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6535167 No.6535167 [Reply] [Original]

20mg Adderall
2mg Xanax
2-3 grams of Coke
Bottle of Red Wine

>> No.6535244

about 2 grams of top shelf organic weed

>> No.6535290

how long do you think you can keep this up before your liver give out?

>> No.6535331


> 2 Uppers
> 2 Downers

Whats the point?

>> No.6535339

>Bottle of Red Wine

>> No.6535342

Hahaha have fun with your low test and cardiac failure. Fucking burgers think being on medication is some sort of superpower.

>> No.6535352

been doing it for 18 months now plus or minus some oxycodone

>> No.6535360


20 mg adderall instant release broken into 5 mg chunks taken throughout the day, although I’m prescribed 3x the dose

>> No.6535369

he thinks he's jordan belfort

>> No.6535379

I'm here for a good time not a long time

>> No.6535401

>2-3 grams a day
Jesus I just do a quarter about every two weeks, and I thought I was hard.

>> No.6535405

Nothing hes taking is that hard on the liver aside from alcohol, and 1 bottle of red isn't that much.

>> No.6535435

10mg generic instant release Adderall = the patrician dosage.

>> No.6535444

>normalfag general
not a bad idea t b h, if we can't push them away we need to make bait topics to lure them in

>> No.6535453


>> No.6535462

>250mg modafinil
>300mg phenibut
>alcohol or weed at night, depends if i got justed or not

>> No.6535484
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fuck off you worthless junkie

>> No.6535494


He's going to be exceeding his recommended weekly consumption at least x 4.

Probably already has fatty liver, cirrhosis on it's way if he doesn't stop.

Not to mention how mixing cocaine and alcohol leads to cocaethylene which is harder on the liver to deal with and about ten times more toxic.

>> No.6535497

17.5 mg of Dexamphetamine (spread over 3 doses)
0.5 gram of weed at night to relax and sleep well

>> No.6535528


How bad is adderall on the liver?

>> No.6535530


Shill me phenibut.

>> No.6535568

1.5 bottles of Red Wine (daily)
Phenibut 1.5g (only every 3rd day)
Clonazepam 1mg whenever its in stock
Pregabalin 500mg sometimes
Tianeptine 1g if i got JUST'd (every day)

>> No.6535573

meh that's not that much i meant long term

word, but it'd be nice to know how long the good times will last

>and 1 bottle of red isn't that much.
ye but that's daily

>> No.6535592

As long as you don't overdo it your liver will be fine.

this goes for most drugs and alcohol though.

>> No.6535595

I love my 40 mg Adderall, it’s so goooood.

>> No.6535603


I honestly don't know but considering it has passed trials and is recommended for daily use I can't envision it being that bad on the liver.

Unless you're exceeding the recommended dosage significantly (adderall isn't prevalent in my country so I don't know the amounts) and/or (routinely) mixing it with other substances I imagine you'll be fine.

>> No.6535608

For me it was the best drug ive taken, on par with MDMA and GHB. Then the euphoric effects just went away, and never came back (even after 3month+ breaks). I still take it to this day since the anxiolytic effect still works, and its great for sleep

>> No.6535618

kills anxiety and depression stone dead, makes me more sociable and happy, i use it every second day at 250-350mg to combat withdrawal and tolerance, its fucking magic just dont abuse it as the withdrawals supposedly are horrendous.

>> No.6535628

In low dose like 20 mg it’s no worse than caffeine.

>> No.6535631


What context/when you should take it?

I actually have some here at home I ordered a month ago.

It's currently 4pm and I have work tomorrow though.

>> No.6535642

Shit literally only worked the first 2 times I took it, after that I tried several dosages and it'll only make me drowsy

>> No.6535651

>low test
What causes low test? Red wine increases test
But yeah the coke will destroy his heart

>> No.6535660

Phenibut does wonders if you have a shitty job that interacts with the public. On enough funnybutt my day flies by.

>> No.6535663

0.1g microcode mushrooms + modafinal in morning.
Weed at night, sometimes alcohol + xanax

>> No.6535668

Agreed, moderation is the key.

>> No.6535669

take it in the morning tommorow soon as you wake up, refrain from eating for 2 hours, coffee and tea quickens the effects a far bit, thank me later

>> No.6535678

WTF, you people still use adderall?! It's 2018 for fucks sake, ask your doc for some Modafinil. It's 10 x better

>> No.6535694

Coke will cause permanent ED after prolonged use.

