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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6522027 No.6522027 [Reply] [Original]

So turns out she works for the banks

How long until some neet checks his delta one too many and grabs a gun to go pajeet hunting

I give it 3 days before the next news to come out is "pajeet found dead covered in human shit"

>> No.6522073

u mad? *sips tea*

>> No.6522485

Just remember, every time there is a false story people will panic sell and end up losing money because the market recovered. Soon people will be checking more into the fact that the story is real and less fake news will have this effect. Likewise, real news may take longer to effect the market in a drastic way if it gets announced.

>> No.6522626

That anon who hacked NULS should break into her twitter to see if she got bribed.

>> No.6522691

you are a genius

>> No.6522784

I'm surprised she doesn't already have multiple 6-figure hits put on her life.

I imagine there's a 500 XMR reward for ending this dumb bitches life. As there should be. This rotten cunt cost people millions. She deserves to be tortured and killed.

>> No.6522817


>> No.6522818
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>> No.6522840

That cunt will suffer a horrible last 30 minutes in absolute agony.


She deserves it.

>> No.6523048
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>> No.6523597

What exactly did she do wrong? All she did was report what a half-cocked minister said, right?

>> No.6523606

this is your future now
its so hard not to be blackpilled

>> No.6523784

Who bitch dis is and why the fuck should I care? Can I get a quick rundown?

>> No.6523814

Also by fempajeet standards she's an HB10.

>> No.6523877

Lmao nice work anon.

>> No.6523898
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she devalued your portfolio by 50% by writing hatespeeches about it if you're an honest biztard. She hates us for no apparent reason

>> No.6523935

What’s the gestalt here? What did fatty mcpajeet do?

>> No.6523953

What a fucking whore. Thanks for rundown anon.

>> No.6523986

Almost didn't reply because of your nigga speech

She wrote a false news article about Korea banning crypto
That false news caused a chain reaction of panick selling
That is why the crypto market looks like the Red Sea

Now go back to robbing old lady's and general nigger stuff

>> No.6524026



>> No.6524069

I want /pol to go.

>> No.6524109

what happen ? what did she do ?

>> No.6524117

Thanks for extra info on rundown anon in return I'll help you educate yourself on a meme you seem to have missed:


This guy fucks.

>> No.6524208

But wasn't that days ago?

>> No.6524213
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Indeed I do.

>> No.6524251

/pol/ thread:

>> No.6524289

Who she is:
>Indian CNBC financial reporter responsible for the fake news article falsely claiming Korea was going to ban all cryptocurrency
>Her report was singlehandedly responsible for starting the panic that led to all cryptocurrencies plummeting
>Connected to bankers through her job as manager of commercial banking at (((Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank)))
>Even prior to posting this article she has been regularly posting articles spreading unsubstantiated FUD about cryptocurrencies

>> No.6524327

you pussies get your life savings stolen by whales all the time then just kill yourselves..no attempt at all to find them
not doing JACK SHIT pussy shut up and go back in the locker before you get another swirly

>> No.6524332

What was false about the article. Does anyone have a pastebin? Because everywhere i look the article seems pretty accurate

>> No.6524359
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Bump the /pol/ thread guys. We can do more if they get involved than we can on our own.

>> No.6524375

this fucking needs to happen.

>> No.6524393

Fuck I was a little out of line with this post
Feeling pretty strung out with my delta crashing to $0
Sorry anon, we are all hurting right now

>> No.6524441
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Korea is not banning crypto, they confirmed it was FUD bullshit already. They will regulate it which they had already announced long ago. It wasn't even news and she presented it as some hot scoop.

>> No.6524461

>says Korea is banning all exchanges
>this was never going to happen

>> No.6524482
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>> No.6524526

Don't get me started on the fucking whales
The fucking whales is the reason I would be somewhat ok with crypto going down the drain beaching all them motherfuckers in the process

>> No.6524553

Born an Indian.

>> No.6524566
File: 107 KB, 938x580, Screenshot from 2018-01-16 15-45-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ BTFO!


Oh wait... *sips tea*


How will /biz/ ever recover? They won't!! Their shitcoins are finished

Top kek. Thanks for the laffs /biz/

>> No.6524578

Under rated post right here
I think your right anon

>> No.6524799

there are people you can hire to you know find people for very reasonable prices..even find a whale who fucked you over

>> No.6524836

False news have been spread for years, I don't think it has any effect on peoples source criticism overall. You have no idea how much markets are based on human emotions instead of rationality. But I hope I'm wrong and these false news serve as a lesson

>> No.6524949

Im hoping this to be true anon

>> No.6525101
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>/pol/ thread

>all /biz/ anons are literal pajeets
holy shit there's like 4 of them

>> No.6525212

You post in the thread then. Show that we outnumber them damn it.

>> No.6525371

I did

a pajeet responded to me

>> No.6525900

Shitskins have done nothing but fuck the market, the cunt deserves whats coming

>> No.6526209

Pajeets ruin everything the west and the far east come up with