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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6504730 No.6504730 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck anons im getted clobbered. From chrismas until january 10th I had turned 5K into 50K, but just in the last 5 days I have lost almost everything and have like 8k left. What the fuck is going on? Do I hold my shitcoins and hope they moon again. Do I buy a rope an off myself?

>> No.6504780

Doesn't sound right, post your blockfolio or some proof.

>> No.6504793


you went x10 and you did not take profits...?

anon I..

>> No.6504827

I mean...
60% gains in a month is still really good
We get weird expectations from this market

>> No.6504860

he's a dumbfuck weakhanded daytrader. he gets what he deserves.

>> No.6504884

yea im a fucking retard and i need a rope. I was all in on PBL.

>> No.6504918

>TFW didn't make much during the alt bull run but still a comfy 3x relative to my early december portfolio unlike the december newfags who 10xed then lost 80%

Keep holding to these shitcoins, newfags

>> No.6504964
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>I had 5K
>have like 8k left.
>Do I buy a rope an off myself?

Dude, you made like 3k in less than a month with minimal effort. Chill. Cash out if you need to . Have a holiday. Wait a few months for it all to settle down.

The markets may be a biy shit for a while but the crypto game is far from over. Its still early days and we will all be prepared and ready for 2020 when the real party starts. That will be when we make our millions.

Have some hope Anon.

>> No.6504972

Don't feel bad man. Turned 500 into 10k and made some stupid ass investments and ended up with 3k. It sucks but in the end you can't do anything about it. The only thing you can do is learn from your mistakes and make smart moves. 8k is still a shit ton to invest with.

>> No.6504974

how am i a weak handed faggots when I never sold a coin. I got in at 3k sats, rode it to almost 30k sats, but now its bleed all the way down to 11k sats. fucking god this is terrible.

>> No.6505014

You need to secure some profits m9

>> No.6505045

goddamnit post your portfolio you piece of shit

>> No.6505082

We need more postivity on /biz/. :-) so we can all not feel depressed and suicidal about losing a shit ton of money.

>> No.6505095


>> No.6505097

Took half out of all my alts and stuck them in ETH then that started crashing

6k down to 5.2k atm

Could've been much worse if I didn't get out of XRP

>> No.6505100

thanks anon.

true at least now I know I better take profits or some other asshole will.

Yea its just looking at the graph wondering why I didnt sell. I was expecting it to pull a PRL or HST. fuckk.

>> No.6505150
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>He bought TRX

>> No.6505242

I have like 50 shitscoins. But the ones that have fucked me over in the last 5 days are xby, rdd, and pbl. Shoulda sold when they are like 8x. rode that shit all the way down.

>> No.6505558
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>he has 50 shitcoins
you dumb piece of shit

>> No.6505601
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>> No.6505626

pbl isn't down that bad, what are you talking about

>> No.6505669

dude all my shitcoins were mooning harder than god up until 4 or 5 days ago and they have been red ever since. I was literally up 10x on most coins and thought I would have more time to sell.

>> No.6505672

First off....Can you afford the rope?

>> No.6505697

7k to 35k, then 15k,
I'm at 2x but still, fuck this gay market.

>> No.6505708

it went from 28k sats to 10k sats. is it going to recover or what?

>> No.6505736

hodling rdd... you got what you deserved.

>> No.6505747

>had 50 mooning shitcoins and thought things would keep going that well

>> No.6505751

heyy im not alone! cheers anon.

>> No.6505768

Out of all fucking coins your yolo was FUCKING PBL???

But it's nowhere near down enough for that loss wtf are you on

>> No.6505813

I sincerely hope you dont, but if you do you are going to do it. Heres my eth wallet address...please dont let your coins die with you 0xF918191606B8A887C2aA0492a4fB9A539575ab8e

>> No.6505841

8k is enough for a gun if you cash out right now
If you wait you'll have to settle for the rope

>> No.6505881
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Ehh, I started with $4k. In June I had $12. A month later, I lost it alllll the way down to $4.3k. I hodlded. Waited. Took a break. Now I'm at $27k ($31k a few days ago lel)

>> No.6505901

Stop buying shitcoins that have no use cases, and go read a book by Warren Buffet.

>> No.6505903


>> No.6505974

cheers, we are gonna get out of this one

>> No.6506139


Thanks anon I needed some motivation

>> No.6506222

On a incredibly similar boat, and im sure anyone who didnt buy high on the alt run is too. Just wish I sold.

>> No.6506285

>until 4 or 5 days ago
Did you buy memecoins like DBC/BNTY? They all crashed around that time.
fucking knew it

>> No.6506307

you bought at ATH? jesus christ

either way that would be down 60% not 90%, you mustve done some really retarded shit

>> No.6506366

started with 28 BTC, turned it into 90 in about three weeks even though I made huge mistakes like selling Ethereum at $700 and not selling more of my KCS before the crash

>> No.6506377 [DELETED] 

I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@ https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

>> No.6506394

Thanks anon <3

>> No.6506450

>He mistook pump and dump shitcoins for steady growth potential

You are supposed take profit at the ATH and then invest that into more solid non shitcoin projects you dip

>> No.6506518

It's the /biz/ way

>> No.6506573

god dammit. it seems so obvious now but It seemed like it had a little more room to grow. fuckkkkkk.

>> No.6506675

Went from 9k in October to 53k a week ago. Went on a week's holidays. Came back to 32k and falling. I like it though, because hey it's free dopamine.

>> No.6507296
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Everything in my folio is turning around.

>> No.6507375

What were you in big nigga

>> No.6507378

I went from 15k to 28k to 18k from new years till now. Bought xlm, fun, trx, req. Mostly in fun, and just #yolo money at trx

>> No.6507713

Were you all in on something?