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File: 10 KB, 400x400, ven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6556188 No.6556188 [Reply] [Original]

Wheat from the chaff, get in all in need of saving.

>> No.6556542

VEN getting held a hand over it's head by PboC btw

>> No.6556656

>yfw Based Sunny knew the crash was coming so delayed the rebrand till late Feb to shake the weak hands

>> No.6556711

lots of chinamen will get fiat for chinese new year. will they spend it on ven?

>> No.6556818
File: 113 KB, 400x400, BUBBLELOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's raining anon, why don't you get under the VEN umbrella? You seriously think this is the end?

>> No.6556923

im 50% in this, i hope we have a big 40 days....

>> No.6557046

80% of my portfolio in ven and icx
feels safe

>> No.6557117

same but 90%

>> No.6557183

100% VEN look at this come back tho

>> No.6557231

7 dollars EOD

>> No.6557350

I saw it for a second at 3.7$ or something. Fuck! that was probably my last chance to buy that cheap, fucking bank transfers and these shitty exchanges. Fuck it, I'm gonna buy at whatever price will be when my transfer comes.

>> No.6557384

make sure its ATH

>> No.6557469


Took all my NEO, all my WTC, all my XLM, all my ETH and shoved all that shit into VEN... EVEN SOLD MY FUNFAIR NIGGA WE VEN OR WE DIE

>> No.6557484

If it weren't for vechain I would be very scared of a huge bubble pop. There is no way crypto is finished if vechain announces PBOC and the chinese government rumour is true.

>> No.6557578

Plus the upcoming China backed vechain exchange

>> No.6557596

We are actually doing pretty damn good. Yesterday the low was like 39000 sats

>> No.6557621

But the bubble is popping, popping from shitty shitcoins, there are other nice projects so they won't disappear like VEN, with VEN you don't even have to worry that your cash gonna be frozen because it's going back at previous price 100% in a moment.

>> No.6557703
File: 171 KB, 380x443, 1507437692138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck I just realized this. So fucking based.

>> No.6558521

Last chance, maybe it will dip a little more but I highly doubt it. Goodluck to everyone

>> No.6558696

this was so important desu

>> No.6558800

The vechain shills are the most rabid fucks I've seen on this board. You guy's are either completely delusional or the smartest neets ever. Good luck to you.

>> No.6558821


good gains are coming our way, boys

>> No.6558836

How legit are the government rumours? N
Haven't had time to read up over the last couple days. Been holding for a while.

>> No.6558925

are you retarded?
2 government partnerships, at least one more in the future.

All in since christmass.
If it is still low tommorow I will get more, just got my fiat ready.

>> No.6559242

Would be the latter, I hope. Every thread I made when it was below 3k sats got buried. Every post I made after it mooned I got called a Pajeet.Tbh this is fucked up, just read about a guy who killed himself over Bitconnect. Seriously goodluck to everyone, if you're having troubled thoughts call a family member or close friend. The guy had two kids for fucks sake

>> No.6559555

>2.2 VEN withdrawal on Binance

>> No.6559651

It was 5 VEN before...

>> No.6559756

All in on this. Just sold my REQ and Link.

>> No.6560015

Great decision. You will make it.
Req is good, but ven will outdo it for sure.

>> No.6560048

no, on NEO

>> No.6560071


Source on the suicide??

>> No.6560321


>selling req before friday

huh brave

>> No.6560422
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probably referring to attached pic

>> No.6560494

Got about 25 tabs open during this shitstorm, found even more.. Reddits first thread is literally the US suicide hotline. Check the news tomorrow it's going to get real grim. Source was a thread basicly mocking people/sharing screencaps of text messages of people that went through with it

>> No.6560553

Yeah that's the one.

>> No.6561208


Thats a rumor started on 4chan, nigga.

>> No.6561402


Man, that's just fucking sad.

As stupid as these people might have been for investing huge amounts of money in such an obvious scam, it still sucks to see it happen. At the end of the day, they also just wanted freedom from financial burden like the rest of us.

Fuck this rat race.

