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File: 38 KB, 1680x955, bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6545378 No.6545378 [Reply] [Original]


Where are my BAT boys at?

Remember this, amongst all the FUD:
>The more money BAT is worth, the more incentive for advertisers, users, and content creators to utilize Brave
>Brave's business model relies in a large part on the success of BAT to incentivize the Brave community
>the team behind Brave is lead by the man behind JavaScript and Mozilla Firefox

Key things to remember about BAT:
>it's a long term hold
>if you're in Crypto for quick moon missions and easy money, you're going to hate BAT
>if you've ever had the thought, "Damn, I wish I would have bought/kept those Bitcoins back in 2013" then you need to go read BAT whitepapers immediately


>> No.6545439

What are the arguments against this claim tho?

>> No.6545442

Except Brave is a piece of shit and nobody is going to use it. There is all the incentive in the world for advertisers and content creators but if you can't get the users to switch en masse to Brave then BAT is just going to fade into obscurity. Sorry about your bags OP.

>> No.6545504

Except that in the future you will be able to use BAT without Brave, eat my shit pajeet

>> No.6545535

ID fd...boi
FUD BOI confirmed

>> No.6545556

BAT would NEED to be well over $1 if they want to see widespread adoption. The supply is fixed so if BAT remains cheap, there literally wont be enough to go around

>> No.6545557

t. BATlet

I wish I could grab more too anon, the browser is only in alpha and is being compared the top dogs.

>> No.6545594

shoo shoo fud boi

BAT will have addons for other browsers

>> No.6545629

Go away shills. This is getting annoying.

>> No.6545671

Read my post again, this time turn your brain on.

People didn't instantly switch to Chrome. DYOR into new user adaption of browsers. Keep in mind, the guy behind Brave lead the MOZILLA FIREFOX TEAM.
Another point I forgot to mention:

BAT is currently priced at Cheap as fuck, what better time to hop on board? Even having 100 BAT could net you some serious profits by the end of the year.

>> No.6545778

How can you invest your money in something you have done literally no research at all...?
On 24th page of the whitepaper it says „BAT will be a fixed ratio to ETH. This may vary slightly with ETH volatility as we get closer to the contract deployment date. The exchange rate will be 6400 BAT per ETH”.
This market is like 99% idiots, no wonder it crashed

>> No.6545849

oh god i don't follow BAT because eich is an imbecile but if your hope is that BAT will compete with firefox/chrome/edge then anon you have no idea what you got yourself into

>> No.6545890
File: 463 KB, 1920x1080, bat yuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bat gal (male) here

>> No.6545910

Alright' make sense. But eventually the price has to be fixate at a certain narrow range, right? Otherwise, how can advertisers monitor thier profits?

>> No.6545913

I thought that was only in regards to the ICO

>> No.6545933

That's in reference to the Crowdsale you absolute fucking brainlet. Jesus Christ.

>> No.6545979

You are correct.

>>6545778 is an idiot

>> No.6546054

and those are the idiots giving advice on what coins to buy... kek

>> No.6546157

Assuming you mean Brave and not BAT, Brave is completely different than any of the browsers you listed because:

1) It is designed around using Crypto as one of its main business strategies, and
2) It is designed around privacy and a new advertising paradigm.

You shouldn't even compare Brave to those browsers, but even still, Brave could be half as big as Chrome and the value of BAT would skyrocket. It doesn't need to overtake them.

>> No.6546262

their profits are monitored in terms of USD, the BAT price is arbitrary

>> No.6546268

>half as big as Chrome
oh god anon why are you doing this>>6546157

>> No.6546464

no publisher is going to take payment in something that can fluctuate 20% in a day. the price needs to be steady for this to work

>> No.6546465
File: 416 KB, 800x450, Bravethony Batano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I enjoy debating with brainlets about Brave and BAT. I genuinely believe in BAT so it's fun for me to post about it, dispel FUD and get people excited about it

>> No.6546491
File: 27 KB, 400x211, thebat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6546549
File: 123 KB, 1050x656, BATboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6546563

the payments in terms of USD are fixed tho. Publishers wont even see the BAT they are earning (that all takes place on the backend)

>> No.6546668

40k BAT here. will sell at $25/token for a cool milli. that time is probably around september 2018.

>> No.6546748
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>> No.6546760
File: 756 KB, 1334x750, A22F4B0B-4F60-4BDA-A48A-ED06B976DE90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure that’s true. A publisher posted this on reddit.

>> No.6546794


then why the fuck should i invest?

>> No.6546842

Lurk more

>> No.6546893

How much BAT to make it boys? How high can we go. do we think philly d is really going to shill this following the emoji winky face on reddit he posted the other day?

>> No.6546934

sorry let me rephrase: A publisher can choose whether or not their payments are denominated in BAT or in USD. Most of the big name publishers I imagine will choose the latter

>> No.6547044

not all, some of them will hoard if they forsee it increasing in value

>> No.6547118

What would happen if Firefox adopted the BAT platform by default?

Would BAT become the new BTC?

>> No.6547120

sure. those would be the true visionaries

>> No.6547132

I could see consumers going around viewing ads for the tokens. Advertisers could spend $1 million on token give outs instead of giving $1 million to google or facebook for inferior advertising capability.

It's really a no-brainer. Especially when you consider that the Brave browser allows for expanded advertising capabilities.