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6496894 No.6496894 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get one goin' boys. No datamining and more importantly no larping ITT.

>job + salary
>crypto portfolio
>other assets
>do u have a gf
>are u happy

>> No.6497178

>$9600 in stocks + $2500 in bank account + $2200 in cash at home
>no. there are more important issues to be adressed
>i'm content for the moment

>> No.6497381

Cybersecurity Engineer
~750 BTC value (not all BTC ofc)
500 acres, 7500 USD
I put a ring on her finger, it didn't stay there long
Fucking miserable

>> No.6497521

work for a property management co.
20 btc
250k in equities
have a wife
fucking miserable, hate my job, want to do nothing all day... working towards that goal aggressively.

>> No.6497631

>tech monkey @ $28k/yr
>(-)$125,000 (debt, mortgage, etc)
>mostly except work

>> No.6497642

>Geoscientist in 3rd hellhole, 40k usd year pay
>around 20 btc mainly in shitcoins atm
>200k usd in stocks+bonds

>> No.6497697

Physics masters student
$200k, mostly ETH, MKR, BTC, XMR
$50k student loan (gov backed, so it only comes out of income above a threshold)
No gf, but Asian flatmate sucks me off
Not really happy. Crypto addiction is destroying any chance of getting this degree

>> No.6497773

>PE Analyst, 80k base + bonus
>Roth 401k with 18k

>> No.6497831

>Marketing- 65k
>7k crypto ALL MEME COINS (I lose like 10% a day)
>300k in equity (mortgage only has 100k left); 150k in retirement
>have a wife and 2 kids
>very very happy, lost 1500 in crypto Saturday and laughed it off and took my kids on a hike in the snow.

>> No.6497833

MSc Data Science + Data Analyst (20h) at a large insurance company.
$1600 per month, $40k portfolio
Gf yes, happy yes

>> No.6497837

>audiovisual engineering
>several GI of Iota
>freelance salary (400/day, not every day) + 4 acres of land
>i am a girlfriend
>i'm hopeful, and that's a start

>> No.6497854

Age, 23
Work, Store owner, 80k
Crypto, 110k
$, 20k Purchasing land this year
GF, ya GF
?, Happy but always taking on more.

>> No.6497897

>NEET, $80/day
>$40k cash, $5k stock, $7k car

>> No.6497921

Developer / Designer - 90k
20 acres 2 paid off cars and 10k in music equipment
pretty happy.

>> No.6497932

>Student agriculture with a minor in plant breeding. Agricultural sales. This gives me 400 on student grants, 400 as salary
>I sold everything in september to buy a appartment.
> 100.000 in real estate. 2000 ish in the bank. 2000 ish in Magic cards.
>Boyfriend is where its at.
>Im happy until the deadlines are allmost due.

>> No.6497937

>lawyer (finished studies this summer), $65k a year
>just under 5k. Started a few weeks ago.
>none really

>> No.6497985

- 19
- English Language + Literature University Student
- 65k mainly VEN/BNTY after that market crash
- only around 7k in bank account
- Yes of 3 years
- very happy IMO

>> No.6498033

Chronically depressed NEET, 850 USD (equivalent) monthly welfare
2M USD in shitcoins
No, except for a ton of expensive gadgets
No, virgin
Most of the days yes. Surprisingly, I have never been happier than now that I'm NEET

>> No.6498076

>30k usd
>none, liability: a 30k student loan debt
>sort of

>> No.6498083

>Property Managment, 30k gross
>2k in crypto (should be 3k but the rape keeps on going)
>Renting on site, discounted rent no commute
>gf of 3 years. Probably getting married soon
>overall happiness? Yes, smoke and drink after work and lots of vidya

>> No.6498086


>systems analyst, $63k
>all in on LINK, $60k
>no gf
>very happy

>> No.6498117

>waiter(bartender), 8,50 euroshekels an hour.
>15k in bank account

>> No.6498120

$115K salary + equity
crypto: $55K
net worth other than crypto: like $300k? mostly mutual funds.
gf: it's complicated but usually.
happy: very much no. mostly around my job.

