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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6573808 No.6573808 [Reply] [Original]

Who here holding for /her/?

>> No.6573826

I need this to give her good education man.
It my only chance.

>> No.6574033

Everyday I get one step closer to /her/

>> No.6574043
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>> No.6574155

You have to understand that if you hit big leagues there is no /her/. There is no woman who will love you for you, only your money. If you dind't find your /her/ in your teenage/young-adult life, then the only thing that awaits you is suffering. Only the warmth of an escort can alleviate the pain, just for a little bit. No amount of money or power will allow you to relive what should have been the best years of your life.

>> No.6574275

Fuck /her/

>> No.6574338

fuck you

>> No.6574388

Hold for /yourself/

>> No.6574420
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I always do it for her.

>> No.6574449

sso.coss.io / api / invite / GMXVQA2HHL

binance.com / ? ref = 16012003

coinbase.com / join / 5a3088084e97e2024fadfab2

kucoin.com / # / ? r = 7P7QaN

Close all spaces after pasting. Thank you.

I need to get my money back, so don't hate me for doing this.

>> No.6574470
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>> No.6574489

what if I am the teenager? what if I make it now, when I'm still young? before this dip I was already on the verge of truly "making it" in my eyes

>> No.6574547

Didn't you understand what he said?

If you get rich then she likes you, it's fake and she's a gold digger. If she doesn't like you now when you're poor, then it's not real. There is no hope anon. You're already here on /biz/ that means you are going to die a virgin, or you might lose your virginity and then die alone without a qt waifu by your side

Remember, you're here forever

>> No.6574761

Don’t listen to sub human scum like this. You nihilist vacuous piece of shit you know nothing of the truth about life. Anons, dedicate your lives to God and carrying out his will and good things will come of it. Dedicate yourselves to good, to forgiveness, to non-judgement and love and the person you are meant to be with will find you. You won’t have to waste your precious life force on some disease ridden whore you have to pay. Grow up you little 19 year old shit.

>> No.6574927

I took some profits the week before Christmas to buy my gf a necklace. It was kind of nice seeing some of my gains realized.

>Inb4 spending money on women, depreciating asset, etc.

>> No.6574932

I can't argue with that. It's fucking 1:44 AM and I'm building my third iOS app, flipping through meme graphs of meme coins all night, and working on a website for a client when I could be out having a really good fucking time.

To be honest though, it's either I act like a total degenerate 24/7 or I put my nose to the grindstone and just work my ass off all the time.

People already ask how I can afford a 911 at 19, even if it is a 996, and even seem interested to know just where and how I make money, but as soon as I attempt to teach them to think for themselves and work independently, they glaze over and just kind of fuck off.

My girlfriend now runs her own business; not nearly to the level I do but is still one of maybe ten people I know, at this age, who can handle school and business, out of THOUSANDS.

Life is like crypto; it's a zero-sum game. I won't stop working until I can get the absolute most possible out of it.

>> No.6574983

I just wanted to drop by and tell you that you are are a good person for treating your girl well. If you get shit for this so be it.

>> No.6574992

just never show your power level

>> No.6574999

>Don’t listen to sub human scum like this
>Dedicate yourselves to good, to forgiveness, to non-judgement


>> No.6575041


giving your girlfriend gifts is treating her well? wow, she's not a whore you know

>> No.6575048

shit negu, kinda inspired me

>> No.6575077


>> No.6575081

oh also thanks for reading my blog post
thanks anon, gotta pay tuition somehow

>> No.6575083
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Make sure to not build your career into an iOS app bubble. Ideally you want to keep working for a couple more decades to really sock away the cash. You won't grow working for yourself, and most important you won't grow without thoroughly studying Computer Science, be it through a degree or rigorous self study. But most people can't self study very well.

If you're too smart to get a degree it would be easy for you, so you should do it anyway just to be sure. If you're not too smart to get a degree then this means you need one.

Good luck anon but you haven't made it yet if your mindset is still on cars instead of a maxed out 401k, IRA, and personal investment portfolio.