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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 207 KB, 625x680, pepechadhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6493948 No.6493948 [Reply] [Original]

Recycled 0.5 of my ETH gains from merchant gear and frog hats into a pep's token. What are you all buying next? Let's see those inventories!

>> No.6494048

how the fuck does this work?

>> No.6494197
File: 459 KB, 1726x1214, Screen Shot 2018-01-15 at 4.18.35 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put in monies then make ez monies

>> No.6494206

Am a little hesitant on the long-term, but short-term, I'm walking away breaking even 1eth after 12hrs... Fucking a. Cheaper enchanted items + swords are still good buys. Fuck that legendary box.

>> No.6494290

Jellin hard. Just gotta reach 1100 sales on gloves then I will get 1 eth

>> No.6494405

Is there any majic stuff

>> No.6494457

I invested 1ETH like 16 hours ago and have already returned it all. On top of that I still have all the items and they are still generating. Each item is ERC-20 token so I can change them with anyone like right now already.

>> No.6494475
File: 312 KB, 1255x934, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be a bagholder

>> No.6494499

More than likely in a future update. Same goes for ranged stuff. It's gonna be a slow day today, developer is taking a day off

>> No.6494549

Yeah. The enchanted items. Buy the cheaper ones to make $ back. Higher end items will be slower on the sales.

>> No.6494593

Do they have a merchant oven for sale? I would buy that

>> No.6494611


>> No.6494628


>> No.6494634

Selling legendary loot crate/uncommon crate and jolly suit for 80% of the current price

>> No.6494674


>> No.6494678
File: 352 KB, 1186x740, 815c256fb3b605da601151be110cac88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy my palytid

>> No.6494730

Bows, crossbows, guns, ammunition for said weps, etc. I can totally see it happening.

>> No.6494751

Im waiting for someone to ask me for the price we can negotiate

>> No.6494772

i habe 0.04 in my ether delta wallet. take it or leave it

>> No.6494799

BTW is krypto-kitties still a thing or did it leave heavy bags. Asking for a fren

>> No.6494840

post on rekt pleze

>> No.6494887

>post on rekt pleze

>> No.6495065

Selling legendary crate/uncommon one/jolly suit tell me the price i will put it on ED

>> No.6495109

0.04 eth

>> No.6495178

i'll buy rares a 0.05 each

>> No.6495226

I lost 4 out of the 5 eth I spent on kitties. mildly curious but I ain't checking that shit

>> No.6495233

I checked it out too because that was one of the thing I looked at and yep.

Put bluntly this game is a bit nutty and gambling but that's the appeal of it.

>> No.6495267
File: 3 KB, 97x125, 1516004713366s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder that the Merchant's Enchanted Hat is objectively the best item.

>> No.6495335

Shield is the best buy by fucking far. It'll double when it hits 175 sales and the price will go to 0.2, after that it'll increase incrementally with each sale. Look into runescape party hats guys, this is on the cusp of it

>> No.6495413

this pajeet gets it, the shield is still undervalued

>> No.6495456
File: 135 KB, 625x625, Pep's Token.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of what your favorite item is that you're shilling today, remember that you need at least one Pep's Token if you want to protect it. Like everything else so far it's a limited release, but this one is special because it's the only way to not lose all your equipped items upon death. Using your merchant shit would be way too risky if you didn't have a Pep's Token.

>> No.6495547

how do I buy when I click buy nothing happens pretty bad fomo right now

>> No.6495589

wait for the metamask box to pop up and click send

>> No.6495603
File: 1.69 MB, 1000x1102, jollyhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a nice hat anon and Imma let ya shill, but we all know the jolly hat is the REALEST OF ALL TIME.

>> No.6495793

Install metamask extension first

>> No.6495805

No wais brah, merchant hat fag checking in, already paid itself off twice and mah 5% gold bonus makes my light bags feel featherweight

>> No.6495813
File: 1 KB, 80x74, b05fb7c809d7bd168e29903d4650e7b4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like some kind of salesperson

>> No.6495859

Buy from me on etherdelta for 70% of the market price lol

>> No.6495986
File: 15 KB, 545x314, 2018-01-15 22_14_14-Telegram (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Trollbox getting added to site

>> No.6496086

If you withdraw, can you still withdraw after that?

