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653487 No.653487 [Reply] [Original]

Any Forex traders on /biz/? I want to get into it, reading through the bascs on babypips right now and trading with a demo account.

How does your day usually look like? Do you get up as the first data for the day comes out or as soon as the markets open? Any specific strategies you want to share? Any sources I should look into it? Good brokers for Europeans?

Also how much money is necessary to start with? Usually I hear you should only trade 1-2 % of my account, so at a x100 leverage I needed 10.000€ right?

>> No.653533

Dont use only indicators that makes retail traders fail... combine em with fundamental analysis... if u know europe is fucked u dont try to buy euro against .. let say usd and apply technical analysis to sell at a resistance point...Gg

>> No.653591
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>baby pips

Yeah stay away.



>> No.653741
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Babypips is an alright starting place, you should read most of the school to get a feel. After that, it's very difficult to really give you a "guide" to it. You have to figure it out yourself, make that journey (so to speak). We can probably link you some stuff, but the most important thing you can do is stay on that demo trading. Don't take pauses unless you wipe an account. Think about why you lose some trades, and how not to do that anymore.

I'm still only demo trading, but I'll want to get on it relatively soon. I'm going to get more trades first, though. I'll start with £2k, it should build up to £10k, which should then go to £100k. After that, I'll count it as easily being able to live off of it.

>1-2% of my account
Haha, fuck that. When you have a large amount of money, or if you really really can't take any drawdowns, yeah, but otherwise you're never going to get anywhere. I hedge a losing position, so they end up breakeven or better. If you're in the US, I think you have to find a broker outside of the US to be able to hedge, though. But that's more advanced, anyway, probably. Just use the ol' stoploss for now, and work on finding what a good pair to trade is for you.

Don't be afraid to try indicators, but as the guy said (>>653533), don't overdo them. For me, I currently use a 3, 12 and 20 ema (iirc.), as well as a MACD. Also, an ADX to better tell when a movement has lost its strength.

>Actually saving and using anything with anita in it
>Not understanding support and resistance as concepts
>Being a homosexual
Alright. I bet you're that faggot, what was his name again.. some guy that came into every forex thread, shitting it up with talks about his superiour knowledge, except he never said a single thing that helped anyone. All he did was shitpost, like you.

I'm sure you're super rich, and have all the girls. Good for you. Now, help, have a discussion where you actually contribute something, or go shit up some other thread.

>> No.653818


>not understanding that support and resistance is a "you'll always find what you're looking for" self fulfilling prophecy
>actually thinking that international corporations and institutional security dealers give a fuck about retail concepts

I told you to buy up the dollar. That's literally all you needed to know. QE was going to end and that rate hikes were going to take place shortly after. (qe ended and rate talks are happening)

If babypips actually taught a profitable method for forex trading, don't you think EVERYONE would be making money in the forex? Yet, almost no one is profitable at it because they all believe that since price is above the 20 SMA and the RSI is above 70 (even though these are very finicky equations that have a plethora of variations) that you should BUY BUY BUY!!!

>> No.654442

yeah I think that's important too. I refrained from buying any Euro pair while the talks with Greece were underway for example.
Thanks for the insight! How long have you been going at it? Did you just jump straight into it? Do you trade long or short term?

>finding what a good pair to trade is for you.
Do you mean you'd recommend just trading one pair or should I maybe just go for one basis currency? I guess this depends on the trading strategy but still

>don't overdo them

I've been using a 5 and 10 EMA with a MACD, RSI and ADX (though RSI and MACD are more relevant) and it's been working okay, provided I didn't do some retarded yolo trades.

I'm doing an internship right now but from March I'll have more time to invest into it and I hope that'll help a bit

>> No.654504


can you even rationalize your trades without using your tech indies?

or is it that you look at your tech indies for when to trade?

>> No.654520

or is it that you look at your tech indies for when to trade?

yeah this. I usually look for EMA crossovers combined with strong buy or sell indications in the MACD or RSI

>> No.654528
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Why EMA vs all the other MAs? Why do you use your specific time periods(s)? What is it that you think the MACD and RSI are telling you other than buy or sell? Do you even know what the variable equations behind each of them?

Do you have any rationality to any of your trades other than

>muh ema cross over
>muh subjective indies
>muh self fulfilling prophecies that ill always find what im looking for


>> No.654533

no idea. That's why I am not trading real money. It's just a method that I found on a forum and slightly adjusted

>> No.654535

So, is it true that with Forex you can make boatloads of money? If I put like 500$ on a 100x leveraged position and it goes down. Can I go to -5000$ or am I limited to 0? What does a normal day look like for a forex trader? ( + or - a buttload depending on the day? Or an average small + daily? ) Sorry for sounding like a retard

>> No.654548


Listen to yourself...


Usually, the broker will margin call you, but there are times where not only will your stop loss be like piss in the wind, but the broker won't be able to margin call you when you hit $0.

Look up what happened to a lot of forex brokers when the swiss frank went off of it's peg to the euro.

>> No.654553

option trading > forex trading

>> No.654554

>Listen to yourself...

I don't really know what you mean, but you seem very mad for some reason

>> No.654575


I'm not mad, it's like when you watch someone about to fuck shit up for themselves, and you warn them of what they are about to do, and they don't heed your warnings. You just face palm.

You are literally gambling and have no idea what you are doing. I'm trying to be nice here and tell you that you need to have actual reasoning in this game and not just go off of some random, subjective, indicators.

Do you even know who the participants of the forex are?

>> No.654583

I didn't really plan to start trading with real money before I got a good grasp of the basics anyways.

But I do appreciate your comments, since you are rather on the "anti forex" basis. This shows me one side of the coin, but I would also like some opinion on the other side, maybe from people who would recommend trading.

But don't worry, I am not retarded enough to think that I'll be making big dosh after reading a few articles on a website and jump straight in with all my money

>> No.654585


i love the forex tho absolutely love it
it's the big picture and im a big picture kind of guy

>> No.654588

oh so are you trading yourself then?

>> No.654595


ive been more focused on crude/gas/dollar right now

>> No.654765

ah I see. If you have any resources I should look into it, I'd appreciate if you shared them

>> No.654767


figure out what type of personality you have

>> No.654768

huh? what do you mean?

>> No.654772


like do you see the big or little picture? kinda like the mbti types, more so on your neurological preferences that you can't control. figuring out what your strengths and weaknesses are will help guide your decision making in the markets

>> No.654776

I see makes sense thanks. Not a very patient guy, so I guess long term trading is not gonna be for me

>> No.654781


also make sure you can stick to your parameters as for when to get out of the markets due to your tilt

>> No.656048


>> No.656963
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Actual trader posting
What do you wanna know

>> No.657109

Ah cool man.

1. How did you get into trading?

2. What does your day usually look like (when do you get up/trade, do you watch financial news on TV?)

3. How much money do you recommend for starting out?

4. Any resources I should look into?


>> No.657179

This channel has some interesting interviews with professional traders.


>> No.657185

how much money do you make

>> No.658160

yeah this too
thanks for the link!

>> No.659152

Yeah but you don't generally want to leverage that much.

See forex trading is like a regular day job with some very favourable advantages:

(Work from home, Do your job right and youl'l get promoted/payrise, Don't have to deal with a boss, can choose whatever hours you want to work).

However...on the desk next to you at work there's a roulette wheel always spinning tempting you with 5000% returns. And the worse part is, you could actually win the 5000%. And the chance of you winning is actually relatively high...

