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File: 20 KB, 1024x508, NEO-GAS-Ethereum-Gas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6535124 No.6535124 [Reply] [Original]

Hi guys, poorfag here. Interested in crypto.

I have been able to put aside 400$ I can afford losing (I'm a student so I'm quite poor), and I've been following the markets and the proyects for quite some time. After my personal research, I've become really interested in NEO and ETH. What do you think about the long-term of these coins?

It seems like this dip is a good time to buy. What do you think, you guys think this is the bottom of the dip? Do you think we are near a recovery? Also, should I diversify among this coins? Should I invest more in ETH since it's a "bigger, more stable" coin? Should I do 50-50?

>> No.6535196

I have been all in neo since 23.90. It’s been amazing. I have no idea what you should do

>> No.6535206

are u payeet?

>> No.6535208

Put it into NEO for a while until the market either just dies or rebounds, then pick some random sub 100 coin and pretend like you know what you're doing like the rest of us.

>> No.6535235

I know right? I just couldn't afford to lose money a few months ago, so I totally missed out on ANTshares and NEO.

>> No.6535296

but few months ago it was about cents, then 1$. even 100$ would do the work.

>> No.6535381

I would like to invest in more solid, long-term coins than a random shill pnd shit.

>> No.6535412

No I'm not

>> No.6535426

You do it when You get some bigger money lets say 10k $. at beginning You need gamble and risk for big gains.

>> No.6535441

I know, I totally missed out. I didn't want to risk the savings I had.

>> No.6535447
File: 54 KB, 1024x768, neo_matrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on GAS?
Seems like a pretty good Investment with even better ROI than NEO. Also, it's success or failure is bound to NEO.

>> No.6535506

You should've been. I used all my free money into ANS and Im really not regreting it today. Sometimes You need to risk if You want make it.

>> No.6535570

I know. But I unfortunately I didn't do it. I guess I'm too conservative.

Anyways, the thing is I'm considering investing now. Do you think it's a good time for that? Will NEO become a bigger coin? I think it has potential to do so.

>> No.6535621

I think You need to get balls first if You wanna enter crypto so better don't do it if You even didn't buy ANS when shilled to death on biz. BTW if You lurk here so long time and still didn't invest it means You are totally not made for this.

>> No.6535783

I don't think it's that. You know, I could lose 50% of those 400$ and I wouldn't mind, because I have put aside that money and I don't really care if I lose it. A few months ago, I was new to crypto, and I just wanted to get some knowledge before blindly investing money I couldn't afford losing in some random coin, you know? Recently I got paid from a job so I have those spare dollars.

I just want to know if you guys think now is a good time to invest.

>> No.6535875

Neo has potential to become a top 3 coin if you hold long enough, thats for sure. It won’t help if you are a weak handed faggot that drops everything as soon as the market takes it’s bimonthly -30% hit.

>> No.6536141


For those investing in $NEO right now. Did you know that earning gas makes $NEO a security and thus illegal to trade in South Korea, the US, and many countries in the EU? Wonder why Bittrex has disabled their $NEO wallet for almost a month now?

>> No.6536246

I've seen this copy pasta quite a few times today, are you trying to induce fear?

>> No.6536314

Of course. Judging by the amount of fudders we must be pretty close to the bottom.

>> No.6536431

lol dude. You really aren't sure is this good moment to enter? Yes its fucking great moment and better hurry. There won't be better soon. NEO will hit even 1k $ some day, but if You didn't buy at 1$ when You knew it, You really feel okay with buying it for 170$?? I would search for totally new, not mooned yet coin. Time for buying ANS/NEO was few months ago. Ofc You will make some gains for sure, but crypto is about making x 10, 20 or more not just x 3 or smt

>> No.6536498

funny fact is that I was same like You , I started in July and bought ANS at my second day in crypto...BTW looking on tech etc and thikning long term sux now, too many normies buying random shit, even don't know what they buy

>> No.6536528

>chink ETH rip-off
When their site pops up in a search browser in Chinese that should be a red flag OP. IMO anyways I wouldn’t put my money in it, then again I’m wishing I bought in a week ago when it was under 100. Never thought a chink scam coin would take off.

>> No.6536545

What are those coins then?

>> No.6536588
File: 132 KB, 567x850, 1514703065173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm you sure.. You Best buy a prostitute with them 400 dollars and put them to good use. I think 400 is good enough to have two of em

>> No.6536603

How is it a scamcoin? Just because it's chinese?