>> No.6535705

You can take it whenever, it lasts all day and is a very functional drug in moderate doses (300mg~1g). Taking it on an empty stomach is important, and it takes 2-3 hours to kick in. Helps with sociability, anxiety, sleep. Really it's kind of a panacea.

>> No.6535706

>0.1g microcode mushrooms
without going into too much detail, where do you source this from?, microdosed just before christmas, felt happy as shit but not high, great feeling.

>> No.6535737

Will do

>> No.6535743

adderal makes the alc effects worse. dehydration and so on

>> No.6535766

You're spending 100-200 a day on coke?

>> No.6535771
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>not knowing the meme
>not knowing the best fucking movie to watch before starting to trade crypto

>> No.6535776


Is it for partying?

Chilling at home?

>> No.6535778












>> No.6535789

All the things he lists lower test. A glass of wine may not but a daily bottle will fuck your test.
Gyno is a known sideeffect of alcoholism

>> No.6535799

50 MG Modafinil 4x Per Day Monday-Friday

Piracetam, Oxiracetam, Aniracetam, L-Theanine, Vitamin C & D, Lion's Mane, Choline, 5HTP.

Once a month or so:
Balls to the wall on everything but opiates.

>> No.6535805

you can grow enough cubes in 6/8 weeks to last a long fucking time, years if micro dosing.
also, nice hobby

>> No.6535867

Its like a benzo that isnt a benzo.
Gives self esteem and make you be chill about everything. Also makes you feel smarter than you are

The widtdrawals are hell. Take it for a few months or even weeks daily and you will suffer bigly for a long time when trying to stop.
Most just never stop since its legal.

Kratom is a safer alternative (also has widthdrawals)

>> No.6535932

Most alcoholics don’t drink red wine exclusively. Beer and liquor are both highly estrogenic, but red wine isn’t.

>> No.6535955

Red wine also contains resveritrol which is a potent anti oxidant

>> No.6535962


Thanks for the advice anons. Just bought 100k

>> No.6535973

The alcohol itself fucks with your test. Get shitfaced on wine regularly and your test will drop, no exceptions.

All the wine health benefit memes only apply to small amounts.

>> No.6535979

any side effects to microdosing?, would like to do 1 day mushrooms 1 day phenibut.

>> No.6535982

Xanax is a pleb addiction. Who wants to be a zombie all day?

>> No.6536000

>tolerance goes up on average 1g a week or month depending on how often you use it
>tfw you end up taking 3-5 grams a day just to feel it
>tfw it's not addictive but if you stop cold turkey you will have insomnia, legit, full blown insomnia
>tfw if you mix it with alcohol it literally turns into truth serum

Spike your enemies drinks with it. I took 4-5g a day for about 6 months and had to taper off to get off it, it's good but over rated.

>> No.6536002

/biz/ is 90% degen addicted gambling addicts looking for quick fixes and get rich quick scams

>> No.6536028

Degenerates who already are zombies but dont want to be reminded of it all the time.
So they go full zombie

>> No.6536055

Cigarette, l-theanine and coffee in the morning
Coffee after lunch
Whiskey and a small hit if weed un the evening

>> No.6536070


>> No.6536081

depends how much your taking initially and what for, i use it mainly for anxiety reasons and went through a spell of taking 350mg every day for 2 months and worked every time, only had a a break because the place i got it from shut down.

>> No.6536083

oxy (in nose) + caffeine in the am
Repeat in the pm

>> No.6536087

if you took that much and only had insomnia afterwards you are a tough MF.
Others go full manic depression when stopping from large daily doses

>> No.6536107

Enjoy dementia and high unfunctionality in your 30s fkin idiots

>> No.6536152

this actually seems pretty healthy

>> No.6536160

How can yall ignore the Xanax, that shit murders you when you drink on it

>> No.6536163

there's day and there's the evening, bro
don't you know this ?

>> No.6536169


you really should get pharma off your doctors back.
Don't you think this will become a massive problem in the US?

I personally don't take anything I can't grow myself.
Not that my doctor would give me something... he wouldn't...

>> No.6536186

Murders your brain and respiratory system maybe, but not your liver

>> No.6536203

hows modafinil ?