This ends up tempting you to drop your normal 'day' forex job of getting 6-7% a day returns on a good day, and -3-4% on a bad day... and try to play the roulette wheel. You might win once or twice, but eventually youl'l hit that point where even if you manage your money right youl'l lose 10-20% of your account in one day...

And then ofcourse there's those days where something fucked up happens in the world and the broker can't honor your stops and sell your shit fast enough so you hit $0, and even have him start chasing you cos you went into the negative.

It's a tough life, but with discipline and lack of greed you can build up an account over a few months time and given the right market conditions never have to work again.

>> No.659157


depending on one's risk tolerance dictates how much leverage one wants KEK

however, the idea you are referring to would be called taking shots in poker
while it's smart to always take shots here and there. i know people who've been playing 25NL for years (where you buy in for $25) and even though they could EASILY play 200NL, they are too scared to take the shots.

i used to play a lot of 25NL and then i started taking shots at 200NL with only 15 buy ins, so if I lost one BI (buy in), I was down 7.5% and then I would also rebuy and have the chance to lose another BI. fortunately, I was able to get good variance at the start and ended up tripling my roll in three months. now i don't play 25NL anymore.

it's not trying to spin the roulette wheel, because you can't do months of research prior to your bet like you can in the markets.

you NEED greed in this game. there wouldn't be any other reason to play other than the money that's involved. you HAVE to be aggressive and greedy, but to always keep both in check and to have the discipline empower your greed.

>> No.659208

A part of me agrees with ya,

Controlled greed can be alright.

Look at nature. The turtles genes are trying to help each individual turtle survive when they're born.

They make a blind dash for the shore line. They could bury into the sand and inch their way over by night. But instead they all choose to make a blind dash. Something like 80% of them die by being picked off...

It's the same with Forex trading. You're the baby turtle. You can make a blind dash by going and betting 10-20% of your account each trade... But most people who do this, just like most turtles end up being wiped out.
But hey there are a lot of very old successful turtles out there, and so are there forex traders.

>> No.659255

See thats a fuckin bold face lie though.

You're typing out the story you want to believe.

We've all heard of people Who derped into wealth in stocks. No one does that in forex.

We've all read accounts of daytraders in the stock market , but actual functional day to day forex traders? Doing this long term and not blown out after a year tops?

Bring me such a man. Show him to me. Until then i dont believe you.

>> No.659298

Forex is essentially the stock market given perfect conditions.

24hours, near perfect liquidity, unimaginable leverage.

It's literally a no-rules stockmarket.

If you can daytrade stocks, you definately can daytrade forex.

>> No.659333

that's weird, I feel like poker is extremely relateable to forex too

>> No.659335

fuckin kek

>> No.659393

Yes, yes. You tell that schmuck what for. Good goy.

>> No.659794


all the markets are, that includes bonds, stocks, and commodities, are just games between people
that's why poker and finance go hand in hand

>> No.661049


>> No.661332

>Hurr durr institutional blah blah my daddy works at the bank and blah blah no actual help just hot air
>>actually thinking that international corporations and institutional security dealers give a fuck about retail concepts
Nobody said that.

Babypips is a good starting point. You're supposed to get introduced to it there, not learn how to trade. Do you understand that concept; getting started with something? Of course you don't, you were born a genius playboy who knows everything. For the rest of us, it doesn't actually teach you a specific method, but goes through a few common indicators. But you can skip those sections. The most important parts are the general concepts sections, and how margin works. You learn it by practicing it, that's the best way, but these indicators can help. If price has a problem getting past a certain point, maybe that's where it's overvalued (in comparison), so you expect it to turn there because it's overvalued, and you sell when it does turn. You don't go "The intrinsic value of the.. " because you're daytrading/swing trading, not investing.

You don't make the market as a retail trader, you don't trade like an institution either, but why - because you're not an institution. You don't have billions to invest and wait months on. You need to get in and out on the smaller ups and downs, and roughly figuring out where those are is your goal as a retail trader. Riding the waves, because your leveraged account can't take huge hits. Maybe around $500k+, you can safely make money essentially just investing over months on the eventual rise of a currency on low leverage, but that's not where most people wanting to get into forex is. If we were already rich, why would we go on /biz/ and discuss ways to get into it?

Do you think people who make money report in on /biz/? Do you realize how few people even know what forex is in the first place? Out of the ones that do make it, few are going to go on some anonymous forum to brag about it.

>> No.661359

>Thanks for the insight! How long have you been going at it? Did you just jump straight into it? Do you trade long or short term?
On and off, I've gotten back in now because I grew up and realized that a bullshit degree isn't going to actually help you get anywhere in life, except the occasional pay-raise.

>Do you mean you'd recommend just trading one pair or should I maybe just go for one basis currency? I guess this depends on the trading strategy but still
No, just, pairs behave differently. Some move a lot, others move less. Some jitter (I don't know if there's a term for this) a lot between extremes, like GBPJPY, others move smoothly, like EURUSD. If you see it do something weird, it can usually be explained either by the normal behaviour of the pair (GBPJPY moving 60 pips in a random direction, only to trace right back in the same candle), or news (check your calendar!) making it jump in a certain direction. Something that might be unexpected to see in one pair, might be normal in another and so on.

>[indicators] it's been working okay
Well, whatever works for you is good. Bollinger bands can be good to have, too, unless you think it gets too cluttered.

>Hurr durr
That's why I said "support/resistance as a concept". Something is either overpriced, or underpriced.. or priced just perfectly, which isn't usually the case with currencies, since people actually buy them regardless of their current value - companies that need to buy materials/goods from abroad, tourists, governments trying to control their market. Circumstances change, but we're not talking about the gradual increase in value over many months, we're talking about the immediate increase (or decrease) in value over a few hours in which nothing extraordinary happens, and where the exchange rate of two currencies change by something like 0.0080.

How does one even get into proper options trading?

>> No.661376

Questions like this is why you should read the babypips school, or at least just google it.

I will now paste the dreaded babypips school link:

Arggh, no, I did it. Be afraid, very afraid, while it does explain basic things such as how margin trading works, apparently that's false as well, by virtue of some guy disliking indicators - consult our resident trading guru (he'll say "buy dollars and hold for months", it always works, in every situation) before attempting such dangerous information seeking.

>>Look up what happened to a lot of forex brokers when the swiss frank went off of it's peg to the euro.
>Counting bucket shops that actually run dealing desks "brokers"

>you seem very mad for some reason
He is mad. It's why he can't resist but to visit every thread, yet never post anything that actually helps anyone. It's why he keeps asking questions, but providing no answers other than "git gud" or "buy dollars because the FED will do something in a few months back when I said this the first time".

>Do you even know who the participants of the forex are?
This is explained in the very basic baby pips "school", yet again. But please, dazzle us with your hidden knowledge, for once.

>I'm a positional trader
Yeah, we get that already. So you have loads and loads of money to shit away waiting on slow movements, eating potentially thousands of pips in losses before things go your way. Congratulations (I mean it, but don't be an ass - it's not viable for most of us).

>> No.661576


baby pips doesn't teach shit and is a horrible place to start.


Exactly, keep playing these 20SMA games. These things don't tell you if something is oversold or bought, though they will try to tell you that they can.

institutions trade and invest, because they HAVE to do both. however, there aren't special retail strategies, there's just simply money making strategies. i mean, fuck, babypips doesn't even try to introduce hedging.


Get the fick fuckity OUT with that shit.

If babypips taught anything, more people would be making money in the markets, but that's not how it's going on, now is it?

do you even know of the many forex forums that are out there?

>bollinger bands
>hurr durr
>how does one even get into options trading

By learning your fucking self.


