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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6489637 No.6489637 [Reply] [Original]

>This says that you were an investor in 2017-2019, Could you tell me more about it?

>> No.6489705

>No, you were born to be a Lamborghini salesman, not someone like me. Go ahead and load them onto the flatbed, I expect them at my mansion before tomorrow.

>> No.6489709

/biz/ rate my resume

>> No.6489813

Yes, if you'd done your research you'd know this already

>> No.6489859

Investor and researcher. I audited a lot of white papers in my basement along with some internet people

>> No.6490044
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>We will call you back later

>> No.6490061
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>tfw actually considering quitting my shitty low paying job and just be a NEET and gamble in shitcoins for a year

>> No.6490160

this thought runs through my head every morning

>> No.6490211

>will take a 1 to 2 month personal LOA from mediocre pay warehouse job to do shitcoins if I can break my gainz target before jan 31st

>> No.6490223

>there are people on this board that havent done that already

>> No.6490370



just spend a week learning TA and become better than 90% of biz and it's instant profit

>> No.6490438

does ta even work for crypto?

>> No.6490449

I sold the dips and bought ath. That's why I'm doing a job interview

>> No.6490474

nope, crypto works on hype, shilling and more hype. nothing you can predict from charts.

>> No.6490528

don't bother fgt

>> No.6490550

If you enjoy being a NEET as much as I do, it will be the best year of your life, anon. I love my cave and my shitcoins.

>> No.6490765

Kek, I remember those threads.
It was funny as fuck seeing teenagers studying finance in state schools thinking that they can make the cut for a bulge bracket Investment Bank.

>> No.6491043


ok whatever you say brenda

>> No.6491051

Pretty sure I just handed you a green wojak in a green only I can use after I bought the patent but yeah, you're right. I don't know man, I mostly masturbated and made prank calls to this guy called Jason Parser.

>> No.6491107

i'm literally dropping out of uni to develop my own coin full time

no ragrets

>> No.6491191


>> No.6491195


>> No.6491232

There are more than 1400 shitcoins already. What will make yours different?
And remember, it's not only developing but generating hype, a following, contracts, deals, relationships with other companies. Gathering a respectable team, etc.
If you think you can do it, godspeed anon.

>> No.6491287


>> No.6491298

that's why i quit, it's gonna be a full time job

i've already developed some unique features which are very easy to market

>> No.6491377

>If you enjoy being a NEET as much as I do, it will be the best year of your life, anon
i had a job i hated and saved up enough money to just be a NEET with a good computer and internet for 2 years, almost never leaving my apartment except to buy food and lift. those were absolutely the best 2 years of my life. i have traveled all around the world, played sports in high school, went to parties in college, but nothing compares to having nothing to do, nobody to see, nothing to care about except jacking to anime and playing video games for the foreseeable future

>> No.6491423
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all that matters is the name and icon. i have thrown around 10s of thousands solely based on if i liked what it looked like.

>> No.6491461

if you're looking for another developer to help you, I'd be super interested.
My email is miketyke53@gmail.com

>> No.6491478

what's your area of expertise? languages etc.

>> No.6491642

It certainly gives information. Let's go to the extremes. It's not a crystal ball, but a tool that's right 50.1% of the time can still be useful.

>> No.6491967

I would also like to apply mareamarea@protonmail.com
We can probably discuss things better through mail.

>> No.6492070
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