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6512983 No.6512983 [Reply] [Original]

>infinite supply

>> No.6513132

Dont look now but so does eth

>> No.6513157

>main dev is a massive corecuck
>will dump on you like charlie lee

>> No.6513284

He's a corecuck because he wants to see BTC unusable. Hopefully he dumps and we can buy up some cheap XMR.

>> No.6513333

Yes ETH is even worse I believe.

>> No.6513366

>even worse
infinity x 2.

>> No.6513492


kek. but in all seriousness I think eth is not going to have infinite supply and will cap it after casper and sharding

>> No.6513577

You guys realize that inflation is absolutely necessary for an economy right?

Otherwise you'd end up with deflationary spirals where everyone refuses to buy goods and services. Throughout history deflationary spirals have brought tons of kingdoms,republics and empires to its knees.

Especially compared with inflation which usually just ruins the economy for a bit until a new currency is issued and good monetary policies are chosen.

But /biz/ is filled with literal pajeets with 0 education so you guys have no fucking idea how finance and macro economics actually work.

>> No.6513633

I will crap after sharting. And bitcoin will moon after lightning network.

>> No.6513698


> 20,000 eth mined a day
> "infinite" monero supply means after 18.4 mil cap, tail emissions will reward .06 monero per block.

To put that in perspective, it would take almost 5,000 years for monero to reach the same amount in circulation as ETH

>> No.6513739


based off todays eth supply that is, considering 1 YEAR of tail emission rewards is less than a single day of eth.

>> No.6513787
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>infinite supply

>> No.6513810

ETH is overvalued because dumb money still doesn't understand circulating supply. XMR inflation is nothing compared to ethereum.

>> No.6513849

Nah. Deflation is good. Deflation just means that the cost of living goes down over time as opposed to fractional reserve banking which prints arbitrary amounts at strategic moments inflating and popping bubbles at the whim of crony capitalists. Monero has an infinite supply but it's tail emission amount is minuscule compared to fiat and is done to keep the network running as opposed to Bitcoin which as far as I can understand will stop working when its supply runs out. But what makes Monero's supply superior to central banker controlled inflation is that it is predictable and non-arbitrary, it is coded in and mechanical.

>> No.6513888

>linear inflation
Dumb fuck, time also has an "infinite supply". But you sure as fuck will only see a small portion of that.

>> No.6513999

Deflation causes the economy to shrink. This is not opinion. This is not theory. This has been shown over thousands of years.

Know which countries have been DESTROYED because of deflation?

Here's an example: The Republic of Rome: Cost of living went down severely because almost all work was being done by slaves. What happened? People refused to buy goods and services because they could buy more and more for the same amount of gold next month. Businesses went bankrupt. People were out of work and the entire economy collapsed. This is one of the reasons why Caesar became emperor as well. He promised to stop the rapid inflation and save the economy.

>> No.6514087

>He promised to stop the rapid inflation and save the economy.


>> No.6514091

tfw moved my red rollercoaster into monero so i can sleep tonight

>> No.6514156
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Just saying.

>> No.6514388

Caesar was never an emperor, tard.

>> No.6514450

PoS doesn't have proper economic incentives. It's just rich get richer with no way to outcompete besides having a larger stack.

>> No.6514555

Tell that to everyone who cashed out their Bitcoin at all time highs to buy cool shit with only for it to go higher the next year. Contrary to what Disney will have you believe not all the rich hoard money in giant vaults just so they can swim around in it. People will always spend their money because they have to eat and pay bills or just because they like to.

>> No.6514667

Miners gotta keep mining and block rewards are a great way to make sure that happens. Also since inflation is linear it'll hardly matter in a few years. The amount of Monero that is destroyed or forgotten will likely outpace new Monero generated after a certain amount of time.

>> No.6514707

>proper econmic incentives
It does for the rich? Proof of work is a huge waste of resources.

>> No.6514743

Fluffypony is only one of 7 core devs. He isn't a spokesman for the other 6.

>> No.6514791

It has plenty of incentives. I'm far from rich. But for those people, there are master node incentives as well. It also creates a healthier network because you don't need an expensive machine to stake. It becomes more decentralized. Among other advantages. You should read the whitepaper.

>> No.6514999

Actually the opposite is true. PoS is much easier for someone with a ton of wealth to simply buy up all of the staking power. Buying up 51% of hashing power is a much bigger nuisance because of the hardware costs needed.

>> No.6515190

Mining can and has increased efficiency. I'm not thrilled with energy consumption either, but it'll improve over time. PoS isn't a solution because there isn't a real way for new market entrants to compete for block rewards in innovative ways.

>> No.6515325

Augustus not Julius. I'm an economic historian you faggot. Go look that up.

>> No.6515377

Interesting. I'll stick with my XMR and BCH then.

>> No.6515378

Y’all heard of Jevons Paradox?

There is literally no way for the value of the energy destroyed by mining + mining equipment production to not asymptotically approach the value of the block reward.

Also PoS means that even with an unlimited supply it is not inflationary, brainlets

>> No.6515750

>Also PoS means that even with an unlimited supply it is not inflationary
Why, because you said so? If the supply is unlimited it is by definition inflationary unless every single person in the world stops staking (or mining). PoS vs PoW doesn't make a difference, brainlet.

>> No.6516306

>deflationary spirals have brought tons of kingdoms,republics and empires to its knees.
hey boomer, wtf do you think were trying to do here?

>> No.6516687

Boomers gonna boom

>> No.6516782

Monero is the most used crypto on my site. (Legal goods)
Deflationary is bad, since it discourages spending.
That guy's allegory about Rome, totally wrong. They were inflating the currency by putting less gold and silver in their coins, which made their non empire trade more difficult for imports since the coins would be smelted in the foreign land and assayed.
For all the Ron Paul types.
The fed arbitrarily raises and lowers rates to manipulate inflation and therefore the economy. It's actually quite difficult to plan your business around things like black swans and QE and bailouts.
A mathematically stable small inflation is almost perfect. Since it can't be suddenly ratcheted up because of political pressure, and business can plan around it.