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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 397 KB, 894x893, tothemoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6558279 No.6558279 [Reply] [Original]

UFR aims to provide users a way to generate revenue by providing decentralized P2P filesharing. You can see it as the uTorrent or Limewire blockchain. Filehosts/seeders will get paid for their hosting services. This means that high quality seeders can provide files (think of games, movies, software) for a little bit of revenue. Every seeder will want to chip in on this, and users will want to get max-speed downloads for a small fee. There is no competitor in this sphere and URF is the first coin to propose this paradigm.

- Top notch whitepaper
- Unique concept
- Responsive development team
- Great roadmap
- Not a fork

-Another exchange coming soon
-Alpha in the next two months
-Beta by Summer
-Desktop release by Fall

Get in anon.

>> No.6558495
File: 109 KB, 750x715, ufr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great time to buy

>> No.6558616
File: 24 KB, 1564x349, 4million.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>lol muh shills! dumb pajeets!

If you had listened to the "shills" on this board, you'd be up 7x from where we were when this token was first spoken of in biz. All we've had for the past day is AAAAAAAA threads and other pink wojack hooligans, all the while I'm comfy as fuck holding my UFR.

>pic related was when this started getting shilled here

This is your second chance at getting on this fucking Jupiter mission, anon. Don't fuck this up.

>> No.6558629

Overall, this is a great time to buy as the market is down and everything is basically on a fire-sale.

NEO is an especially great buy right now. It is going to be a third generation blockchain that has so much more potential than ETH. It is TBD if ETH will even scale properly.

Speaking of UFR (what this post is about), not a bad buy for the reasons mentioned above.

I am holding mostly NEO, XLM, and potential moons like UFR. Wish I could dump more BTC for it sooner, but going to see if I can wait for BTC to recover a bit before I do.

>> No.6558993

People will be wanting to kill themselves for not buying once this bad boy gets on a legit exchange.

>> No.6559057

just fuck off and die, all of you.

>> No.6559063
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>> No.6559097
File: 52 KB, 697x399, ufr_comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last chance to jump on this ride before it goes into an overdrive.
Pretty sure i can forget about these bags and come back after a few months for a pleasant surprise, dont you want the same?

>> No.6559099

Big news during a huge downturn = a great bounce once this blows over

>> No.6559607
File: 208 KB, 1280x720, hola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. I already bought UFR, but I it will take time to make another deposit and buy more.
Look at this shit: https://hackernoon.com/the-upfiring-dapp-mid-january-2018-update-2fe0d4d3a6e6
Everything points to a moon soon.

>> No.6559619
File: 76 KB, 637x358, my-mixtape-is-upfiring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All UFR needs is for the market crash to end, and one new exchange that has proper volume. It's going to fly, especially once you see the product in action. Upfiring has a place in the torrenting ecosystem.

This is your dip, get some UFR.

>> No.6559708
File: 138 KB, 540x378, suck_my_soft_dickr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFR is still a great buy, especially during this dip. I'm below my average buy-in price but I'm still hodling strong with these iron wrists. Great team, great tech, huge potential.

>> No.6559774
File: 108 KB, 750x437, ufrtorch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFR will be one of the highlights of year 2018!

>> No.6559837


>If you had listened to the "shills" on this board, you'd be up 7x from where we were when this token was first spoken of in biz. All we've had for the past day is AAAAAAAA threads and other pink wojack hooligans, all the while I'm comfy as fuck holding my UFR.

Honestly impressive amount of retards you found to buy into your scam

>> No.6560106
File: 149 KB, 1000x750, DRUMPH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you upset, anon? Are you mad that this coin has held its value through this entire market crash? That is up 500+% since last week. Better than most of the shitcoins peddle

UFR was recently added to IDEX, and is getting another exchange release in less than 2 weeks. Buy now or forever regret it.

Read the white paper and DYOR, but this token has a solid premise, an active subreddit and dev team, as well as a recently released update.

I would really reconsider my stance on this coin if I were you.

>> No.6560275


UFR is actually a good project but you fucking pajeet shillers give it a bad rep.

