.6574723

There's actually 5 crypto related threads on plebbits top 50 right now.

>> No.6574730

We don't even have a good mainnet ERC20 token. I have a feeling once something worth a shit launches things will change. Copycats will be able to create new products that only change something like what REQ does slightly, and they'll moon. It'll be a new bubble with normans thinking they're smart asking for "muh product" and the goalpost will have simply moved an inch farther.

>> No.6574755

cheese bananas and taxis

>> No.6574769
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Welcome to anarcho-capitalism. This shit is meme'd, but it's literally playing out before us.

>> No.6574784
File: 66 KB, 640x992, FzdgijV_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read up on some signals based on technical analysis.

Technical analysis based on indicators gives buy and sell targets. You put an order around that and do whatever you want till its triggered.

Dont know anything about technical analysis and indicators? Join this discord where an pro stocktrader teaches over voicechat for free. Why am i shilling this? So i can get premium membership that gives me 30min of private teaching with the stocktrader. Don't believe me? Don't click the link.

This is no pump and dump or mutual funds group

> pic is of an older example of a signal given by the discord


>> No.6574818

did your parents have you when they were 12 or something?

>> No.6574909

No, I don't get why you're asking that

>> No.6574980

It was a bubble that popped. Well, the altcoins are stll a bubble. But BTC at 10-11k isn't very bubbly at all IMO.

>> No.6575006

you forgot the fact that billion dollar whales manipulate, coordinate, and control everything that happens in the market. that the actual ultimate pump and dump groups are the same assholes that dominate the fiat markets. and that they play psychological trick and lay traps int he market in an attempt to prevent people from getting ahead. and that if we ever seriously started getting ahead as a generation, they would just manipulate the market to steal it back basically.

>> No.6575110

When they say they want to make money they really mean they just want money

>> No.6575150

thats not wackiness though thats a delibrate plot to keep people poor. they fuck everyone over a few times a generation so that nobody ever challenges their positions. they make it look like chaos for profit to hide their tracks. but it's all planned probably decades in advance. thes epeople work on long timelines since they are dedicated to evil.

>> No.6575289

This. Its also why a ton of people fall for bitconnect and MLMs and all that stuff. People want to make money but with zero effort. They want to deposit the coins and be paid large sums of money without lifting a finger or thinking about it.

>> No.6575346

All of life is goofy, you're just suffering from derealization. Life is but a dream.

>> No.6576117

Ancaps were the OG crypto guys, I'm glad so many got rich from this.

>> No.6576505

Very few did. They would've had to hold on through multiple crashes, not lost their wallets, or lost it all in the many exchanges that were either taken down or BCC'd. Too many traps for people that were already paranoid.

>> No.6576956

>can you honestly say this is anything but a bubble?
Just sell and leave it's getting tiresome to hear cucks think this is going to end then the market caps hits a new ath. SELL PUSSY.

>> No.6577074
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>nobody ever intending on using any of these coins for their stated purposes


>> No.6577257
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>> No.6577323

Thats we you invest in company with real life product and value, Waltonchain, IOT king, there is a dip in marked you say? I hadnt noticed

>> No.6577664

Where can you buy anything at all with anything but BTC and ETH?

>> No.6577902

Crypto, Blockchain specifically is going to be working behind the scenes in almost every fucking thing you lay your pretty eyeballs on. Fact is we are early, really fucking early. Sure you can make money now, but if you keep trading and accumulating into early 2020s, you won’t have to work anymore. Long term brothers, long term.

>> No.6577990

Blockchain is shit, the future is



>> No.6578027

>huge fees, 30+ min for transactions to confirm

Bitcoin is a success story about a failed experiment

>> No.6578110

Yeah the first of everything is pretty shit. Whats your point?

>> No.6578413

The point is people are waking up and no longer as freely willing to throw their life savings at it anymore