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6509486 No.6509486 [Reply] [Original]

If you have a little patience, here is the most important post in the history of /biz/:

2018 Moons



>> No.6509531


>> No.6509565

As a market matures asset values more closely approximate utility

>> No.6509575

They better do. Because I'm all in into XMR and LINK and I lost 40% of my portfolio.

>> No.6509627

Unless your portfolio is under ~5K, you should diversify
The above 4 would be reasonable

>> No.6509639

Woah. I was literally going to buy Link once xlm moons. I also like monero.

>> No.6509666
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More like:

>> No.6509698

you forgot all year: ADA, NEO

>> No.6509728

Better to hold both with weight towards the asset you feel is more likely to grow sooner
Losing a third of a moon <<< missing one

>> No.6509739

Mine is under 5k so I'm all in on LINK.

>> No.6509760

If your investing discipline is like most of this board, correct

>> No.6509786

I only have 1k XLM. I'm thinking of selling once it hits a dollar and trying to scoop up more on a dip.

>> No.6509795

I disagree

>> No.6509853

ETH and XMR I could believe, but Link and Lumens are losers aren’t they?

>> No.6509870

Being all in means you're here to gamble, not invest
If that is your intention, fine

>> No.6509925

The notion of timing a market to accumulate more of an asset is a fools errand
Think about the baseline overhead and ask yourself what percentage of the time do you have to be correct
Then record how often you actually are
You're welcome

>> No.6509951
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$12k. I did diversify with 1000 XLM and 1000 ADA.

>> No.6509976

Link has leaked so many of its future uses and partners it's comical at this point
Remember it wasn't started as an ICO, the ICO was just part of nearly a decade's worth of smart contract work
XLM is pure fundamentals

>> No.6509980

How else should I accumulate anon? I can't keep chunking part of my paycheck into it.

>> No.6510053

Mcaffe just talked about XLM, be prepared for chaos.

>> No.6510064

Just buy whatever has actual tech behind it and don't look at the price. That's what I did. Made $1k into $12k in 2 weeks, then lost most of it in 4 recent days.

>> No.6510099
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>> No.6510157

For the next three months get a second job
Put everything you can in until the MC hits 2t
Then go back to normal prudent index fund investing
This market won't last and fortune favors the bold a decisive

>> No.6510202

He is trying to regain some legitimacy after getting caught pushing shitcoins for money
He is supposedly a wealthy man who has an ugly hooker as a wife
How awful must it be for the world to know you are a failed charade

>> No.6510230

Well I have been getting a lot of over time. Good advice. I want to make it.

>> No.6510245

A voice of reason
I would add that the major flaw of tech savvy investors is not taking a second to estimate market size
Even if tech is great, target market size is the make or break

>> No.6510260

I thought ether before xmr, for mooning, no?

>> No.6510323

Do you think a guy, who ran a mercenary army in Belize and fucked midgets while high on bath salts cares about legitimacy?
That said, he has mostly been right about crypto.

>> No.6510348

Most people have either one or zero:
Taking actions that require both are what separate those who decide the rules from those under them

>> No.6510360

No, you retarded nigger. It's more like this:


>> No.6510374

Well, you try to get in while the market size is as small as possible. If there are big shots on the team and the tech is solid the market will come eventually.

>> No.6510425

ETH won't moon until people realize that it is forever
This will require real world demonstration of the value of the complexity it can provide
Until something makes it worth paying $15 for an ether transaction, it can't moon, though it can steadily grow

>> No.6510439

I bought some ADA too. Excited to see where it goes. The product seems formidable

>> No.6510466
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That's a statue of Augustus, not Cincinatus.

>> No.6510469

I think the major driver of human behavior is the desire to be liked and respected by fellow humans
I think he is desperate for this

>> No.6510483


Well, that being said, I did invest into VIB and BTNY. And while both have actual running platforms the coins are being ran into the ground and I don't know if I will ever break even.

>> No.6510518

Thank you for sharing your thoughts

>> No.6510536

what about RLC and ZLC?

>> No.6510557

Instances where tech creates novel markets are memorable but rare
Investing based on this notion is a path to poverty

>> No.6510612

For your sake I hope you are correct
I am not convinced

>> No.6510633

or ZRX?