>> No.6498123

>works in marketing
>still falls for memes

>> No.6498128

Bro that BA gonna give you fucking nothing, sorry

>> No.6498148

Hows that link treating yea? I got in at $1.21 back when 8000 sats was the floor, lol. I’m going around $1000 worth currently worth around $700

>> No.6498152
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>> No.6498193

>Ecologist 50k

>> No.6498195

>sales @ $80k per year
>crypto total $20k
>other assets total almost $100k if we can count hobby stuff, guns and cars account for more of that total than I'd like to admit
>happily married to the best woman ever conceived
>fairly happy. i hate my job, but love my pay. the worst part of my life is watching my wife die young of cancer.

>> No.6498263

damn man, sorry to hear

>> No.6498293

Ive got my own plans bro, once I get that English BA work abroad in the Middle East in private sectors and that's a min £50k starting pay and I know that's not much for these biz guys but good enough for me

>> No.6498307

$200k salary
crypto - $55k
assets/liabilities - own home and 401k; $200k+ in student loans
gf: yes
yes, pretty happy and content with life. using crypto to pay off my student loans and then coasting from there.

>> No.6498312



>job + salary
Commercial bank underwriter 80k

>crypto portfolio
>other assets
Bmw 428

>do u have a gf

>are u happy
I want to kill myself everyday and only retirement can save me.

>> No.6498327

>student / part time shitjobs
>I don't complain

>> No.6498358

going to the middle east for 50k euro is super shitty.

>> No.6498359

It's fokken weird isn't it. I'm kinda afraid of getting doxxed b/c of this, but I started crypto like last April, a few thousand euro-shekels to a token sale. 70-fold profits in a matter of a few months. Then some Ethereum-based token presales end of summer 2017, and here we are

Shit would be cash if I just found something that actually works for this depression of mine

>> No.6498407

>last semester for my physics bachelors
>4.5k linkies
>student loans

How's the MSc in Data Science? I'm gonna go to data science or business analytics masters program in the Fall. If the field supposedly growing really fast and the pay good?

>> No.6498434

>student, electronics and informations technology
>6k car, 10k money

>> No.6498436

Gag whores with your cock. Helps me.

>> No.6498444
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Its not about depression.

Its about finding an activity that immerses you so hard that you forget about your place in the world.

Hopefully that something is productive.

For me its videogames.

>> No.6498445
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>job + salary
Student librarian, around 8k.
>crypto portfolio
Pathetic, under $500 and keeps getting lower everyday.
>other assets
>do u have a gf
Yeah, she's cute. We've been together since I was 16, I plan on marrying her.
>are u happy
Most days the answer is yes. Some times I still feel like shit though.

>> No.6498452

>Electrician 12k/y
>150 ACT
>280k€ in various stuff
>of course I don't
>of course I'm not

>> No.6498461

>job + salary
software developer 80k (not bay area)
>crypto portfolio
6k started a couple weeks ago
>other assets
20k in 401k
30k in index funds
40k in savings
single digit percentage heir to $XXX million company
>do u have a gf
>are u happy
I guess

>> No.6498470

We aren't all like you bro, 50k gbp starting pay in the Middle East is good enough for me

>> No.6498472

>Barback, maybe 200 a week + 100 a week in tips
>Bought INT at 27c, feeling comfy with that, but poorfag so only 400$
>Literally nothing lol
> tfw no gf
>not at all :(

>> No.6498484

Will consider, thx m80

>> No.6498511

Fair enough, atleast you have somewhat a
resemblance of a plan. Hope you make it, anon.

>> No.6498512

Not untill I move out of this shithole

>> No.6498516

>high school + 0
>yeah, but lovesick as fuck

>> No.6498521

Thanks man. Crypto is my moonshot, ultimately I would love to make assloads of money to the point where we don't need to work any more. But if I can come out of this and pay off her medical debt it's still worth it.

>> No.6498530

software engineer ~60-70
20k atm, up from 5k in dec
no other assets, looking at real estate
that feel when no gf... hold me anons
moderately happy, been on a health/fitness kick, learning more CS memes, not about the lambo life just financial security and freedom

>> No.6498538

old demographic. I like it.

>MBA student + no offers
> 5 ZCL, mined
>No assets
>She said she didn't want anything serious. Fuck degenerate culture.
>No, but I'm working on it. I have an idea for starting a small business.

