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6504943 No.6504943 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.6505101

This paper identifies and analyzes the impact of suspicious trading activity on the Mt. Gox Bitcoin currency exchange, in which approximately 600,000 bitcoins (BTC) valued at $188 million were fraudulently acquired. During both periods, the USD-BTC exchange rate rose by an average of four percent on days when suspicious trades took place, compared to a slight decline on days without suspicious activity. Based on rigorous analysis with extensive robustness checks, the paper demonstrates that the suspicious trading activity likely caused the unprecedented spike in the USD-BTC exchange rate in late 2013, when the rate jumped from around $150 to more than $1,000 in two months.

>Suspicious trades on a Bitcoin currency exchange are linked to rises in the exchange rate.
>A single actor likely drove the USD/BTC exchange rate from $150 to $1000 in 2 months.
>Trading volume on all exchanges increased greatly on days with suspicious activity.
>Unregulated cryptocurrency markets remain vulnerable to manipulation today.


>> No.6505104

this is irrelevant to anything plus probably fake news

>> No.6505168

such a lack of understanding of a market
the more something is overvalued the more the reward to sell it. This idea is incompatible with game theory

>> No.6505207
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The Journal of Monetary Economics is not fake news you retard.

>> No.6505294

The Journal of Monetary Economics is widely regarded as one of the most prestigious academic journals in economics and consistently ranked as top 10 among all economics journals.

>> No.6505358

>a person familiar with bitcoin's thinking says

>> No.6505427

And we live in just the exact right time in history where I can say they probably have no fucking clue what they are talking about. If 2017 has taught me anything it's to not trust what old institutions tell me.

>> No.6505556
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This is a peer reviewed academic paper in one of the top journals of economics.

>> No.6505561

Why not go suck them off then you fucking faggot most papers in most journals aren't even reproducible. Some speculatory bullshit made with fuck knows what assumptions isn't true because it's in "muh prestigious journal". Lmfao at how normans think "prestige" and "journals" makes something true.

>> No.6505624

"Mt. Gox"

Absolutely nothing to fucking see here. DIAF OP

>> No.6505631

You can reproduce the data yourself retard. Its all public data idiot.

>> No.6505657


>> No.6505705

Well yeah it was a pnd. It was easier back then. Probably still happens

>> No.6505722

>I don't wanna listen what smarter people with an actual education say and evuluate!

>> No.6505923

>The bottom line is simple: if Bitcoin wants to be taken seriously it probably shouldn’t be this easy or legal to manipulate the markets.
>While decentralization is supposed to replace regulation it’s clear that there is still a way to go before it can be truly taken seriously.

regulation inc

>> No.6506082
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these are super old news

>> No.6506182

Yeap and in a few years they will find out it was one group, Bitfinex / Tether, which drove Bitcoin from $1,000 to $20,000

>> No.6506365

Dont worry man, thats because it was the exchange doing the manipulation. We have no exchanges currently manipulating prices to recover lost funds or make large profits. To do that theyd have to increase withdrawal fees to stop coins from leaving, require larger amounts of trades, and theyd most likely need to invest their own coin to help with manipulation.