>> No.6496138

>not being all in on backpacks

>> No.6496148

Mage Mincer is the #2 best item behind Pep's token.

A simple AOE attack = entire enemy pack can't do magic. No heals no damage.

Your ally mage got cursed or berserked and is killing your team? Duh, attack him and render him useless.

Break mirror walls, all kinds of badass shit. Everyone went for the +% gold stuff but the special attribute weapons and charms are where it's at.

>> No.6496153

yes, you just pay gas fees each time

>> No.6496169


Also, for anyone wondering, withdraw is legit, I was also wary, but then I did it myself.

>> No.6496196
File: 2 KB, 144x126, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6496207

if you combine that with the stone skin amulet, aren't you like invincible?

>> No.6496263

Just some resistance, not immune to physical.

>> No.6496286

Potential buyers: beware that you do NOT earn returns if you buy someone else's items. The only way to earn returns is to buy the item directly from the shop. Returns are processed by the shop contract, not by the tokens themselves.

Furthermore, the original buyer of the items will CONTINUE to earn returns even after they sell it.

Buying cheap from other players is great if you believe in the game and want to use them or sell them for more later, but it's the absolute worst thing to do if you just want to get some ponzi money.

Yes, you can withdraw as many times as you want and you keep the item. All you're doing is moving the balance from the contract to your account.

>> No.6496294
File: 114 KB, 504x449, LookAtWhatIWastedMoneyOn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope you guys realize that holiday items are not going to be sold (the jolly boots, hat, and suit) any more in less than 24 hours.


> Some of these are limited-run items and will be only be available for sale for around 48 hours. (Look for the seasonal items!)

So if you're planning on buying a santa suit, you'd best do it now, because they won't be available again for at least a year.

>> No.6496306

Unironically the best...Merchant's Amulet, highest current ROI, poorfags need not apply

>> No.6496313

Yeah the stone skin is pretty effing sweet too. That may be #2... Mage Mincer and Stone Amulet may be #2-a and #2-b

>> No.6496341

this isn't a weed site, anon

>> No.6496356

Why not just actually play minecraft?

>> No.6496399
File: 1.19 MB, 1295x827, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no game and will be no game
it is not possible without off chain computation

you faggots fell for an RPG Maker screenshot and another cryptokitties copy paste
>but the dev said they could release a working game tomorrow if they wanted
yeah no shit it is not hard but it would literally take a 1min+ ethereum transaction + gas for every single action that has to be validated by the blockchain
just a warning but by all means keep shilling to brainlets

>> No.6496406

Because this is not even remotely like Minecraft in any way.

You might as well ask "why not just play checkers?" or "why not just bounce on a trampoline?"

>> No.6496429

Probably not useful for a year either. Overrated item. Need full set. Set bonus a mystery.

Ultimate item for dummy who wants to strike lucky. AKA crypto newb.

Peps Token, Stoneskin Ammy, Mage Mincer, any item that offers a UNIQUE bonus, etc.

Trust me, I've been playing these games a LONG time.

>> No.6496456

Why a little mincing knife when you can have Ragnarok-Sword of the Gods or even that little thingy from the lake

>> No.6496560

>it is not possible without off chain computation

>yeah no shit it is not hard but it would literally take a 1min+ ethereum transaction + gas for every single action that has to be validated by the blockchain
Also incorrect. There will only be two transactions involved in an ENTIRE dungeon run. One to start it and one to finalize it once your character has either exited the dungeon or died. In the first transaction you specify the tactics your character will use and in the second you collect whatever rewards are waiting. Between the first two transactions you simply watch your character automatically crawl through the dungeon according to the tactics you specified. This is possible to display on the frontend website without any interaction with the smart contract because smart contracts are deterministic and all you need is the block hashes of each new block to know what will happen next.

>> No.6496561

Rag looks like a high damage weapon, which is great, but unique abilities are irreplaceable. You can literally wreck mob after mob after mob and save your team's ass my making every single enemy you face unable to cast spells.

Are you fucking serious? This item is OP as fuck. I cannot believe I was able to purchase at the floor price. Wish I had a Pep's token but, we will see.

>> No.6496564

Currently the rare crate has the same return als the legendary, but at half the cost

>> No.6496610

>Returns are processed by the shop contract, not by the tokens themselves.
thanks for the definitive answer

>> No.6496616

javascript + browser = offchain computation
emscripten if you want ti get more complex.
The browser knows what you have in your inventory via your wallet which is also jaascript based. Its not really rocket science.