>> No.6498557

$6000 Bank $4000 in IBM $600 in silver
Have a gf
Meh on happiness

>> No.6498559

>student + software developer at summers (2.5k eur/month)
>12k eur
>40k eur + 150k eur apartment
>not really

>> No.6498572
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>mortgage servicer, $28k/yr
>80% ELIX 20% LINK trying to buy OMG but broke
>$2k in weed stocks
>yes but shes fat and not a virgin, don't know what to do with her

>> No.6498576

>pharmacist / $145k salary
>$40k crypto portfolio
>$100k in 401k, stocks, cash, etc
>Never had a gf ;(

>> No.6498594


take mdma and kratom. if i can help cure soldiers of the horrors of war it will a help neet faggots.

>> No.6498612

Yeah, I suppose so. It's just that there isn't really anything wrong with me life, I mean, I don't really have any concrete worries

TL;DR: OCD + anxiety + depression = weird shit my dude

>> No.6498616
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Real estate banker

50 million worth of real estate with a passive income of 50k a month



>> No.6498647

fbi analyst subverting /biz/ 110k
50k ripple

>> No.6498662

>Actuarial Assistant with 4 exams $75k/year
>Only $1k. I just started couple days ago.
>I have $85k CD, $12k 401K, $10k bank account and $9k in brokerage account
>No GF. I tell all girls I meet that I'm unemployed and living with mommy & daddy. Instant turn-off.
>I wouldn't say happy. I'm 'satisfied' with life. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.6498674

Tbh as long as you're getting that $ and you have your other half or atleast a partner to have fun / kick it back with you'll be happy.

>> No.6498678

>21 since last month
>student; mom pays for everything
>none. I have 5k in bank.
>moderately. I'm chasing the dream of becoming financially independent before I graduate. That would mean I wouldn't have worked one day in my life. That would be pretty fucking awesome.

>> No.6498681

>IT - €60k before and €30k after taxes
>€40k car + €80k
>ldr :^)

>> No.6498689

> just turned 30

> network / systems architect
> 125k salary, should be getting a raise in the next 60 days

> was hovering around 100k, now about 80k
> about 25% eth, 75% alts that are long term holds

> 12k in stocks, about 30k in gold / silver / coins, 8k in cash

> fiancé
> pretty happy

>> No.6498690

No larping

>> No.6498694

>4000 in bank + 2000 pc + 5000 car
>i'm fine, just want to graduate and start a career in my field.

>> No.6498699

This is bad advice.

>> No.6498735
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College senior, get 100 usd from mummy and daddy a week
300 atm in BTC for day trading. Holding $70 worth of ATC which I paid 200 for :/

>other assets
500 in stocks, which I may liquidate to invest in more crypto
>do u have a gf
no, going NoFap MGTOW until the end of the semster
>are u happy

>> No.6498740

I may give it a try...

I've been to ketamine treatment, it helped somewhat - plus it's an interesting experience. Anyways, thanks chaplads, appreciate your wise words, I genuinely do

>> No.6498747

why do you live at home desu?

>> No.6498780


No rent. No fucking way am I paying $2k/month to live in a rat-infested shithole.

>> No.6498814


Very well! I got in at $0.40 so I've still got about 2.25x return on my initial investment. Just hang tight until SXSW and you'll have gains.

>> No.6498821

consultant ($100k / year)
1000 ICX + a few other shit coins
$15k in Robinhood, $20k in bank acct, ~5k in various savings/retirement instruments
have gf
Pretty happy but not sure where I go from here, what I should do next, next career move etc

>> No.6498829

Holy shit, that's a lot of taxes. Guess at least you live in europe.

>> No.6498834

>Chronically depressed
>I have never been happier than now

>2M USD net worth

Dude, just give up already

>> No.6498867

Auditor, $80k
$58k, mostly ETH
Just broke $500k net worth
No GF (permavirgin)
Moderately happy

>> No.6498876

>CPA, $155k
>~38k ETH
>$100k in stocks, $150k Retirement accts, $100k in Investment Properties, $70k in Home Equity
> No
> Not really

>> No.6498883

wow congrats anon you’ve saved a shitload for your age / salary

>> No.6498885

>Digital Ad Manager, $100k
>$50k in 401k

>> No.6498898

> 23
> Engineer - £47750 so about $60000 in american money
> ADA, XLM and FUN.
> About 2k in gold and will soon have a downpayment on a flat thanks to ETH.
> Na.
> I'm content. Feels stupid for not saying yes but you can never have enough.

