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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6492289 No.6492289 [Reply] [Original]

>Been at Crypto since September
>Only managed to 2x my money

Who else /loserbrainlet/ here?

>> No.6492305


>> No.6492324

Blockfolio. Post it now.

>> No.6492331


>> No.6492346

doubled your satoshis or your $usd?

>> No.6492356

Literally impossible unless you did it on purpose.

>> No.6492372

wtf how

i did x3 in two weeks wtf

>> No.6492382

>Poor trade decisions
>Listening to /biz/ shilling
>Not buying things that were extremely cheap months ago (compared to now) and thinking they were too expensive/would go back down
>Selling too early on moon missions [Bought NEO @ 330k sats and sold @ 500k


>> No.6492392

2x since September isn't really humblebrag

>> No.6492515

0.5x since December
Fuck me someone guide me to the Lambo

>> No.6492536

Stop buying over priced coins, get in on projects when they're quite dirt cheap and let the money stay there. Requires a bit balls, don't day trade. Here is a good shill TIOTOUR on EtherDelta. Literally free X10 money if you're balsy enough to get in now. 450k supply price is less than $0.3

>> No.6492595

Stick with it we are all gonna make it.

>> No.6492625

lmao I've 3x my money and only got in at the end of November

>> No.6492629
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if you're bad at trading, stick everything in something safe like NEO and leave it for the rest of the year.

optional: set aside a moon mission chunk and put it in good bets like BAT, OMG, QTUM, REQ, etc.

keep your head up bro

reminder that even the luckiest normies are making 5% a year if they can afford to save at all

>> No.6492709

Just started out, got Exodus and btc. Need a better site or exchange that you can crypto with usd and transfer. No cuckbase, gdax, or site like that. Only spending maybe 200-300 a month. I'm definitely looking for dirt cheap coins that have major potential. CVC and OMG are where I'm going into.

>> No.6492794

*Exchange with least amount of fees and can transfer. Using Changelly perhaps for next purchase tomorrow.

>> No.6492816

Did you get into my ico at all? That doesn't seem natural.

>> No.6492936

You'll only probably go from 1 to 1.4 with OMG . If you want to go from investing $100 to caashing out 10,000grand you need to walk away from the top 100 coins. I mentioned a coin earlier check them out. You're welcome

>> No.6493023

I'm assuming you're the founder of TIOTOUR...

>> No.6493101
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>started crypto in september
>bought coss when it got PnD at 26 cents, buy some more at 10 cents
>it fell to 5 and i held
>sold at 30 cents
>mfw it moons a week later
>mfw barely made 2x

>> No.6493106

>whole team jewish or gook

>> No.6493248

Don't feel sad
>Bought trx at 1.8 cent sold at 3.6 cent

>> No.6493331


LMAO a crypto for fucking tour guides?

>> No.6493502

Dwelling on money not earned isnt healthy and taking advice from this board is a no go but it can pop up certain news from time to time just remember guys 95% of what you read here is BULLSHIT

>> No.6493571
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>Been at crypto since mid-December
>Only managed to 5x my money

I feel you op