>> No.6496627

These games dont exist, this is the first one.

>> No.6496658
File: 265 KB, 1638x2048, 7EhSLTL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are literally retarded if you don't buy the Jolly Set, it's going to be a collectible item for sure and going to get rare as fuck once it's removed from sale

>> No.6496709

Santa's stuff would be a gud choice to buy on the aftermarket since they will no longer pay dividends and could prove valuable to pedophiles

>> No.6496740

defeats the entire point of being on ethereum
plus you can game the system by just manually sending the transactions to the contract to get the best possible outcome then repeat 10 times a second

>> No.6496744

sure Pops

>> No.6496773

So there's not even any gameplay, gotcha. LOL at anyone "investing" in this shit.

>> No.6496878

A God weapon doesn't have special powers. kek

>> No.6496903

fine if your not keeping it for the booty

>> No.6496907

Kinda like investing in BTC at 0.0005 USD huh? Stupid fuckers wasted all that time on magical internet money. No vision whatsoever.

>> No.6496922

>he missed out on ethertanks gains
>he sold zero cryptopunks to artfags
>he LOL'd at people who bought & sold cryptokitties
>he is not buying up an ethercraft inventory right now
stay poor & salty, minecraftfag

>> No.6496940

Sorry, I'm just gonna sit here with my comfy gains I guess

>> No.6496956

>this game is not minecraft, therefore there's no gameplay
There will be more gameplay in this than any other blockchain game so far at least. In the end it's all just a fancy dress-up for gambling anyway; blockchain games are not competitors to actual video games. People play these because there's the potential to make money by playing a game, and they're willing to put up with the expense of interacting with smart contracts because they know that value ends up baked into the economy of the game and thus potentially back to them if they're good at it.

As for the gameplay itself, it's not action-based, it's strategic: You roll a character, specify many rules about how your character will behave, equip your character with dozens of unique items, and then set them loose in a dungeon. You aren't going to be clicking buttons to initiate every attack, but how successful your character is will depend entirely on your original decisions.

>> No.6497117

Buy the potions, highest return on investment right now

>> No.6497203

I can't withdraw? Why is it taking so long.

>> No.6497361

eth network is congested

>> No.6497393

ETH network is backed up.

>> No.6497517
File: 121 KB, 1920x952, ethercraft_404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i gonna make it /biz?

>> No.6497570

not down for me

>> No.6497590

Buy the cheap merchant enchanted gear. Shield is a good buy atm. Broke even on shield as of this morning. These items will be listed for next month, unlike the "Jolly"

Jolly seasonal items are a higher-risk, but higher return. Hat's a good one--

Now make me some fucking $$ you proletariat porkers.

>> No.6497644


>> No.6497816

Oh shit... That is RPG Maker. Fuck. I'm going to kill myself in 5 minutes. Wait. I profited? Ah. Okay. Delayed till tonight.

>> No.6497969

wasting asset

>> No.6497972
File: 76 KB, 660x400, pajeets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the end /biz. 5 frog hats. selling for 95% off.

>> No.6498005

Wait, what do you mean by that for gaming the system?

>> No.6498008

Well I profited off 1/5 items so far. Stone Amulet is my best moneymaker.

>> No.6498032

>These items will be listed for next month, unlike the "Jolly"
Jolly ones have an end time of 1518590610 too, which means they are here to stay for the next month.

>> No.6498063

Does the ETH/sale stay at wher eyou bought, or does it keep going down?

>> No.6498067

make sure you don't have a bunch of free stuff with low gas ahead of it. Cheap-ass bitch

>> No.6498143

according to the Dev, seasonals are only good for 48 hours

>> No.6498156

Get the potions, best gains atm

>> No.6498174


>> No.6498208

google: wasting asset

>> No.6498290

lol "in before the normans"... as if normies will ever even find this game let alone figure out the fucking complexities of funding it.

You are playing with bizlets and reddneets, and that's all it'll ever be. The way to win is by selling with a profit, and not winding up being one of the many bag holders who will exist in a week from now.