>> No.6536219

Mostly heroin.

>> No.6536279

Meds literally drink wine all the time and have some of the highest life expectancy on earth.

>> No.6536281
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who here /poppinpercs/

>> No.6536286

> Enjoy dementia and high unfunctionality in your 30s fkin idiots

Albert Hofman discovered LSD and microdosed it almost daily whilst continuing to give interviews and be involved in research up until he died at the age of 102

Alexander Shulgin discovered and took over half of the psychedelic drugs of the 20th century and again had no mental deficit when he died at the age of 88

>> No.6536287

Literally all degenerates except for me — 2g cannabis-sativa for the morning and lunch 2g cannabis indica for rest. All bought in legal medical cannabis dispensaries by order of a recommendation from my quack doctor!

>> No.6536334

>Meds drink at least 1 bottle of wine every day

>> No.6536366

>comparing Albert Hofman to random neet getting drunk every day while popping amphetamine and benzos

>> No.6536382

What a stupid mix, what does that even feel like?
You're just making your heart and liver work extra hard for no reason.

>> No.6536399

i think it's crashing xD

>> No.6536421

>tfw turbonormie who only consumes alcohol and cigarettes

>> No.6536439


> The chap was referring to all of us not just alcoholic OP

>> No.6536483

mod really makes you think faster and be much less lazy, without affecting anything much. also way more easier to stay up or go to sleep than coffee or aderral.

>> No.6536501

I do the same except I can only take phenibut twice a week or my tolerance goes through the roof and it stops working. you take it every day?

>> No.6536536

Fucking paneer modafinil shills,

depends on who you are. I've never been prescribed adderall and have no tolerance to drugs, yet whenever I take modafinil I dont feel shit

>> No.6536544


30 min run

>> No.6536557



>> No.6536589

>>not knowing the meme
I don't see quaaludes in OP's post

>> No.6536595


also this

>> No.6536600

>cup of coffee

enjoy your organ failure you fucking junkie

>> No.6536606

I spent 300€ / week on coke in my early/mid twenties. Im glad those days are over.

>> No.6536656
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>there are people not on speed in the cryptoworld
what are you even DOING with your lives

>> No.6536689
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Still easy to get online without a script? Neet without health care. Also what to search for sources?

>> No.6536701

literally just get vyvannse then dude

>> No.6536727


>> No.6536769

modafinil sounds interesting but i'm hesitant to switch.. people have been using amphetamines for a really long time relative to it

>> No.6536882

Vitamin D
Occasionally weed

That's all. I used to take benzos for OCD but i'm off those now.

>> No.6536926

ever second day with a week break every month, only dose 250-350mg, works fine for me

>> No.6536942
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>> No.6537060

>Don't you think this will become a massive problem in the US?
>implying it isn't already

>> No.6537097

If you're doing anything more than weed, psychedelics and moderate alcohol use sparingly, you'll fuck your day up.

I see the value of light stimulants but that's not for everyone and why i caution against it. Hell, even my 'ok' drugs aren't for everyone. Basically, your milage may vary.

>> No.6537142

Why don't you /biz/fags do psychs? Shrooms and LSD are the best fucking drugs. I guess they make chasing internet money seem fucking stupid tho...

>> No.6537185

you take a GRAM of tianeptine? is your opioid tolerance really that high? do you experience withdrawals from it?

I don't use anything at this point except for caffeine, l-theanine and nicotine (2mg lozenges). if I use recreational drugs, eventually I'm miserable. but I used to do kratom, pills, cannabis, psychedelics, DXM, morphine... almost everything. I can't drink anymore either.

>> No.6537188

Eh I dabbled. It just makes you feel like you've got a really good nights sleep. No good feelings, just not tired. It's truck diver shit really

>> No.6537208

>Tfw 35-45ug lsd every 4th day

>> No.6537242

Please respond.

>> No.6537315

eh microdosing is lame. I think larger doses less frequently is better. you get more out of it I think. you change your mindset harder and more dramatically which is good to get out of habitual thinking and feedback loops

>> No.6537344

I used to buy xanax with BTC before I got into trading a year ago
I hate this, looking back I spent thousands on it
Now I stopped all money wasting habits, altho sometimes when everything is red I just want to take indulge in something that slowly kills me

>> No.6537358
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20-40 mg adderal
Hard liquor all day, usually starting at 7am

>tfw you have the shakes

>> No.6537361

mah nigguh. I'm also on cymbalta 60mg for OCD/GAD.