>> No.6498907

>unemployed, in highschool
>clothes, jewellery

>> No.6498932

Didn't see last question.
No, I'm not happy.
I feel like a robot and crave social contact even though I hate it.

>> No.6499091
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>Risk analyst (not financial. the terrorism kind) + $95k/year
>$230k folio
>$480k apartment (debt free, thx ethereum), $30k savings account for emergency expenses
>Yes, but will be happier when I never have to work again. I'm counting on you, Sergey

>> No.6499110

Brah, what? I mean, I do feel like absolute shit and hella anxious at some point every day, really, but at least I don't have any "actual" worries. That's what I mean.

Also, what does net worth have anything to do with losing ones virginity? I won't pay a prostitute, if that's what you're implying. Can't be arsed, it's not something that bothers me, being a virgin cuck

I could also go pretty much broke any day, if my shitcoins crash, so I don't really consider myself a "real" millionaire.

>> No.6499114

Are all you kids LARPing or do you actually make this much money. I'm 23, literally broke and in college, want to kill myself now

>> No.6499128

>No business students, besides me
>Investing 5 digits + into crypto.

Let me give you guys a tip.

>Stocks increase in value because the firm generates revenue and that revenue gets passed onto stockholders (eventually) through dividends.

No such mechanism exists in Crypto.

>If firm makes money through a direct contract or partnership that doesn't use token, then token price does not increase
>if firm creates new token then previous token does not increase in value
>if price of token increases then cost to use network increases which will generally decrease demand for service.

Hence ALL shitcoins will eventually go down to 0 price.

>> No.6499168

Philosophy degree btw, I think I'm gonna do it.

>> No.6499170

>no datamining
>creates thread to mine data
I hope all you fags posting ITT enjoy being doxxed by """THEM"""

>> No.6499178

>Work, Store owner, 80k
what kind of store?

>> No.6499193
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>> No.6499222

My first job I made 12/hr and my gpa in college was 2.7. Anything can happen anon

>> No.6499260

devops, 2k$
17k$, currently mostly in SNC
happy, but would be happier without a girlfriend so i could fucking do whatever i want, im basically trapped since we have a baby
i love them both but fuck i just wanna play games and party and do drugs

>> No.6499262

why do you think you're permavirgin? personality, looks, or both?

>> No.6499265

Spend some of your gain ffs. Go on vacation, somewhere warm. As you said, this shit could crash and you're back to being broke. You don't even need to spend that much.

>> No.6499269

why? being rich is overrated, also, it's probably just the case of there being a handful of richfags who post in this kind of thröds, while the rest don't

>> No.6499282

what job was that?

>> No.6499307

So estimate to how many people are LARPing in here?

Or can we all assume biz is full of autistic NEET members of the 0.1-1%

>> No.6499334

you make $2k doing devops?

>> No.6499336

I assume a huge majority of these fags are LARPing.
I refuse to believe these kids have hundreds of thousands of dollars while I'm broke af.

>> No.6499340

what is kucoin dividends

>> No.6499357


>Lab tech 60k/year
>10k in bank, -270k debt on home loan

>> No.6499379

>job + salary
Student + 50% job, 12k loan + 19k salary
>crypto portfolio
90k xlm
>other assets
Did i mention student loan
>do u have a gf
sort of
>are u happy
not really, but hopefully soon:)

>> No.6499414

2k/month, yeah it's shit but im kinda junior-ish and not really in a rich country

on the bright side i work from home and trade cypto instead of working most of the time

>> No.6499420

>big pharma 136K
>$3k crypto portfolio
>$400k in 401k, stocks, cash, etc,
>part owner in several local businesses and real estate
>Never married, no kids, younger GF
>enjoying life a ton

>> No.6499461

I'd say that 50% is telling the truth to some degree. (Mainly education and age)
They do not have hunderds of thousands of dollars. They have have 100.000's of MMORPG currency. Because that is what most shitcoins are. Only Bitcoin and Ether can be transferred to IRL money with relative ease.