>> No.6498304

Well the devs do have the ability to manually stop the sale of any item at any time, so that may mean they intend to remove them tomorrow. But the smart contracts themselves are designed to automatically end on February 14. They could intervene and close any other item too, so there's no telling when any item will really end except for trusting the devs.

>> No.6498376


And that damn jolly hat.

>> No.6498457

you little bitch. EtherCraft will be around for a very long time.

>> No.6498510

How much ETH did you pay for that

>> No.6498621

>>Have Mage Mincer, enemies can't attack you with spells or heal selves.

>>Can only be attacked by physical

>>Have Stoneskin Ammy, reduced physical damage.

>>Most obvious OP combo.

Don't say I didn't give you a chance on what the real loot was.

Oh, and Pep's token. For sure.

>> No.6498648

Simple calculation shows that 1,000 backpacks would cost 0.5 ethers.

>> No.6498726

I don't understand why bread and knapsacks are being horded so soon

>> No.6498846


Necessary items that allow you to get started and survive right away vs slugging out random drops forever. Definite head start.

>> No.6498881

b-b-but a thousand loaves,

>> No.6498920

At first this shit seemed a bit shady but after spending time on the telegram and seeing the admins chat it seems quite legit, they explained some stuff quite well and clearly knew what they were talking about and seemed solid vision for the game.

Oh and big part of the reason why shit isn't getting sold well atm. is because there is some big traffic on metamask (?) saw people talking about how they failed the transaction multiple times.

>> No.6498941

4500 loaves of bread vs 153 corn WTF

>> No.6498982

Yes it took me several times. But I was persistent. I wanted those items hard. It's a win.

>> No.6499021
File: 34 KB, 437x536, 4chan i exec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those tx times doe, shoulda iexec'd it

stupid dev didnt know any better

>> No.6499028

My account was clogged trying to horde all the free stuff and paying low gas. Once I cleared out that, it worked fine. Use at least 60 for gas

>> No.6499077

so once you die ingame you lose everything?

>> No.6499078

Because you can only buy one corn at a time. Items with a price can be bought in any quantity.

>> No.6499141

No wonder i'm so hungry all the time

>> No.6499148

how do you open your loot crates on this shit

>> No.6499156

Also here's why:

That guy spent 0.4155 ETH on 4,155 loaves of bread all at once.

>> No.6499179

back after i buy my loaves

>> No.6499208

Whatever you wear, not everything.

>> No.6499272

Tried to withdraw 1.3 ETH from multiple items hours ago. As of now, the balances are showing as blank and the ETH hasn't been sent. Transactions are showing as completed.

Not sure what is going on...

>> No.6499306

Link one of the transactions? If it was confirmed then you definitely got your ETH, Metamask might be lagging with the balance.

>> No.6499312

So what you're saying is he has cornered the market on bread if no one else buys in

>> No.6499380

If he gets corn too, it may be cornbread.

That buff.

Man's a genius.

>> No.6499445

how many weed sacks do I need to carry 6o loaves of bread

>> No.6499469
File: 6 KB, 225x225, carlos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6499486

seems like a scam game to me.

>> No.6499685

The items you lose end up in the dungeon you died in. It's not known yet if they stay in a pile for someone to loot or if they just get recirculated into possible loot tables of enemies randomly, but what is known is that no items truly disappear except for ones that get burned or consumed.

>> No.6499692

It's more of a scheme

>> No.6499757

How to withdraw and later on can i sell legendary loot ?

>> No.6499793


Here's the TX links for both of the withdrawals. No balance showing in Metamask yet.



>> No.6499834

So huntercoin doesn't exist?

>> No.6499850

FUCK YOU /biz/!

yesterday i throwed some eth for some free ponzi money, while now i'm FOMOing at the shield and the mage dagger

fuck you fuck you fuck you reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.6499855

Well it's on the blockchain so the system isn't schemed to make the developers money so in that sense it's not a scam.
Not to mention that they're completely open about their format.

>> No.6499861

>It's not known yet if they stay in a pile for someone to loot or if they just get recirculated into possible loot tables of enemies randomly, but what is known is that no items truly disappear except for ones that get burned or consumed.
>the chances to reobtain your item depend on the amount of players playing the game which means that the more people playing the game the less of a chance you have to reclaim your lost loot

lol why do you think anyone is going to play this

>> No.6499881

how do u lose items if they dont have access to your private key to withdraw the token/item ?