>> No.6537407

Kratom in the morning and afternoon, beer in the evening.

>> No.6537412

Just drop a mangesium pill

>> No.6537446

>Click here

Wake up 6 am:
kratom +cofee + weed
redose two hours later.

Ashot and a beer at highnoon, start smoking some weed.

break fast around 2 pm, eat.

get high AS FUCK , keif and bonghits.
go to gym
get back, dabs and xanax.


>> No.6537466

Well why dont you just take the drugs and test?

>> No.6537479

>considering it has passed trials and is recommended for daily use I can't envision it being that bad on the liver.
That's a BIG assumption.. but in this case your right.

>> No.6537500


SRS, how do you guys handle shitting with kratom?

I get mad nods off plantation md and White vein, but i ccant shit. it hurts.

been taking purelax, still clogged up. the high is too good.

am i fucked? pls help

>> No.6537509

Weed, shrooms, and LSD, sometimes a drink of japanese whiskey

>> No.6537567


Kratom doesn't bind me up at all, its business as usual in that regard.

>> No.6537604

Nah mate I spent a year and a half experimenting with higher doses & for me I get everything a higher dose gives me without the tolerance & fall out the next day. On doses around 40 or 50 you still get slight visuals & an altered mind state/sense of perception.

You have to be careful thought, I've been on this routine for almost 3 years now, only with a couple of month breaks to reset any tolerance in all that time. I think I'm somewhat addicted at this point, & it definitely can fuck with your emotions & consciousness, but in general, I want it to change me

>> No.6537624

BItch you can ruin your liver taking literally any over the counter medication regularly. Nothing is really safe

>> No.6537630

only positive ones. productivity, mood, creativity
key word being microdose or say goodbye to getting anything done for the day
~1/2 or 1/4 grams every few days. *almost* could be placebo but definitely notice when I stop
shit can get weird and stay with you if you get greedy
obviously tolerance goes through the roof very fast and makes it barely worth it but microdosing every 3 or 4 days negates that

I just stick to once every 3 months or so now, if that even.

>> No.6537650

Kratom - enjoy your ed (that's erectile deficiency, not ethadelta)

>> No.6537656

microdosing is for le r/drugs pussies. 3 tabs in darkness with hendrix playing or go fuck your mother.

Im hear to see the devil

>> No.6537660


I get what people are doing...but I'll tell what I actually take.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Fish Oil
Vitamin D
Acetyl L Carnatine
Grape seed extract

All is well.

>> No.6537662

You can party on it if you take high doses, so 3+ grams, don't mix it with alcohol, goes great with psychedelics and weed.

>> No.6537698

Isn't it cheaper to drink your own piss?

>400-500mg caffeine
>50mg modafinil(more makes me crash with same or only a little more upper effects)
>adderall when daytrading, never without 3 days in between doses
>2 glasses of scotch before sleeping on hard days

Today is the whole fucking bottle of scotch.

>> No.6537710

Yup i just ordered 125 g phenny actually,i take 3-4 grams at noon or so and go about my day.

u feel drunk with confidence but u can act sober af

highly recc, just dont abuse. 2x a week max

>> No.6537736

40mg vyvanse
2 20mg adderall IR
1 gram of coke
2mg xanax to sleep

>> No.6537756

I just think of psychs as like a mental slap in the face to break the hypnosis that is everyday sober life. The more jarring the better, but not so much that you break your face.

>> No.6537757

-Morning: Coffee
-Night: Sleeping Pills

-Morning: Coffee
-Afternoon: Weed
-Night: sleeping pills

Once a month:
-Morning: Coffee
-Afternoon: LSD
-Night: sleeping pills

>> No.6537760

both have their places Joey

>> No.6537767


>tfw youre a methhead

>tfw ur a fucking larper

>> No.6537791


In all seriousness tho, I agree. I don't think 40-50ug isnt microdosing. Microdosing is taking subperceptual doses. I agree that's for pussies. I want to be high. And on 40-50ugs you're definitely high. If you've got some tabs you know are accurately doses, try it without tolerance, you'll be surprised

>> No.6537816


Sleeping pills give your a sleep cycle more similiar to that of being knocked out then actually sleeping well.

Just a heads up.