>> No.6499480

I've been to like 15+ countries in my life, with my family, I just don't see the point in that. Also, my family is pretty well-off, so there isn't much I can't do in any case. If I had a close friend and wanted to go on a trip with them, my parents would surely pay for it

But yeah, I will be selling some of my holdings during the next couple of months. I'm going to be inheriting a house plus some cash from my parents, but could do with additional dosh for the future (>implying that my unhealthy way of life hasn't killed me in the next 5-10 years)

>> No.6499483

This man is an inspiration.
Tell me, how do you deal with a girl who truly loves you but you want other pussy? (But also, you love her too)

>> No.6499489

Accounting clerk

>> No.6499491

>railroad wage slave 7000k/mo +ot
>14-15k depending on time of day
>1 paid off rental property and lot 750/mo, owe 150k on 225k house. 10k metals. 50k retirement not counting railroad retirement...fuck social security.
>married a girl that cook
>am fat and happy.

>> No.6499499

I had a full ride scholarship and worked software internships every summer and started working as soon as I graduated

>> No.6499532

have you tried doing molly and going to raves?
doing shrooms?

i promise you it'll totally flip your perspective on life

>> No.6499553

25k in stock options and 401k
100k in crypto
60k in cash
this is my year i hope

>> No.6499563

>Teacher 36k Salary
>$300,000 in crypto
>No not happy.

>> No.6499566

Friends and music buddy. I can recommend Earl Sweatshirt, he knows a thing or two about depression.

>> No.6499587

U wot m8

>> No.6499642

Ty m80s

>> No.6499648

>Marketer, $2k
>$6000 - Bleeding to all shit the past couple days
>Kind of, I just want to get my monthly earnings up to a /comfy/ $4k.

>> No.6499653

Chemicals are only a temporary fix. Do it for fun, but keep it limited. MDMA can really fuck up your head if you're using it too much.

>> No.6499675


Poor Blue Collar Concrete Fag 1k/wk (lucky if 500 during winter months)
started with 100 now at 800 (2 weeks)
1968 Camaro and 250K inheritance (inlaws)
Crypto is giving me a slight hope of being happy, if its wasnt for my son I probably would probably be in jail or dead because until recently I was a stupid reckless individual

>> No.6499678

Oh yeah no other assets. Just crypto.
What fun is this if nobody comments/gives advice though OP?

>> No.6499717

software engineer (have job, haven't started) $160k inc bonus/stock
170k crypto
50k stocks

>> No.6499720

>failing student
>300k (21btc + a few shitters)
>2k cash
>no, dont like them

>> No.6499750


- 25 yo
- dentistry student
- 180$ a true poorfag
- ur mum
- used to
- Can't complain

>> No.6499751

Failing accounting student and part time gas station attendant
60k$ in BTC
no other assets
Clinically depressed. woe is me

>> No.6499773

yeah i was hoping this goes without saying, molly every 2 weeks tops or you will lose the magic

>> No.6499787


also, I feel like warning others who may be considering taking MDMA for therapeutic purposes; check your medication. One should NEVER take MDMA while on SSRI/SNRI meds. It can very well kill you

This is pretty well known, but still

>> No.6499790
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age- 24
job + salary work- at a liquor store for 12$/hour
crypto portfolio- 1k
other assets- around 1k in savings
do u have a gf- yes
are u happy- for the most part, if I changed jobs I'd be alot happier, sick of this shit

>> No.6499833

What do you teach?

>> No.6499849
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Age: 30
Job: Software Engineer
Salary: $133k/yr
Crypto NW: $50,000
Non-crypto NW: $280,000
GF: No
Happy: No, 16KHz tinnitus saps me of my joy.

>> No.6499863

Mathematics at a middle school in a foreign country (not US). I actually don't start until next month though. It's a very small salary but with my crypto as my long term savings it should be ok.

>> No.6499872

What type of engineering? And with that salary you London based?

