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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6502145 No.6502145 [Reply] [Original]

>97 markets
>10m hard cap

do you hate money /biz/?


>> No.6502253

Your post violates global rule #11.

>> No.6502741

Let it be!

Show some love /biz/bros


>> No.6502965
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why the fuckkkkkkkkkkkk do you need blockchain for this shit? Lynda works fine without it right?

> Muh decentralized
> Muh transparency
> Muh public ledger

>> No.6503046


>tfw I have a genuinely useful idea for a blockchain that would have easy to implement use RIGHT NOW but have no means of creating one and can finding a dev team.

>> No.6503086

this, never talk of the fight club

>> No.6503109
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>> No.6503387

Love me some Y Combinator but many of their companies do fail. They're typically a seed stage accelerator.

Will look into this though! Thanks

I can code. Love the biz side of things as well.
What's your idea?

Note that YC among many others say pretty openly that basically no one will bother to steal your idea before you've found any success with it.

Personally finding someone to work with >>> taking an idea and trying it on my own

>> No.6503455

oh WOW a decentralized version of Lynda!? Take all my ETH!

>> No.6503772

Hi bizzies.

I am a VP level employee at an edu-tech marketplace. This concept/company is honestly a joke. Not to say you won't potentially make money from this ICO... buuut I can tell you that there are DEFINITELY valid use cases in the education industry for blockchain, and this is absolutely not one of them.

This is literally just "Shit company using blockchain as a gimmick to raise millions without being beholden to anyone".

I would avoid, personally. If you get in, jump out as soon as you see a profit. Also I've never even fucking heard of these people, and this space is VERY difficult to break through in. There are tons of players, especially in online - they think being on the blockchain is an advantage vs. Udemy, Coursera, Skillshare? Nope. Literally meaningless.

They will disappear for-fucking-ever eventually, I promise you that.

Also, I work directly with educators from sole proprietor's to large universities, feel free to AMA about the industry/space.

>> No.6503885

don't see any mention of it anywhere

seems scammy as fuck

>> No.6503925

What do you think of Jordan Peterson's self authoring program and the plans he's mentioned about creating a vast online resource of courses and instructors for the humanities?

From a business perspective of course. You can say what you think of it ethically as well, if you want.

>> No.6504005


If it makes you a lot of money please send 1%:

Basically a blockchain for storing university grades anonymously. Start a foundation and shill it to unis all over the world, at least a dozen will agree to participate just to score points.

Market is as an anti-discrimination measure by saying grades can be audited and used to publicly determine if universities are intentionally giving women/minorities bad grades. Universal credit system can be used on the blockchain with some basic AI to allow for people to switch universities easily by having the AI look at all the grades across different subjects instead of just a simple GPA. E.g. I did well in Chem and physics but failed bio but I should be able to get into materials engineering.

It would be a secure, fraud/tamper resistant way to prove your grades to businesses using your private key. (Many people commit grade fraud.)

I’ll post an email tmrw using this trip code if anyone wants to work on this with me. I have 10k of seed capital and a lot of ideas so it’d be better to have me on your team. I just want a small cut of the millions you’ll make.

>> No.6504090


What I haven’t revealed, and is the truly genius part btw is what gives the tokens value. And it’s a brilliant system, honestly.

>> No.6504164

Great idea. Go for it anon. Do it! Just start with a name. I'll start for you: Gradecap. Score store. Gradechain. Secugrade. Unicoin.

>> No.6504177

I actually hadn't even heard of this before you mentioned it, desu. Looks a bit scammy on a brief pass, the marketing alone is not normal for tried and true educators who typically don't know their foot from their ass when it comes to marketing/building websites. When you do see companies that have the marketing side together (General Assembly is a good example), they aren't as fucking cryptic as this guy. I can't even tell what he's selling...

Oh also, it's funny to me that these dudes (the ICO) compare themselves to Lynda, who got bought by LinkedIn for an absurd $1B a year or two ago and have since been a fucking BAG that LinkedIn is holding. Their whole plan was to move into credentialing which would be relevant to recruiters, then they realized that they were in WAY over their heads and have all but abandoned Lynda support. These fuckers don't even know the industry they just raised $4MM to get into. Amazing. I'm actually angry about this, I don't like people dicking around in the ed space.