>> No.6537834

*Don't think 40-50 IS microdosing

>> No.6537856


One guy can't shit, you can't get a boner, I'm over here jerking off and dropping logs. Zero side effects with Kratom for most people I know.

>> No.6537863

lol I play Hendrix songs on guitar when I'm coming down but that's not trippy enough for me when I'm peaking. Maybe a couple songs on Axis

>> No.6537918
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>> No.6537968
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I don't do drugs as I am high on life!

>> No.6537993

It's $60 for a good bottle of Suntory in the States, but in Japan it's more like $12-$15. Also fuck adderall, shit's LITERALLY meth.

>> No.6538030
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>> No.6538033

No, it's literally not. Methyl groups change everything. Take a fucking chem course.

>> No.6538075

Looks like meth boyo.

>> No.6538091

I have to study this month, so right now it's usually some modafinil and phenylpiracetam, otherwise i use drugs like 2 times a week, mostly weed and psychedelics, kratom/phenibut, don't really see why people use everyday, being high gets old after some time

>> No.6538092

I recently cut my alcohol use out entirely and brought my weed usage down to a single joint a week. However, this day has been fucking terrible and I'm contemplating smoking another one.

>> No.6538137

dude piracetam made me way higher when I smoked weed. may need to try that again. I haven't tripped on it, have you noticed a difference?

>> No.6538157

this nigger trades

>> No.6538232

>100mg test prop ED
>600mg tren ace once a week
>1000iu's hcg 3x a week
>15mg nolvadex ED
>Weed when I feel like it

Paid for by crypto

>> No.6538235

Dumb nigger

>> No.6538246


Weed isn't the worst thing - your body has whole endocannabinoid system.

Alcohol is junk poison.

What you might do is add some quality CBD oil or vape in addition to the weed.

So maybe one join a week supplemented with some CBD for stress and relaxation etc.

>> No.6538276


>> No.6538280

man of culture

>> No.6538322

Whatever makes you feel better


>> No.6538327

my sides

>> No.6538379

Haven't really noticed anything combined with weed, i have combined it once with 2cb, seemed to make my thinking more clearly

>> No.6538402

>injecting tren once a week
enjoy your trenrage

>> No.6538463

Have fun with those heart problems in 10 years nigger

>> No.6538480

>avoiding trenrage
enjoy being a bitch

>> No.6538522
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15mg of lexapro and 1mg of xanax 3x a day

>> No.6538543

>tfw never used drugs before
recommend me something

>> No.6538549

>it's dangerous
So what? Was life a contest of who can live the longest?

>> No.6538578

phenibut, just dont abuse it.

>> No.6538607

I heard krokodil is rockin

>> No.6538633

shrooms or acid/LSD

>> No.6538690

just took 10mg. feelin amazin.

>> No.6538714

acid, just start low and remember it takes 2 weeks to reset the tolerance
weed is nice but dont make it a habit

>> No.6538781

well, if you haven't tried weed then you really should. if you want something a bit more intense then try shooms or lsd. if you don't like that type of stuff then try ghb / gbl. always do your research.

>> No.6538790
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this, dont believe the fud

>> No.6538850
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>> No.6538888

I don't take drugs tbqh

>> No.6538952
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nice, just mainlined 100k

>> No.6539034

How much have you made in crypto?

>> No.6539595

I smoke about an 8th of weed a day.

>> No.6540068

For me it's not about the damage a substance does but about my dependency on it. If I use a substance to battle stress I will forget how to handle it without said substance.

>> No.6540145




>> No.6540178

nothing because i am not a pathetic loser who needs drugs

>> No.6540294

OP Take your gains and go to rehab bro. You're heading down a path that ruins lives.

200-400mg of Modafinil/Armodafinil Daily

>> No.6540421

With some days off. Don't need to be Rain Man every fucking day

>> No.6540933
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>> No.6541219

Thompson was possibly into some very dark stuff.

>> No.6541289

Baclofen is actually the non addictive phenibut

>> No.6541359

I feel like if I drank that much I would hardly feel the acid.

