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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6512736 No.6512736 [Reply] [Original]

I keep seeing "buy high and sell low" being used here and at first I thought it was serious. However I started seeing a lot of brainlet memes posted with it. Now I'm pretty high up in the social dominance hierarchy so I am not a stranger to ironic meme humour. I can easily tell these brainlet memes are mocking those who "buy high and sell low" but what's wrong with that?

If something is high why not buy it? High means it's full of money, wouldn't you want to buy money'ed investments? And low means it doesn't have a lot of investments, wouldn't you want to sell those to get rid of them? Makes sense to me.

>> No.6512774

my fucking brain

>> No.6512797
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>I keep seeing "buy high and sell low" being used here and at first I thought it was serious. However I started seeing a lot of brainlet memes posted with it. Now I'm pretty high up in the social dominance hierarchy so I am not a stranger to ironic meme humour. I can easily tell these brainlet memes are mocking those who "buy high and sell low" but what's wrong with that?
>If something is high why not buy it? High means it's full of money, wouldn't you want to buy money'ed investments? And low means it doesn't have a lot of investments, wouldn't you want to sell those to get rid of them? Makes sense to me.

>> No.6512814

what do you mean what's wrong with it? it's the ultimate trading strategy.

>> No.6512824

>Dennis profited, as he bought successively new weekly and monthly highs in the trending inflationary markets of the 1970s, an era of repeated crop failures and the "Great Russian Grain Robbery" of 1972, when agents of the Soviet Union secretly purchased 30% of the U.S. wheat crop in the space of a few weeks. This set the stage for solid, sustained price trends in both directions for the next several years, a period in which "anyone with a simple trend-following method and a dart board could make a million dollars".[1][4]

>> No.6512862

Then why do people post ">buy high sell low" with a brainlet meme? They also post a chart of buying at the highs and selling at the lows with a huge brainlet face drooling. I know those aren't ironic because as I said I'm great at recognizing social cliches.

>> No.6512875
File: 44 KB, 600x600, 1467428709865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally nothing wrong with that strategy. Why did you even make this post?

>> No.6512969

thats the stupidest shit ive read this year

>> No.6513086

Because /pol/ says it's for brainlets to buy high and sell low


>> No.6513164

>OP makes post stating the obvious
>Everyone agrees with him
>OP argues against his own obvious post
>Everyone is confused

I’m not understanding your point, OP. Are you trying to confuse noobs?

>> No.6513217

> Buy high; it's only going to go higher and never retrace.
> Wait for a dip to accumulate for coins; translating into more profits upon recovery.
> Wait for a dip to buy-in. If it continues to drop, you reduce the your losses .

I assume this is bait or OP is a legit retard.

>> No.6513229

/biz/ literally states buying high and selling low is for RETARDS

>> No.6513269

>wait for dip
>market dips
>buy at dip
>it keeps dipping
>goes to 0
>everything lost

I assume you're trolling, the whole market is in a dip right now, are you BUYING as much as you can?

>> No.6513270

Just a few retards say that. Ignore em, they can stay poor.

>> No.6513296

Those are trolls.

>> No.6513305



>> No.6513319


Go the FUCK back

>> No.6513332

So you're saying buying a coin when it is HIGH and selling it when it is LOW is a good idea?

>> No.6513340

I wonder if real normies actually think this way

>> No.6513367

OP is right

if people stopped buying high and stopped selling low none of us would ever make any money. we need these people to keep doing what they're doing

>> No.6513371

Dont listen to them anon sounds like a shill post to me

>> No.6513384

Why don't you read your own fucking thread?

>> No.6513414

Always a good idea.

>> No.6513567
File: 50 KB, 834x365, total-us-market1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with that. It's what all successful people do.

>> No.6513616

I don't think you understand what you are advocating.

> wait for coin to recover
> realize your gains would be greater if you bought the dip.

However, this is assuming you aren't buying shit coins and pajeet PnD coins. Do you fucking research to build confidence in your investments. You can't always be 100% correct; mitigation of losses is paramount.

>> No.6514231

>do your research
Yeah because reading shit that makes no sense makes me so much more secure

>> No.6514439

Buy high and lock in the price, then sell when it is low. How is this a meme and not just common sense. 8/8 if b8

>> No.6514509

>see coin moving high
>buy coin, ride up, sell
>see coin moving low
>sell coin, avoid loss

Buy High, Sell Low.

>> No.6514734
File: 7 KB, 80x125, EAA340E4-34E4-4375-84B9-5A5139E06134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah because reading shit that makes no sense makes me so much more secure

Give up. You’re not going to make it here anon

>> No.6514991

You live in the age of free information. Constantly read books/articles and watching youtube videos.

>> No.6515075

nothing wrong with it, buy high sell low

>> No.6515812

>read and watch stuff that make no sense

>> No.6516027

See >>6514734