>> No.6499929

Engineer and Wedding Photographer on weekends
90K a year
$4500k crypto
Own our house, 2 cars, etc
In general I’m happy, but overworked. Looking for a better job closer to home (1hr commute)

>> No.6499989

Age: 25
Job: Software Engineer
Salary: $101k/yr
Crypto NW: $48,000
Non-crypto NW: $320,000
GF: Yes
Happy: Definitely

>> No.6500058
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>(1hr commute)

>> No.6500061


How do I become a software engineer?

>> No.6500062

own a load board site for truckers - 150k rev last year
>crypto portfolio
10k all in XMR
>other assets
around 50k in stocks, funds, and my shitty Nissan versa
>do u have a gf
>are u happy
I think I´m having an existential crisis, either depressed or extremely nihilistic.

>> No.6500084

>design engineer, 55k with bonus
>2k crypto
>piece of shit car worth 1k, paycheck 2 paycheck
>have gf
>fuck no. I owe 135kish in student loans. Fuck this earth and the college meme. I got scammed so fucking bad

>> No.6500102

buddy if your broke af you're a newfag. /biz has always been pretty well off, most of the people actually doing well stop posting after a while.

>> No.6500132

>I refuse to believe these kids have hundreds of thousands of dollars while I'm broke af.
This denial is the reason it feels so satisfying to have this much money.

>> No.6500135

Yeah, the only come back to laugh at people who are forever poor and then shitpost their portfolios.

>> No.6500146


Are you me three months ago?

What kind of design engineer are you?

>> No.6500174
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From an experienced drug user, I understand the idea of "flipping perspectives" using psychedelics or other substances.

But trust this: don't do it, natural substances like mushrooms may have long term psychological effects that can be amazing at first but are undesirable in the end; getting high can make you feel awesome, and that itself may change your outlook on life and change one's behavior (getting unstuck), but once your sober you will inevitably revert back to your old self, because of the sudden change to your brain chemistry, you will not have gone through the mental steps necessary to undergo a long term change in mindset, and synthetic substances can do permanent damage to this formula.

Bassically, if you want to change you have to do it yourself, you cannot count on drugs, they may show you the way and take you places, but they never last, you have to change yourself and do it sober

>> No.6500196

>crane operator 120-150k/year
>12k in crypto
>25k in stock market
>a few
>fuck yeah i am

>> No.6500209

>90 xlm
>could be worse

>> No.6500227

exactly. Though most people who've been around longer then two months don't ever post portfolios.

>> No.6500229


How much shrooms do you need to have a spiritual experience or whatever? I did them this weekend and it was just like it shut off part of my brain.

>> No.6500262

god bless you anon

>> No.6500274

why do you work so much if you have 4.5 million dollars?

>> No.6500291
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I tried LSD had a great time and made me appreciate life a lot more. Then again, I was happy before I took LSD and I am still happy so

>> No.6500339

>CPA / tax prep
>252k bitcoin, 16k ripple, 38k stocks, 8k cash
>house and car paid for
>me and this girl are dancing around the fact we spend a retarded amt of time with each other...started as friends but we basically are a couple....she doesn't know about my assets and thinks I live paycheck to paycheck....
>nope I'm neutral

>> No.6500360

my BIL took a 7 week coding course, did a few interviews and got at job coding for financial services firm at 70k. this is nyc, but still

>> No.6500365

>job + salary
uni student , 200$ a month
>crypto portfolio
>other assets
1k laptop 1k gaming shit
>do u have a gf
>are u happy
i dunno im fine i guess

>> No.6500374

Get a Computer Science degree or go to one of those 6-month immersive “learn to code” bootcamps.

Also don’t suck at logic, pattern finding, or persistence.

>> No.6500382

>Construction Apprentice
>Minimum fucking wage
>6 BTC Value, mainly held in ETH
>£20k in a vanguard ISA
>£30k in cash that i have no idea what to do with
>Car worth £1500 at best
Pretty damn happy, shit wage, but life could be worse. I thank god that I didn't waste the money my parents worked hard to save for me on Uni.

>> No.6500421

Awards and engraving plastics for electrical companies.
Got a great deal on the business, working right now listening to podcasts and shitposting while the laser runs.

>> No.6500428

Plastic/rubber/some metal assemblies.

Company specialises in masking solutions for e-coat/powdercoat

>> No.6500448

how did u save up 30k in cash from a min wage job at the age of 19?

