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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6487327 No.6487327 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else holding ChainLink until it moons?

I bought at just over a dollar on the cup handle. Burned some of my account but confident in my analysis enough to keep holding.

General ChainLink thread.

>> No.6487364

so, cup and handle over?

>> No.6487393

Yeah holding until 100$ at least. Should be reached in Q3 2018

>> No.6487417

Don't think so

>> No.6487421

it was over when sir gay hired jason parser. chain link is now chan lunk

>> No.6487476


I'm all in. Q1 will be big for us.

>> No.6487515

Actually on second thought it might be. Just looked at the chart and there seems to be a bullish candle forming on the one day / 12-hour chart.

>> No.6487547

Who is this Jason parser and why should I care? Bc rn I don’t

>> No.6487741

>Burned some of my account
You'd have lost some whatever you bought - the whole market is down.

People on here are posting like it's over for LINK when there's been no news and LINK has dipped along with just about everything else. There is a lot of news and conferences coming up and if you've done your research you'll know this is a useful and unique project with support from big players in the industry.

LINK will likely rise and fall with the market for a while until big news at which point the price will go $10+ and further news really could take this to $100+ by EOY (or not)

That's my analysis. CBA to trade shitcoins in the mean time I'd rather just hold my fat stack that I bought at $0.16 - $0.20 :)

>> No.6487890
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>> No.6487998

Those are some nice gains, congrats anon.