>> No.6499934

you might have to "send" your itmes to a smart contract whenever you enter a dungeon and get them back when/if you survive?

>> No.6499939

Poorfag here, claimed my free gift bag. How do I open this beauty?

>> No.6499949

you're not alone, anon
t. just bought Gungnir

>> No.6499966

wait to 2019 game releases

>> No.6499976

because you will be able to farm/mine gold which is an erc20 token you can sell for eth.

earn eth while playing vidya chinks will love this shit

>> No.6500043

>lol why do you think anyone is going to play this
To make money? Don't be retarded and send your character to their death. Use cautious tactics or equip Pep's Token to insure against aggressive play. Earn gold which the bank will buy back for ETH at a fixed rate, and pick up the loot of the foolish adventurers who perished before you.

The average player will lose money overall. The above-average players will gain money. Even though MOST players will lose money, the Dunning-Kruger effect causes most players to think they are in the group of above-average players, thus incentivizing them to keep playing.

>> No.6500099

How do you play it?

>> No.6500108

>>6499934 is right. You send your tokens to the dungeon crawling smart contract.

>> No.6500116

You can't yet, that will come with the crafting module up next

>> No.6500375

mfw accidentally bought 2 bags instead of one gift bag and one backpack, and not I don't have enough ether

>> No.6500440

Buy cloaks you fucking faggots, they are sexy as hell, why aren't you buying cloaks? no adventurer can survive without one...

>> No.6500625

This game sucks dick, well, not the idea of the game, that is pretty cool, the prices of the items are so shitty. Someone clone the game now and set prices to 1/10th the price then you have a game, also allow multiple items to be bought at once so the fees arent so shitty.

>> No.6500667

This is hilarious, while all of the fudders have been nay saying, I made an eth in my sleep.

People have to understand that they didn’t miss out, just yet. The game is a day old...some items are still available at entry price.

Please do some research before making false accusations.

>> No.6500721

Buy the fucking mage mincer and shield you idiots. Those items are blowing up on the discord. Move quick & make me more $

>> No.6500782

Browser based computation would allow people to cheat. However, what if RLC can be used for this type of stuff?
This could be the first real use case for iExec

>> No.6500837

You don't lose money, aside from gas fees if you just use the free stuff. Furthermore, playing the game you can do it over a day with 1-5 gwei or whatever.

>> No.6500885
File: 14 KB, 748x158, runescape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys feel about Excalibur?

I'm feeling comfy

>> No.6500886

Because Minecraft is pussy lil kid shit. This shit is for men with hair on their chest that risk it for the bisquit. Going into dungeons wearing all you’re gold like you’re slick rick, I might blindside you and loot the fuck out of you.

>> No.6500952

lol what a fag

>> No.6501040
File: 209 KB, 959x1200, 42843BEE-C397-4A2A-AA15-F007A1DC875D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks he missed the ethercraft train
>super upset
>needs to cope
>spreads fud
>doesn’t want to spend .01 eth on an item for the fuck of it
>stays a poorfag forever

>> No.6501105
File: 3 KB, 243x25, dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do i get this message even tho i see the items in my inventory?

>> No.6501129
File: 104 KB, 634x796, 3C44FB44-C1A6-4DF7-818A-CF2EFC008559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone doesn’t remember what crypto kitties achieved with a fuckin breed mode with some gooky designs

>> No.6501214

>You don't lose money, aside from gas fees if you just use the free stuff.
Of course you do. As you said, you lose the gas fees. You can only buy one free item per transaction, so that's at least 7 if you want to fully equip your character with "free" stuff, and a lot more if you want food (which seems like it will be essential). Then 2 transactions for the dungeon itself. You can get lucky and end up with gold/loot, but if there's anything to be gained by running dungeons for free then that will be claimed almost entirely by bots, leaving little opportunity for players to work their way up. The ones who actually make a substantial profit are going to be the ones who take the risk to fully equip their character.

In the earliest stages of the game none of this really applies, as there will constantly be new players joining and buying items which will continue to populate the loot pools, and the fees from those transactions will combine with the revenues from people buying gold directly to inform the price at which the bank contract will buy gold back for ETH. When the playerbase reaches equilibrium is when the zero-sum dynamics come into play leaving only winners and losers.

