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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6489192 No.6489192[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

martin shkreli was just released from jail.
information true and confirmed

>> No.6489211

big if true

>> No.6489227

tell him to buy LINK or we dont care

>> No.6489283

Biggest troll on earth is back roaming the streets, better hide your segway

>> No.6489295
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martin did nothing wrong

>> No.6489339

If he is out 100% confidence he is reading this now

>> No.6489445

Homeboy is finally out.
Wonder what coin he recommends.
Shkreli is based.

>> No.6489461

out of jail and on his way to sentencing you mean

>> No.6489519
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>> No.6489565


>> No.6489930


>> No.6489963

Sentencing is tomorrow. I hope that anons from nyc will go there and shout free shkreli, so that satoshi nakamoto judge bitch wont dare to send him to prison.

>> No.6490017

he is such an intelligent man.

you can just follow his biotech stock picks and make so much money.

society hates people smarter/better than them.

>> No.6490434

He is an evil little manlet, oooooooh /biz/ is so edgy and cool "hehheh, I think he is based, huhhuh".

imagine is he raised the price of your immediate families medication by 600%, would you still be saying that?

Hopefully he shorts link into oblivion and we wont have to deal with stinky linkies anymore.

>when will they learn

pic related it's /biz/

>> No.6490464
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>> No.6490607



>> No.6490683


>imagine is he raised the price of your immediate families medication by 600%, would you still be saying that?

confirmed brainlet

>> No.6490695

>imagine is he raised the price of your immediate families medication by 600%, would you still be saying that?
If someone invents something and people desire it the correct price to charge is whatever people are willing to pay.

>> No.6490736
File: 69 KB, 522x544, shkreli1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad, GRIDS faggot

>> No.6490849


>> No.6490927


One of the most respectable young minds these days, hang in there bud.

>> No.6491022
File: 34 KB, 467x443, 569073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine is he raised the price of your immediate families medication by 600%, would you still be saying that?
>government should dictate prices in a free market

>> No.6491162

Yes goym, trust the jewish oligarchy, good goym.

>> No.6491358
File: 810 KB, 1126x1515, 55C4CB50-0992-4646-9418-5C378FBC126B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many Bitcoins does Shkreli have?

>> No.6491390

Where is the proof?

>> No.6491430

he should do an ICO

>> No.6491457 [DELETED] 

I came to love this man. I hope he gets acquitted, but this probably won't happen. The SJW hate him because he's a politically incorrect capitalist, the (((establishment))) hates him because he's not one of them. He is basically pharma's Trump.

But who knows, women fall for bad boys all the time, maybe a conviction will help him finally win Lauren Duca's heart.

>> No.6491506

>>6489192 (OP)
I came to love this man. I hope he gets off lightly, but this probably won't happen. The SJW hate him because he's a politically incorrect capitalist, the (((establishment))) hates him because he's not one of them. He is basically pharma's Trump.

But who knows, women fall for bad boys all the time, maybe a conviction will help him finally win Lauren Duca's heart.

>> No.6491509

fuck that nigga martin shkreli and if I see his ass out oin the streets he gon catch these motherfuckin hands punk ass white boy

>> No.6491543

Book deal.
Movie deal.
This guy will be swimming in money and pussy when he gets out.

>> No.6491586
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Unless we catch you first :3

>> No.6491608

Where’s the wu tang album Martin?

>> No.6491646

never cared about shekeli but didn't he pump aids medication
maybe stop being such a flaming faggot and you won't need society to bail out your expensive treatment
"we are all equal" my ass, people like you were meant to be culled off

>> No.6491652

lets hope so, fuck the kike judge that targeted him unfairly

she should be arrested and held for war crimes

>> No.6491677

Martin if you’re reading this shill chainlink you niggerhead :3

>> No.6491690

I fuck with shkreli. Some guys have virtually no genetic gifts except being wired to have sociopathic levels of confidence and bravado with decent intelligence. That wiring is what separates men and shkreli is living proof, he should be nothing

>> No.6491705

>imagine is he raised the price of your immediate families medication by 600%, would you still be saying that?
This did not happen. And what shithole do you live in where you actually pay for your own medication instead of just paying a set monthly fee lmao

>Image having to take a 2nd mortgage because you broke your leg

>> No.6491836


implying youre not all wage cucks or worse NEETs who are at the bottom of the pile
and depend on the government housing social security and health care. but then again you might be americunts who are cucked most of all who pay their taxes but get fuck all out of it.

Wait till Nestle and Coca cola own all of your water and unless you buy it from them at their prices you die of thurst.

All is fair game in a free market right guys?

>> No.6491939
File: 22 KB, 480x360, shkrepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome back to the real jail

>> No.6491956


>pay for medication


>> No.6491976

>imagine is he raised the price of your immediate families medication by 600%
Fake news. Total hoax. Your post is an embarrassment. People without insurance got it free.

>> No.6492006

I think he said that 1% of his portfolio is bitcoin

>> No.6492023



here you go

>> No.6492076

>nolinker lanklet faggot apologist
Opinion disregarded

>> No.6492089

> go there and shout free shkreli, so that satoshi nakamoto judge bitch wont dare to send him to prison

This is in fact how the justice system works.

>> No.6492147

we seriously need a normalfag purge, this is not funny anymore
gore posters pls sirs do the deed

>> No.6492149

desu it isn't his fault, it's the governments fault for allowing fucked up shit to happen. Decrease costs of FDA approval, incentivize and permit sale of generics, nationalize pharmaceutical companies, SOMETHING.

