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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6548170 No.6548170 [Reply] [Original]

Do you retards not realize how fucking massive this is?

Hidden in plain sight no one noticed, confirmed by the community manager in discord

>> No.6548198
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>> No.6548212

Shhhh I'm still stockpiling for my early retirement. Comfy af

>> No.6548283
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>> No.6548287

The walls will fall soon

>> No.6548309


super tempted to throw 1 more ETH into this, and I'm a poor NEET
ballsy as fuck

>> No.6548369
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So comfy.

>> No.6548383

same, everything is crashing and all I have in mind is getting some more VEN for that /comfy/

>> No.6548394

Once this is implemented I don’t see any reason this can’t eventually hit 1000$, that’s a 200x return from here anon

>> No.6548434

stop shilling your shit koreanjew , former 40 man dev here. Vechain is a big fat mess! going to implode once the expose on Sunny is released .

>> No.6548454


I have a bunch of ICX I was just going to hold...what do you think - dump and get into VEN?

>> No.6548526

Yep, but you have no idea how corrupt Sunny is. Only a real psychopath can foster connections the way he has... the way he did...
im a former employee. I used to be one of the 40 devs. Some of the shit that would go down in the office was truly fucked up but we turned a blind eye to it as he was paying a lot. Sometimes he'd walk into the office with 3 indians on a chain, and say something like "here are the walty saltys for today". He would then force them to do humiliating things in front of us all.
Eventually, One of the devs really fucked up and lost the white paper which was going to be released on the 15th of Jan. Sunny went ballistic and started smashing up the Shanghai office. He even got arrested, but his guanxi was really strong and he was released later. now you know why the rebrand was delayed.

Careful investing in this guy, hes shady.

>> No.6548534

I need a picture of the confirmation because I was pretty sure that anon was just larping. The guy he is quoting is quoting a random 4chan post by some larper.

>> No.6548539


both are pretty comfy, honestly
are you 50/50 icx ven?

>> No.6548621


No I got lucky a couple weeks and decided to say "fuck it" and went 80% NEO and 20% icx.

But it doesn't sound like ICX has as much motion as VEN might in the future.

>> No.6548645

former 40 man dev here , can confirm . Sunny is crazy, soon he will exposed on New York Times. I suggest you cash out before Vechain becomes insolvent.

>> No.6548653


That's my plan as soon as my deposit goes through.

>> No.6548756

okay just sold 100k

>> No.6548763

I'm starting to like the sound of this sunny guy.

>> No.6548791


>> No.6548811
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Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.6548840

Yeah they are basically regulated by the chinese gov and will start their own DEX soon.

Meanwhile every other centralized exchange will be banned in China LOL.

Total monopoly for Vechain & first mover advantage.

What's that going to do with the price you think?

>> No.6548893

you guys do realise you'll be pretty much bagholding this til the middle of next month? plenty of moon missions before then

>> No.6548946
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>> No.6548949

30/30/30 VEN/ETH/WTC
10 in ZCL

>> No.6548989

>News every few days
>Stable in the middle of a market crash
>Massive connections
This isn't a bull market anymore.

>> No.6549063

You realize literally EVERYONE will be bagholding until the end of month right? This dip is not going to be short like all the others. It's going to be weeks before we recover. Enjoy your -30% bags while us VEN fags are comfy still in the green.

TFW all in on VEN at $3

>> No.6549089

Btc breaking 10k and you still care about your VENs. Oh dear

>> No.6549091

that was just a "what if" post from yesterday. Stop spreading retarded rumors.

>> No.6549103

Idk man, not sure I can trust a company lead by Sunny anymore. I saw him at a grocery store in Shanghai yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like seven bottles of wine in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical interference on the blockchain” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think these are RFID tagged. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.6549218

old news the blockchain city / wine trade. was even in one of the boxmining vids

>> No.6549220

Ven fud is weak as hell compared to Chainlink, step it up waltonwabicucks

>> No.6549261

VEN was heavily affected by the dip, only reason it came back up was today's announcement. I guarantee this will fall like fuck before the rebrand which if you know how to trade, allows time to stock up to buy more VEN before then.

>> No.6549299

You watched Wolf of Wall Street one too many times, friendo.

>> No.6549307

Is this even a question?

>> No.6549363

yeah someone stated this yesterday seems fishy

>> No.6549369

I bought 5k NEO when they were Antshares, what dip anon?

>> No.6549416


>> No.6549529


Thing is, I don't think this will dip too much.
Think about it - this coin is heavily manipulated, and the stable price could be a huge selling point for VEN when trying to form partnerships - inviting people in on something that's still "cheap" and didn't crash when everything else did is huge.

I don't think it will dip too much, but everyone should definitely put some more VEN in their pockets if they want to make it.

>> No.6549545

So comfy, brother. All these connections to fortune 500 companies thanks to PwC, DNVGL and now also NRCC, basically a monopoly on supply chain niche. Now also most likely the base for the one and only Chinese crypto exchange. This is a trillion dollar MC coin right there. It's not even a top 5 coin, it's a top 2.
Went all in at $2, I think I'll stop trading, to make sure I won't lose a single coin from my stack, hold till q3 and live off passive income from my nodes.

>> No.6549631

ride the ICX mainnet pump until end of January

I'm 60/40 VEN/ICX right now. As soon as ICX gets a good pump (above 20 dollars) I'm liquidating for more VEN

>> No.6549703


>> No.6549778

I mean how egregious can it be... Morality has been sold down the river... Do people really give a shit unless he's trafficking children or some crazy shit?? I'm just curious to watch it play out. I hold Walton, no Vechain. I would be tempted to add a position given the truth of this statement but not regarding a total shit show Jeff Skelling type CEO.

>> No.6549928

If this hits anything near 1k I’ll cry, fuck if it hits 50 I’ll cry .

>> No.6549999

Thank fuck the rebrand was delayed. I was upset at first but it would of been terrible timing considering everything is going to shit

>> No.6550058


that's my plan. i just don't know when to sell icx. how do cryptos usually react to mainnet release?

>> No.6550061
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>Only have 100 Ven
Well, I was getting really to hodl anyways.
I want to pump more into the dip, but everything is down at the moment.

>> No.6550133

>Some random anon on /biz/ makes a claim while presenting literally zero evidence
>People run around acting like Sunny himself said it
I don't understand.