>> No.6501238

so, diversifying is bad because of withdraw fees?

>> No.6501249

It's OK for poorfags. Poorfags will always be with us. Gungnir is best still low on Pyramid. Raganok good too, good ROI,

>> No.6501285

Am I fucked?

Can you not cash out?

>> No.6501288

If you buy a froghat you can go get it out of the lake yourself

>> No.6501438

I’ve cashed out atleast 10 times already. The network is so clogged right now, hang tight. Join the discord as well, lotta people in there that can guide you

>> No.6501482
File: 1.26 MB, 320x180, XPe7QFa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that jpg

>> No.6501501


>> No.6501510


>> No.6501611

It's still on metamask, you have to up the gas to push it through. If it's free don't worry about it, but enchanted items rise in price so you need to gettum fast

>> No.6501678

Check the transaction on Etherscan. Chances are it went through an Metamask didn't catch up to it yet.
Otherwise it's something you didn't realize you bought that's still pending, since you said that all the items are accounted for in your inventory.

>> No.6502139

This game will fucking die

>> No.6502207

All flesh is grass

>> No.6502406

Not in etherscan but i got the enchanted item in inventory and now after relogging it shows as rejected in metaleak.

>> No.6502967
File: 203 KB, 640x480, feb2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FEB 2018

>> No.6503350

Metamask has some major UI issues when it comes to pending and resubmitting transactions. And they're just lagging in general. If it shows on your inventory then it definitely went through. This is the blockchain we're talking about, so it's literally impossible for something to get "lost". It's either confirmed and you got it or pending/failed and you didn't.

I'd just look at your own address on etherscan and look at the most recent transactions. You'll probably see that the most recent one is confirmed and corresponds to the purchase. If you click on it you'll see the token transfer as part of the internal transactions.

>> No.6503432

Your withdrawals went through fine and you have the ETH. If metamask isn't showing the balance then it's a metamask issue. Metamask is just a frontend you use to interact with your address, it doesn't "hold" your balances or anything like that. Also double check that you actually have the right address selected on metamask.

>> No.6503475

Yeah it all looks better and clear now, thanks for your help have a nice day!

>> No.6503533

I just checked your address itself and I see that you withdrew 1.304 ETH in total between those two transactions. You then bought two Pep's Token and one Mage Mincer for 1.1 ETH total between the three of them, leaving you with ~0.201 ETH remaining after gas etc. Does Metamask not show your balance of ~0.201?

>> No.6503946

Yah I got on the Discord and figured out I was being a brainlet. The ETH went to Pep's Tokens before I even saw it.

>> No.6503987


>> No.6504278

breadguy reporting in

not big on the cornbread theories going around, the loaves clearly look baked at present and use of cornbread would require including cornmeal at the flour or kneading stages

>> No.6504437

2 hour ago i tried to withdraw 100gwei but it doesnt work, is this scam ?

>> No.6504486

* I meant with 100 gwei

>> No.6504551

>The ETH went to Pep's Tokens before I even saw it.
Well for what it's worth that was a smart investment. This shit is going to be insanely valuable when the game is out and people realize how punishing death is.

>> No.6504705

100 gwei is insane. You only need 21 right now.

Make sure you have your seed saved, and then try uninstalling and reinstalling metamask. Clear browser cache as well. I was waiting hours yesterday not understanding wtf was wrong before I tried that based on advice of another anon.

>> No.6504768

Also, see this for current gas prices:

>> No.6504994

first of all, check your fucking tx

I've done it many times myself, works every single time.

>> No.6505119

Metamask can be fucky sometimes, not sure if that's his issue but the point stands. My transactions weren't even showing up on etherscan. Had to reinstall it and send the transactions again.

>> No.6505263

If the tx is not showing up, how can you ask if it's a scam based on that? lol.
Picking a higher gas price will not help it show.

>> No.6505476

Where exactly in my posts did I call it a scam or say that a higher gas price will help?
Actual brainlet (You).

>> No.6506074

how do creators earn from this?

>> No.6506407

they get 12.5% of each sale

>> No.6506697

Anyone interested in buying uncommong crates for a discount? 2 posted not too long ago, swoop em up.


>> No.6506901

How much are they going for? ED is not loading on my mobile browser.

>> No.6506936

how do you know this?