>> No.6504300

durr is it that employers pay in token to validate applicants grades

>> No.6504520


No, but that is pretty clever, no my system is far better.

>> No.6504818

seems scammy as fuck and the devs want to pump it. definitely in

>> No.6505070
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That's the spirit.

>> No.6505113
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My man!

Fuck it I'm in too!

>> No.6505153


Upcoin gives you 500$ (in trading fees) and Legitcoin will give you 10$ in tokens. Legitcoin is a very controlled distributed coin(a manipulated coin). Can't say anything good about the other two.


Cryptodealer is a typical: sell my products and you get 50% of it because you did the hard job of actually selling it.


>> No.6505183

That's a pretty fucking good idea anon

>> No.6505235

Pending Balance

Pending for like 5 hours now, after 1000+ confirmed TX on etherscan WHAT DO

>> No.6505340

Make it 10M hard cap, easy 100x.

I can see it actually surviving as a product, it's better than any other token I know of.

>> No.6505475


Hmmm some people in the telegram are having the same issue and have been advised to wait.

Maybe you could try asking there as well?


>> No.6505484

this could be like aigang. they were only on bancor for a while before going on kucoin. 20x from ico when added to ku.

>> No.6505792

Bought 1 ETH, gonna shill it on biz in a few months and sell for 10 ETH.

>> No.6505801

They are using the token for governance which imo is a valid use case for a token.

They want to allow people to vote for the content that creators make, kinda meh desu, but whatever.

The good stuff is that they already have a product up and running which is way more than the coins that we see now which are just billion dollar whitepapers. Also they look to be running a strong marketing campaign.

>> No.6505834
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They mixed up the cryptocurrency and AI pictures

They have a real product that you could spend the coins on so it's not a scam. You'd probably be getting it on a discount. I just have no desire to pay for something that I can't test out without giving my credit card.

They don't seem to have anything for free. If they're touting themselves as an advanced learning platform - with apparently 15% of their funds paying for people to create premium lessons - I don't get why I can't see beginner projects for free.

I feel like if Paul Graham were looking at this, he'd tell them to make the first half of at least some of their projects free.

Not him, but it sounds great. He has a pretty massive reach right now, team of 4 PhD's , and seems sincere.

It's just that there are only 4 programs right now (with at least some divided) and they're all behind a pay wall.

Successful self help projects seems to do a lot of content marketing to promote their paid stuff

Even the personality test at https://understandmyself.com/ is paid.
Maybe I'm a biased jew, but this just seems to be how the ecosystem works. I'm sure it appeals to his fans regardless.

It seems like a terrible idea to me but, again to reference YC proverbs - all of the best ideas seem like shit initially (or else they'd already be done)

Maybe give this a watch

I don't think that would even require AI btw. Just a regular algorithm that pegs classes to eachother.

I'm be up to bounce ideas regardless

>> No.6506002

You can't even spend the coins on buying lessons?

That's pretty weak

>> No.6506051


Na, they allow that too but I just left it out cause it seems pointless when you could just accept ETH for payment instead.

>> No.6506070

How much gwei and gas limit?
Always send a ton of gwei and gas limit on executing contracts you don't know nothing about.

Just sent mine and already see tokens in my dashboard.

>> No.6506119

Oh wait, I think they planned on using Bancor for seamless token conversions. I havn't really looked into bancor so idk.

>> No.6506187

I dont want my grades in a public blockchain wtf lol

>> No.6506202

how to get the tokens in the metamask?

>> No.6506212

look at their fucking twitter.
8,842 followers, just a few likes on what they've posted.
its a scam, will never hit a decent exchange, creates instant bagholders.

>> No.6506261

means it will appear here https://www.bancor.network/discover and you can buy/sell for any listed (and eth) with metamask

>> No.6506539

Do I look like a telegram cuck?
You have to wait them distribute the tokens first ofc.