>> No.6561556

I sold all ven to buy more linkies

>> No.6561667

The fact this coin didnt explode on good news or shit the bad on bad news means it is in good hands. The earnings lately are the same that you would expect to satisfy a "real" investor. The fluctuations are those that appeal to businessmen not kids trying to make a buck. I think this is the reason the flash crash made me smile. I know I have something solid. Hopefully we will reach 10 dollars by February announcement. And my end of year January 2019 will be realistically at least 40 bucks. However, I wouldn't be surprised if we see upwards of 130 bucks. VEN is my store of value. I don't keep shit in ETH anymore.

>> No.6561706

If u knew what we knew u would be 2

We are willing to share, like Mormons, but you have to let us in the door.. knock knock

>> No.6561719

I'm probably gonna get fired for this. I'm one of the 40 devs working at Vechian.

I have dumped my personal stakes in the company, and i advise you all to as well before this spreads.

I'm spilling the beans about everything. As former anon already leaked, Sunny sustained himself by impregnating his mother from the inside and eating his fetus siblings. However, when Sunny was feasting on the legs and arms of his 3rd fetus, Sunny noticed an anomaly. The fetus could speak. This was not you're average day inbred fetus. No, it had an IQ of 300. Sunny learned it to read and write, using fecal matter as ink, they outlined the Vechain whitepaper inside their mothers womb, where it still resides to this day.

During Q1 an attempt was made to enter the womb of Sunnys mother once more and recover the white paper. This was originally planned for mid jan but something went wrong during the procedure. Now you know why rebranding got delayed.

Think guys, do you really want to give your money to this baby eating, incestuous psychopath? now that the NDA is lifted adn this can finally be talked about, its all going to down the drain,

>> No.6561834


Come on, $40 and $130 by EOY? That are some incredibly conservative estimates.

$40 is like 10B mcap. $130 is like 35B or so.

>> No.6562010

Exactly, how much is the FIRST REAL WORLD APPLICATION OF BLOCKCHAIN ENTERPRISE WORTH - not to mention exclusive deal with Chinese, omG, what’s Fukkin Baidu worth

>> No.6562154

As hot as VEN is on youtube, reddit, and 4chan "real investors" who want to get into crypto and want a slice of the pie are not going through binance, or kucoin. That shit is too shady and real investors I dont think have that kind of time. I think a VEN broker would make some kind of deal for them and still promise them excellent gains from a stock market perspective. If a regular chinese investor wants a stake in VEN I am sure someone from VEN would put coins on his name and could confidently tell him "look I am almost certain your 250k investment will be 750k buy next year.

>> No.6562320

I think VEN is different than other coins. I think you will have solid annual gains for a long long time. Not some * 10 shit only to disappear. Let us be frank here. I think 90% of the coins listed will disappear in 5 years, and be replaced with fresh ideas. Those 10% that remain will continue to grow and consolidate into a great long term investment

>> No.6562380

Opinions needed. I have 23 ETH. I already have a VEN strength node. Do I keep the ETH or go 100% VEN. VEN has done nothing but impress me since I bought my node sub 9k sats but I know it's super risky to go 100%. I am torn up about this.

>> No.6562421


I think there's a very real chance that the big B's (Bitfinex, Bittrex, etc) will add VEN eventually. It's still in ERC20 stage my guy

>> No.6562449

The market cap just shrunk like 100 billion in one week. A lot of the new money just got scared off too. Watch how the news will pick up the bitconnect story too. If you think blockchain will get even hotter this year I am not so sure I think it already peaked and will cool for a while.

>> No.6562467


My capital is low so I'm all in (1.7k) but if I were you I wouldn't do it. Spread it around different high potential projects like REQ, XLM, OMG, etc.

>> No.6562486


It'll happen eventually, I think Sunny hinted at it. Will ease the sell walls a bit
VEN is still incredibly solid

>> No.6562496


>> No.6562568

I have most of my holdings in VEN but all VEN is risky. As you have seen from the partnerships and flash crashes the path for VEN's success does not really depend much on our coins investments. As good news and bad news does not have the same influence. Even the sell walls are still there after months.