>> No.6507040
File: 233 KB, 1892x912, Inventory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REE, I want to buy a whole set with a decent sword but I don't want to sell my coins at a loss

>> No.6507312
File: 82 KB, 634x796, enchanted pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6507334

You can actually sell these though, unlike your Pokemons


>> No.6507608

It worked, thanks anon

>> No.6507678

Wtf someone just posted 5 for 0.094.. FUCK if my funds weren't already tied up in this I'd buy the 5 of them.

>> No.6507804

Fuck it sold coins at a loss, gonna try to snipe 2 of them before someone else gets their grubby mitts on them.

>> No.6508016

lol selling fractions of a loot box

>> No.6508017

Glad to help.

>> No.6508021
File: 206 KB, 605x269, corn-vs-bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a bread man or a corn boy?

>> No.6508133

Yeah how do fractions of a lootbox even work? I am just going to try to get 1 or 2 of the 5.000 listed. Didn't even know you could sell partial boxes

>> No.6508143

bag merchant

>> No.6508152

Genuinely cheered me up so much and made me laugh so hard, thanks anon.

>> No.6508308


>> No.6508722

join the discord we're having fun

>> No.6508860
File: 205 KB, 500x492, wowiclickedthatshit4155times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bet on bread

>> No.6509326

If you die do you lose all the bread

>> No.6509579

Bizbros Etherdelta got a fuckin sale on Uncommon crates. These retards gonna regret selling for so cheap. Picked 2 up myself


>> No.6509784
File: 6 KB, 225x225, paj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You got it wrong my fren. this
>Make sure Uncommon Loo is the token
>is pic related
you must be very careful what you buy sir

>> No.6509940

Why are there so many scammers in these threads already trying to sell their enhanced items? Is this what biz has become?

>> No.6510109


No worries my man, it's legit. The letters are cut off as with all the other items. I double checked, don't worry.

>> No.6510214

2 merchant bags on etherdelta for mad low

>> No.6510276
File: 24 KB, 1188x217, My stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6510404

Why is no one buying rare crates?

I made my money back yesterday on it but it's completely died down today. Was this really just a one day thing?

>> No.6510590

I like your optimism. People like you are how a lot of people on /biz/ make money.

>> No.6510765

Hi Bubbles

>> No.6510838

>people realize how punishing death is.
What! no rekt page

>> No.6510850

Did you guys hear about the hunger bar?

>> No.6510919


>> No.6511369

newb here. what does it mean when it says I will earn .0005 ETH for every subsequent sale. Will I make money when others buy the same item from the shop? or does it mean If I sell the item, and it gets resold, I'll get a piece?

>> No.6511537

Every time someone buys, tell your friends

>> No.6511555

i guess just from the real shop sales you get $
i read in this thread you can resell it because just real shopsales give you the earning but better doublecheck
I dont even owning any and now im fomoing to not be in a ponzi :(((((((((((((((((((((((

>> No.6511573

You get money every time someone buys it.

>> No.6511684

Do the merchant items increase the returns, or does that only apply to what's found in dungeons?

>> No.6511932

Only what's found in dungeons. None of the items do ANYTHING at all until the game itself is out. The returns are just an incentive for early adopters and seems to have been effective at getting people to shill since they benefit directly.

>> No.6512001

Enchanted items award you every time someone buys. Actual game is not released yet, just the shop. Think of it as the ICO period for this project.

>> No.6512132

a game like this would take minimum 1 year to develop with an entire team of pajeets...you've been had....

>> No.6512640
File: 1.04 MB, 762x1534, Screen Shot 2018-01-15 at 10.55.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6512737

You're either vastly overestimating the gameplay or vastly underestimating the team, either way you're dead wrong. Anybody with any experience in game dev could knock something like this out in a couple months max. And I'm talking about a single person, not a team, assuming they use commissioned art (and there's a fuckton of custom rougelike tilesets out there for commercial use)

I know this because I was working on almost the exact same thing but these guys beat me to the punch. Though I wasn't planning on including a ponzi but I guess that's what sells ETH games these days.

>> No.6512768

>You're either vastly overestimating the gameplay or vastly underestimating the team, either way you're dead wrong. Anybody with any experience in game dev could knock something like this out in a couple months max. And I'm talking about a single person, not a team, assuming they use commissioned art (and there's a fuckton of custom rougelike tilesets out there for commercial use)
The game loop is so simple that it could be done in a few days tops. Did anyone even read the fucking article? I'm hopeful for this because it's all so god damn simple. The bar is so low in crypto jesus christ

>> No.6512775

The only logical response.

