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649092 No.649092 [Reply] [Original]

>he bought the s&p 500 at record highs

>> No.649120
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>trying to time the market

buy when you can and never sell until you are an old man and it doesn't matter when you buy. Fuck off.

>> No.649122
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>he missed 50% growth trying to time the market

>> No.649132


There was a guy on here, maybe yesterday, said he could've bought index funds in 2012 but decided to wait because all time high. 3 years later he missed out on 55% gains like a faggot.

Always buy index funds.
Only buy index funds.
If your index funds plummet, don't cash out at a loss, double down.

>> No.649136

Nanananananananana BATMAN!

>> No.649141

All comments in this thread are telling the truth, including the "nananana Batman" one.

>> No.649142

All comments are saying the truth even the comment about all the comments are saying the truth even the nanananana BATMAN!

>> No.649148

Doubling down is trying to time the market.

That 50% growth doesn't mean shit unless you lock in your gains by selling, and guess what, you have to try and time the market to do that.
The exception is dividend stocks that are not being reinvested.

>> No.649153

>Doubling down is trying to time the market.
Not if you're just dollar cost averaging and your dollar happens to buy you twice the stock.
>That 50% growth doesn't mean shit unless you lock in your gains by selling
Rebalancing is fun.

>> No.649161

>Not if you're just dollar cost averaging and your dollar happens to buy you twice the stock.

Doubling down is mentally making the choice to invest more at a particular time because the price is low. It is timing the market.
I'm not actually against this. Unless your idea of what doubling down is is different from mine.

>> No.649164

>its a new record high ever 5 or so years

>> No.649166
File: 63 KB, 475x324, double_down_kfc.top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my idea of doubling down

>> No.649188

> The index fund does not pay a dividend
> Being this ignorant

>> No.649209
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Worked great in Japan, whose policies we are now emulating.

This will end not in tears, but with blood.

>> No.649242

Japan is a special case. Japan isn't the world's leading economy. Japan suffered from a huge bubble, then deflation. Japan has got a social problem with aging and conformism, as well as the lack of risk and innovation. Japan isn't the only investment horizon of the Japanese investor. Japan is not ending in blood. Japan is back to 17,000 now. Japan may be still okay for an investor who invests regularly.

>> No.649285
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>start investing 6 months ago
>Up 4% already.
>mfw I think of the people who told me to time the market.

I can't wait to hear how big you make it OP.

>> No.649287

Dollar-cost averaging FTW

>> No.649296

This is why you have international diversification. Investing in the business of just one country when there are great businesses all over the world is asking for trouble.

>> No.649300


At that rate you'll make 8% in a year.

Acceptable but not exactly getting rich.

>> No.649304

I don't care.

>> No.649309

Of course you do or you wouldn't have bothered with the effort of that post.

>> No.649319

You don't get rich investing. You slowly grow your wealth. You get rich doing something else.

>> No.649335


>> No.649369

>what is compound interest

$2,000 per month invested at 8% for 30 years = $3,000,000

>> No.649422

You can't see cause and effect, so how could you possibly know that doing the same thing again will have the same result?

We didn't have NEETs in the west twenty years ago. But then we started redistributing capital to asset holders and now we do. Same as the hikikomori in Japan.

>> No.649442
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>2k a month
>30 years

>> No.649465

>newinvestfag detected

>> No.649468

sweet, i'll have 3mil to spend on hookers and blow when i'll have erectile dysfunction and alzheimers.

>> No.649528

underrated post

>> No.649792


And your point is?