>> No.6562674

If you are young, go all VEN

If you are a boomer, stay with a lot of ETH

>> No.6562727

I have to be honest I was not satisfied with the sudden shift of the company to take on a much larger responsibility by creating THOR and master nodes, and its own mainnet. I was initially drawn into the real work application of preventing counterfeiting. I am also worried what implications would come from trying to prevent counterfeiting. I am sure a large group of the wrong people you want to be fucking with will be very upset. Let's face it a huge percent of Chinese economy and livelihood lives off counterfeit industry. There are still a lot of things to consider.

>> No.6562839


Appreciate the responses. Tough choices ahead for all of us.

>> No.6562864
File: 143 KB, 510x514, 1515978366482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their shift to THOR and their own chain is what made me buy, personally. This project could potentially lead to the economic paradigm shift that we wished other large platforms became. If the partnerships are there, and the resources for development are there, this is a top 3 platform by mid-late 2019 in my opinion.

>> No.6562936

Sometimes we are too eager for instant results because things move so fast in the crypto world between developers and marketing. However, VEN is real corporations, governments, and businessmen, Remember these things take a longer time. The tough choice should really be easy. Come back to your computer before the rebranding and reevaluate your position then. All this noise as of late is not healthy. Best of Luck.

>> No.6563018

can you not read bro

>> No.6563093

Walton is another of my positions, although smaller than my VEN -- And has done me well. Memes only make you so much money. While their own chain seems promising, if they miss deadlines, take too long to produce results, and continue to cause so much childish uncertainty (cocacolakid) I think investors might lose interest. Especially in such a fast past industry as blockchain.

>> No.6563129
File: 45 KB, 1214x671, no sell wall btw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no sell wall btw

>> No.6563236
File: 54 KB, 1336x604, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming off of stocks this trajectory is comfy as fuck.

>> No.6563274

Did CCK hint at the crash with the whole "reveraal of the mountain thing". I know people interpreted it as the sell walls going down but those didnt really change. Anyone have an opinion on this?

>> No.6563309

Obviously dickhead, how else is he going to sell low.

>> No.6563434

Is it worth throwing small amounts at this? When's the next announcement?

>> No.6563487


Will be a few between now and late Feb prob

>> No.6563493

I think you're going to find a lot of people telling you this is a long term hold. Buying soon is better than later.

>> No.6563494

Its worth throwing everything at this, it is the ONLY coin that exists in real life

>> No.6563613

>the guy that they just hired as their COO had the PBoC as a client

>> No.6563634
File: 557 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180117-013020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that last sentence >:))))

>> No.6563691


Oh baby

>> No.6563700
File: 17 KB, 211x239, pepedevil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6563941

bullish af

>> No.6564274

I'm not a FUDster I just want honest opinions. Do you guys still feel safe knowing there's no whitepaper out there as well as the possibility that Sunny and pals could potentially produce more VEN in the future? Is there any argument against something like that happening? If we look at price action today it seemed like Vechain did very very well but I think that's due to huge whales/bots keeping the price relatively stable(?). Even with news that came out yesterday the price barely moved. If there are whales that large that can control the price like that it makes me feel anxious. I am all for long-holds I just want to make sure the fundamentals are in place and I can't tell with Vechain as I don't really understand their blockchain and controls in place. Anyone help point me in the direction that can clear some of this FUD? I really do want to invest in this.

>> No.6564339


As far as the white paper goes, I believe there is one coming out soon, and that there is one written in Chinese? Not sure, I can't read Chinese lel

>> No.6564589

Ven is 20% of my port

I sold it all at near the top, put a buy order in for a dip and walked away.

MFW buy order got picked up ... now i have more VEN :^)

Durrrr trading is for idiots, hodl

Yea yea yea, when you're a poorfag you gotta hustle to increase your stack and have BALLS

>> No.6564686

So comfy

>> No.6564704

Don't need a whitepaper if you are a real company and not vaporware

>> No.6564790

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.6564818

Nice fud bruh

>> No.6564854



Keep your money until you've done all of the above.

