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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6528992 No.6528992 [Reply] [Original]

APPC suicide watch thread

>> No.6529134

Reporting in. That motherfucker keeos going down Sir. I now passed the point where dumping means I lose my dignity. I hold like a moron till the end. (Announcement tomorrow though)

>> No.6529152

you and me anon

>> No.6529191

I hope that pulls us out of the blood bath anon
APPC tanked so heavily it makes me wonder if this coin has a future

>> No.6529228
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Tell me about it.

-62% CAN
-53% APPC
-44% ELIX

Bout to chop my dick off and become a woman to make those losses back.

>> No.6529322

thank fucking god I only put in 1.5 eth

>> No.6529323

Those whales won't be getting my bags either way, i lost so much to this coin I would rather just keep holding the bags until I'm the only one that owns them, after it gets delisted off binance I will still hold my bags, when my children asks why I'm poor even tho I lived through the great crypto gold rush I will show them my APPC coins take another sip of whiskey and tell them for the millionth time about how in 2009 a new race of Jews were born and those motherfuckers were not taking my bags

>> No.6529393

You guys understand that the announcement tomorrow is just part of their biweeky update right? Might be nothing so i wouldnt count on that.

>> No.6529394

I kek'd so hard, I shall stay by your side anon

>> No.6529396

Same + dbc aigang fml

>> No.6529471

Their announcement won't save it, but at this point, even them tweeting their secretary Monica had a dick all along might increase the price

>> No.6529578

i literally just check canya and wow glad i didn't buy that... from $5 to $1 in a week

>> No.6529725

Just wait a month for fucks sake. This will go beyond 10$ EASILY.

>> No.6529825


>> No.6529838

I like your optimism anon but I just don't share it
But I hope for all our sakes you are right

>> No.6529958

we are bagholders now, come to terms with it