They are wrong that margin is what kills most people. Just being fucking idiots, not counting costs, and not understanding how to effectively manage risk is why most people fail in the markets.

I literally bought dollars and held for months, though. A situation I was waiting on for a couple of years, and then I started to play the crude game. When crude goes back up, expect the big indices to start shedding off dead weight.

every single broker took a hit, most retail brokers went under, but having a couple hundred mil move in just a second is still very big even for the biggest. but you go ahead and think that a couple hundred mil is small stuff.


I have a trip on this board and ive been spouting off plenty of symbols and suggestions and even what im doing. if you can find out who i am, you might learn a thing or two

and babypips says there's what, 1.2b in money velocity in the FX per day? it's already been proven wrong time after time again. they don't talk about hot potato trading


i think you're confused with dollar cost averaging? im a knife catcher.

>> No.661593

How does one make a decent living trading from home with no other source of income?

"Decent" meaning enough to pay bills, rent, food, supplies, basic miscellaneous stuff, and generally living comfortably in a large US city.

What initial investment am I looking at?
Where should I start to learn?

>> No.662002

>How does one make a decent living trading from home with no other source of income?

This is probably the hardest job in the world. The problem isn't necessarily that you couldn't generate returns to cover living expenses, but that you do it all the time. There is also the costs stacked against you. In the past there were real day traders on the floor of exchanges but there's a huge gap between you and them. They GET the spread while you PAY the spread. Floor traders also didn't pay a broker for every trade. With computer trading and electronic markets you're always on the outside so short-term trading isn't considered viable by many people.

>> No.662411

>Git gud no actual advice: the post, doesn't actually read the post he's responding to properly, nor the webpages he refers to
>>You're a positional trader, you tell people to buy and hold for months or years, which is very difficult unless you time it just right or have a large account (i.e. you're already successful - in which case you most likely wouldn't be here in the first place)
>N-No, I just buy and hold for years

My broker wasn't affected substantially, because it's not a bucket shop piece of shit.

>If you can find out who I am
Pizza Fund Manager !!n1HP3TUF4Ba

The more you have, the easier it is (provided you can handle the psychological aspect of it).

>What initial investment am I looking at?
>Where should I start to learn
Ask our resident shitposter.

>The problem isn't necessarily that you couldn't generate returns to cover living expenses, but that you do it all the time.
Indeed. You shouldn't have to make trades to live. That'd be uncessarily stressful.

True, but they should be manageable. Spread is 0.1 to 0.6 (just watching it move, it did go to 0.0 once or twice, but you'd be hard pressed to time that) on EURUSD now. For an account as small as mine, there's a $7 round trip commision per lot, as well, with this broker. You can trade short term enough with these costs, that you shouldn't be trading as short unless you really know what you're doing (if that makes sense).

>> No.662418


good detective work
now have you looked at a lot of my posts?
did you learn a few things, yet?

>being this mad
Do you even hedge, bro? One can be SO aggressive by hedging.

>> No.662452

I only "hedge" (which isn't a real hedge, but useful none the less) instead of using a stoploss (until the trade is safe). I'm hesitant to bother looking you up, since you haven't actually offered any advice so far, except that you're getting into oil, which is obvious to anyone with one working ear or more.

Example. I asked the guy: "How do you even get started with options?"
Your answer to this wasn't "I recommend broker X and Y, their platforms are easy to use, and also, read this to get the basics", it was "By learning your fucking self." yeah, alright. Real helpful. "Git gud", the ultimate answer to everything.

Again, we all get it, you're a big man and you know everything, have all the money and so on. Good for you. Now go back in your McMansion, and leave the ones that are interested in discussing the actual reality of trading be.

You're not my "bro", friend.

>> No.662459


but if you read my posts then you'll see the shots ive called and how im still in profit on almost every single one of them

>i dont want to look up what you've said
>but you said some bullshit

You want to know how I learned? By my fucking self. I went through everything all on my own. Made all the classic mistakes I wouldn't have made had I had a mentor. It also shows how much work is involved, and you can't expect everyone to give you the answer when you open your shithole.

To get started with options, learn what the fuck they are, what the fuck they are for, and how they work. There's this site called www.google.com where you can enter search queries such as "what are stock options" and you can actually do your own research. It's not that hard.

>we get it
>you're a big guy
>for you

You seem to be EXTREMELY fucking bitter. Your attitude is extremely toxic and most likely has a severely detrimental effect on your psyche.

>> No.662466

>Made all the classic mistakes I wouldn't have made had I had a mentor.
So why do you wish this upon everyone else as well? Be a mentor. Oh, wait, I forgot. You're not actually here to help anything or anyone but your own ego.

I wasn't baneposting, you read into that (I'm not surprised that you made that up, yet missed the extremely obvious south park reference - I knew you wouldn't get it in the first place, which is why I put it there). I'm tired of shitheads basically claming to have all the answers, and then they offer no advice other than "google it". You're worse than a normal shitposter, because while I can identify a shitposter by his australian flag, you masquerade as if you could possibly contribute something.. and then you don't, time and time again.

I'll look you up later when I have time, and we'll see if you go in the filter or not.

>> No.662471

>1.2b in money velocity in the FX per day

what? daily spot fx volume is 1.5 _trillion_ dollars per day

the velocity of money is something entirely different

>> No.662488


Because you can't pay me enough to mentor you.

>south park
>ever having watched that show

What do you offer other than your toxic attitude? Did you happen to look through my posts? Oh, you HAVEN'T? KEK TOP


volume can be said to be the same thing as money changing from one pair of hands to the other, which can be said of money velocity.

however, whatever number is spouted out as the daily fx turnover has been proven wrong.

>what is hot potato trading for $500, alex.

>> No.662495

>volume can be said to be the same thing as money changing from one pair of hands to the other, which can be said of money velocity

lol, no. fx spot volume and the velocity of money are very different things

>however, whatever number is spouted out as the daily fx turnover has been proven wrong.

also, no. fx flows are pretty easily measured

>> No.662553


Essentially you're still buying something. It's not exact, but they aren't very different.

In one case, you're buying 100 lots of dollar contracts. In the other, you're buying 100 cases of toilet paper.


this is like the 2nd article when i did "hot potato trading" in google. also, fx flows aren't easy to measure. there are more dark pools in there than say the us equity market.

>> No.662578

stop trying to pretend you know something that you don't. they're extremely different

the velocity of money measures the frequency of domestic purchases made with a nation's currency

fx volume is not included in this measure at all.

your link says absolutely nothing about measuring discrepancies in fx flows. it's talking about how dealers represent less of fx volumes than the past

>> No.662628


it shouldn't be included because you're not buying a domestic purchase lol
but to say that buying money and buying a product are extremely different is to say buying pants and buying a shirt are extremely different. they just fit in certain areas of the body.

the measuring discrepancies come from dark pools, if you have any reading comprehension. that wasn't in the link, because the link is about hot potato trading. do you know what dark pools are?

>> No.662693

thanks, this is actually rather encouraging. Still two more weeks to go before I have real time to go into full trading mode.

>> No.662882

so I tell you that you're using a word incorrectly and you respond by saying they're not that different. they are different, and I don't even understand why you're trying to give me bad analogies as to why they're similar

the FX market is so huge that it doesn't surprise me that some of it goes unaccounted for. how much of it unaccounted for is anyone's guess. however, the institutions that represent the lion's share of trading have fx flows that are easily measured

>> No.662992

U guys are fkin monkeys that never traded for a bank all of u make me laugh with indicators kek

>> No.663338

Hey gents
I've got a real stupid/naive question that maybe one of you more experienced lads would care to answer.

