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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6542687 No.6542687 [Reply] [Original]

VEN or NEO for best future gains and financial safety?

Limited budget btw.

>> No.6542958

VEN stop fucking asking stupid questions

>> No.6543034



>> No.6543040


>> No.6543056

who dat is

>> No.6543064



>> No.6543086



>> No.6543129


>> No.6543189

Semon demon

>> No.6543752


>> No.6543794
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>> No.6543873
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>> No.6543894

Ven price in a few years? 1000+ possible?

>> No.6543975

What's under the flap?

>> No.6543976

If China gonna ban all other crypto and let only Vechain that they work with then any price is possible despite 277m supply.

>> No.6544016

Isn't VEN also in Singapore? I mean, one more advantage.

Will it drop soon lads?

>> No.6544035

two piss flaps

>> No.6544037

If you want to afford that woman one day, buy VEN

>> No.6544094

weiners probably

>> No.6544440

Remember all those threads saying you should never take advice from /biz/?

Ignore the VEN bagholders - NEO is a top 10 coin set to hit $,1000 in 2018. Smaller circulating supply, GAS dividends and a better team that the /biz/ shitcoin of the month (VEN).

Buy now or miss out.

>> No.6544491

I could jack off to this if that bit of skirt was pushed aside.

>> No.6544561

I'll never get good gas dividends with the amount i would be able to buy right now tho

>> No.6544580


>> No.6544658

Obvious trap

>> No.6544913

Even though I'm hondling VEN I hope price will drop so I can buy more but I think it won't drop significally, as you can see during crash it held very good. Breyer and China are regulating the price for now so everyone can hop in at reasonable price.

>> No.6545308


>> No.6545318

NEO and WTC. VEN but wait until the price drops to buy in.
NEO has the better short term potential

>> No.6545401

VEN never drops and never goes up

>> No.6545621
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Not doubting the project in the long run, but unless anons start selling off soon they are going to get burnt pretty hard. I'm sure a lot of /biz/ bought in a few days ago. There was a crazy amount of shills driving the price up. It's only damaging in the future and makes all these partnerships less effective at manipulating price.

>> No.6545972


>> No.6546112
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>> No.6546176


>> No.6546660

One google image search later.