>> No.6510659

What about the timing? That's the claim you are trying to make

>> No.6510673

I would reiterate my thoughts on novel marketplaces created by tech

>> No.6510714

I would reiterate my thoughts on tech based investors not being adequately mindful of market size estimates

>> No.6510737

OK op you're interesting. Not sure if larp but what the hell I'll bite. My port has been decimated the past week down to 1 grand. Poorfag status. What do?

>> No.6510742

Well, then LINK is pretty fucked.

>> No.6510803

For the above to be true, the ETH network must have survived long enough to be considered rock solid and have adequate surrounding tech to make a complex smartcontract with multiple potential points of failure a bargain at $15
I have a hard time seeing that taking place before late 2018 but I could be wrong

>> No.6510888

english please

>> No.6510960

Why not skip ether then. It's meant to be gas while xmr is like a better btc

>> No.6510977

Depends on your personal goals
If you are looking for life changing money I'd recommend 80/20 on each quarters potential moons
Consider putting $1k into ICOs once your portfolio exceeds $5k
If you are looking for more steady gains, buy the above 4 and rebalance once per month

>> No.6511035

Contract work, especially between businesses, has a market cap that makes your statement look ignorant

>> No.6511103

I've dumbed it down as much as I can
My apologies on your lot in life

>> No.6511161

We share the same viewpoint
I'm surprised we're not coming to the same conclusion

>> No.6511203

So an 80/20 xlm/link, link /eth etc. Your plan is reasonable but I'm constantly finding it impossible to resist chasing moons. Guess I'm missing the discipline. Plenty of ambition.

>> No.6511244

almost started to think OP was on to something, until his LARP fell through because he wants to give the impression he's smarter than he is and "can't dumb it down more".

LOL... 8/10

>> No.6511372

That is the best place to start
Ambition is hard to teach
Discipline only requires having done something truly hard
Have you done anything in your life that the majority of men could not?

>> No.6511404
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I am all-in on DBC. Please give me hope. I'm still in profit and will hold.

>> No.6511424

I am only as smart as I am
No more, no less

>> No.6511442

Haha. I'm the father of 5 children, so yes I'd probably say so. They're the entire reason I'm even trying this shit

>> No.6511486

satan's trips

>> No.6511517

I could tell you what I would do if I were in your shoes
It is better if you take the steps
Do you believe that DBC has the potential to be a widely used product for the next five years?
If so, what would the market cap of that product be?
What do you estimate the chances of the underlying team making the above actually happen are?

>> No.6511596

Being a father is a noble endeavor
Discipline comes from having done something that others could not
Do you not know other men who are fathers?

>> No.6511671

The son of the morning

>> No.6511742

>Do you believe that DBC has the potential to be a widely used product for the next five years?

Too early to tell and I'm too ignorant to the mechanisms of the entire field to even come close to an informed answer.

I'm not working with an amount of money that I can't afford to lose, but it could easily become so. Thanks, anon.

>> No.6511751

Of course I do, but the difficulty to be a good one is exponential per child rather than linear

>> No.6511813

Are you the anon who nearly went bankrupt?

>> No.6511831

u gon make it mr anon. being a good father is something a lot of men cannot do

>> No.6512039
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No, thankfully. I actually make decent money wage slaving. But with 5 children decent money only gets you into the lower middle class. I want to get into the upper middle class for them, that's all. I also work 70+ hours per week so it'd be nice to not have to.
Thank you anon, I appreciate that.

>> No.6512125

OP you're missing VEN and OPT

>> No.6512265

i like xmr what about bch op

>> No.6512462

lol . VEN and OPT scam coins like TRX

>> No.6512514
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>> No.6512743

Yes. Fuck off with your street shitting curry coin.

>> No.6512771

You're missing ICX you idiot.

>> No.6512807

why aren't you guys investing in low market cap coins? that is where you get sick gains... check out HPB.. even neo invested. it is 40% my bags

>> No.6512835
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>> No.6512943

Lol@icx. another pajeet scam coin like TRX

>> No.6512945

It's good that some people think it's a shitty coin because when it's gonna moon we need idiots like you that gonna be jumping on the train when it's too late and pump the price.

>> No.6513015

Dream on pajeet. Enjoy carrying those poop bags.

>> No.6513129

>let trading doesn't work meme

Go read a book