>> No.6500456

>code monkey
>85k crypto (mostly ETH)
>165k apartment, 15k cash
>no, but that's largely because of my job, which I just quit - 2018 is my year, I hope

>> No.6500488

also no gf + virgin

>> No.6500490

I did that by 20 by working 75 hours a week at three different places for 11-20 dollars a hour.

>> No.6500538

That £30k and half of my ISA was from money saved for me mainly by my family and a few close family friends when my mother died. The rest of the money ive saved up over a few years of part time work while I was still in school, and being frugal as hell.

>> No.6500598
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>server/bartender ($10/hr full-time)
>$41k, mainly BTC
>a lot of cocaine, ~$30k cash, ~$60k cars
>bitches ain't shit

>> No.6500691
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> 27
> advertising creative, 34,800 €/y
> 350,000 € in crypto
> 165,400 € in my bank account (mostly cashed crypto gains).
> Yes.
> Yes, most of the time.

>> No.6500784

I too have learned this the hard way. Wouldn't change anything though. I had a lot of fun going to raves and festivals. I've always been an introvert, but in those days I was basically a social butterfly. These days I'm more introverted than ever, probably due to the damage I've done to my brain.

That said, I still think people should try acid or shrooms. People tend to fall for the "muh spiritual drugs" meme. I too have talked to god, but I'm not so delusional that I think that the experience was anything more than my brain on drugs.

>> No.6500895
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>Apprentice Toolmaker, $30k
>$145 in stocks, 2 older cars and a light pickup
>night school blows

>> No.6500919



not even after railing a few lines?

>> No.6500942

bring in about 55k a year
40k crypto portfolio
have a gf
am very happy

>> No.6500954

You may be introverted now because the drugs only cause a temporary change to behavior, but it's like a get rich quick scheme, it may pay out for a bit, but you revert sooner or later

I understand why you'd recommend substances to people, but i wouldn't, there are ways to have these experiences without drugs + you can't learn to help yourself if your being held up by a drug, it's like trying to run with training wheels

>> No.6501018

If it makes you feel any better I'm 28 this year, live at home still, earn about $33k and only have $5k (down to 3.5) in crypto, $8k in the bank and a shitty car worth like $2.8k.
Also no prospects of ever increasing my wage. Thinking about it, maybe I'll join you.

>> No.6501270
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>20 about to be 21

>Mechanical Engineering Undergrad(56% done with a 2 year degree) at a community college, Just got a job(I haven't started yet but can start whenever I want, I got the job) at a stadium center as a Private Server and I've used uber for cash in the past

>$10/hr + divided tips (technically seasonal job because events die down in the summer); ~$9.50/hr from uber (not including opportunity costs of gas and vehicle maintenance)

>~$200 in crypto, 50% in ETH, and 50% in and out of BTC and alts, don't know what to do with my ETH

> No gf, live with my mom

>fuck no, currently pretty suicidal

>> No.6501353

>job + salary
Electrician, unemployed atm so 1000€ welfare.
>crypto portfolio
>other assets
Stocks 76k, shitty apartment 70k, cash 25k, car 12k
>do u have a gf
>are u happy
Depressed as fuuuuck. Haven't event left my house in like 5 days.

>> No.6501407

>No gf, but my Asian flatmate sucks me off
is he any good?

>> No.6501474


>> No.6501644

>Real estate agent - commission/$300week
~1k portfolio currently. In crypto for 1 month, started with $300
>House, car, 2 motorcycles. fishing boat, 12k savings
>ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I drink a lot

>> No.6501699

Don't be stupid stupid anin. at 23 I hadn't even finished high school yet, was a pothead and couldn't hold down a job or Be reliable. 11 years later and in making 6 figures.

>> No.6501711

>and a useless college education

>> No.6501845

>$1.5m crypto
>$5k bank
>Will I make it?

