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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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656852 No.656852 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get a /biz/ movie list going

Wall Street
Boiler Room
American Psycho
Office Space

I know I'm missing a lot lets get some more /biz/ related movies

>> No.656853

Too Big to Fail
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
Lord of War

>> No.656856

Is lord of war any good? I'm hesitant about watching it because it is a nick cage movie

>> No.656857

It works because he plays an emotionless asshole. I like it.

>> No.656860

And how could I forget Jobs

>> No.656861

I've seen parts of it. Guess I'll give it a shot.
Also forgot
Pirates of Silicon Valley

>> No.656866

Glengarry Glen Ross.

>> No.656881

Margin Call

>> No.656882

Trading Places

>> No.656884

You've got to be shitting me. Just because there are wealthy people in the movie does not make it /biz/.

>> No.656887
File: 37 KB, 300x400, Gekko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people on /biz/ who haven't seen Wall St
/fit/ has Zyzz, we have Gekko.

>> No.656888
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Rogue Trader

>> No.656889

>American Psycho
>Office Space
How are these /biz/ related?

>> No.656893


>> No.656911


How is American psycho NOT related to anything 4chin?

>> No.656914

ok meme man calm down that movie wasn't that great anyways.

>> No.656918

/biz/ related as in business and finance not just finance. Patrick is an investment banker although the it only says it in the book and office space because it deals with an office setting and ripping off a company

>> No.656920

Well he makes it big off day trading
Also it's fictional I didn't mention another certain movie because I believe Jordan Belfort is fucking scum and should be in prison for the rest of his life

>> No.656925

Why no one mentioned Inside Job? The most comfy documentary ever.

>> No.656927


I came here to post this. Great film, and a shitload more believable than anything else in this thread.


Who gives a shit, Wolf of Wall Street has a reasonable basis in fact, and is probably a reasonably accurate picture of how anyone off /biz/ would end up if they ever made it.

>> No.656942

Another Anon mentioned Glengarry Glen Ross but I'll mention it again because it's a solid /biz/ movie.
On the anti-/biz/ end of the spectrum there's The Yes Men Fix the World which is pretty damn funny.

>> No.656944


Agreed, Nick is excellent in Lord Of War,
But bear in mind, it's a movie,
So they take some liberties with the character,
Who is based on a real person.

Something always bothered me when I watched the movie but I couldn't place it.

When I read the real guy's story,
I figured out what bothered me.

In the movie Nick is in ghettos and shitholes the world over, just a skinny white guy in a suit, in Liberia, Somalia, Middle East, just strolling about making deals, getting his face and name known a lot, then he's physically handling shipments, he's on planes, trains and automobiles, cargo ships, getting his hands dirty...why?

Why stick your neck out like that if you are on an Interpol watch list?

The real guy had the contacts, the muscle, ye connections, the fucking price lists, references, testimonials, dealers and buyers.

He would simply broker deals, usually over the phone, with trusted contacts, through trusted intermediaries, he was often two or three times removed from any actual transaction, and, like Keyzer Sozay, often end buyers and users were unaware of his involvement in buying or selling.
Rather than 'buying', at his level, he often simply knew of an arms cache acquired by some regional takeover or retreat, and another person who wants or could use said items.

Two phonecalls and a message back, and he adds a 20% finders fee/commission.

>mfw in real life arms dealing is more like playing the stock market

>> No.656950

Thank You For Smoking
That one movie with Vince Vaughn about telemarketing
The Big Kahuna
American Beauty
We bought a Zoo
Horrible Bosses
New Jack City
American Gangster
IronMan 1

>> No.656980

The Amazing Howard Hughes
The Hudsucker Proxy

Two of the best films I've seen.

>> No.656985
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This for corporate monkeys

>> No.656987
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American psycho personifies most of the guys here except the whole serial killer bit

>> No.656991

>implying /biz/ buys penny stocks
>implying anyone who's not worthless scum would try to be like Jordan Belfort

>> No.656994

Take this shit list and shove it up your ass. I don't need this shitty non-/biz/ movie list in my thread.