Each time I walk past a bank or exchange I take a look at the value of the dollar against other currencies, one thing I've noticed though is that despite the dollar being weaker than other currencies, the value offered on the other currency is below parity.

I understand that these financial institutions are allowed to set their own rates but their offered rate of exchange seems like highway robbery.

Is there a way to extract a better exchange rate out of these bricks and mortar institutions?

>> No.663508


if you read the original post, you should've come to the conclusion that I was aware I wasn't using the PRECISE EXACT TERMS, but, if semantics really bothers you THAT MUCH, to the point where if it's not 100% right, its 100% wrong, did you see what I did there?

they are different, but not extremely different. they are similar. you're buying things in both definitions, no? if you can't understand that a shirt goes on your chest, and pants on your legs, then you're fucking retarded. you wear both shirts, you buy both products. one just happens to be domestic and the other one isn't.

every single dollar is accounted for in the markets. for companies that don't account, they start not accounting more and more until they go under cause they didn't manage their risk, then get fined by the SEC for not protecting their shareholders or their clients or whatever.

show me where these flows are EASILY measured. and please, don't use babypips

>> No.663597
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>> No.663703
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Here's today's results on a demo account

Am I going to make it?

>> No.663704

Goombos journal?

>> No.663706

lol at the silly analogies again. m8, just give it up and admit that you don't know what the velocity of money is. It's a fucking ratio and not a sum.

here's an analogy. it's like saying my portfolio returned a 15% sharpe ratio last year

all of the major financial institutions and banks are required by law to keep detailed records on fx positions. this shit is reported to the federal/central banks

>> No.663707

I like it for that reason too.

It cuts out all the bullshit and gets down to what we're all about on here (at least what I assume we're about) and that's money.

No bullshit, just straight money.

>> No.663720

You're not my buddy, guy

>> No.663731

Your desk will send you a margin call and close your positions if you lose the balance of your account

>> No.663739

would be a good time buy right now gbpusd?

>> No.663756


i dont see any hedged positions, which tells me you don't understand not only what risk is, but how to manage it.

>> No.663761


ive known about money velocity when they were doing the second round of easing which is when I started getting into the markets.

while institutions may be required to keep things recorded, there are still dark pools. they are literally made to be kept away from the public eye.

>> No.663779

Real money gets in your head more than the paper account you're using. You won't know until you know

>> No.663841
File: 22 KB, 284x284, ayylmao2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm up for feedback, that's why I posted..here's updated

>> No.663974

Personally I am looking to see what happens around the 1.55550 area. Looks like it could hit some resistance there and potentially give an opportunity to short

>> No.663977

What size are your trades? It would be more interesting to show your profits in terms of points and your thinking behind entering those trades

>> No.664199
File: 21 KB, 283x277, Points.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's those same trades as points, they're still open

Each trade is 1 lot, when I do put money in, I'll probably try a broker with 100:1 leverage, or 1% and just go for broke with a 10k account.

>> No.664205
File: 132 KB, 1127x418, OpinionsAndShit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is just my opinions, and has no basis in facts, but I think it's going to go back up and you should buy.

Do you see the trajectory of this "bounce"?

Like I said, this is just how I "feel", I'm as new as it gets to this

But if you look back to these >>663841
One of my biggest winners at the moment is gbpusd, which I'm still long on

>> No.664211


Read this entire thread


srs, such good info.

The strategy is brain dead easy, but read through all these posts and things the guy links, it really gives good insights.

The trades I have open at the moment were actually down 6k last friday, but I stuck to what this guy said and that -6k is +4.2k as of today

Everything he says you will feel, and how to deal with it has come true as I practice this strategy.

I made about 8x my money when I traded bitcoin with this same strategy as well.

>> No.664227
File: 16 KB, 190x257, muhdick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh dick

>> No.664230


>buy when price is above SMA 20
>you're welcome

>> No.664237


>> No.664242

U seem upset friend. Show me your winner strategy

>> No.664248


i simply bet smart and hedge my bets
i read the news
really not much else to it

>show me your real money trades and not your demo "muh dik" trades

>> No.664271

I realize it's not real money, but it would be stupid of me to start off with real money.

I plan to trade this strategy to the letter for a year or so, during which I can take the time to learn about other strategies and learn some of the finer details about the market.

Once I've really learned to stick to the strategy, and not deviate, then I can translate the gains in my practice account to a real account.

Then if things go well for that year, and I can show consistent returns, then I might start a small account with 10k, leverage it to hell, and go from there.

What I really want to learn is a consistent scalping strategy, the strategy I'm using know I make maybe 2-3 trades a week, but I want to learn a fun one and trade on M1 charts and really get into the day trading game.

I think those results I posted are pretty good considering it's my first time on the market.

>> No.664280


>learn about other strategies

Like, the only time you should be talking about strategies is when you're hedging, which you're obviously not doing. All you're doing is copying what someone on some random forums said.

If you want to learn the finer details of the markets, then learn what macro/micro economics are, what unemployment and the active participation labor rate is, how interest rates affect cash flow, etc..

You have literally no idea what you are doing, and then you want to go to the maximum leverage you can? If you want to get into the day trading game, you still need to hedge.

Why did you take any of your positions other than what some subjectively altered indicator told you?

>> No.664286

You, along with every other trader would tell me, and others how or why when it comes to trading.

If a strategy works, it works.

I appreciate your advice, but how is yours any different from the advice every other trader would give?

Everyone says they have the edge, or know what they're doing.

Show me your gains, and I'll take your advice.

>> No.664288

Also, there wouldn't be a million and one strategies if anyone knew how to trade.

No one knows what the market is going to do, not you, not me, not the guys at the top.

>> No.664293
File: 19 KB, 208x284, Ninety.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 out of 10 are gaining

>> No.664295


You don't hedge. Do you even know what hedging is? I've been able to play in this game for years now, something most people can't do because they over-leverage themselves on a random strategy from some random forums.

Just because price went up when price was above SMA 20 doesn't mean the strategy of buying when price is above SMA 20 actually worked. It wasn't the SMA that made price keep going up, nor traders from around the world looking only at the SMA 20 on one particular time frame buying up because price was above SMA 20.

Do you know what you're doing? I mean, after all, you've never experienced losing hundreds, much less thousands, in literally seconds. Once you get real money involved, you're going to see things are a lot fucking different than what you thought it would be.

It's extremely common for people to think they are great natural traders because they have a few profits on a demo account. Then, the next thing that always happens is that they bring in real money, over-leverage themselves, and blow their bankroll on an automated strategy that doesn't even think about the real-world economics that actually affect the markets, not the little subjective indicators that you're choosing.

Do you even know what the federal reserve is?

>> No.664300

Before continuing this conversation, can you post some gains?

I don't know what your issue is, I stated multiple times that I was using this as a learning experience.

I'm not trading on SMA.

>> No.664301


If these strategies were money makers, then why aren't more people using these strategies and why aren't they being touted as good strategies from goldman sachs? These aren't money making strategies BECAUSE no one is making actual money with them except for the fact that they are probably using it as advertisement space to sell a product.


Tell me this:

Why did you get into each of those trades? Then, why do you exit these trades and when/what price? I'm sure you've already thought this up since you've done your due diligence and referred to your research.

>> No.664313
File: 42 KB, 500x277, Crossover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/21 EMA, when the 10 crosses I sell/buy.

Seriously though, I think you're full of shit and just throwing a fit because I don't know half as much as you do about the market, but am showing more gains.

>> No.664314


>you're only right if you post gains

This is also a meme. Many people ask for gains and refuse to listen to anyone who doesn't post them. They also tend to idolize those who do, even though it's easy for it to be demo trading or photoshopped or someone else's account.

