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6562007 No.6562007 [Reply] [Original]

Why are my balls so itchy all the time?

I know it's not ringworm, but they've been abnormally itchy for years. Tried changing my detergent, changing my clothes, changing my body wash, using no body wash, not showering at all, showering twice a day, putting on lotion, putting on rash cream, nothing works.

>> No.6562074
File: 89 KB, 482x427, 1510584323298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eczema, i have it too.

>> No.6562108

What exchange?

>> No.6562184


>> No.6562189

Eczema I’ve had it on my left ballsack for 5 years now.

>> No.6562245

Cut off your balls.

>> No.6562247

Is there any cure?

>> No.6562296

Try arrowroot powder

>> No.6562301
File: 296 KB, 500x500, 1510706348897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, i've had this since i was born, the symptoms can lessen as you get older, but it will never ever go away.

>> No.6562350


dip your balls in honey. dont forget to post pic.

>> No.6562361

Cortisone cream helps if I remember to use it every day. Sometimes it’ll go into remission for a month or so.

>> No.6562390


Looks like cleaning it with bleach, and moisturizing it can help.

>> No.6562457


>> No.6562546

You have fungus growing on your big sweaty balls. It's not ringworm, but it's still a fungus. Get some clotrimazole and smear it on your sack every morning before you take a shower, let it sit for a few minutes while you wash your hair, then clean your balls and asscrack with a tea tree oil soap.

>> No.6562619

My eczema is only on my arm and legs down. Its been itching a lot lately especially when I take a shower. Im using cortizone but it continues itching. I just want it to clear up already

>> No.6562712

It's either a fungus, poor hygiene or eczema. I'd start by making sure you're washing and wearing fresh underwear daily. Keep yourself dry as well. Try fragrance free soaps. You would know if it's eczema because there would be redness and swelling. Also, stop itching it no matter what. If nothing helps see a doctor.

>> No.6562776

This is natures way of telling you that you are a woman

Rip in pieaces your nutsack

>> No.6562811

You got it from doing this.....I did.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6GoAQAUb3o

>> No.6562891


>> No.6563166
File: 8 KB, 379x381, Gemini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the fuck will this dealer verify me?? I just want my meme money fuck you Twinklevoss Twins!

>> No.6563194


I shouldn't laugh that would be fucking awful

>> No.6563205

wait, meant to post a new thread oops

>> No.6563227

buy some baby powder and apply twice a day.

>> No.6563256

why dont you just go to the doctor?

my local doctor just started accepting ETH as payment. ...you DO have ETH right anon?

>> No.6563310

Im going to help you solve this anon.
>tea tree soap, use it everytime you shower, let it sit on your skin for a couple minutes before rinsing off
>blow dry your balls/ass after you shower to make sure you are 100% dry
>cotton/breathable underwear

If you want, you can also get like lotrim or some anti-fungal cream and put it on but it may burn a bit.

>> No.6563394
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>> No.6563780

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.6563953
File: 262 KB, 2048x1536, download_20180107_203603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, same. Doc couldnt even tell me what it was. Smear head and shoulders shampoo on your dry nuts, let sit 10 min. Shower. Helps a lot but Ive never found a cure. Good luck.

>> No.6563965

For me, it's my asshole.


>> No.6564104

For me, it's the McChi- I mean my asshole.

It's your shit diet.

>> No.6564340

That means you have a dirty asshole. I would bet 100k that you use toilet paper like a dirty faggot instead of wet wipes or a bidet. To see how disgusting you are, try wiping with TP until you think you're clean. Then use wet wipes and see how much shit you actually leave.

>> No.6564748


fuck you i use the toilet paper and only need to do one or two wipes. my asshole is just sensitive to the dry winter weather

>> No.6564784

That's roundworm my guy, you had worms

>> No.6564838

ive seen one bidet in my life and we made fun of the kid who brought wet wipes to school you fucking fairy

>> No.6564887


enjoy your disgusting assholes lmfao. you probably drop shit crumbs everywhere you go.

>> No.6564939

how/why did it go away?

>> No.6564957

me2 and it fucking sucks.
used to have it on my elbows when i was a kid too, but that went away somehow.
anyone have any tips?

>> No.6564972


>I need to either squirt water into my ass or ream my ass with baby wipes every time I shit otherwise I drop shit crumbs everywhere I go

>> No.6565006

I remember when I had a ring worm on the head of my dick. I was so fucking afraid. Thank God the doctor gave me some cream for it and it went away. Never let feet touch your dick, no matter how clean they are. Also if you have eczema. Sadly there is no cure, but don't scratch and don't take hot showers. I heard cold showers boost test so I would probably go for that.