>> No.6541461

how long have you been drinking on speed anon

i'm scared of cardiovascular effects

>> No.6541903

40mg dexamphetamine

spread in 15mg, 15mg, 10mg

>> No.6542125

Oxy + xanax + wine = death

>> No.6542559

i bet you're a little neet faggot that lives in your moms basement you pussy. some of us have real jobs and social lives to deal with outside crypto and drugs and booze make shit a hell of a lot easier to tolerate

>> No.6542692
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>he uses drugs to self medicate instead of strictly for recreational purposes
I buy crypto and use it to buy acid tabs and heroin to snort. I'm not interested in selling crypto since I don't want to complicate things.

>> No.6542704


>> No.6542787

30 mg tranylcypromine
some gabapentine (neurontin)

I take it for my bipolar but the gaba helps with crypto stuff too lol. well it's addictive so I try not to take it everyday

>> No.6542788

100mg Azathioprine
10mg Prednisolone
10mg Amitriptyline

>> No.6542827
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>> No.6542848
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20mg of add way too much for me. five mg and i'm set for the day. but i've never had an office job/never got on the coffee carousel, so prob more sensi to stimmi than others

also, shameless zcl shilling. buy the dip, niggers.

>> No.6542894

a bottle of whine or 4 500ml bears per day. But I can stop any time..or can I?

>> No.6542898

A lot of beer
A lot of weed
LSD not everyday obviously
Try to get in some annual DMT usage every year

>> No.6542899


>> No.6542919

Fuxk that shit i get a tolerance so fast before you kno it youre constipated for 3 days and addicted

>> No.6542948

How can you possibly make rational trading decisions when you're wired?

>> No.6543030
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>> No.6543029

Make sure you share the channel link so we can get going!! Expect 3000+% pumps!
Only on;
t . me / roadtomars

>> No.6543066


>> No.6543099

you don't
whenever I'm intoxicated I make bad decisions
so I just don't get high and if I ever happen to fuckup and get high I don't trade

>> No.6543115


if you do that much coke you're a fucking retard. Plus doing cocaine leads to bad investment decisions


>> No.6543116


>> No.6543143

i am pretty sure it is 10 times more toxic to the heart

>> No.6543176

pot is all I got

>> No.6543220

Thompson obviously did a shit ton of whatever drug he could get his hands on, but this is obviously an exaggeration, the human body can't tolerate a 'daily routine' like that for an extended period of time.

>> No.6543244

The mushrooms I got are so strong i took .15 last night and got high as fuck for like 6 hours.

>> No.6543271

How does one not know how much coke they have?? What kind of ballpark is 2-3grams...

>> No.6543293

>Bar a day for 18 months
You are going to have a seizure and potentially die if you don't know how to properly taper off.

>> No.6543309

lol trust me yes it can

>> No.6543330

Thompson also possibly killed children. There is some stuff out there about him

>> No.6543337

fuckin gay as shit.. who are you joe rogan?

>> No.6543349


200mg caffeine pill, 25mg Ephedrine
a bowl of the best weed LA has to offer

>> No.6543371
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>daily drug routine

Kill yourself.

>> No.6543396

I ate 3 grams a month ago and it was super intense bud

>> No.6543555

6mg estradiol

>> No.6543577

2.5g Phenibut 3-4 times a week.

Also don't lecture me on this I've been doing it for 3 years. I've been off it for 6+ weeks multiple times. Never had the infamous withdrawals.

>> No.6543649

>Does heroin
>Judges others

>> No.6543747

Nothing daily. 60-80mg Adderall XR binge Sunday nights.

>> No.6543837

>1000iu’s hcg 3x a week

Jesus do your balls drag across the floor when you walk?

>> No.6543890

how long have you been doing this and what stage of heart failure are you at now

>> No.6544010

I have never heard this before, got a link?

>> No.6544168

400 mg tramadol
2 g hash

>> No.6544237

>the human body can't tolerate a 'daily routine' like that for an extended period of time.
you have no idea

>> No.6544347

Why would you take multiple doses of modafinil? wouldn't it just keep you awake while not increasing your attention span? At least thats what happens to me.

>> No.6544438

Morning -
20-30mg of adderall depending on how I feel

Afternoon -
20-30mg of adderall
Small energy drink

Night -
6-8 bourbons
One marijuana

Snus or vape throughout the day
>tfw trying to quit cigarettes and contemplating suicide because the alternatives suck

Gram of coke about once a month with my bros

>> No.6544573

have you tried reading a book?

>> No.6544621

2 grams twice a day?

Is your tolerance ridiculously high?

