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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6541084 No.6541084 [Reply] [Original]

The first week of 2018 I made 25k daytrading, I had decided to quit my job.
>95% of my networth is in crypto.
>I'm extremely depressed right now, money makes blind and I should've cashed atleast 75% out. It would've changed my life a little bit.
> I fucked up.
Looking back at the amount of money I've currently lost < just realized it's a shitload of money. How could I have been so blind..

>> No.6541358

you need to be a bit of a masochist in this game. What goes up must come down and vice versa I don't really care. Things will hit ATH again in a few weeks.

>> No.6541422

That sucks, I'm a neet so I pretend this is my job.

In the december dip when everything was crashing except for ripple, I fomo'd in at ATH. Never touching (((that))) again.

>> No.6541485

You fuckers aren't day trading you are swing trading and that's why you are losing.

>> No.6541748

Hindsight is always 20/20, learn from your mistakes and move on. You gain nothing from holding onto the past.

>> No.6541776
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lol btc is gonna take a long time to hit ath...

>> No.6541819

I feel you, bro. I bought XRP when it was at $3.50. Granted, I only invested $150, but seeing how I’m poor that is a lot of money for me.

>> No.6542404

>What goes up must come down and vice versa I don't really care
Except the vice versa part doesn't apply at all.

>> No.6542683

I hear you OP, I had consecutive days of 20%-40% gains, I was doing the calculations to see if I keep it up how long it would take to be a millionaire.

>> No.6542806


everything is going to go back up soon, there's been a dip every january the past few years.

what strats do you employ when trading?

>> No.6542975

Just keep buying and you will be a millionaire

>> No.6543405

I am still up 5x. So who gives a fuck?

Besides, while there still are cards, we can play the game.