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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6492793 No.6492793 [Reply] [Original]

>buying bitbean
>buying dogecoin
>buying reddcoin

When will you idiots learn. Keep buying your pointless shit coins. I’ll be comfy riding the waves of the only shitcoin that matters, ADC, blasting Bjork and any other artist that I like. Goth girls will flock to me knowing that I help support up and coming artists with Blockchain technology. If you guys wanna keep your money safe in 2018 and get pussy and happiness you gotta put EVERYTHING in this coin and not sell for a long time. I’m telling you this is gonna be the one, the new bitcoin. I can feel it. Buy now and don’t sell for a while and your life will become better. AUDIO COIN

>> No.6492864

Problem s this coin has no future. So many platforms for music distribution already work but failed because musicians do not protect the product they produce and give it away for free as a promotionla tool undercuttin companies like this trying to make them money. Deal with musicians and always lose

>> No.6492940

But this platform will use Blockchain technology, friend.

>> No.6493113

im 52k deep but when is announcement - I don't want to miss it incase this dumps

>> No.6493333

Oh cool! Still not going to stop musicians from being retards with no business savvy.

>> No.6493579

Look, we’re not talking business here bud, were talking Blockchain. Bitcoin. Ethereum. Ever heard of it?