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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6520045 No.6520045 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best strategy for this epic ass rape of a current market?

>> No.6520063


>> No.6520082

Hmmm transfer all alts into something stable like ETH, neo, rather.
Or hodl and pray they go back up lol.

>> No.6520091

I sold my Ethereum to protect the rest of my meager gains (lost 50 percent) but still have another 30% of funds in alts. Should I dump those too? Sell to tether? Hold?

>> No.6520099

Avoid internet for a week and dont check cryptos

Come back when its recovered

>> No.6520110
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>> No.6520143
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I've been swing trading DBC all day. The up-and-down has been like clockwork until fairly recently. Managed to add about 1200 coins to my stack. Anyone else swing trading today?

>> No.6520161

Thinking of injecting more fiat

>> No.6520237

Buy the dip

>> No.6520247

Sorry guys, I did it. Sold the rest to tether - hope it does the trick for now.

>> No.6520287

Yep. My VEN stack went from 6600 to 9544

>> No.6520308

ETH just crashed 15%

>> No.6520319


>> No.6520338

When in doubt, hodl

>> No.6520363
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Right on. Very nice, man

>> No.6520368

Buy more.

>> No.6520385

Hold neo

>> No.6520398

Made around 1k DBC yesterday. Had buy orders at 1200 and 1400 before I went to bed. Only regret is I woke up today to find out I forgot to cancel a buy order at 1550. That hurts.

>> No.6520409
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>> No.6520412
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>> No.6520425


Disconnect from crypto for one week.

>> No.6520441


I actually managed to cash out 20k last week and I might go back in at the bottom. Unfortunately I left like 80% of my money in the market so... I guess just hold for now, literally nothing else I can do.

>> No.6520450
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>> No.6520458

Buy the dip with more fiat is the way to make money, otherwise do nothing and wait it out. Absolutely do not sell at a loss. You will only regret it. Recovery happens quickly and we'll be healthier after than we were before after a good correction.

>> No.6520471
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>literal everything has a giant sell wall

>> No.6520505
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This comfy coin that will soon be $1,000

>> No.6520562

Find safety in KYS coin

>> No.6520601
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Pretty damn good. I think I'm gonna keep on going, but probably gonna take the stack I swing trade with down to 2000.

>> No.6520687


>> No.6520717

I'm trading in increments of 2.5k. I set 2 buy orders, one I think will definitely fill and one low ball. I then set 2 sell orders, one conservative and one slightly higher. I try to keep my DBC stack small though since price is still gradually dropping and I don't want to get stuck with bags. In a bull market it's better to only trade with a small part of your stack and don't touch the rest, in case it takes off.

Good luck fellow DBC tradig anon! I hope to hit 15k DBC this month

>> No.6520921
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>in case it takes off.
Yep. That shit happened to me with KCS. Luckily, I was only playing with 50KCS (I had 212) when it went from $7 to fucking $20 in a day. I lost those KCS, but I did manage to make them back over time.

Good advice and strategy. I'm still a newfag to swing-trading and that sounds like a winner. Makes perfect sense. Thanks!

>> No.6521049

>newfag thinks he can swingtrade

Be careful out there dude...

>> No.6521342

pajeet advice.

>> No.6521528

Buy the dip