>> No.6501873
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>Production Assistant in Hollywood, 12$/hr
>Just went almost all in ($1.5k) on NEO,holding a little bitbean and $500 of ADC too
>expensive motorycles and bikes, inheritance money in a mutual fund
>I was dating a girl but she lives halfway across the country, see her like 3 times a year but looking at others
>I am happy with my situation in life but am experiencing some depression due to drug withdrawals and feel like I’m wasting my time as a PA and want to make internet content

>> No.6501895

> 28
> waiter at fine dining restaurant, $3000/month
> $14k in crypto
> Another $2k in the bank right now
> haven't had gf for a long time
> Nope

>> No.6502055
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>12k a year
>lost everything
>70k in debt
>no gf
>depressed bc wagecucking

>> No.6502083
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>job + salary
graphic/frontend dev, 14k per year but I work only 25-30 hours per week and I don´t want or need to work more

>crypto portfolio

>other assets
literally only my pc... does that even count?

>do u have a gf

>are u happy
I´m content, not more or less

>> No.6502135

>Analyst for Big Bank 90k
>Measly 5k
>not nearly happy as I could be

>> No.6502208

did you make thread here a while back asking what to buy with 50k? what did you end up buying?

>> No.6502237

>bartender and mason
>own home, have modest car, $6,000 cash, $15,000 crypto.
>home valued at 79, drive 2006 ford F-250( do side work)
>currently have this on off thing but no real GF in many years
I guess I'm happy. I just not depressed so I'm thank for that.
As far as my future plans I want to sell my house, but something smaller and start building a real stock portfolio with most of the remaining sum. I can find a decent house for ~$30,000 if I don't mind an extra 20 minute drive.

I'd also be able to save more money because cheaper taxes and utilities. I'm a single guy, I don't need a 3 bedroom house. Give me a 2 bedroom that's small so I can atleast have a guest bedroom. I can do the remodel myself so I could probably save some money further that way.

>> No.6502332

non-larp, 30, 100k salary in tech, 350k in cryptos, no debt - but when I was 23 and in college I was flat broke too, so you're on par for the course.

>> No.6502564

How do I learn? I'm tired of being broke.

>> No.6502663

How did you make your money? I'm sure you got a useful degree or skill. My philosophy degree is dogshit.

>> No.6502799

> 26
> Student, almost done w/ law school
> $200>
> 10k$ cash, $1k> stocks, 9k bonds, 30k loans
> yes
> sometimes

I just want to pay off my loans senpai, anyone have good advice on how to manage my crypto? all these decimals make it hard as fuck to tell whether im losing or making money

>> No.6502865

Its not learning. Its 60% luck and 30% privilege. Only 10% insight or hard work.
Most guys here will lose their fortune because they never salvaged any of their crypto out of greed.

I got 6K off a heritage, dumped 1/3rd in Bitcoin, salvaged that shit to buy a house.
Did not need to use any of it to stay afloat because of government paying my housing and study.

>> No.6502869

it just takes time and not being stupid with spending or debt. after graduating I worked shitty temp jobs, eventually got a job at a bank making like $16 an hour. I did well and learned the business and how to code, became an analyst, did well and learned how to code better, became a developer, and here I am now. I only had about 5k in cryptos at first, but bought ETH early on (<$10) and increased my stake up to about 20-25k initial investments when ETH started to take off. that's where the bulk of my crypto gains are, but I flip alts for 5-20k cash outs periodically.

>> No.6502964

Got a comms degree. Sociological anthropology minir.

>> No.6503092

>gee boys, OP said no data-mining. Pack it up.

>> No.6503542


>34 old fag
>software/business, 45k € (average here)
>property 100k

>> No.6503735

>System administrator $450
>$~3000 bank + $600 cash at home
>no, it's overvalued
>Not sure after reading this thread

>> No.6504083

>Software Developer ~115K
>~350K in 401K, IRA, Index Funds

>> No.6504130

Crypto is my way out. I fucking hate college and think it's a complete waste of time. The only way I'm able to survive is if I go to college because my parents will pay for my tuition while living with them. If I don't go to college I get kicked out. Currently taking 2 classes and already have enough credits to transfer so I'm lying to them in order to make enough money for crypto. I started with $300 last month and just hit 2k and am about to kill it on ZCL. When I hit 10k I'll be free.

>> No.6504214

- Radiologist, 340K
-<100k (just started working July)
-Yes, but have been and could be happier

>> No.6504464

How can you be happy in your opinion, it's not up for debate