>> No.6544634
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Wake up with coffee sometimes an aspirin
I smoke 15-40 "poppers" a day. Consists of 65% Tobacco and 35% weed out of my 2 foot beaker Roor. I smoke upwards of a quarter pound or more a month. I cough up about a shot glass of tar daily, sometimes blood.

Think these will kill me faster than anything you guys are taking (unless heroin or fentanyl)

>> No.6544652


>> No.6544696

>couple dabs
>bottle of beer

>> No.6544736


>> No.6544748

why would you brag about this lmao enjoy a slow painful death you absolute nigger

>> No.6544754

Just a few months. Sometimes I grind it up and pour it under my tongue.

>> No.6544755

faggot smoked weed....

>> No.6544782

Light morning exercise
No fap
Small cup of coffee (no sugar/cream, somedays sugar a cream if in the mood)
Small healthy breakfast

>wow who needs drugs cept caffeine

>> No.6544803

can we get a pic of that spit

>> No.6544854

Definitely not bragging, posting my daily drug

Nicotines a nootropic and weed calms me down. Figured I would put side effects also

You dont want to see it

>> No.6544911

Smoke shatter couple times a day, 1glass of alcohol at night, been sipping on whiskey past couple weeks tho.

>> No.6544914

i am rly high and cant think about not seeing it before you leave the thread

>> No.6545001
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>he doesn't smoke full melt ice wax

How do you guys cope?

>> No.6545023

I cant stop looking at his face.

>> No.6545042

1 cup of coffee
7 cups of water

>> No.6545053

Just rolled a medium sized joint.
See you faggots tomorrow.

>> No.6545058

How the fuck do you do that much coke without destroying your nose? I do like 2g and my nose is fucked for days

>> No.6545093

Two cups of coffee and 164 Oz of water

>> No.6545131

B-BUT /pol/ told me drugs are degenerate and no one on 4chan uses them???

>> No.6545171

>based THC-A
also I would recommend Rosin made from high quality bubble hash

>> No.6545254

>he doesn't press this into 6* rosin

>> No.6545278

>been on adderall for 6 years now
>terrified of cardiovascular effects
>crypto just magnifies it 10x
fuck this, i'm going to ignore the whole market for a few years and then come back and see what my portfolio is worth

>> No.6545374

ITT people Wolf of Wallstreet larping

>> No.6545434

>stimulant and euphoria benefits without the anxiety

Do you even /drugs/?

>> No.6545560

How do you think a lot of early investors got interested in crypto?

>> No.6545942
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2~3 cups of coffee everyday. Sometimes 1 or 2 Redbull/Monster if try to stay awake the entire weekend marathoning VNs

>> No.6546058

You’re probably a fuckin spaz

>> No.6546119

i dab too anon, dab on the haters! 8)

>> No.6546182

he couldn't have been dropping acid everyday-you build an immediate tolerance, the doses would have to have been colossal

>> No.6546242


No one here has really made an outrageous claim.

Probably the most out there is OPs cocaine habit just because of the cost.

>> No.6546399

>being this retarded
Why are you even on this board? Even if you make it you won't be able to live with your money because you'll be tied to a hospital bed with periodic stints of surgery slowly carving away at peices of your lungs.

>> No.6546407

same on adderall. thats about it though.

>> No.6547048

/fit/. used to be on rons hardcore, but figured out theres more to life then being a refrigerator. I was 5'9 230. benched 375 squat 600

>> No.6547181

where the fuck do you buy adderall?
Don't want to get fucked over...

>> No.6547398

if you are in the greatest country in the world then its easy as fuck. literally make an apt for adhd evalutaion. google signs and symptoms of adhd and make up examples of times you where "forgetful" also leaving things unfinished

>> No.6547440


>> No.6547480

Lucky bastard, eurotrash here>>6547398

>> No.6547781
File: 216 KB, 800x333, ufrrocket.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UFR is my daily drug

>> No.6548019


>> No.6548060

30 mg nuvigil
15 mg adderall
then later
1 g of red kratom

>> No.6548121


Dunno anon, I'm not really into downers.

>> No.6548649

Do it!

>> No.6548754 [DELETED] 
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complera (HIV medicine)

calcium supplement because complera fucks up your bones in the long term



>> No.6548851

That’s why you have to tolerance breaks me brudda to get that comfy high feeling back a gain