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File: 12 KB, 500x428, cardano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6494180 No.6494180 [Reply] [Original]

market cap of $2trillion by end of this year.

Does it sound retarded? I agree. Does that make it less true? Nope.

>> No.6494243
File: 50 KB, 620x348, 1500584043717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ADA will unironically be the world currency in 2025

Screenshot this

>> No.6494429

I have a special hatred for ADA.

Being a shitcoin is one thing. Being a shitcoin that literally runs on memeing an association being it and MUH SCIENZE PHD WE ARE SMART is particularly egregious.

I hope all cardano holders die in a vat of acid and I hope Charles drinks poison. Sciency deaths!

>> No.6494434

So if I hypothetically held, say, 40 or 50,000 ADA what level of rich would that put me at compared to current society

>> No.6494705

the world is gonna be very different when this stuff goes mainstream, so its impossible to really say

youll be able to live off of staking for sure though

>> No.6494744


Dan Larimer pls go.

>> No.6494780


WTF pajeet, are you stupid or full retard?

fucking scamcoin

>> No.6494798

yeah it'll likely do well in the future, but for now... I am heavily considering selling off my stack. Already sold some of it. At this market cap, I doubt it'll make any insane runs that will make me regret selling, I mean it already went on a big moon mission and I'm currently enjoying 500-600% profit. If I sell I'll buy back in at some point as I think theres plenty of time before it really takes off. Thoughts?

>> No.6494846

theyll probably finish POS before ethereum, which will be huge

i wouldnt sell for at least another 6 months

>> No.6494931


>Literally the only coin that has set out the entire fundamentals of how it works and proof that it can work

If you have no place on /biz/ which you clearly don't if you think it's a scamcoin, why do you come here?

>> No.6495002

>scamcoin with like 30 Ph.D. holders on the team

>> No.6495006

at 2 trill market cap for cardano it would be $76.9 per ADA x50k is $3,846,153.84

>> No.6495024

easily worth $2.5

>> No.6495051

I agree it looks like POS will launch on ADA before ETH. The Cardano roadmap lists it at 75% to launch live, whereas ETH doesn't seem to have made any major strides towards Casper and has a more decentralized management philosophy.

People give Cardano shit for the science/academia rhetoric but if I know one thing I know that these old stuffy Comp Sci guys know how to develop a project from the ground up, and work as an efficient team with other devs in the space.

Do you really think the autismos (vitalik et al) at Eth will be able to keep up with ADA in development speed long term?

>> No.6495104

>I agree it looks like POS will launch on ADA before ETH.
Ever wonder why palm beach recommended it the other day? Its because POS is definitely near. Teeka said so himself.

>> No.6495106

This coin has partnered with a a Jap company to roll out ATMs japanwide by the end of the year

Scamcoin my foot

>> No.6495107

kek so even if staking nets a 1% income per year thats like $38k in passive income yearly

>> No.6495157

The palm beach call just reaffirmed what I was already doing...
accumulating ADA

>> No.6495161

LOL? What's wrong with science?

>> No.6495173

Exactly, anyone who thinks it's a scamcoin is literally retarded

>> No.6495204

>People give Cardano shit for the science/academia rhetoric

its really just the polfags that are intimidated by that kinda stuff

>> No.6495229

it was pumped by whales just like xrp to appeal to normies because its 'cheap'

>> No.6495694

What is the purpose of the coin?
Why should people use it instead of others?
What partnerships does it have?
What can i use it for right this moment?

If you cant answer these few questions, its shit.

>> No.6495822


>> No.6495847


Does Cardano have a way of preventing digital feral cats from squatting in their blockchain?

>> No.6496199

>What can I use it for right this moment

What can you use any of this shit for right this moment

Ethereum is slow as fuck. Bitcoin is pricy as fuck. Litecoin is "fast" and my transactions still take 20 minutes.

Barely anything is even close to a finished product right now. We are investing in what we think has potential. If we limited ourselves to things that are already usable right this second we'd miss all of the benefits of getting in early.

To answer your questions ADA is built to be an all around currency that is fast, scalable, uses POS and is more secure than legacy blockchains. There is a need for this in the market, and although many are trying to fill this need, Cardano has a better chance than most of actually doing it.

>> No.6496320

well lets see if they have any delays....gonna have to hold this for months with no moon mission? its gonna drop its waaay over priced until Shelley

>> No.6496395

>gonna have to hold this for months with no moon mission? its gonna drop its waaay over priced until Shelley
Not when Palm Beach said buy up to 0.9 with no stop loss kek. They basically established a floor at 0.7 to 0.8.