If you want a learning experience, trade with real money using your strategy. You'll learn what it's like to lose money doing nothing.

And you are trading the SMA. Let me refer you to the link you based your trading ideas off of.


>> No.664319


>showing more gains
>he trades a demo account

>> No.664322

If you want a learning experience, trade with real money using your strategy.

Like I said before, once I've proven that I am profitable in the long term, then I can justify putting money in.

I followed his strategy because I made 8x my money following it with buttcoin.

I would trade no different with real money, so the results would be the same.

If you can't show me your gains, then why would I take anything you say as good advice to be followed?

>> No.664323

I'm gonna give you all hints; indicators are useless. You shouldn't have more than a moving average or two and volume. News is only useful in the context of the market, i.e how the market reacts to it (good news leading to a decline is extremely bearish).

If there's interest i could post a document I made with links and some other shit. I like VSA/VPA and Supply and Demand, which my document covers.

>> No.664324

Post em

>> No.664334

Before we go on and on, I'll say this, show me your exotic cars, your massive gains, your bank account, or any idicator of your wealth, and I'll take into consideration some of your advice to maybe implement in the future.

Until then, you're just another average joe trading for pennies and dimes just like all the other average fucking joes who give me advice on how to earn and save money when they still live in 2k square foot house, and drive a fucking nissan.

>> No.664335


You can't prove you are profitable with demo money. When your broker is taking the other side of your trade, you'll start seeing losses mount up.

If you made 8x your money with BTC, then why don't you go ahead and put those gains into a forex account? After all, you've already proved that the method works, right? What are you afraid of?

>> No.664343

I lost it on the MTGox crash.

Also, see above >>664334

I can, have and will prove it's profitable with my demo account.

I'm in the early phases of another one of my ventures, so I can't justify taking funds from it to play with on a forex account before learning the ropes.

Why are you so against posting any gains?

>> No.664349

I'm not your guy, pal.

>1 lot
Should be as simple as 790 profit = 79.0 pips, then (depending on which pair you trade etc). If that's a week, and you can keep it up with real money (different, psychologically, and less reliable in execution, slippage etc), you should do great. I aim for 150 pips a week or something, that should give me about a 25% increase a week.

You can right click the bar in the history tab (with the column names in them, swap, profit etc.) and show all history. Then, click the detailed report thing. That should give you a webpage (on your desktop) with history, but it should also give you a separate image (used in the webpage) that you can look at to get a visual representation of how you've done so far, over how many trades (closed trades only).

How can you manage nine open 1.0 lot trades ($100k) at once, though? How large is your demo account, $10k+the temporarily increased equity from the open trades? Right-click "profit" and change it to "as points" in the pop-up menu. That should help keep a better track of how much you're actually making, regardless of account balance.

He's just shitposting. He said here (>>662488) that he's not interested in actually offering any help or advice. If you saw the rest of his posts in this thread, you'd know to just filter him. Shitheads like this go away as soon as they feel like they aren't getting enough attention, so don't waste your time.

>volume data that means anything
>retail forex
Get a load of this guy.

Go on, post. I'm interested in anything that might help, and I'm sure others are as well. I'm a lazy guy, so the more efficient something can be made, the better.

>> No.664351

If you didn't hear about it : http://www.theguardian.com/money/us-money-blog/2014/feb/25/bitcoin-mt-gox-scandal-reputation-crime

>> No.664355


>i can and have proven it's profitable, but will also show you it's profitable when i prove it's profitable
>lost my money
>can't afford to open a mini FX account

>> No.664366


If you read through this thread you would see that I have a trip and could read through my posts and see that the shots I've called are still in profit.


You should still be able to post those gains, though, right?

>> No.664368

Post some gains mang

I'm not your pal, buddy

The demo account I started had a starting balance of 50k, so I've been pretty liberal with my lots, but when I do start a regular account, I plan to deposit 10k, leverage it, but only keep 2-4 trades open at anytime.

I have a bunch open right now just to test the strategy on multiple pairs, some are trending downwards in the long term, some are trending upwards in the long term, so I wanted to test my strategy in both environments and see how they fair.


I mean really, it's as simple as taking a snip

>> No.664373

I realized I can't post the pdf here man, I don't know how. I'd email you or you could tell me how to get a pdf online.

Here's the links I used to make it though
https://archive.moe/biz/thread/338386/#339702 http://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?t=428204 http://www.fxstreet.com/education/learningcenter/unit1/chapter4/supplyanddemandstillab stractforyou/
http://www.moneyshow.com/articles.asp?aid=currency26591(volume) http://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?t=157629(VSA) http://www.fxarabia.com/vb/uploaded/3212_11399310873.pdf(VSA book) http://www.forexfactory.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=250301&d=1243014156(VSA PDF)

>> No.664381

Here's them as points >>664227

Here's an older email of mine


>> No.664385
File: 7 KB, 1540x89, options play.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le post gains meme
>le options play

>> No.664390

How the fuck is posting reasons to back your opinions up a meme?

So you made a few hundred dollars, congrats, you could make a monthly payment on your nissan.

>> No.664393


Do you realize the amount of buying power needed to buy 100 contracts of AAPL options?

>> No.664397

Tick data has been found to be up to 90% correlated with actual volume. By not using some indicator of volume, you're missing out on about 1/4 the information being offered by the candle. The others being price and time.

Besides that, the strategy I use is only useful in the context of other price bars or data on volume. Therefore, it doesn't matter if the volume is tick or regular, both will work just as well.

>> No.664399


>financing a car
>not outright buying it for cheaper altogether
>not buying a shindig toyota AE86

>> No.664401

Could have leveraged it and seen sweet gains like you see in my posts.

>> No.664405


But I'm actually using WTI as my hedge.

>> No.664408

If I understand it right, hedging is just taking another position to offset any losses you have in another position, so why are you so obsessed with hedging?

>> No.664413
File: 137 KB, 1153x471, GoLong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should go long on AUDJPY right now, it's signaling a buy.

Take my advice, you might make more than a few hundred bucks

>> No.664423

sent, enjoy brother

>> No.664424


Hedging allows me to be even more aggressive with my bankroll by reducing all of my risk almost tenfold.


I have been short aud/usd since 1.05 buddy. The Aussie is too correlated with gold and oil to buy right now. Didn't need any indicators. I was looking at oil prices, gold prices, copper prices, imports/exports, central bank meetings, and international economic policies concerning china and japan.

Take my advice and you can make a couple million.

>> No.664427

All that shit doesn't matter, trends are what matter.

>> No.664428
File: 137 KB, 294x319, asdfadf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not your buddy, friend.

Also, change that thing to "as points", and it'll show pips (if five decimal, ignore that last number, it's 0.1 of a pip - 80.0 pips looks like 800). If you focus on the pips and not the profit, that makes it easier to know where you are, regardless of account size.

Use scribd, or upload to dropbox and post the public link to the item (I'd prefer not to put a mail here).

I see. Well, I'll consider that then (more so if you post something that explains it better/in more detail).

>> No.664433


>"trends" matter more than actual economic policies by world leaders

>> No.664437

i am REALLY itching to get into TVIX right now FUCK

>> No.664441
File: 157 KB, 1172x494, TestIt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what you would have made if you followed trends instead of news like a pleb

Seriously test it on historical data and tell me it's not the right strategy

>> No.664444
File: 16 KB, 180x292, Points.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's it as points

I lost almost 6k out of the account starting out because I had no idea what lots were and bought the max lots of 8 for my first trades

>> No.664447

No matter what happens in the world, trends will always exist.