>> No.6565043

use gold bond body powder. its like spinkling cool menthol powder on your balls.

>> No.6565097

> I genuinely believe my asshole is completely clean after i touch it with a piece of 1 ply toilet paper once

>> No.6565125



But also I had a pilonidal cyst right above my ass which might it wet, irritating it, and making it itchy.

>> No.6565139

Some chick with eczema used something called "Moogoo" some shit made from milk and it worked for her. Could be pure placebo or coincidence but hey, if you already have it what can you lose?

>> No.6565169


Sorry I don't think about my asshole that much since no one's inspecting my boipucci anytime soon, unlike you sissy faggot

>> No.6565213
File: 230 KB, 900x900, 1504051285473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is exactly the kind of shitposting that's going to get /biz/ nuked with a perma janitor working for $0 an hour.

I was there for /sp/ circa 2012-13. We had fun. We were free. Then the shitposting began. And it went on and on and on until moot couldn't ignore it any more. They took the piss and paid the price. Now the place is so heavily JANITORED that you can't even make a power ranking thread.

Do you want /biz/ to lose its wojaks, its plush pepes, its culture? Keep going fuckhead you couldn't be cool could you.

>> No.6565229

>I got a shit-covered ass but at least i aint a faggit

If you got shit on your hands would you just wipe it off with some toilet paper?. Hopefully not because that's disgusting. This is why people wash their ass just like they wash their hands.

>> No.6565239

drop all your LINK

>> No.6565291

>left ballsack

>having only one ballsack

>> No.6565681

try eating less carbohydrates

>> No.6565754
File: 238 KB, 400x504, 1512609307950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have it on my hands and it flares up during stressful times

>> No.6565806


>anime girl reaction pic

fuck you

>> No.6565863

Clean with peroxide

>> No.6565873
File: 385 KB, 551x585, 1515553314254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a chinese cartoon website friendo.

>> No.6565887

because white people do not bathe correctly

>> No.6565961


>implying you like sports AND moeshit

fuck you i bet you're a nocoiner and you're ONLY here for the "culture"

>> No.6566136

man fucking ringworms in the asshole has gotta be the worst

as another anon said, couldn't sleep for 6 months. I'd be half awake incessantly scratching my asshole all night. When I woke up my hand smelled like shit. Every fucking time. I remember shoving an entire garlic clove up my ass to try and get rid of it. Still sends shiver down my spine to think about.

>> No.6566233
File: 273 KB, 508x468, 1515093142854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>doesn't know about Real M/a/drid

/sp/ and /a/ have tremendous spillover, don't tell me you didn't know that.

>> No.6566264

>6 months
they have treatments for this

>> No.6566277

showering twice a day fucks up your skin. also if you have eczema that's definitely going to aggravate it.

>> No.6566351


>> No.6566461

biedet fags are hilarious.

>Y-you have SHIT in your asshole!

Yeah, that's what assholes are for. I am ok with having some shit residue in my anal canal.

Do you also run a cleaning rod up your dick to make sure there is no urine residue left in your urethra after you piss?

>> No.6566476

My grandma always said that if your balls itch, you are about to come into some money.

>> No.6566512

Dude u probably have jock itch. Athletes foot on your balls... It is a fungus so yea keep that area dry but most importantly get yourself some jock itch cream with thyme extract in it. BUT DO NOT put pure thyme extract on your balls. You will thank me

>> No.6566526

w-what about when my gf gives me footjobs?

lol'd p hard, thx

>> No.6566554

I get it that you're too lazy/cheap to even buy wet wipes, but taking pride in your lack of hygiene is degenerate.

>> No.6566556

this has nothing to do with biz

>> No.6566630


this >>6565125
probably caused when I moved, changed jobs, and changed diet then took a shit at work every day and wiped with single ply

tried my fucking hardest to not itch it and started using baby wipes and it got a little better every day

>> No.6566657

Like I said, make sure you swab the full length your urethra after you piss. You aren't a disgusting degenerate, are you?

Real patricians like me perform a 24-hour fast, enema, and polyethylene glycol regimen every time they fart. If you aren't ready for a colonoscopy at any given moment, you're a filthy caveman.

>> No.6566740

Don't wear anything synthetic that doesn't breathe and drink plenty of water. And no perfumed soaps/detergents. Fixed eczema for me.

>> No.6567151

Mibalsah Ritchie