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File: 34 KB, 256x256, Official_Litecoin_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6559227 No.6559227 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6559290

Got 50 at 162.
If it would finally confirm I could sell it for 205
It has become slower. 35 min and waiting

>> No.6559382

bought at 169
bank account canceled the sell JUST FUCKIN FUCK FUCKIN JUST

>> No.6559454
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I'm hodling for the much hyped big surprise befire cashing out. Good for you for having the balls to buy in anon

>> No.6559490

Capital One?

>> No.6559662
File: 41 KB, 376x430, AB530E13-C798-4E0E-8F30-82E6F217243C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat more chickun

>> No.6559735

Sold now for ripple
Buy high sell low, as always

>> No.6559782

I did not buy the dip.

>> No.6559807

bank of america

>> No.6559855
File: 331 KB, 1800x1200, ASH-VS-EVEIL-DEAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too. Coinbase wouldn't let me purchase, claimed my bank was denying it. Called bank and they said I was all good.
>mfw I get fucked by LTC dip while on vacation because moblie

>> No.6559922
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>> No.6559947

They would let you buy XRP

>> No.6560052

I have enough litecoin on hold. This was just a part of my trading funds, which are sold by now, just made an easy 2.8K in 40 min.

>> No.6560078

Thinking about buying LTC. How many should I go for?

>> No.6560082

>It didn't lock in my selling exchange rate


>> No.6560147

10 at least

>> No.6560183

>easy 2.8K in 40 min
that's almost 2 wks worth of my after tax salary :)

>> No.6560187
File: 237 KB, 1688x1048, sold_the_dip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my order has been fucking pending since 32 minutes ago.

How is this multinational site with offices in the most expensive cities in the world cant the fucking order process right and yet a chink site manages to get this shit right?

>> No.6560230

Thanks ill buy 2.

>> No.6560243
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All fucking in

>> No.6560301

They want you to buy BCH

>> No.6560316

I was in lbo between pending and declined due to insufficient funds. But there were indeed funds as confirmed by my bank so....fuck coin base to death

>> No.6560397

they did this when it mooned closed to $400 last month

>> No.6560423

>They want you to buy BCH
I cant my account says 0 on both EUR and LTC because I cant cancel the fucking order.

basic transactional programming. I don't know how they can fuck this up.

>> No.6560439

My part time wage slave job pays this in 4 months.

>> No.6560531

Not anymore, all the old bankers who saw it crash won't want it after this

>> No.6560565

when are you retiring anon?

>> No.6560604

Right? I Swear to God, if I get another "your transaction is starting" email followed by the "you transaction has been canceled" email one.more.fucking time, im going to do absolutely nothing about it and try again.
Death loop is real

>> No.6560624

Didnt they just tie a knot with western union?

>> No.6560644

When I have made 2.8 Million

>> No.6560693

It is earthing again, you should be fine :)

>> No.6560714

Same, people shit on litecoin but its the only coin that is actually being considered for actual transactions. Volume alone could push it above 1k

>> No.6560783

you mean a week ago?

>> No.6560817

>above 1k
Thats my lamboland exchange rate

>> No.6560832

money grams and talks with WU IIRC

>> No.6560856

idk, I didn't follow Niggers' coin. That goes to TRX as well

>> No.6560911

what a boss!! no sarcasm

>> No.6561125


£1K at $147, got 8.8 and got nearly, feels good mang

>> No.6561186
File: 10 KB, 267x189, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This year is LTC year anon

>> No.6561229


nearly %30 in an hour

>> No.6561326

you are not getting that from DOW

>> No.6561457

I really fucking hope so, but Lee's gotta do more than tweet. now would be an amazing time to make an announcement since everybody buying back in would go for LTC

>> No.6561682

I knew him in person. We went to the same university. Nice guy.

>> No.6561692


lost 30% in my whole portfolio, probably close to 2k, but bought the fucking dip anyway.... if LTC hits $400+ again, that will be well over £1K profit, from pressing a fucking button. DOW can suck my dick

>> No.6561776

It seems like another dip is happening. Buy the dip if you wish :)

>> No.6561876

I can't believe that floor at $220 broke while I was sleeping yesterday. FUCK. Wake up and decide to wait through it. Then it starts diving from 190 to 150 in minutes. FUCK. I panic sold.

Good coin though. I'll buy back in once bitcoin stabilizes.

>> No.6562085


>> No.6562100


should have sold when it hit $215, and re-bought the dip, oh well, i'll just do a short hodl with this and sell when it passes $300, or hopfully passes $400.

>> No.6562123
File: 5 KB, 249x243, Messianic Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll buy back in once bitcoin stabilizes.
I'll pray for you anon

>> No.6562169


>sell low

>> No.6562235

If I had more money I would all spend on litecoin even now. It is going 5x at least.

>> No.6562399

>It is going 5x at least.

>> No.6562572

1. lightning network,
2. anonymous transactions(idk when)
3. You will be able to pay with it in every place you can pay with visa so in civilized countries in every fucking shop
4. Paying on Amazon (idk when, rumors)
5. It's second coin that went on market and it is recognizable already

>> No.6562617

+ btc is going for a bull run now, and if btc going up ltc will too

>> No.6562807
File: 12 KB, 253x446, JEWS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6. Not a KikeCoin

>> No.6562917

To any anons having trouble getting large orders through coinbase. Break there total up into smaller buys and it seems to work. I.e. one coin at a time...

>> No.6563216

>one coin at a time
that sounds painful

>> No.6563299

I'm gay so I only did it three times.

>> No.6563528


>> No.6563830

i can buy in approx 6 hours. Did i miss the dip for good? fug i wish autists selling would last a little longer

>> No.6563986

Just bought more one at a time so ya, pretty sure I'm gay

>> No.6563988

when is this going to happen
I bought at the last "dip" @ 320 when people were saying it was going to go to 1K lol

>> No.6564400

>I bought at the last "dip" @ 320
>people were saying it was going to go to 1K lol
That were not people, that was WhaleBro

>> No.6564675

>Still thinks it wasn't the old bankers who crashed it in the first place

>Get on
>The rocket

>> No.6564754
File: 126 KB, 800x600, 1776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to buy just 1 FUCKING COIN off kikebase but my bank is cancelling the transaction.

I tried calling my UK bank and the nice lady said their systems are being updated for 45 mins :^) so nothing can be done.


>> No.6564862

it wil you normie fag how can a coin go from 100 to 1000 in one run in your miniscule simpleton mind ask that question you stupid cuck. the markets move in waves you nigger

>> No.6564863

I had an easy time buying 3.4 more but thats because I'm responsible and keep usd in gdax for occasions like this.

>> No.6564892

Wot bank m8?

>> No.6564899

its not kikebase i had this problem from uk too its fagbase they're cancellling transactions. took me 4 hours to buy at 175 bucks

>> No.6565024


I got an email from them saying it was my bank that cancelled it? Surely I just need to make the purchase again when their system's updated while on the phone to support so they can approve.. right?! RIGHT?!

>> No.6565070

>its silver to bitcoins gold because i made the logo silver

this is when i realized crypto was for retards

>> No.6565429

I'm all in OP, this is the best coin so far. everyone should consider owning and using Litecoin

>> No.6565673
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>> No.6565735

Trying buying half a coin...break it up.

>> No.6565772

I'm waiting for the deep crash on Thursday

>> No.6566335


Hmm, should I buy back in at my sale price? Looks like it might go lower....

>> No.6567019

That worked thanks a heap anon, I'm not that bothered about their shitty fees looking at the long term hodl.

Gotta take a small hit for a big prize.