And look at something like Runescape, that got updated all the time.

>> No.6512874

Well a super simplified version could be done in a few days, yeah, but the items they've released so far (frog hat implying underwater sections, magic/physical distinctions, different classes of armor and weapons) will imply a decent amount of varied content that can affect the outcome of a run. That's what most of the dev time would be spent on: content, not logic. If you want a nice variety of items and enemies to be encountered and crafted that'll take time and if you want it to work well (i.e. balanced so people actually keep playing it) then it'll take a lot more time. But the actual core of the game is simple enough to be done in a week.

>> No.6513074
File: 25 KB, 1699x822, cornme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6513096

What are the devs saying? I want another feature or items ASAP to make sure they aren't fucking with us.

Just read the code btw it does look legit from my limited perspective and you can review it here yourself:


>> No.6513127

Go into the telegram Pep is in there.

>> No.6513187

sad bread envy

>> No.6513223

>I want
you'll go to your room young man

>> No.6513262

>sad bread envy

>> No.6513930
File: 121 KB, 720x720, indian-dudes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6513947

That's just the Frog Hat contract. Each item has its own shop contract and its own corresponding ERC20 token. They've been designing it to be decentralized from the ground up, compared to all the other games where your items are just an array in a single upgradeable contract.

>> No.6513987
File: 218 KB, 959x1200, blue-button-mage-mincer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mage mincer is the superior buy. THE ONLY WEAPON WITH A SPECIAL EFFECT

>> No.6514287


thx just dropped 3k and dropped a few .01 eth in your enchanted stuff, probably.

>> No.6514333

fucking kek m8 i had to get dat frawg

>> No.6514526

time to make a new thread you cucks

>> No.6514600

From the discord

>Also, since people are really eager to see something deployed AND because we don't want to rush out an unfinished product, I'm considering launching basic proof-of-concept contracts for everything in stages as we devleop, things that will actually work and which you will be able to keep and use later on, but which we can put out sooner rather than making everyone late. For example, we might do an on-chain basic crafting contract with only one or two simple recipes just to prove that we're really working on it and that you CAN craft these items, and to give players something to use them for and do in the short term. But behind the scenes we're researching state channels and how to implement them most effectively for this purpose which is why the final contracts wil take a little longer
>Crafting set should be this week so stay tuned. I'll announce it on medium as well

>> No.6515091

It is so painfully obvious what a larp this is oh my fucking god, who have you got making these reaction picks this is too fucking funny Kek kys cucks

>> No.6515160

What should I set gas limit to?

>> No.6515223

I couldnt even pay pajeets to shill this dogshit ponzi, goodluck when nobody else falls for it and your left holding each others bags

>> No.6515307

How much did this ponzi suck out of you cunts? I might buy in just because i feel sorry for you dickless shills. Do me a favour and kys.

>> No.6515371
File: 82 KB, 325x384, ben..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't say...

>> No.6515441

lmao everyone is so mad that they havent bought in yet

>> No.6516102

Santa gear is expiring in a few days FYI

>> No.6516130
File: 66 KB, 960x960, 19029406_10208816990450717_5492341358029766625_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

selling merchants bag .2 eth

>> No.6516234
File: 912 KB, 1332x1328, Screen Shot 2018-01-16 at 12.41.16 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dev via discord

>> No.6516961

How do I cash out? I made my gains back on some items want to grab a couple more before price increases. When I try to cash out metamask says 0.00 and so does the etherscan tx.

>> No.6517130

That's the transaction for the withdraw request, push it through with some gas and you'll see the ETH in your metamask shortly.

>> No.6517508

Ah I see thanks.

>> No.6517786

Do you know the exact date? I wanna buy some before it's gone.

>> No.6518008

Looks like someone on Discord just posted a Korean article:

Chinks soon

>> No.6518327

>if i want to exit scam, I have to wait 2 weeks.

Ok lol

>> No.6518410

exit scam in 2 weeks confirmed.

>> No.6519153
File: 347 KB, 1128x1346, Screen Shot 2018-01-16 at 2.22.54 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]