Give it a rest and let the results do the talking when they arrive.

>> No.6560447

the FBI raided Kim Dotcom in New fucking Zealand. You think they're gonna let people get paid for pirating? 1st sucker to get caught getting paid for hosting files is gonna spend a loooonnng time behind bars. just think on that. 1 arrest and it's all over for UFR, it'll be just like bitconnect,

>> No.6560456

Its easy as fuck to find the founder of this coin even though they aren't revealing themselves. His resume is pretty decent. That along with the extreme professionalism and great concept has sold me on this coin. Glad i got in at .33 cents

>> No.6560542

OP that's a pic of a booster coming back to ground fyi.

>> No.6560551

Catch this dip pajeets, still great room for insane gains

>> No.6560554

Bought in for a thousand plus of these puppies at .80 cents when I read about it here, when it was coin of the week on biz..

Rode it up to almost 3 bucks and held instead of quick flipping bc the market cap was so dam enticing.

Held while it free fell down to a buck after massive biz anti-UFR campaign around Discord P and D group chatter...

Will ride the moonshot back to rightful place among the stars.

>> No.6560566

Data is the new money. Think bigger than illegal torrents. Think every peice of dat that pwople are willing to pay for. Software, videos, databases, calling lists tutorials, everything.

>> No.6560570

how much is UFR going to be worth when news of people getting busted for getting paid for hosting pirate content spreads over social media. think you'll be able to get out before it hits zero?

>> No.6560586
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No team

>> No.6560613


>> No.6560743
File: 60 KB, 675x675, Upfiring_UFR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFR is the future of private trackers and eventually public trackers

>> No.6560983

But there is a team. Its easy to find at least one of them with a quick search.

>> No.6561452

Bittorrent is used for many legal file distribution purposes; just because it's also used for illegal ones doesn't make Bittorrent illegal.

Upfiring isn't specifically trying to supplant TPB or intentionally illegal filesharing, and can be used for purposes that don't infringe copyright. If a big seeder gets arrested and it's found he made profit in UFR, trying to make UFR illegal makes about as much sense as targeting BTC, XMR, or hell, USD for that matter, which can all be used to pay for illegal things. If UFR is basically only used for illegal filesharing then I could see it being an issue but who knows

>> No.6561626
File: 48 KB, 647x431, yoda-perturbed-angry[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its easy to find at least one of them with a quick search.
It's even easier if you just showed us instead of trying to make your potential investors play hide-and-seek, since you apparently already know where to find them. You glorious winged faggot...

>> No.6561662

I have an eye on this project even amid discord shilling allegations but the team seems to be in hiding already

>> No.6561732

UFR is a great project. Many people don't want to jump through the hoops to join private torrent groups. Getting paid to seed removes a key barrier to entry for a lot of people.

>> No.6561865


>> No.6561889

Furthermore, UFR could even proactively incentivize legal filesharing. What if instead of paying for some giant warehouses filled with servers, Netflix and Youtube could pay people with UFR to distribute their content at a fraction of the price? Basically as a consumer you'd be selling your bandwidth, electricity, and some CPU cycles for profit.

Maybe I'm just pulling this out my ass but data distribution is a huge expense right now for such companies and this could be attractive to some of them for this reason.

>> No.6562259
File: 68 KB, 563x404, 1516041755824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 UFR shill threads
im sick of these filthy pajeets

>> No.6562509

Yeah it's getting old. I was in their discord for awhile, you are required to shill and provide proof to stay in their server.
Even though it's been fucking obvious for weeks and they suck at shilling, they refuse to switch coins and just further piss off people on /biz/.
They really need to git gud and stop making their shill posts sound like late night infomercials. It's too fucking obvious it's just cringe inducing.

>> No.6562742

We're in the middle of mourning you goddamn mongrel pajeets.

>> No.6563552


>> No.6563846

All you gotta do is see who liked the first ever tweet from the official Upfiring twitter. You will find your answer there.

>> No.6563930


Just see who like the first tweet by upfiring on twitter. My wings are pretty glorious.

>> No.6564308


Thanks anon. I always knew it was a scam