>> No.6536674

Im not gonna give You everything on plate anon. I can only suggest You that after that half year I started investing in ICOs and this was smart move. From some fresh coins I would recomend CAPP (Nvidia intel and many more), Utrust look how fast recovered today - its like paypal for crpto, will be big in this year. Also AIgang, but Im totally not sure if those rumours are true. LISK big february, rebranding and SDK wallet, I think it will go to 100$after, You can look on Power Ledger , quantstamp on Binance also.

>> No.6536817
File: 6 KB, 226x223, 1514745526122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're retarded, anon. Do you think people would be pulled off just because the official website has both Chinese and English?

>> No.6536930

Can confirm

Best spread it into two different sessions though, no use blowing one load in ten minutes on two prostututes. Better to blow one load in ten minutes on one prostitute twice.

>> No.6537033

I've been following UTK and I take this last recovery as an indicator of a valuable coin. I may put a little bit on it.

>> No.6537130

You sound very very careful and thinking 100 times before move. That's not how You make it there. Anyway good luck

>> No.6537281

Well I don't want to invest without knowing what I'm doing haha

>> No.6537328

It might not be a scam but unless they change their website when a non ween types into google NEO and the website description pops up in Chinese no one is going to want to fuck with it.
Yes, yes I do. Maybe not a bunch of Weebs but an average person who sees a bunch of Chinese in the google search results is going to think “cheap Chinese crap/ Korean hackers”

>> No.6537584

Sounds great, is it allowed in china?

>> No.6537631

It's very good sign of having brain , but what I meant is that in this cryposhit game You need think fast, act fast, be brave and sure of your decisions. Wondering what to do on fire moments for longer than one minute costed me much money, learned my lesson. Turtle style is good at buying good new coins super fast when they are just out and just hodling for x 10 or smt.

>> No.6537661
File: 201 KB, 794x535, deepchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deep Brain Chain

>> No.6537773

The main players towards funding NEO are the institutions and investors who have done their research, would be buying in rather than normies, who invest only for fun and games. Do you think its necessary for the team to allow "weebs" into investing a really good project?

>> No.6537917

Take out a 10k SALT loan and put it all into XMR
Thank me later :)

>> No.6537994

dollar cost averaging

>> No.6538038

>unless they change their website when a non ween types into google NEO and the website description pops up in Chinese no one is going to want to fuck with it.
$10b marketcap. ok anon

>> No.6538049

Hey man it might be a good project but from my perspective it’s A ETH Rip-off with a shittier team. Then again I’m also saying I wish I bought in last week and it has way more room to moon but probably won’t be as steady as ETH. I might be eating my own words in a few month posting pink Wojacks about why didn’t I buy NEO at 140, or I might be laughing my ass off when it turns out to be a chink scam considering the Chinese aren’t the most trust worthy of people to place bets on.

>> No.6538143

Holy fuck you're stupid. It's in Chinese because there are many chinks in the crypto game with money. If you ever get the chance to get out of the shithole you come from you'll realize that the majority of the world is non-white.

>> No.6538182

Buy it, it's going to at least $1000.

>> No.6538344

Look dude best you invest in Electroneum 0.15 will be atleast 1 or 2 dollar at end of year.. or LTC will be 10,000 when Bitcoin is 100,000: this will happen when the lightning network go live by end of year.
I posted about prostitues... Dont do it was a joke.

>> No.6538490

With NEO there are no in betweens. People either say it's going to +1k or they say it's a scam.

>> No.6538751

calling neo scam isn't even funny, isnt working from half year, its just the sign of total retard or fudder acumulating

>> No.6538825
File: 138 KB, 350x350, 1420689995693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>largest country in world has coin with huge upward trajectory (besides general market downswings)

yeah pajeet, i'm not going to trust your FUD.

>> No.6539190

Swing trade BTC, LTC, ETH and XMR. Go into alts if you want but it's a dangerous world.

>> No.6539283

you're just doing what everyone was doing with ripple, whoa it's the only thing mooning right now, better put money into it. You will lose that $400, you're better off buying 400 things that the dollar store, and trying to sell them to your neighbors for $2

>> No.6539517

Ripple has serious issues NEO hasn't. For instance, Ripple was centralized, since the founders held the mayority of the coins. When said coins are emitted, value decreases.