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6538417 No.6538417[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Now that cyber coin has crashed I'm desperate, literally my life is gonna end. I've planned to rob my local convenience store. I have a loaded glock, balaclava mask + sunglasses and an escape car. Ive planned to do it at night since nobody is ever fucking there then. it should take about 5 mins so I can rush out, get into my car then sleep the rest of the night in it in a hidden location before returning home since they'll be patrolling the streets all night . Has any other anons robbed a store? Any tips would be appreciated

>> No.6538508

check for cameras where your car will be. don't shit where you live, rob a store not so close to your location.

>> No.6538509

dumbest shit you can do
>check justice porn threads on >>>/gif/
enjoy your instant karma OP

>> No.6538531
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our town just had mud slides, had like 100 deaths, all the mexicans are looting the houses

>> No.6538539

I just did a dime for this same thing. My best advice is don't fucking do it you retard. Best case scenario you get 80 bucks. Worst case scenario you get assfucked by niggers in prison.

>> No.6538545

>sleeping in the car used for the crime

>> No.6538573

Yeah you'll get caught unless you're a pro

t. Brother robbed 20+ stores, got caught

>> No.6538581

>Absolute state of biz during small dips

>> No.6538582

Why don't you just sell the gun and car you fucking mutt?

>> No.6538596

My roommate's friend did this and he's currently serving a 20+ year sentence when all he stole was like 300 bucks.

>> No.6538652

Better yet, get a job? I hear the military is hiring for WW3.

>> No.6538697

>it should take about 5 mins

>> No.6538740

Seriously, if you're going to rob a place rob a place with money like a bank. Average money from a bank is like 30k, about a 1/3rd of the people get away with it. You can't be a fucking moron though, which obviously OP is because hes broke in the first place.

>> No.6538770

lmao you're going to get shot for a couple hundred bucks, tops.

do you even know how much the hospital bills are going to be from a bullet wound? more than the entire contents of the store's safe. everyone pays with cards these days, brah.

>> No.6538885
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>robbing a store
everybody robs stores

>> No.6539087
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lol right, enjoy prison OP you stupid idiot, future cumdumpster

>> No.6539136
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its stupid to rob a store with a gun, you are risking way too much for nothing.

just do the "cash register grab" and RUUUUNNNN for your life

Otherwise you could try breaking into some rich guys home, but you will need to learn lockpicking.

Pls only do this if you are absolutely desperate ,have nothing to lose and somewhat of a plan/skill (u know how to get away etc.).

Good luck OP

>> No.6539171

>robbing a store
Why? The sentence is big, chance of getting caught is big and payout is low. Youre better off blatantly scamming people on ebay and facebook etc

>> No.6539195
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It's not worth it. You don't think they know people want to rob them?

The till will have 200 dollars in it max, and that's if you're lucky. Most convenience stores don't even have that much. Not worth risking your future over.

>> No.6539245

LOL fucking moron, you wont make shit

better off begging/borrowing some money poor faggot

>> No.6539265

> hidden location before returning home since they'll be patrolling the streets all night .

lol this faggot plays too much GTA, just kill yourself.

>> No.6539301

I hope Pajeet behind the counter has a shotgun on him

>> No.6539368


I talked to a security guard who told me that basically all people do now is walk in with a note and present it to the teller. The teller might walk away if they have glass windows and no weapon is shown. They usually get 2-5k and if caught they usually cry about making a rash decision in the moment so it isn't pre-meditated and are usually out within 3-6 months.

Although this is also in CA where Cops now book DUIs as just a ticket, because why do all the paperwork when the DA usually does the same thing due to full jails and budget constraints.

>> No.6539446

>California in charge of law enforcement

Ladies and gentlemen

>> No.6539459

Please do it so you are removed from the general population when cops come guns blazing. Otherwise get a damn job and stop being societal cancer. Fuck you.

>> No.6539476

sell drugs
if you're not stupid you can get away with it for a couple years

>> No.6539538

I actually did rob a store in Edinburgh, Scotland. It didn't go as planned and I was given 16 month sentence.

>> No.6539588


I'm not even talking first time DUIs, it's practically impossible to serve any time even as you get to 8+ DUIs..you'll just get fined out the ass.

>> No.6539605

If you do this then be sure to kill whoever is in the store. No witnesses = the perfect crime.

>> No.6539671

>what the fuck is a security camera

>> No.6539698

if someone life is that bad and they have nothing left, it's a good choice. 3 hots and a bed.
or some money. it's a win win when there's nothing left to lose.

>> No.6539767

Instead of robbing a store and violating some poor cashier's NAP (and possibly things going horribly wrong and you or them get killed) just kys.

>> No.6539854

Do it OP

>> No.6539890


This is how you go to prison for 40+ years. You'd be better off taking their ID from them. If I were a clerk I wouldn't say shit if the guy knows where I live.

>> No.6539896