>> No.6564990

newfag detected

>> No.6564991

Increased my stack on the dip, will my measly 945 VEN be enough to make it?

>> No.6565022

could be in a couple years or so, especially if you keep adding and generating thor.

>> No.6565036

Read through. The latest is pretty interesting because it talks about consortium chains. Vechain is currently LIVE and has paying customers which are running on a consortium chain.

They will migrate to a Public Chain in Q2. They have a working and in-use product already.

>> No.6565046

I have 1k, so I sure as shit hope so.

>> No.6565061

When is the rebrand? Also why would the rebrand be associated with a pump?

>> No.6565088

>Come on, $40 and $130 by EOY? That are some incredibly conservative estimates.
>$40 is like 10B mcap. $130 is like 35B or so.

What would be your guess?

>> No.6565126

vechain is up to some seriously shady shit, i mean how scammy can they get

feb 26

>> No.6565132

Sold at 46k, rebought at 40k
100% C O M F Y

>> No.6565173

$100-500 eoy worst case
$500-1000 2019

>> No.6565189

900 ven/vet, will i make it?

>> No.6565274

Nigga i have 200, you are comfy as fuck
I do have other coins as well ... like 6 different ones but i'm trying to sell those to increase my HOLD stacks

>> No.6565312

If it goes above $250 I'll be pretty happy. I'll put that shit into buying one of them new sex dolls

>> No.6565322


Thank you

>> No.6565351
File: 443 KB, 2000x1300, ven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6565375

He's lying, nobody on 4chan has money

>> No.6565396

I know the rumors about the chinese government started here, but Im wondering if it would still explode without them being true

>> No.6565444

My only other coins are 100 icx , 40xrb and like 30 omg . Couldn't decide weather to move more over cause I got rid of a bunch of other stuff

>> No.6565459

Not gonna lie but one of my friends has a cousin that was supposedly a former 40 man dev team member. Said team member was telling my friend that supposedly when the Japanese marched into Nanking, Sunny's grandfather who was a notorious Japanese sympathiser, turned on his own countrymen and sold them out to the Japs for slaughter...

Would you really trust Sunny knowing his bloodline is traitorous like that? Idk seems kinda shady

>> No.6565506

>dead commies
I see no problem

>> No.6565514
File: 109 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180116-182927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not much compared to what others have on here

>> No.6565533

Eh having 3 coins is fine, i'm trying to hold 3.
I'm waiting for the other shitters to do something so i can dump

>> No.6565549 [DELETED] 

Gimme some

>> No.6565593

pls drop more overnight. I want to buy more

>> No.6565596


>> No.6565647

Ya I just couldn't decide whether to balance my holdings a bit more but I really believe ven gonna have better ROI , hope I'm right

>> No.6565662

There is usually a bigger fish. I have a fairly large stack myself but I see people with two or three times it fairly regularly.

>> No.6565675

you will have some number of 6 figures $USD this time next year, congratulations.

>> No.6565719

Im poor as fuck, is it even worth buying in if I can only get 300 VEN?

>> No.6565753

would you rather day trade your money away or buy this and chill on it for a year and reap the benefits?

>> No.6565773

yes think about if this hits a couple hundred once VET gets rolling don't be a brainlet

>> No.6565846

That last tweet got me wet, more good news to come

>> No.6565903

God pls. I'm not gonna touch it for minimum one year.

>> No.6565948

Should I buy now or wait for a lower price

>> No.6566000

>Should I buy now or wait for a lower price
It already dipped in the low $3 earlier, doubt we will see that again

>> No.6566091

Well I'm seeing people say it's a long-term hold (meaning I have time), and I'm in ETH rn which is in a dip. So I think I'll stay in eth for now.

>> No.6566291

VEN threads are so comfy in the midst of this flash crash

>> No.6566859


>> No.6567034

Ill sell at 50 dollars, we are going uo and bitcucks will get ducked

>> No.6567828



We don't even fucking know how far this goes.

>> No.6568127


>> No.6568233

A literal PAJEET made the first entry for Vechains community contest...