>> No.664448


>buy during trends :D
>be part of the herd

It's not the right strategy. The trend is going down. Why would you buy in a downtrend?

>> No.664450

its 95% speculation 5% economic factors

>> No.664451

Not the right strategy according to your few hundred dollar gains?

>> No.664458


citations please :D


Yeah, my actual gains. Though, I'm sure you're the next Tudor, due to your demo gains, right?

Do you even know what correlation means?

>> No.664461

I really don't want to argue anymore.

Good luck and I hope you do well with your trading endeavors.

>> No.664467


Bad luck and I hope you lose more than you put in.

>> No.664469

>103, 85, 40, 41, 104 etc.
Yeah, that's good. Evaluate how much risk you're willing to take and so on. For me, I think 150 pips a week should be enough. 600 pips a month should grow it very nicely. All that changes is that I increase the position size relative to account size, so that the larger an account I have, the more I make for the same trade. But to keep stress/excitement levels down, it's more important to focus on pips (I suspect - I haven't actually gotten very stressed yet, but I assume that'll change a bit with real money).

>> No.664496
File: 1.93 MB, 480x260, 1413236944983.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won't happen, I'll be taking chumps money like yours.

>> No.664504


>le ebin demo trader

>> No.664507
File: 1.26 MB, 245x135, 1413434053991.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.664515
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Well the thread has been informing more or less guys, thanks

>> No.664519
File: 46 KB, 431x415, yay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le make enough money for a week of groceries means I'm a wall street whiz

>> No.664529



>> No.664532


i just missed out on 3 fucking thousand just now

>> No.664564


>tfw price just keeps going up

>> No.664589

My advice -

Forex is the most fun way to trade. Instant transactions with such immense and popular trading vehicles that are dynamic makes it one of the best if not THE best platform to trade numbers.

But until you are professional grade don't exceed 5x leverage at the maximum. Also you should start with $100 (or Euros) and try to make another equal $100 deposit about every 3 months so that you can afford to take losses or hold losing positions for the long-term.

And I wouldn't day-trade, that would be a sham. Make small bets (.01 microlots) based on charts mostly with technicals in mind intending to close the position within a week to a month just for practice, most you can lose is a few nickels. For the pair(s) you are most confident in your bet open a hedge with intention to close the trade within a 1-6 month time frame.

If you heed this advice I think you will find trading forex much easier and simpler than if you didn't.

P.S. The recent dollar rally really obscured the chart insight for pivots IMO, the forex looks like it's about to get much harder than usual. Best trades for a long time on the major western pairs (plus JPY) is probably going to be to short any major currency that advances significantly against the USD in a 1-3 month timeframe. That and maybe buying currencies (for example Indian Rupee) that haven't been affected by the USD rally and trading those against the weak currencies that were and the USD when it leaps forward. But for such trades you would have to set stop-loss orders.

>> No.664598

AUDJPY has gone up 27 points since I told you to buy it

>> No.664613

what are you talking about... OP should lend money from a bank, maybe take a mortgage is possible and go all in.

>> No.664614

based anon, I went long on my practice accout

>> No.664617

what averages were you using btw

>> No.664623

10/21 EMA

check out this guys thread >>664211

It's a lot to read, but I think it's worth it

>> No.664625
File: 92 KB, 1418x273, AllThese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I hold all these gains?

>> No.664642

There's a ton of other averages combos that you can use, the main thing this guy stresses is that you have to stick to your strategy no matter what.

So even if you start losing or going negative on a trade, you wait until the averages signal a sell, and on the flip side you don't enter a trade if you missed the buy in signal when the averages cross.

I went negative almost 6k last friday night, but the sell hadn't been signaled yet, so I stayed long, and that's how I ended up positive 4k today.

That thread is mainly about the mental aspect, and I think he makes a lot of good points that have come true since I started trading bitcoin a few years ago, and now in the currency market.

He also stresses that he lost most of his money by doing what this guy does >>664504 and listening to news.

News, catastrophes, interest rates, all that shit comes and goes, but there will always be trends during these events.

He even shows a graph of how his strategy would have profited during the 08 market crash.

>> No.664652

How is Forex trading different from, say, standard trading using any other means? How is it different in risk/reward and the rules? Is it a worthwhile area to get into as a beginner?

>> No.664653


and you're in the red, now, right? KEK


cause they're demo gains KEK


>stick to your strat
>which is something i told you to use
>but make sure you write of off as your own

There is no way to trade other than news. If you don't think interest rates affect the dollar index, please, put 10k on the markets so it can be eaten up.

>> No.664659

ah, I think I always used 12/30 sma (or maybe 10/20 havent used averages in a while)

>> No.664660
File: 5 KB, 1536x68, real gains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being this mad this isn't in your account

>> No.664662

I see no red here


Nice man, multiply that by 8, and that's what I'm showing.

How mad are you that someone as inexperienced as me makes better trading decisions than you do?

>> No.664664


Enjoy the falling price in about a week.

>> No.664665
File: 26 KB, 321x201, SeeNoHearNoRed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic
U mad son.

Keep trading on news like a pleb.

>> No.664668


you posted at 12:36 which price was at 93.85 and price is at 93.75 right now

>> No.664670
File: 222 KB, 1194x586, IGotDaMagicInMe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You had already missed the signal

6 out of 7 are in the green

>> No.664671



How's it feel to be fucking wrecked like a cucktard?


Yeah, I profit either way it goes.

>> No.664673


That red arrow was by me to point out where they crossed you stupid fuck

>> No.664674



I'll give you that target right now. Most likely will be hit Friday or Monday.

>> No.664675
File: 36 KB, 363x326, HURRR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The green dashed like is where I bought, the grey is current.


>> No.664677
File: 65 KB, 1565x697, frilly froo froo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not buying at 90
>playing with subjective indicators
>not realizing that price reverts to a crossing when price is repelled during the crossing

>> No.664678

I'm not taking any of your advice, because you clearly have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

You're one of those professors in the econ department that teaches trading, but still works a 50k/yr job because you don't know what you're talking about.

Almost EVERY trade I've posted has shown gains, you've posted one fucking position that generated enough to buy groceries and make a car payment.


Bro seriously, you suck at this. Get out of here and stop giving horrible advice.

>> No.664680


>you have no idea what you're talking about
>but my experience only consists of reading one thread about subjective forex indicators and demo trading

Bro, seriously, put 10k on right now. If you're so good at this, what do you have to lose other than gains? You won't put down 10k because you know you're going to lose it cause you have no idea what you're doing. KEK

>> No.664681
File: 176 KB, 1185x558, OnWhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look here at this picture, you would have made over 500 points if you traded on my strategy.

The red arrows are so your dumbass can see where the signals are at

>> No.664682

why are your averages so slow?

>> No.664686
File: 20 KB, 209x287, ayylmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ur so stoopid look at my one profitable trade

Makes my dick hard just looking at pic related

And I already told you, ALL of my capital is tied up in my startup

>> No.664690

why are you guys using daily charts

>> No.664691

i don't have the time to monitor faster moving ones, but I would like to eventually

>> No.664694
File: 45 KB, 957x677, 4hgbpusd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>my strategy

Didn't you get it from some random forums? Even then, please keep trading it.


>all of my cap tied to a start up

Wow. Please lose so you have absolutely NO money and NO savings. I honestly feel bad for you, but it'd make me giggle to see you lose.


Because I penta-trade.

>> No.664699

>Wow. Please lose so you have absolutely NO money and NO savings. I honestly feel bad for you, but it'd make me giggle to see you lose.