>> No.656995

I'd probably worthless scum for megabux m8

>> No.657001

First off its still a movie so they exaggerate and glorify what he did. He even had a chance to not go to jail but had too much pride to give up. Watch this around 17:00
Still hasn't paid back what he was ordered to and gets butthurt when asked about why. If after watching that you still want to be like him fucking kill yourself

>> No.657002

And yet he's making money off his stories on how he ripped people off and his experience of ripping people off

>> No.657019


Barbarians at the Gate is a true /biz/ movie.

Regarding Wolf of Wall Street: The movie is alright. The problem is that it is the same movie as Goodfellas except the protagonist is a broker instead of in the mob. Still entertaining, but I felt kind of cheated.

>> No.657031

Real /biz/ movie?
Tucker: The Man and His Dream

Real good movie?
Tarkovsky's Stalker

>> No.657052

it's funny you bring this up too.

When you look at the movie and see what's happening, you might assume that was the life style he actually lived and might leave thinking he's evil.
But in reality any one in Nick's shoes it would just seem like you've discovered a clever way of making money with some phone calls.

No excitement. Just chillin in the office.

>> No.657071

my low effort attempt at a /biz/ movie list

>pro tier
Trader, the documentary on Paul Tudor Jones that he keeps trying to suppress
some other documentaries about traders and quants that I watched

>good tier
Boiler Room
Margin Call (haven't watched, just guessing, might deserve to be elsewhere)
Rogue Trader (just watched a little on youtube, seems ok, leans towards technicalities so probably goes here)
Glengarry Glen Ross (haven't watched, is "solid" >>656942

>popbiz high tier
lord of war
trading places (soft spot for this movie)
pirates of silicon valley (haven't watched it, may deserve to be in good tier)
American psycho
The Yes Men Fix the World ( >>656942 )

>popbiz low tier
The Hudsucker Proxy (good movie but mainly a comedy)
wall street
wall of wolfstreet
iron man movies, I do like this scene from iron man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8q0vIFCq1mw so inspire

>pleb tier
wall street shia lebouf never sleeps
the social network

Thank You For Smoking
That one movie with Vince Vaughn about telemarketing
The Big Kahuna
American Beauty
We bought a Zoo
Horrible Bosses
New Jack City
American Gangster
The Amazing Howard Hughes

Network hasn't been mentioned yet.

>> No.657074

Only one movie you need.

>> No.657094
File: 84 KB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_mrltmdxYhf1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> A Most Violent Year (good character drama)
> Pirates of Silicon Valley (infinitely better than Jobs)
> Glengarry Glen Ross
> Barbarians at the Gate
> Margin Call
> Trader (Paul Tudor Jones Documentary)
> The Victor Niederhoff Documentary (Japanese). Some relevant pieces in English
> The Trillion Dollar Bet
> Quants: The alchemists of Wall Street
> Traders: Millions by the Minute - depressing documentary about piker traders. Cringeworthy at times but recommended watching.
> The Wall Street Code - HFT documentary and market microstructure

> Rogue Trader
> Wolf of Wall Street
> Owning Mahoney
> Nightcrawler
> Whiplash (strangely relevant to business success)
> Trading Places (only for that one scene)

>> No.657106
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>no one mentions Brazil
/biz/ pls

>> No.657122

TV pls lve

>> No.657138

Only good ones are as follows:

Wall Street (GOAT)
Trading Places
Glengarry Glen Ross

>> No.657143

I sortof thought they'd embellished it after seeing the film, and even again after reading the book, but he definitely made a shitload of money.

And now he's making more money from selling rights for books and movies about how he made money and seminars about how to make money.

I just want some money bro

>> No.657147
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So much this.

>> No.657154


>> No.657164


Other People's Money

>> No.657171

Both of them are satire, one talking about the facelessness of the corporate institution. The other deals with the incompetence of corporate management and also kinda the facelessness of the corporate institution. But then Dilbert does both of those, only with less violence.

>> No.657174


>> No.657229


That's the best part

>the long-con dollar

I just laugh out loud when I watch an interview with him.
I mean, I can't believe the NECK on the guy!

But....how is HE not inspirational?

He could teach an ethics class while doing time in Pelican Bay...