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655621 No.655621 [Reply] [Original]

>money doesn't bring happiness, relationships do!!1

How many rich people have you heard whinge about being lonely?

How many married people have you heard whinge about being poor?


>> No.655624

Neither of them really bring happiness, but I'd rather be sad and rich than sad and poor.

>> No.655628
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>tfw sad and poor

>> No.655636

Then what does bring 'happiness'?

>> No.655638

Death. Might as well kill yourself now.

>> No.655640

>tfw thought about this a lot
Eh I've got plenty of time to be dead. May as well fill my life with something.

>> No.655643

There's no right answer to that question. It's whatever brings happiness to you. Helping others? Some sort of achievement? Ripping the wings off of flies?

>> No.655648

True love to doing what you like, and seeing great results bring happines. No matter what profession, when you are truly happy with your work or yourself, everything else doesn't really matter anymore.

People don't achieve true happiness, because they never stop making goals. Which is good, motivation is not bad, but it also takes away the happy part of it. You might work your ass of for the goal and will enjoy the ride to it, but the only when you get over the finish line is where the true satisfaction comes down your spine. However you see, as fast as you reached that, you already plan on making another goal. How about you take a few days off and just enjoy everything you do.

>> No.655673

how do you avoid gold diggers though

>> No.655675

Whatever helps you sleep at night man.

>> No.655848

that ferrari looks like ass. find a better one

>> No.655851


I think it's more a case of people not understanding what their creature comforts are, and only pursueing those that are within their means.

My wife's been busting my balls about moving out of rural/small town west virginia.

But she fails to realize with the job she's acquired recently, she's being left with several hundreds of dollars a month in flexible income.

But no, I'm tired of this place. I want to move somewhere that actually has something! Baw baw baw.

>> No.655886
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>> No.655949

I though about this problem, and in short - poor people, or those who need to work for a living (meaning right up to lower upper class) don't have time to truly contemplate their existence. Their... our lives are spent in day-to-day struggles and solutions to more immediate problems. Happiness for us is fleeting, for after an initial satisfaction of doing/achieving something passes, the drudgery seeps back in. The truly rich who never have to work a day in their lives if they don't want to have the opposite problem, I suppose. Its hard for them to be happy because in-the-moment satisfaction that only occasionally presents itself to the first group, can be achieved on demand by the second. They want to say... build a hospital somewhere in the 3rd world - several calls, a few weeks of flights and its done. Their unhappiness is existential, for when you can do anything you wish, does it even make a deeper difference?

The best combination is a rich simple man of hedonistic pleasures. Thats probably the best position in life on the pleasure/pain scale.

>> No.655954


uhhh... obviously the chemicals in your brain

>> No.656086

money doesn't bring happiness. It brings freedom. Freedom to do whatever you want. And that is part of happiness.

>> No.656101

Momma said that happiness comes from rays of sunshine that come down when your feelin blue!

>> No.656113

I've read a shit ton about what makes people happy. There are basically two ways to be happier in life:

>Regularly achieving goals
Things that people think that will make their life better, such as a promotion, or new car, will only show an increase in mood for about three months before their happiness levels go back to normal. So you basically need to keep achieving goals that you have yet for yourself that improve your life in someway

>Helping others
Unless you completely lack empathy, going out of your way to performing random acts of kindness makes you feel happy. Ironically it's probably the most cost-effective way of buying happiness.

>> No.656137

It's funny how MMORPGs mirror life and stimulate human wants and needs. Isn't it interesting how people who spend most of their lives playing MMORPGs just kind of neglect as much real-life things as possible to chase the dream in a fantasy world? Perhaps they just do it because they've been dealt a poor hand and have no problem going to the 'better' world? Path of least resistence.

What do you suppose will happen as technology advances and becomes more affordable? Will we see more and more of our workforce disappear as people leave real-life more often for their fantasy lives in virtual reality? Perhaps we'll just have drugs or buttons that will simulate dopamine release, even more direct than what we have now.

The more I think about it, the more I question what happiness actually is.

>> No.656150

Good points too. Something like mood helmets from the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep will become a reality. It is already known that magnetic fields can affect mood.

Escape into the videogame world/ magical thinking is a known psychological defence against pressures of the real world.

>> No.656162

>buttons that will simulate dopamine release
I remember reading about an experiment where they created just that. The subjects pressure it on average once every 3 seconds (or close to that), and when it became time for the experiment to be over they begged and pleased to keep the button.

Experiments with mice have shown that a mouse will starve its self to death pressing the button even if food is readily available

>> No.656164

>the subjects pressed it


>> No.656168
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You've never met a lonely rich man? I guess that's because you are poor and don't get to hand out with rich people.

Money is great, but it won't cure your mental problems and it won't turn you into a prince charming if you are miserable bore.

Only poor people think money can bring them happiness.

>> No.656169

>will starve its self to death pressing the button even if food is readily available

sounds like the video game deaths of a few kids who played for a very long time and didnt eat/sleep

>> No.656173


Very interesting read if you have the time.

>> No.656189

Very interesting, thanks for that.

>> No.656209
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this is the correct answer

>> No.656238

what do you do

>> No.656263
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>thinking the concept of freedom has a pricetag

Shiggy diggy doo

>> No.656301

It's concerning how gullible some people on this board are.

>> No.656343

Spend less on things and more on experiences

My goal is to become rich and be able to experience more than other people, a nice car won't make me happy but a year abroad will.

>> No.656344
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>> No.656539

>How many rich people have you heard whinge about being lonely?

A lot if those shitty rich housewives reality tv shows are any indication.

Money is more important however, since it can provide more opportunities for you to be happy.

>> No.657636

Incredibly low expectations.
I was content all morning because breakfast was good and nobody treated me like shit.

>> No.658127 [DELETED] 

Friendship and ponies

>> No.658128

Friendship and ponies.

>> No.658150


>> No.658161

Mein negro.

I'm in living in my fifth country now.

>> No.658168

Happiness is not a destination, it's a state of mind.

>> No.658222
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>>money doesn't bring happiness
Picture related

>> No.658342

A top-class car is an experience too.

But it's okay if you don't like this kind of experience.

>> No.659130
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This was posted by a fembot goys, you're feeding a fembot that's realizing she's worthless.

>> No.659131
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Don't even get me started on divorce rates...OP is just trying to push you to getting married so your hard work can be taken away by a woman. Just stay single and fuck bitches all day long, fuck, adopt a 3rd world child and make the world better.

>> No.659132

Lolis in leather cat suits.

>> No.659181

dank memes my friend

>> No.659450

Stupid bitch. Doesnt even realize her keyboard is attached to a printer.

>> No.659759

Reality is just a bit too much for some people.