If it is totally practical for one guy to corner the market and multiply prices, the problem is systemic, it's not that one guy. The market ensures that someone else would have done it if he didn't. That's just ignoring the real problem by finding a scapegoat.

>> No.6492181

hope he turns his twitter into a crypto shill-fest

>> No.6492267
File: 75 KB, 600x656, 40676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait till Nestle and Coca cola own all of your water and unless you buy it from them at their prices you die of thurst.
>thinks clean tap water is a human right

>> No.6492269

So why would it matter if the price is increased? Here in Europe the client doesn't pay for it anyway. I don't think even Americans have to pay for AIDS medicine when they're insured.

>> No.6492302

He will shill all the worst pajeet coins to troll his followers.

>> No.6492314

well the argument is that if you raise the price for insurance companies they will just raise there price. and people without insurence getting it for "free" is a hoax. you pay the drug with your taxes.

>> No.6492330

So he cucked the insurance companies? and anyone who needed the drug and didn't have insurance got it for free because the government brought it for them?

>> No.6492345

where's the sauce on his release though? don't see anything on the web.

>> No.6492469

I'm kinda indifferent to the guy, but I enjoy the description and believe it's very apt to the whole thing.

He makes for a very scrawny chad but he rolls with the big boys fo shizzle.

>> No.6492499


ya, basically. he did exactly what every other drug company regularly does.

>> No.6492529


>implying there is such as a thing as a free market

What the fuck is wrong with you, son?

>> No.6492534

looking forward to his crypto shills

>> No.6492613
File: 7 KB, 236x226, 1497046025901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well im my country we all paid through taxes for that infastructure for clean water to be built for us all. we've all already paid for it it's not free it's been paid for by us

thats why when govenment sells your infrastructure people should be outraged because we are being robbed

people like you deserve to be cucked by your government. you haven't got a clue what actually belongs to you

>> No.6492621

Such a qt

>> No.6492733

That's his point, retard.
Unless you actually want to claim that Europe has (((free))) healthcare, maybe you want to take a closer look at your paycheck.

>> No.6492925

I don't see anything either. I think this is bait

>> No.6492970

He tried to get 1M when it was 4k, but coinbase wouldn't let him. I don't know how many he ended up with.

>> No.6493136

>Wait till Nestle and Coca cola own all of your water and unless you buy it from them at their prices you die of thurst.
>thats why when govenment sells your infrastructure people should be outraged because we are being robbed

>governments/corporations charge more than it costs to purify and deliver water
>cheaper supplier enters market
>capitalism faggot

>> No.6493158

>all is fair game in the free market
yes—including my, and 3000 other people's competing water companies, which can spring up overnight and can sell water for a fraction of the cost of what coca-cola or nestle charges
of course, this is providing that this is a free market that we're talking about—and not a government-enforced corporatocracy

>> No.6493738

No they dont faggot, theres a profit motive when a company is involved and they are legally obligated to deliver a profit each year to share holders, governments just have to cover the cost of maintaining it which is marginal


check where you live, you get one company to buy water from, not 2, not 10, 1

that's called a monopoly son there's not competition just a price you pay

>> No.6493826

>check where you live, you get one company to buy water from, not 2, not 10, 1
which is why its regulated as a public utility

>> No.6493889

inb4 then why isnt medicine treated that way
because you dont have to spend thousands of hours in a lab and billions of dollars to invent water

>> No.6494052

You niggers are fucking losers. Shkreli was only good for fucking with the media and congress, he is a fucking loser nerd that got bullied all his life and acts cocky to cover for his numerous insecurities. It’s no wonder all the people that look up to him all just so happen to be autistic fucking losers as well and only glad to see one of their own make it big.

>> No.6494109
File: 161 KB, 508x610, 1496857075492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohh look my water company is on the stock market, so yeah they must be aiming to deliver a profit to share holders


that not what we're arguing about, regulation is the devil on /biz/, dont get me wrong fuck regulating cryptos i want those x15's and shit but literally every other industry must be regulated like fuck

and people owning infastructure < companies owning infastructure

>for us plebs anyway

>> No.6494841


wtf is wrong with his pants?

>> No.6495082

to respond to your first point, i think that what the other guy was getting at was that government tends to do things more costly than private companies do—and it's because they have little to no competition that they lack the incentive to try to find more cost-effective ways of doing things
the lack of competition also allows them to add things such as fluoride to municipal water supplies—and if you don't like it, then you still have to pay for it in taxes, in addition to things that you must buy on your own terms to remove the fluoride from your water.

to address your response to my comment—it seems that we are practically in agreement. you pay for municipal water from one source (government), and they can legally do whatever they want to it as long as it's within the rules that they set, with the entities that guide their decisions typically being organizations with corporate interests—lobbyists. this is nuts. i'd love to see someone make an effort to build city-wide private plumbing infrastructure, without the lead pipes and the mass medication—but, i can only imagine the legal complications.
i must say that there are ample choices out where i live for bottled water—apart from at convenience stores, which as you may be aware, seem to only ever carry one or two brands of water, and they both go at a premium.

>> No.6495507

I almost dgaf what they put in the water, as long as it doesn't kill me or make me into a soy boy

I just want it to cost virtually nothing