Well for one, I'm still in college, so I'm doing better than 99% of others my age when it comes to money considering I have a startup that generates enough to continue building it.

Secondly, I've posted consistently winning trades, so when you say see me lose, do you mean see me win?

Third, that negative attitude you have will ultimately result in you staying poor and mad for the rest of your life.

PMA mother fucker

>> No.664701

>Third, that negative attitude you have will ultimately result in you staying poor and mad for the rest of your life.
dubs ftw

>> No.664702

wtf is this satanic shit, Fibonacci times 5?

>> No.664706

Also, that is some retard tier trading strategy you got going on

>> No.664713


>negative attitude
>doesn't realize how toxic his ego is


Nah, just random lines.


>retarded strategy
>negative attitude

Do you even know what the strategy is?

>> No.664717

get rekt

>> No.664718

Big ego, big dick, big pay days bb.

>> No.664723


>he tells the truth on 4chan


Big demo days, you mean, right? Big dildo, right, cause you need to demo, right? You've heard of the dragon dildos, right?

>> No.664727
File: 39 KB, 486x263, AyyMayne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still have time to buy in and make some money on pic related.


Bro, u mad.

>He's made good life choices BETTER CLAL HIM A LIAR LOL

>> No.664730
File: 69 KB, 1549x697, KEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he invests his entire savings into a start up
>this is believable

You still have time to short.

>> No.664736
File: 69 KB, 1130x637, BroUMad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U about to get rekt son

Pic related, my feed manufacturing license

>> No.664737

I'm not really seeing a short opportunity

>> No.664745


>he takes a picture of his dads certifications

>> No.664746
File: 54 KB, 591x738, ShortDIsM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic of my trademark paper work too.

You can still buy in where I told you to.

>> No.664748
File: 67 KB, 445x566, 1420490361860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are really reaching now lel

>> No.664750


I wouldn't be surprised to see a new ma cross at 93.4

what this tells me as far as what indies i have is that price has shot up too high above it's mean price and will revert back and then be pushed even further down due to the knee jerk reaction of traders

>> No.664753


>really reaching for my dads certificates
>thats why i have to ink the names out

Show name, your face, and your ID.

>> No.664754

are you not on a demo? Can't wait to see your P&L after the AUD/JPY makes a move

>> No.664757


Keep reaching all you want man, but I've show you proof of what I do, I'm not going to post my real name and ID anywhere on the internet

>> No.664758


yeah, i don't trade with FXCM anymore.

>> No.664759


>shows proof
>of paper that was photoshopped not to reveal anything

Just because you post a picture doesn't mean it's proof that it's your license.

>> No.664760
File: 38 KB, 1150x272, Lemons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some web traffic for my online purchasers

>> No.664762


>2k pageviews

do you even get paid per click?

>> No.664763


Did you even go long FXCM? funny cause i don't trade with them AYYYYNYMORE

>> No.664765
File: 39 KB, 472x749, Primary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't advertise on my site, it's for retailers to get information, and it has an online store front for the few that want to order it online, but I focus primarily on retail outlets.

No, but this is my last post to you. I'm done.

I've proven you wrong at every turn, and pretty much given you advice for free, so my last piece of advice is good luck with your future endeavors, you're not going to make it far with how negative you are.

>> No.664770
File: 42 KB, 482x758, NewEdit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops didn't edit that one fully

>> No.664773


You don't have to advertise to get paid per click fucktard.

>proven me wrong at every turn

What proof have you shown? Other than you being a cucktard?

>> No.664775

I mean why not even post your site?

>> No.664780
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>> No.664782


>he doesn't post his site for demo gains

>> No.664788

Maybe one day you can work for me after you lose all your money.

>> No.664790


Keep dodging.

You should make a trip and call yourself


>> No.664792

I'll give a cubicle in the back where you can trade my strategy for a 10% commission so that I can focus on other more important things.

My site has my personal information on it.

>> No.664798


93.65 right now brah
>he dodges for demo gains

>> No.664812

Ignore the troll, anon

Keep doing what you're doing

>> No.664845
File: 18 KB, 1396x29, WrongAgain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still making gains on it

My autism is really taking hold, I don't know why.

>> No.664860
File: 917 KB, 500x299, 1368321074960.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep track of this trip anon, you can watch my journey to the top

>> No.664862


that's not a trip faggot learn how to trip up

>> No.664864


I'm not versed in the arts of being a trip fag, you seem to not understand the point of anonymous message board.

>> No.664872


real fucking easy

>anonymous message board
>our web surfing habits creates a fingerprint for the web which can identify the person, on a computer other than their own, based on their searches and site visits and even where they click
>not knowing that every post is archived and sent to the NSA
>our ISPs know every post we've made

You don't seem to understand the point that there is no anonymity on here.

>> No.664877

It's about having a community not tied up in what posts are attributed to online personas that screen names/trips create.

When we all post with anonymous and without ids, that's when it's an anonymous message board.

If you're worried about the NSA then trying a VPN or TOR.

>> No.664884



Holy fucking pleb.

Vpns still track your data and can sell it while TOR is literally CIA

If it was about a community not being tied up to online personas, then why do they have IDs?

>> No.664886
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You and me, 3 o clock out on the tether ball court.

>> No.664887

yea 1000x leverage op can take over the forex by storm with mortgage money. im trying to keep op small so there's more room for me. dont do it op, it's risky.

>> No.664898
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>> No.664925
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>he boasts about demo gains

>> No.664928

Open one and do better than me.

I guarantee you can't.

>> No.664929


open one what?

>> No.664931

Open a demo account and try to make even half of what I've shown

>> No.664935


I've opened up a real account and made so much more, though.

>> No.664937

600 dollars isn't so much more.

I've had this account open less than 7 days

>> No.664941


I've been trading for four years, now.

Keep boasting about demo gains, it's fucking hilarious. I mean, really, think about what you're doing.

>"hey mom! I made $100 in monopoly!!"
>"Sick gainzzzzz, son!"

>> No.664948


I would trade literally the exact same way.

>> No.664953


Then why don't you?

>> No.664954

>93.4 and still dropping

In the red, yet?

>> No.664955
File: 26 KB, 376x176, ALittle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By 2.3 points, but it hasn't signaled a sell.

Tell me this, how did you fare your very first week trading currency?

>> No.664956


I lost $500. Never have I lost more since.

>> No.664960

I think I'm doing well for my first week.

And no matter how hard headed you want to be, you know it would be stupid of any trader to just say "yolo" and start trading forex the first week they learned about it.

>> No.664964
File: 63 KB, 460x501, 1424909600935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yet you're trading demo.

>yfw demo gains

>> No.664967


Gotta learn somehow, and if my performance is indicative of anything, it's that I'll be making mad dosh when I do throw some money in there.

>> No.664969
File: 35 KB, 386x282, UpAgain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Back up in positive...maybe if you stopped being a cunt and took some advice you could make money.

>> No.664971


Your performance is literally based off of what some person said in some random forums on the internet. Keep having that inflated ego, cause you gonna pop.

>> No.664983

Gonna pop bottles

>> No.665183


I hope not the legendary jizz bottles that have floated around on /b/

>> No.665209

Those would be worth more than money

>> No.665412
File: 22 KB, 527x307, demobasket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is a demo big basket I'm building for you. This is based off of random intuition based off of willy-nilly indies.

>> No.665414
File: 24 KB, 539x299, neverlookingatchartsagain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just made some adjustments.

>> No.665422

What do you guys think about Price Action strategies?