>> No.6568280

The post they are quoting is literally from this very board. It's a twitter post containing a picture of a reddit post which copied from another reddit which was copied from here.

Like jesus christ does anyone not remember that thread YESTERDAY?

>> No.6568356

Sorry I have shit to do so I don't go on 4chan everyday

>> No.6568459


>> No.6568521


Yea i was in that thread.. This is how rumors spread and get out of hand. I hope it gets nipped in the bud asap before people start thinking it's true

>> No.6568574

Actually this guy did.


Or at least as far as I can tell.

>> No.6568592

$1,150 BY EOY

>> No.6568598

The only reason I think it might have some validity is due to the bitocean shit.

Why else would there be an ATM system for VeChain, a utility platform token?

>> No.6568661
File: 36 KB, 200x200, vechain_SWOLEE1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6568731


Negative.. On their official twitter: https://twitter.com/vechainofficial

>> No.6568873

It wasn't CCK because he makes twitter posts when he does. It has to be some undisclosed other insider or some masterful liar.

It sort of fits but really it's just conjecture and no proof was given.

>> No.6569102


Assume masterful liar unless proven otherwise. With this much money flying around the past month or so people will say and do anything to keep themselves afloat. The idea sounds amazing on paper but to think Vechain actually has that much clout is difficult to acknowledge personally. But maybe they do and I'll eat my words. Also, who is coca-cola kid? I've seen the name thrown around but what's his stake in vechain?

>> No.6569524

I saw Sunny Lu at a grocery store in Singapore yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.6569540

He is ((((them))))

>> No.6569784

He is an insider who has been posting information in riddle both here and on twitter 8 to 12 hours before VeChain posts them and he has been accurate every time.

He also posted a video of a closed door meeting with Sunny and a bunch of big wigs so he is an actual insider and has claimed PBoC is happening and was infact the person to spread the rumor.

>> No.6569860

EOY predictions? Whats to stop this beast from getting anywhere from 25-50bil cap?

>> No.6569901

obviously a big holder and wants the rest of you faggots to buy his bags.

>> No.6570097
File: 125 KB, 720x1280, 2018-01-16 00.21.35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see pic related

>> No.6570111

my opinion is that this guy is just bullshitting

>> No.6570338

Yeah, ive invested in fun and ven, both seem great long term holds. I dont see how a ven crash would be possible long term, considering all the partnerships

>> No.6570563

Newfag here, what app is that?

>> No.6570572

It's vague enough to mean literally anything.

The best I've heard is that China is going to reverse it's stance crypto or VeChain at least.

>> No.6570979

Dont touch this shit. Its a chinese coin hyped up by westerners. Do you really want to be holding a Chinese coin when China is firing warning shots against crypto?

VEN isnt big in China. Ever wonder why all of its partner companies are Western companies? PwC doesnt count.

Plus PwC only treats it as a pet project. VEN has existed for quite a while now and they dont really change the underlying blockchain tech that much. The only reason its fast is because the nodes are centralized. You want to invest in teams whos only focus is working on the blockchain's tech. PwC is busy with their other projects.

If you are going to bet on something to kill ETH better to invest in third gen blockchains like EOS and ADA. Some might say they are vaporware but you should do your own research or ask the ADA or EOS shills in biz for more details.

>> No.6571032

>Only western companies
Let me guess. They are lying?

>> No.6571046


>> No.6571109

Breyer Capital begs to differ

>> No.6571118

You sound like you really believe in the $57 you invested in ADA

>> No.6571127

this shit is 3 hours old and doesnt have shit to do with anything.

>> No.6571152

I've been intrigued by ADA

>> No.6571384


Bullshitting? He literally hasn't been wrong yet, he's 100% an insider

>> No.6571549

holy shit do you guys ACTUALLY think this could hit $40?

>> No.6571657

That's a conservative number

>> No.6571662


10x from here would only give it a 12b market cap

>> No.6571787

Fuck man, I gotta get more VEN. Problem is I don't want to sell my ICX before the 24th. Hopefully I won't miss out on the mothermoon

>> No.6572333

If it makes you feel better, the picture is mosyly faked