>> No.6496451

>MUH SCIENZE PHD WE ARE SMART is particularly egregious.

So in other words you're thick as pigshit and are jealous of those with actual intelligence.

>> No.6496494

It's funny because we talk about it being .7 and .8 now but in years to come we will look back at this like we look at Bitcoin as it was in 2009/2010 and feel completely ridiculous.

>> No.6496515

>I'm stupid and proud

>> No.6496520

look if you bought in high then shill away, it is not worth 20 billion usd even with Shelley

>> No.6496602

>We are investing in what we think has potential
potential for "what"?
What do people think will become of this coin?
As i said, its just an experiment, it has no real life use.

>> No.6496648

read their website, whoever writes their shit is a genius, but even still I have no idea what it does lol

>> No.6496684

I'm thinking of shifting my positions in LTC, BTC to increase my ADA holdings.

My final portfolio composition will be as follows: 40% XMR, 20% ADA, 20% BTC, 20% LTC.

Is this a solid strategy?

>> No.6496720


>> No.6496728

What do you mean potential for what? Potential to be used as an everyday currency for starters or at the very least a storage of wealth as Bitcoin once was before it had ridiculous transaction fees and congestion.

>> No.6496742

>look if you bought in high then shill away, it is not worth 20 billion usd even with Shelley
I bought at 0.64 before palm beach shilled this thing because of the anon shilling cardano daily talking about how its provably secure and shit with Haskell's biggest names working on it. It was probably the same anon that made this thread.

I'm only holding this because im a huge ETH bagholder and ADA and EOS are the only blockchain platforms that scare the shit out of me so i hedged on them.

>> No.6496771

so, potential to do things that other coins are doing right now?
what an innovation

>> No.6496837

Drop LTC and get NEO

>> No.6496839

potential hundred of businesses to use it for smart contracts, plus as a currency

>> No.6496868

For starters. And smart contracts. And actually doing it well and scalable, unlike Ethereum. Implementing POS, as well. Getting ahead of the curve. Wtf is with the "other coins" argument? It means nothing. You may as well say these other coins have no purpose because ADA exists.

>> No.6496935

It's a really really good coin for what it wants to focus itself on, security. It exploded earlier than it should have because unit price was cheap and some newfags got lucky I guess.

>> No.6497143

As if real innovation has ever came out of academia in the last couple of decades.
But do not underestimate the hype MUH SCIENCE MUH PHD generate around people, specially normies. That's it's selling point.
It is a shitcoin by all means, but in the meantime you can make a profit of the retards.

>> No.6497204 [DELETED] 

no its good

>> No.6497243

>As if real innovation has ever came out of academia in the last couple of decades.
Pretty much everything stems from PHD's and shit. Its just that corporations package the things done by academics in a consumer friendly way.

That is what ADA is doing. I mean they even got ATM and debit cards.

>> No.6497530
File: 938 KB, 3000x1552, MILITARY WANTS TO PAY TROOPS WITH XRP 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Barely anything is even close to a finished product right now.

>> No.6498179

IOTA & ADA is both vaporware. It will take years, maybe even decades to fulfill what they promise to do. By that time, another coin will come out and probably take over.

>> No.6498272

Can't believe people still think ADA is vaporware.

The fuck do you think this is, TRX?

>> No.6498987

Serious price prediction EOY?

>> No.6499194


2-3 dollars

>> No.6499687

depending on how much the team can get done, as soon as they start bringing stuff out consitently it will recive some serious pumps

>> No.6499755

not that many retards with money to burn in the world to pump a coin with no product to 2trillion

>> No.6499858

>not that many retards with money to burn in the world to pump a coin with no product to 2trillion
Everyone is investing in crypto for future expectations. Thinking of only investing in something when the product is out will make you lose serious returns.

The ADA team moves really fast and this is coming from a huge ETH fanboy. 70% ETH, 20% ADA, 10% EOS.

>> No.6500183

>As if real innovation has ever came out of academia in the last couple of decades.
The web that we're literally conversing on right now would be one thing you complete fucking imbecile retard

>> No.6500261

>My final portfolio composition will be as follows: 40% XMR, 20% ADA, 20% BTC, 20% LTC.

Okay. I did it. I'm onboard; we'll see where things go from here. :)

>> No.6500278

>As if real innovation has ever came out of academia in the last couple of decades.

Almost all innovations in cryptography have come out of academic process. hint: blockchain is a sub-field of cryptography. Individuals, Companies, universities and government agencies can all take part in that process by publishing their work and submitting it for peer review.

>> No.6500425

>My final portfolio composition will be as follows: 40% XMR, 20% ADA, 20% BTC, 20% LTC.
No ETH? Thats quite stupid lol. Drop LTC for ETH.