>> No.665423
File: 19 KB, 532x265, leupdateface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


more adjustments

>> No.665427
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>> No.665429
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>> No.665432


closed positions so far you can see about a $40 gain so far KEK

>> No.665433
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>> No.665434
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>> No.665444
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>> No.665446
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>> No.665451


my system is start out with 5 lots in whatever direction my gut says for every pair im subscribed to
for every 15 pips gain, i add 5 lots in the same direction
for every 15 pips down, i add 5 lots in the opposite direction
i should have this automated, tbh, and monitored
that's really the essence of basket-trading besides doing actual market research and forming opinions based on factual events

>> No.665453


im a lot less exposed to the market right now due to low volatility

>> No.665457
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>> No.665461


i mean $15 gain/loss not pips TOP KEK

>> No.665516

What are people's opinions on automated trading systems?

It certainly removes the human elements and psychological influences.

>> No.665523


nice system KEK

>> No.665543

You're going long and short on the same rate? You're not a bank that's just retarded

>> No.665648
File: 103 KB, 800x900, 1372737868792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you didn't back yourself

>> No.665780
File: 9 KB, 1535x111, gayunz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I'm not a bank, but I can trade like a hedge fund. Add exposure when I'm up, reduce exposure when I'm down. Literally as simple as that.


>> No.665782


price is at 93.27
MAs crossed at 93.53, just four pips more than what I anticipated

>> No.665783

sikk paper gainz, faggot.

>> No.665786


too bad my actual broker doesn't offer demo trading otherwise you would think that im also paper gaining there, too


>> No.666017
File: 11 KB, 392x243, 1410125374807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me a textbook on fundamental analysis.

>> No.666344

Could you mail it to me as well :) ? equinoxtrader@gmail.com

>> No.666687
File: 47 KB, 1564x326, check em.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What did I tell you?

>> No.666688

6 6

>> No.667790

How come you're focusing on so many pairs? I thought focusing on 2-3 would be ideal.

Anyone can feel free to respond. Please don't bully, I'm still learning.

>> No.667810

And me? Kobold257@yahoo.com

>> No.668703

Bump for more knowledge

>> No.668735




i was literally randomly buying and selling at the start. whenever a fresh position was in the red so much, i'd reverse my position. whenever a fresh position was up, i'd add more exposure, which i would lessen the exposure after enough profits.

the point was to not make a directional bet, but more so make a bet on volatility. if you were to go long AND short the eur/usd, then you don't care which direction the market moves in. you just simply add exposure to the position that's in the green, while either holding or reducing exposure to the position in the red.

>in america, at least
>you can NOT go long AND short any currency pairs
>everything is FIFO

>> No.668783

I'm in America. I know what fifo means, but how does that translate for forex trading in the us? Like I can only buy and then sell afterwards or vice versa? I thought that's how it goes anyway. Sorry, I'm just a bit confused about the wording I guess.

>> No.668794

Not an ameritard and I can go long and short. One of my brokers is FIFO so it wont allow it (going short will simply sell your long position).

But seriously if you wanted to hedge bad enough on the same pair why wouldnt you just open 2 accounts with different providers ?

Its means you cant bet both ways on the same pair. If you're long and you also want a short position, the short position will just sell your long position instead of adding a new position.

>> No.668798


or you can do the very easy thing and hedging more or less by doing something like

>long eur/usd
>long usd/jpy
>short eur/jpy

with the two long positions equaling the short in cash. this allows for a more diversified risk while also adding more exposure to volatility in different markets

>> No.668799


and of course adding to the winners and either holding/reducing the losers

>> No.668840

A few more general questions for anyone to answer:

1. How stressful do you feel forex trading is?
2. Along a similar line, how long did it take you to get mostly comfortable with it?
3. How much do you typically make off of your starting investment amount monthly?

>> No.668843


1. Not that stressful if you follow your trading strategy and stick to strict bankroll management
2. 3-4 years and countless hours of studying
3. I do this part time but started off with 1k in 2009 and realized it wasnt worth it. Decided to be more serious in 2011 and added 10k with 10:1 leverage. Im now at 38k, but I trade aggressively with high risk

>> No.668977

Forex is a scam. If you want to trade, focus on things listed on an exchange like stocks or stock options. If you insist on currencies do it with currency futures which are regulated and centralised. Trading decentralised markets is asking for brokers and market makers to fuck you.

>> No.668987

>Counting bucket shops that actually run dealing desks "brokers"
>My broker wasn't affected substantially, because it's not a bucket shop piece of shit.

Holy shit, so many retards in one thread. The bucket shops were the ones that WEREN'T affected by the Swissy's movements. Bucket shops don't have exposure to market movements at all, since they just take the other side of your orders. It's the brokers who routed the orders to the market that got fucked because they couldn't exit fast enough to reduce losses.

A bucket shop in that scenario is actually a GOOD thing. In all other scenarios, bucket shops are absolutely awful. One of the reasons why I said avoid forex and trade currency futures in this post >>668977

>> No.669079

Anybody has experience with copying other traders, through MT4 signals or etoro or something? A guy on /trv/ recently claimed that he makes some nice dosh just copying the trades of one guy

>> No.669123


not stressful at all to me except the part where I forget I need to get up once every hour and start forgetting to get my exercise.

considering that i have a us equity only portfolio right now, and that i bring in around 5-10% a month, i don't fuck around with currency pairs much anymore. i'd rather buy the futures or options when it comes to currencies.


>since they take the other side of your trade

Which is known as market making... which is called negatively selected exposure...

>> No.669130

what indicators are you using?

>> No.669224

>Which is known as market making... which is called negatively selected exposure...
Yes but they had no exposure to the move in the market. A bucket shop couldn't lose money in that scenario as they couldn't be custodian to a trade that was losing millions. It's totally for the brokers that were forced to absorb the losses.

>> No.669225

*totally different

>> No.669343

>tfw trading negative spreads

>> No.669355







>> No.669364
File: 9 KB, 480x239, GAINS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.669382

how on earth can you get a negative spread? a market can cross for maybe 1 or 2 once a year but not consistently

>> No.669387
File: 1 KB, 76x71, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im in and out as fast as i can as many times as i can

>> No.669392
File: 1 KB, 55x46, negative.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.669397

>I'm still only demo trading, ...I'll start with £2k, it should build up to £10k, which should then go to £100k. After that, I'll count it as easily being able to live off of it.


>> No.669411

if you're trading a delta 1 product what exactly are you 'hedging' and how is it profitable?

>> No.669419

>Not an ameritard and I can go long and short. One of my brokers is FIFO so it wont allow it (going short will simply sell your long position).

same thing... what do you gain by having some notional long and short position that cancel each other out - you're flat regardless so what is the point?

>> No.669438

i don't believe you

>> No.669451


it's the only altered shop and that's to prevent you from picking up which pair it is

>> No.669465

it's now at -20

>> No.669478

i have absolutely no idea why this is happening but it's a fucking goldmine

>> No.669506

Have you always traded like that? Is it really that successful for you?

>> No.669838


no this is literally the very first time i've ever seen a negative spread in the years i've done fx trading


>click buy
>immediately click sell
>takes one second to do this
>been doing this all fucking day

>> No.669853

dont be a dick what pair is it?

>> No.669868
File: 31 KB, 560x420, 2015-02-28T221547Z_1_LYNXMPEB1R0FD_RTROPTP_3_CBUSINESS-US-BERKSHIRE-BUFFETT-LETTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.669875

I meant the idea of buying and selling at a positive as much as you could as a general strategy as opposed to going about it more slowly. Or is it just this one instance that such a thing works? Sorry if I wasn't clear, I'm still learning.

>> No.670069

it's gone D: