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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6503769 No.6503769 [Reply] [Original]

I started investing into cryto's early december. I started out with 500, I followed the alt-coin boom and ended up with 10k in the end. Last week i started making some risky investments because I got greedy and followed a lot of biz'z advice and am now down to 3k. I feel extremely stupid to have lost that much. My account is bleeding every second. I have learned a lot from my mistakes but in the end, am pretty pissed.

>> No.6503811

you are still up 6x it sucks but at least you havent lost your original investment. I started with 3k and peaked 25k now im down to 10k. Shit happens

>> No.6503912

What'd you buy?

Also, why did you listen to the shilling on /biz/? 90% of em are pajeet scam coins!

>> No.6504018

Thanks OP, without guys like you none of us would get rich.

>> No.6504064

yeah tell us what you bought that made you lose all your money

>> No.6504097

At the time I didn't know that they were pajeet scam coins but I bought into a lot of things, can't recall but in the end it's what my account came out to be. At that point when i got to 10k, I should of started to invest in more safe, top 50 coins that have a working product.

>> No.6504186


>Taking biz's advice

Now you understand. Biz is not for finding advice. Do research and find your own coins from other sources, then come here to shill them to people like you. That's how you make money.

>> No.6504194

Some stupid pajeet coin called XCXT, thought having masternode coin would be cool, in the end it tanked. There were a couple of others that I bought into that made my account go much lower.

>> No.6504239

You just picked a bad week to make risky investments

>> No.6504342

He went 6x you fuckin retard

>> No.6504387

no he just bought really really shitty coins.

>> No.6504416

I feel ya. Started with $600 in Nov and was up to $7k after new years. I cashed $1600 out mid December for Xmas shit and also to claim that I got my initial back plus extra. Now I'm at $4700 so not as bad off as you but still not totally ecstatic about it.

Best advice would be to stop trading and chasing pumps and just hold your position until things get going again... but what do I know, I'm bleeding here.

Should have just put it into NEO like I was gonna do but I fell in love with REQ and LINK

>> No.6504626

Appreciate it man, makes me feel better that I'm not the only one. I was able to buy XRB and TRX dirt cheap before they both mooned which is how I got my account up so much. I got tired of seeing my account not go up anymore when they both stopped moving. So I looked for more things like them and got fuckedddd. would of been so much better just holding at least XRB. I'm not worried though, just hope I can bounce back and get back to where I previously was at.

>> No.6504805

Yea, I'm also hitting my head against the wall about some of the dumb decisions I made.

Barely hovering around 2x my initial investment. Every good decision I made I followed up with a dumb one. I watched $1600 fall trying to bet NAS would gain, then it didn't, then I got in late on HPB and dropped to $800.

Watched my Raiblocks 10x to $500, sold at $350 after it leveled out, transferred that to UFR and it tanked to $200.

Meanwhile my NEO, VEN, and ICX all did fine and kept me afloat. Wish I wouldn't have tried to gamble.

>> No.6504819
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>tfw started with a 100k investment in june
>tfw wanted to put 50% into NEO and 50% into ETH
>tfw my friends managed to talk me into trading shitcoins for a quick profit
>tfw I would've been a millionaire if I listened to my gut
I'm still up 500% but feelsbadman

>> No.6504847


Atleast you know how to do shit OP. I'm fucked because i dont understand anything.

any guides for newfags on software and how to get started?

>> No.6504999

>started with 500
>now have 3000k

I think that makes you pretty retarded, yes. If you think the game is to be in the green 24/7 then you're doing it wrong. You're gonna take hits that may last for months, but if you studied your investment beforehand and assumed the risk properly then you should know that it most certainly is going to go up again in a matter of time.

This what the classic "buy high sell low" people never seem to understand. You don't catch a trend late and expect the trend to keep going. You catch the trend EARLY, then you sell when the time is right. This will yield far more profit then any gambling will yield. While you sit and complain you continue to take losses instead of cashing out and moving onto the next investment that isn't currently volatile as shit.

Keep the goddamn money moving you idiot, don't just let it sit there and devalue. Get that money working on another investment while the coins tank.

Is it worth the risk to let it sit there and potentially become worthless or would you rather pull out the profit you made and get it working again? At least this time you'll have learned something before you invest it again.

>> No.6505222

what the actual point of wasting 3 hrs a day reading this shit then? :(