>> No.6500798

I like the team, in my opinion what they're trying to achieve would work really well for data hosting. Currencies are fun and everything but I'm more interested in distributed and scaling data hosting.

I enjoyed their YouTube videos and I think it's cool that they're able to bypass a lot of research time by seeing what has worked for eth and others and developing accordingly.

Or I'm easily tricked by seemingly smart old men who don't push politics. I absolutely hate skeleton and his poo friend and that factors into my reasoning. Also eth uses occultist symbology and the 'boy genius' thing bothers me post zuck.

I'm holding ada, but I wish I'd bought neo for the recent gains. All I want from 2018 is for my degenerate normies to start moving off centralised (((social media))) platforms that poison their minds with communism and onto a distributed service that's hosted by mostly diy miners so I can poison their minds with my opinions without getting banned.

I like ada.

>> No.6500849
File: 50 KB, 648x592, we193945fed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tezos is farther ahead in development; once it launches it'll surpass ADA in market cap. Screen cap this.

>> No.6500905

Sauce re paying mercenaries in xrp??

>> No.6500991


> talking about how its provably secure and shit with Haskell's biggest names working on it.

Actually that was me. You're welcome.

>> No.6501182

>I'm holding ada, but I wish I'd bought neo for the recent gains.
If you're holding long term you have to be completely retarded to choose NEO over ADA. Sure the it generates GAS but ADA will also have staking soon (Palm Beach confirms).

NEO is way too exposed to China's tantrums. Those fucking chinks create a lot of FUD and when they do, Chinese coins drop like a rock. Meanwhile ADA is heavily supported by Japs which are quite crypto friendly.

Thanks for shilling ADA to me anon before the Palm Beach report pick.

>> No.6501269

>I'm holding ada, but I wish I'd bought neo for the recent gains. All I want from 2018 is for my degenerate normies to start moving off centralised (((social media))) platforms that poison their minds with communism and onto a distributed service that's hosted by mostly diy miners so I can poison their minds with my opinions without getting banned.

My dude I love ADA but a lot of their symbology is occultic
>bulls head of Baphomet
>the Ouroboros

Also, Charles H. never is afraid to talk about how his thoughts on on-chain governance are influenced by libertarianism and how fucked over ron paul got (he worked on the ron paul campaign)

>> No.6501300

shill me on tezos

>> No.6501573


>their symbology

Who gives a shit? It's branding.

>> No.6501633

Anon I quoted was saying he chose ADA over ETH due to ETH's occult symbology so I was pointing out that you can say the same shit about ADA

>> No.6501782

worst shill ive ever read

>> No.6501938


Ah ok.

>> No.6502048

>worst shill ive ever read
Yeah the OP sucks at shilling but this guy >>6500991is pretty good.

>> No.6502134

You're absolutely right. The chinks and their tantrums can go a lot further than expected, I was in Taiwan in 2009 before bernakes qe stabilised things and it was looking like China would fragment again.

The cns called all of the regional police chiefs to Beijing to remind them of what was at stake as protests and anti gov sentiment was getting big especially in the southern cantonese speaking regions.

When they get cranky they go all the way and we don't know anything outside of China, they've locked that fucking place down.

Re Japan; in my opinion they're keeping us going here on chan by protecting us from censorship. They also have a huge stake in rebooting the financial system, fuck I love Japan.

Very interesting, thanks for the info. I'm seriously considering getting on dmt (if I can find any) or waiting for mushroom season so I can go on a full power vision quest to speak to the spirits about crypto investment strategies.

The amount of occultic symbology and characters in the crypto world who are clearly not atheist has made me 180 on my spiritual beliefs. Also the elite and their obsession with occult practice leans me in the direction of taking it very seriously.

Hmm.. have you done any esoteric research re cryptos?

>> No.6502315


Yeah, maybe I'll make a Cardano thread soon. Not really much use at the moment though with volume in the market being so low and BTC taking a shit.

>> No.6502347

It's everywhere man, I'm not convinced it's just marketing. Especially since it shows the character of those involved, that much said I have zero tangible evidence to say that my concerns re symbology are important.

The last 2 years, especially the last year have convinced me that there's a lot of spiritual intent/ideas behind what those in power do. Now I suppose I'm trying to discern if there's any merit to that or it's just.. marketing.

>> No.6502753

I get the sense that Cardano is backed by the globalists and will be the coin that is actually adopted as a one-world-currency

Naturally I purchased enough to make sure I am a member of the new elite if this happens

>> No.6502830

>he doesn't know about EOS